Girls Next Door Ch. 03

This story overlaps with Ch2.

Girls Next Door Ch 3

When they arrived at the bar they came across a local sporting celebrity. He greeted Milana with a kiss when he saw her. She dropped Peter’s hand and moved on with the celebrity very fast.

Peter shook his head and laughed. Irina pulled him aside.

“He was her ex-boyfriend. You’re better than him.”

“I guess she wasn’t over him,” he smirked.

Harry and Will returned from the bar carrying drinks for Lucinda and Irina. Peter went to the bar to buy a drink. He thought about whether he should buy a drink for Milana, when a pair of big soft tits pressed against him.

“Hello, Peter isn’t it?” Said Lara from the concert, “I’m still waiting for your call.”

Peter looked over his shoulder to see a pair of beautiful blue green eyes. It was the brunette from the concert. Her beauty was intimidating. His legs went to jelly. This was no teenager, this was a full grown woman.

“Would you like me to get you a drink, while you wait for that call?”

She looked steadily into his eyes, “What happened to your date?”

“That date ended when we left the concert.”

“Really…you two looked very close.”

Peter looked over her shoulder. She followed his eyes. Milana and her ex were in the corner, kissing.

“She’s at the age where she does not know what she wants. I was like that. I’ll have a beer. You better make that three beers, I’m meant to be getting drinks for my friends. Here,” she said as she stuck a $50 bill in Peter’s pocket.

“It must be my lucky day,” Peter thought to himself.

The beers were served.

“Come with me,” Lara said as she collected two of the beers.

As Peter was following Lara he walked by Lucinda, “I’ll catch up with you later,” he told her as he walked past.

Lucinda’s jaw dropped. She tugged Irina’s sleeve, “See who Peter’s with? She’s gorgeous. Milana has blown her chance.”

Lara’s friends were in a corner opposite Milana.

“Girls, this is Peter, the guy who was sitting next to us at the concert. This is Tommie and Christen.”

“Pleased to meet you Peter,” they responded.

“Charlie Boyde!” Someone called out.

Lara raised her hand to cover her face. She gave Peter an embarrassed look.

Milana’s boyfriend walked over with a couple of his football team mates.

“Charlie, you’re our pinup. Guys still have your photos in their lockers at the club. You look better in person. I’m Tom. Can I take a selfie with you?”


Tom brought Milana in and took a selfie of the three of them.

Milana looked embarrassed and quickly returned to their corner.

Lara looked at Peter, “I’m sorry. It happens. ‘Charlie Boyde’ was my centerfold name. Sometimes fans want attention and can be intrusive. I haven’t done nude modeling for over 10yrs. We operate a women’s clothing store. It’s where us old models end up.”

“Well you still have what it takes. Some people look better as they age. I bet you’re one of those.”

“Are you going to phone me?” Lara asked with an alluring look.

“Let’s go to the rooftop bar. Phone reception will be better up there.”

“Girls, shall we go upstairs?”

“Yeah, it’s too noisy down here,” said Tommie.

Peter signaled the ladies to go ahead of him up the stairs. Tommie was a brunette and Christen was a blonde. They also had knockout good looks. Peter wondered if they were also pinup models.

Peter phoned Lara’s number. Her phone rang as she was walking up the stairs.

“Hello,” she answered.

“Hi Lara, it’s Peter, we met at the Taylor Swift concert. If you’re not doing anything at the moment, how about we meet at the Rabbit Club for a drink?”

“That sounds lovely. I’ll meet you there.”

When Peter reached the rooftop bar the girls were sitting near the balustrade. He joined them at the table.

“I’m meeting a lady named Lara here tonight. I hope she turns up. I’ll think you’ll like her,” he said looking at Lara.

“If she’s like her man, I think she’ll be pretty good.” Lara said smiling. “What’s your occupation?”

“I’m a business consultant, but I’m taking a break at the moment. If a good offer comes up I’ll look at it.”

“You might be what we need,” Lara sat up, “Our shop is doing well but there is not enough to keep three of us occupied. We are thinking of expanding. I think the three of us need our own shops.”

“If you like, I can have a look at your business and see what is feasible.”

“Lara, you’ve turned your date into a business meeting. Discuss business another time. Come on lets drink and enjoy ourselves. Hears to us,” Christen said before raising her glass and draining her beer. The rest of the table followed suit.

“I’ve had a lot to drink tonight. I’m well hydrated. I need to go to the ladies. Peter, come with me,” Lara said as she took Peter’s hand.

Lara led Peter to the ladies toilet.

“I can’t go in there,” he said.

“Yes you can if you go in with me. I know the Manager,” Lara said as she dragged Peter into the toilet. Luckily no one was in there. Lara led Peter into a cubicle.

“Watching you do it with that girl made me all kinds of horny,” Lara said before she turned and looked at Peter standing behind her. “You do want me don’t you? Am I going too fast for you? I’m sorry I…mmmfff”

Peter threw his arms around her and shove his tongue in her mouth. She did not have time to take a breath. She was suffocating and had to push his off.

They stood there, in that cubicle, quivering. Peter turned around and locked the door. They reached out with shaking hands to interlace their fingers. The space between them closed and they kissed almost lovingly. Their passion building up as their mouths gained more of a taste of each other. Their breathing steady but getting heavier as their kiss built up. Their lips parted and they looked at each other.

Lara’s head dropped on Peter’s chest. “I’m sorry, I made a mistake. I don’t want to know you like this. If I shag you now, you’ll just be another notch on my bedhead. I see you as more than that. I’d like us to have a courtship and build something which will last more than a few days. I want to date you and see how it goes. I’ll phone you tomorrow and we can arrange a date. Would you like that?”

“No! Can’t we shag now and have a date next week?” Peter asked with his dick shriveling up.

“I’d like to do the lust thing but I’ve known so many men like this and it never lasts. It’s just impulsive sex and then we get tired of each other. I want us to last, I don’t want a one night stand. I don’t want a friend with benefits. Please, can we try for more?”

“I suppose having sex more than once is a good thing. Thank you, Lara, I suppose. I hope I don’t let you down,” Peter said with a disappointed sigh, “Lara you’re killing me.”

Lara gave him a peck on the lips, “I’ll make it up to you. Come on let’s go back.”

“Can I just hold you for a little while, until I settle down?”

Lara chuckled and hugged Peter tightly. She felt the tent in his pants poke her thigh.

Peter held onto her. His crotch rubbed against her. Her body felt so good, all firm mature curves. His cheek rubbed against her cheek. His mouth pressed at her cheek, angling his mouth towards hers. His hands on her round butt, lifting her skirt up. She started breathing a little heavily. Her head turned slightly and her lips parted…

“Hey, hey, hey, that’s enough. I’m getting out of here,” Lara said as she stepped around Peter and left the toilet.

Peter threw his head back in frustration.

On his way back to the stairs someone patted Peter on the shoulder. He turned around and was surprised to see Milana. She took his hand and held it.

“I’m sorry. I should have stayed with you,” Milana pleaded.

“Oh Milana…I’ve moved on. You left me. Maybe it’ll work out between us another time.”

“I’m sorry,” Milana said again as her lips quivered. She walked past him to the toilet.

Peter now understood what Lara meant. He had a moment with Milana but did not have an emotional investment in her. Lara wanted to build an emotional tie. That can be scary if you are not looking for commitment. Something for him to think about.

When Peter returned to the table he saw Tommie and Christen being chatted up by a couple of men. Lara was not there. He looked around for Lara. She appeared standing behind him carrying a couple of beers. She placed a beer in front of Peter and sat next to him.

“Have you ever married?” Lara asked Peter.

“I’m a lifelong bachelor. I live a bachelor lifestyle in a bachelor pad. I hope that hasn’t ruined anything. I get asked that question a lot.”

“Same here, along with do I have any kids.”

“If we had sex would you have asked that question?”

“I’ve never asked that question before. If we had sex, I’d be sitting here getting drunk and thinking about what a great fuck I just had.”

“Does having always been a bachelor lower my rating?”

“It does with some women. Some women would see a man who has been married as having been validated. For me they carry too much baggage. On the other hand, a bachelor cruising on his own can be seen as creepy that’s why he needs a wingman. Being seen with a hot babe will increase your rating. That coveting what someone else has, can work for men and women.”

“So if it wasn’t for Milana you wouldn’t have noticed me?”

Lara sighed, “You’re ruining the moment. Don’t over analyze it.”

“Hello Charlie,” a male voice interrupted, “how have you been?”

“I’ve been great Leo. You’re looking good,” Lara said turning her attention to Leo, “Have a seat.”

It irritated Peter that she offered the guy a seat.

Leo was a buff young man. Beautiful people like Lara have many options. Leo sat opposite Lara. Her eyes were on him. There was sexual tension.

Peter went into the background. He noted he called her Charlie, he was just a fan but it still irritated him. He finished his beer. Leo wasn’t leaving and Peter was bored. Peter felt like a spare wheel, time for him to leave he decided.

“Lar…Charlie, I’ll get going. Good to meet you. We can catch up another time.”

“Hey…” Lara rose up and stepped close to Peter, “Don’t give up on me okay? I’ll call you.”

Peter left unhappy. He felt Lara should have brushed Leo off. He saw Lucinda, Irina and Milana on the way out. He walked over to them.

“That was a great concert we went to tonight. Thanks for the ticket Milana,” he said as he put his arms around her shoulder and gave her a hug.

“No worries,” she replied.

As Peter was heading out the door, he happened to see Lara walking down the stairs followed by her fan. He saw they were headed towards the female toilet. The air seemed fresher when he stepped outside.

When Peter reached home, he poured himself a drink, sat down and chilled out to some music.

He had a good evening. Good sex, good concert. He was dumped twice, he didn’t get the girl, but it was the best night he had ever had. He thought about phoning the stunning Lara. “Where would she be now,” he wondered.

Lara did not phone Peter back the next day. He gave up and moved on.


A month later Peter was in the city walking along a fashion laneway on his way to a business appointment, when someone called out to him. He turned around and it was Lara running after him.

“I’m so glad to see you,’ she said huffing and puffing, “My phone was stolen that night and I lost your phone number. Please come to my shop and have a chat. I have so much to talk to you about.”

Peter entered a medium sized female apparel store. The clothes were mainly medium to highend.

“Come to my back office. How have you been? Why didn’t you phone me? I’ve been waiting for your phone call. We are looking at opening a second shop. I’m so excited to see you,” Lara said as she spun around and gave Peter a tight hug.

“I’ve been good. I was waiting for you to call. I thought you lost interest.”

Lara knew she needed to clear the air. She took a deep breath, “It’s Leo isn’t it. He caught me in a weak moment. I wasn’t thinking straight and I made a bad move. Look Peter, I’m a player, I know that. You’re not like me. I’m single because I’m a player. You’re single because you are not a player. I wish…” Lara’s mouth quivered and her eyes welled up, “I wish I had left with you that night. I’m fickle but I want to change. I’ll shut up now,” she said, looking crushed.

“Lara, I’m on my way to an appointment. I’ll drop by on the way back. I’ll need to see your last three years financial statements to formulate a business plan. Okay? I’ll see you later.”

Lara nodded.

When Peter returned Christen were in the shop. There was a customer in the change room.

“Hi Peter! Lara and Tommie have stepped out for lunch. She said you’ll be back for financial statements. Take a seat in the office. Would you like a coffee while you wait?”

“Yes please. I could do with a coffee.”

As Christen went about making the coffee, Peter noticed how gorgeous she was. She was wearing a plain black loose knee length skirt and loose fitting white polo top with buttons undone. She looked very elegant with her blonde hair in a ponytail. She had a very posh English look.

“Did you also do modeling, Christen?” Peter asked.

“Yes. My real name is Gemma. Tommie’s real name is Aimee. Here’s your coffee.”

As Gemma leaned down to place the coffee on the desk she looked up at Peter and gave him a wicked smiled. She caught him perving down her polo top. Women always suck men into ogling cleavage. He saw she was wearing a lacey red bra.

“Were you a centerfold like Lara?” Peter asked, looking at Gemma’s face.

“No, I wasn’t a centerfold. I was a page 3 girl. I did modeling, TV, commercials, film. In film and TV I was always what the Brits call ‘crumpet’. Whenever they wanted tit and arse I stepped on the set,” Gemma demonstrated with heavy lidded eye and a toothy British smile, “In case you haven’t worked it out, the three of us are expat Brits. Oh here’s Lara and Aimee.”

The shop bell rang and in stepped Lara and Tommie. They had returned from the café with coffees and sandwiches.

“Hi Peter! You’re just in time. We brought lunch. Let me have that coffee. You can have the café coffee,” Lara offered.

“That’s okay, I’m enjoying the coffee Gemma made.”

“Then you can have one of my sandwiches.”

Lara took financial statements out of a cabinet and handed them to Peter. Peter popped them straight into his briefcase. “I’ll analyze them and do a plan in the next few weeks. How is business at the moment?”

“Great. We have some slow periods, but when it gets busy it covers the slow times.”

“Most retail is like that. The time to open a new store is before Xmas.”

“Yeah, we should aim for that. I see Gemma has spilled the beans on us. I’m Aimee and I was a full time crumpet model like Gemma. I’d say we’re all part time models now,” Aimee said.

Peter really enjoyed that lunch. He was the centre of attention of three pinup models and he was sure Gemma was hitting on him. Her long black skirt just keep riding up her thighs until he could see she was wearing red lace panties.

A couple of customers entered the store and it was time for Peter to move along.

“Thanks for the lunch. I’ll get back to the office and get to work on your project,” Peter said as he stood up.

Lara stepped outside the door with Peter.

“Are you still interested in me?” She asked.

“I confess I had written you off. I thought you had lost interest. Let’s wait until the business project is complete. Here’s my business card,” he said as he handed her his card.

“I told you not to give up on me, I haven’t given up on you. Finish the project quickly, okay?” Lara was about to move in for a kiss but Peter turned and walked away.

When Lara stepped back into the shop Gemma and Aimee were looking at her. They followed her into the office.

“Why didn’t you just shag him that night?!” Aimee yelled.


It took three weeks to put together a business plan. Peter avoided all social contact with his clients. He treated it as a professional relationship. When the business plan was completed he contacted his clients to arrange a meeting to present it. The shop was closed that morning for the meeting. It was agreed they would start with only one additional shop, which will be opened at an inner suburban fashion strip. Build that shop up and if successful open the third shop.

Gemma was to manage the second shop with a shop assistant and was slated to open two months before Xmas. The three women were very busy setting up the second store and had no time for dalliances.

Peter was on his way to buy some groceries when he bumped into Kartia. She was in a hurry to go somewhere. She seemed to have had a growth spurt. Her curves were bigger and her outfit looked a size too small.

“Hi Kartia. In a hurry?”

“Yes, I’m late for work.”

“I thought you were at University?”

“It’s a part time job. I hate it. The boss keeps asking me to go out with him.”

“I may know of a job you’d like, if you want to work at a women’s clothing store.”

“I’d love that! Where?”

He gave Gemma’s phone number to Kartia.

Peter’s doorbell rang that evening. It was a happy Kartia.

“Thank you sooo much. I have that shop assistant job. I’ll be starting next Saturday. Can I come in?” Kartia said as she walked past Peter, “I’ve never been in your place. I’ve never been past your garage when I think of it.”

“There goes my quiet evening at home,” thought Peter. Kartia did look fabulous in white jeans and white polo neck top. Her long blonde hair done in a plait. Her butt looking bigger and rounder.

“Wow! I love your place. It’s so open.”

“You want something to drink? Coffee, tea, soft drink?”

“You aren’t offering me anything alcoholic? I’ll be 19 on Saturday you know. I’ll be having a birthday party. Will you be coming?”

“I don’t know. I’m a bit old.”

Kartia punched his arm, “Don’t ever say you’re too old. I’m inviting you. You’re going to come over next Saturday starting at 7.30pm like it or not.”

“You’ve talked me into it.”

On Saturday night Peter heard the party was in full swing next door. He went over. The garage door was open. There were a bunch of what looked like freshmen girls and a few boys in the garage and flowing over into the courtyard. Kartia had not yet developed a cohort of male friends by the look of it.

There was a two and a half seater sofa in the garage. A beautiful light brown haired girl wearing pink t-shirt, tight denim miniskirt and running shoes was reclining on the sofa. She was showing a lot of leg. She was looking at Peter and smiling. Peter smiled back politely. She just kept smiling at him. Peter decided he better introduce himself.

“Hello, I’m Peter from next door.”

“Hello Peter, I’m Mirabel from Kartia’s English class,” she said as she curled her legs up making room on the sofa for Peter to sit on.

Peter couldn’t decline such a sweet invitation. He sat on the sofa and had an eyeful of Mirabel’s pink thong peeking out from under her miniskirt.

“Which books are on your study list?”

Mirabel enthusiastically sat up straight and criss crossed her legs, giving Peter a perfect view of her camel toe. His eyes wandered up from her camel toe to a pair of the largest natural breasts he had seen on a teenager; and she wasn’t wearing a bra. When he caught up to her eyes she was still smiling. She was exuding ‘femme fatale’ and Peter loved it.

Kartia appeared with a can of beer and handed it to Mirabel. Kartia was in an all white outfit again, but this time it was white miniskirt and white cropped tube top. White seemed to be her color. Her tits were almost falling out of the tube top. She looked white hot.

“I see you’ve met Peter. He got me that job at the fashion store. Would you like a drink Peter?”

“I’ll have a beer thanks.”

“Ooo…can you also get me a job at a clothing store? Please?” Pleaded Mirabel.

“I’m sorry, I only knew of one vacancy. I’ll let you know if I come across another.”

“Would you like my number, in case a job comes up?”

“Okay, I’ll enter it in my phone contacts.”

As Peter was entering her number her nipples poking through the t-shirt was distracting him. He needed a couple of tries to enter the number.

“I rarely give my number out anymore. I end up with too many creepy calls from guys. You’ll phone me won’t you, if something comes up?”

“Of course.”

“Great!” Mirabel exclaimed bouncing on the sofa and having her tits jiggle all over the place.

Kartia returned with a can of beer for Peter.

Peter’s mouth was dry and he was sweating. He took a huge swig of beer. He looked at Mirabel and she was still looking at him and smiling. “I hope she’s looking at me like that because she wants to bang my bones,” he fantasized.

Kartia squeezed herself between Peter and Mirabel, forcing Mirabel to take her feet off the sofa and sit with her feet on the floor.

Mirabel was cut off from Peter. She took a drink from her beer, “Kartia, I need to go do wee wee. I’ll be back.”

Kartia nestled into Mirabel’s spot.

“I’ve only known Mirabel from this year’s English class. She meets and dumps guys all the time. I haven’t met anyone yet. I’d hate to dump someone. You ever dump someone?”

“No. I’m usually the one who is dumped. If you get dumped too much, it affects your confidence and you give up.”

“Are you single because you gave up?”

Peter laughed, “Maybe.”

Another group of guests arrived and Kartia went to greet them.

Mirabel returned and collected her beer. “Let’s step out into the street for some fresh air,” she said inviting Peter to follow her.

Peter stood in the street and pointed out his warehouse unit, “I live just there.”

“It’s so interesting. Can I have a look inside?”

“Sure. You know once you go inside, it will change our relationship. I won’t be just someone you met at a party.”

“Ooo…that will be nice,” Mirabel smiled. She was a real smiler.

Peter led her in and showed her through the warehouse. She went up to the bedroom very fast. She flopped on the bed. She wasn’t subtle.

“I love this bed. It’s so comfortable,” Mirabel said, lying on her back and smiling up at Peter.

All sorts of alarms were going off in Peter’s head, until she said, “Kiss me,” then he couldn’t kill the alarms fast enough. He hopped onto the bed and straddled her hips, before descending on her pretty smiling mouth.

Mirabel couldn’t wait for the slow poke, she threw her arms around his neck and dragged him down on top of her. Her smiling face was now one of desire. Her tongue darted out and entered Peter’s mouth. He tasted of the beer she was drinking. Her body rose from the mattress to meet his. He was straddling her hips, he wasn’t touching her where she wanted. She spread her legs. He got the message.

Peter raised his body and transferred his legs between hers, prying them further apart. She bent her knees and cradled him crotch against hers. That felt better. He could now hump her cameltoe. He looked at her face and she was smiling. She gave a nod. He propped himself on his hands and gave a few pumps.

Mirabel had him just where she wanted him. “Yes,” she moaned as she arched her back. He was now dry humping her. Something she was very used to. She extended her arms and invited Peter to lie on top of her.

He lowered himself, pressing his chest against her soft plump titties. He hooked his arms under her shoulders and crushed his mouth against hers. He gave her a deep kiss. Her teenage tongue was all over the place. She was trying too hard. He broke the kiss and rested his lips on hers. Kissing her lightly. He licked her lips and they parted. He played with her tongue. She wrapped her arms around his head and kissed him hard. It was all sloppy and delicious.

Breathing heavily, Mirabel broke the kiss and looked at his face, “Yes, he does look nice,” she thought to herself. She decided she made the right decision. She kissed him hard and wrapped her legs around his hips.

Peter wanted to squeeze her tits but she was clinging to him too tightly. He slid his right hand up her stomach, she adjusted and gave him room to push his hand under her t-shirt. His right hand moved up and rubbed her left nipple.

“Nnhh,” she groaned. She liked that.

He gave it a squeeze. He felt it swell and become firm. She liked that. He pinched and squeezed her nipples. She liked that. She pushed her chest into his hand. She was eager. He liked that.

She broke her kiss and lifted her t-shirt. Her soft, plump tits bounced out. Her nipples were tingling in the cool air. Yearning for attention. She felt his hot tongue on her naked breasts. She wanted her nipples licked. He picked the right one. He licked it and flicked it, then he sucked on it.

“Yes,” she moaned. If she was lactating he would have had a mouthful. She raised her hips and tugged her panty down. A waft of heat billowed from her exposed vagina.

Peter could not resist it. He scooted down to her pussy and licked her flaps from bottom to top, giving attention to her bud. She groaned and spread her legs wider. His tongue explored her clitoris and probed her sex hole. She must’ve expected her pussy to be sucked that night because Peter could smell deodorant down there. He whipped his jeans off and tossed it on the floor.

His lips slobbered over her flaps.

“Unghhhh,” she moaned as she spread her legs wider.

Peter buried his mouth in her furry mound. He sucked it and licked it. Her mouth opened in ecstasy. “Did she just cum?” he wondered.

Peter wanted his hard cock inside her. He rose to his knees and rubbed the tip of his cock along her flaps. He teased her for a while until her hands started guiding him towards her hole.

“Please do it slowly. It’s my first time. Kartia said you were good at it,” she whispered.

“Well, that’s put a lot of pressure on me,” Peter thought with a sigh.

“You haven’t done it before?” He asked, sounding surprised.

‘No, you’re the best I’ve had.”

“That makes me feel better,” he thought with relief.

He slowly pressed his hot tip against her sex hole. The knob went in easily enough, but then it became stuck. He pressed down steadily. She was very tight, it was slow and gradual. Until Mirabel grabbed Peter’s butt cheeks and shoved her pussy up towards him.

“Aaahhh!” She screamed.

“What happened to take it slowly?” Peter asked with a chuckle.

“I couldn’t wait,” she smiled.

Peter pulled back and slowly pumped her, going deeper as she opened up. He picked up a good rhythm. She was nice and wet and he was sliding comfortably. He looked at her pretty face and kissed her. This seemed to excite her incredibly.

She wrapped her arms and legs around him and her body went rigid. Her pussy swallowed his dick up to his balls and she ground against him with a moan.

“Happy Birthday!” Someone yelled out on the street.

“That’s Kartia’s mother with the birthday cake. I have to go,” she said pushing Peter off the bed; and jumping up to pull her top down and pull on her panty.

“I’m sorry! I have to set up the birthday cake. Come on,” she said grabbing Peter’s hand and dragging him off the bed, before she high tailed down the stairs and out of the unit.

“Blue balled again,” Peter muttered to himself as he stuffed his stiff cock back in his jeans and wandered back to the party. Peter returned to the party with a bulge in his jeans he was desperate to rub.

A birthday cake had been set up on a large table of food in the courtyard. Mirabel was piping an icing, “Happy Birthday Kartia,” message on the cake. Lorena and Lucinda were watching Mirabel’s handiwork, while Hugo was standing behind her, trying to look up her miniskirt.

Mirabel bending over made Peter’s mouth water. He wanted to wrap in hands around her and rub out an orgasm in her big butt crack.

Kartia entered the courtyard carrying a stack of dessert plates. She dropped them with a loud crash. Porcelain everywhere. Everyone stooped to pick up the shards.

“Be careful you don’t get splinters. Get a brush and pan Kartia,” Lorena commanded.

Kartia went out the back and returned with brush and pan. Peter went to his garage and also returned with brush and pan to help her. He got down with Kartia and helped brush up the shards from the floor. Peter happened to glance at Kartia while she was sweeping up the shards and got an eyeful of her white panty covered butt crack under her skirt. Her bum was big and round and the panty showed off her cameltoe. Her curiosity about anal sex flashed through his mind.

To Peter’s embarrassment his dick went as hard as when he had it in Mirabel. He tried to shield it. He quickly swept up the shards and stayed crouched. Kartia stood up and went through the laundry to the garbage bin in the backyard. Peter stood up and ran after her.

“Thank you for the help,” Kartia said before moving to kiss him, then she stopped. Her mouth only inches from his, she recognized the familiar smell of pussy juice on his face. She looked him in the eye.

Her billowing breath fanned the smell of Mirabel’s pussy juice to Peter’s attention. He rubbed his mouth guiltily. The juice had dried, leaving a crust. He was about to go to the laundry and wash his face when Kartia jumped him.

She licked his lips and mouth. She loved kissing and the smell of pussy. Kartia’s mouth was drooling, her lips quivering. Kissing a pussy smelling mouth triggered her oral fixation buttons. Her hips moved forward searching for something to rub against.

Peter opened his mouth to take in her tongue but she kept licking at the pussy juice. He stuck his tongue out but Kartia was going everywhere but his tongue. All her kissing taught Peter one think about Kartia, she was oral. He felt her rubbing against his groin.

“I have your birthday present for you,” he whispered in her ear.

He unzipped his trousers and his dick burst out. He guided her right hand to his dick. She took hold of it and tugged it. She broke her kiss and watched as the dick became harder and more erect. The increasing width pushing her fingers apart.

Peter had found the means to cure his blue balls problem. He placed his hands on her shoulders.

She went to her knees, her eyes locked on the dick in her hand. There was precum on the tip. She didn’t want to lick precum. The shaft also had the pungent smell of pussy juice. She started licking the shaft with her delicate tongue, until she came to the tip of Peter’s cock. She hesitated before swallowing the head.

Peter couldn’t believe he had this aloof teenager sucking his cock. When he first saw her he didn’t think butter would melt in her mouth. Now her mouth was hot and wet and he was fucking it. Kartia had natural oral skills. Her tongue worked expertly on the cock head while also taking it deep. Peter’s blue balls were ready to explode. He pulled out and pulled her to her feet.

He fell on his knees and looked up at her in that dim backyard light. Kartia looked down at him, breathing heavily with saliva drooling from her mouth. Peter slid his hands up her thighs, gripped the elastic of the white panty and yanked it down. He buried his desperate tongue deep into her cunt. He wanted her ready for fucking.

Kartia’s body swayed, her hips pushed forward. She never knew her pussy could feel so good. Her juices flowed as his tongue licked her flaps and clit. She wanted to recline back on something.

The back door opened. Lucinda’s head popped around the corner, “Kartia we are ready to…light the cake,” she said before she giggled and closed the door.

“I have to go,” Kartia said as she urgently brushed her skirt down and pulled her panty back up. She scampered out of the backyard.

“Oh no, not again!” Peter muttered to himself. He ran after Kartia while trying to strap his hardon into his pants. He caught her as she entered the laundry. He spun her around. He kissed her as best as he could to try and convince her to stay a little longer.

She returned his kiss. Her tongue played with his. She pushed her hips forward to press against his cock. She lifted her right leg and wrapped it around his waist, lining her pussy up with his cock.

“What am I doing? I’ll get caught,” she thought with a mouthful of tongue.

Peter felt the heat of her sex. He pulled her panty to the side and rubbed his hot cock head on her hot sex hole. He had so much precum on his cock head, half his dick slipped with half a push.

“Mmmm…” Kartia stopped kissing and moaned. She liked the frontal position, she could kiss while fucking. She returned to playing with Peter’s mouth with her tongue, while pressing her pussy against the stiff cock, taking more of it in.

Peter had no time to waste. He slammed the rest of his cock into her hole. It went in easily with a slurp. He fucked her fast and frantic. Short strokes, long strokes, any old stroke. His cock was rigid and his balls were full. He have Kartia a bruising kiss as he went balls deep to fill up her vulva with his seed. It was a moment of relief and he jettisoned his jizz into the birthday girl.

“Happy Birthday Kartia,” he whispered in her ear. Pumping and pumping his balls into her.

Kartia couldn’t believe how long it was taking for him to finish. She had to go. She broke her kiss and lowered her right leg. She looked at him and smiled. She stepped back and ejected his dick with a plop. She adjusted her clothing and walked back into the courtyard.

The candles on the cake were lit. The lights were out. Lucinda led them in the Happy Birthday song. Semen and pussy juice was trickling down Kartia’s inner thigh. Peter, standing behind her, discreetly wiped it clean with his handkerchief. Kartia glanced behind her before going forward to blow out the candles and cut the cake.

Guests collected slices of cake on the serving plates. Mirabel was carrying two beers. She handed Peter a beer when she saw him.

“Here, I’m sorry I couldn’t finish you before. Forgive me?”

“I forgive you. Thank you Mirabel,” he said. He took a swig of beer and thought, “At least I haven’t been dumped.”


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