How Firm a Foundation Ch. 01 by lustdarkly,lustdarkly

It was very late when the doorbell rang and Karen sat bolt upright, reaching guiltily for her robe with wide eyes, like a teenager whose parents had come home unexpectedly and caught her making out with her boyfriend. “Who’s that?” she wondered nervously. “At this time of night?”

Giving her plenty of time to secure her huge bath robe – not even her neck was visible – I answered the door and was shocked to find Stephen standing there in the rain – one of my closest childhood friends. No car. He’d walked! He was soaking wet, ashen pale and miserable. It was clear something awful had happened but before I could ask, he surprised me by saying – “You’re here!”

Frowning, puzzled, I replied, “Of course I’m here. This is my house. Where else would I be?”

He looked at me for a long time. “I thought…” he began hesitantly, “I thought you were with my wife.”

His wife? With Kay? “What the heck are you talki-” I stopped. He was crying! My friend was actually crying! The last time I saw him cry was in the playground! I pulled him inside.

Karen cried out in alarm when she saw him, “Honey! What’s wrong?” She flinched when she touched his sleeves, discovering that his coat was soaked and automatically assumed the command of a maternal drill-Sargeant. Ignoring his protests she yanked the sodden coat off his shoulders, ordering me to fetch a towel, grab the whiskey and put on the kettle for tea. Mr. Rippendale hovered awkwardly in the background smiling sympathetically.

“Stephen, love. This is Mr. Rippendale. Our neighbour from across the road.”

“John. Please.” said Mr. Rippendale, stepping in and gripping Stephen’s hand firmly with affection.

“Stephen is Kay’s husband.” Karen told John.

The old man’s expression brightened. “Oh, son. Yes, of course! Kay! Oh, Kay is a lovely young woman! Very pleased to meet you.”

“You know my wife?” Stephen asked with some surprise. “She’s never mentioned you, I don’t think.”

Karen threw in quickly, “Yeah. I’ve had the girls’ over to John’s for tea a couple of times. He has a wonderful… collection of old photographs.”

“Oh, really? That’s nice.” Stephen nodded.

She looked guilty and no wonder. Tea. Yeah, is that what you call it? The four of them fuck that old man so often I’m actually amazed they haven’t killed him! So, I pondered. Kay’s never mentioned her afternoon visits to Mr. Rippendale’s. I wonder if Sam and Michelle have told their husbands. I suspect not.

As Karen accompanied John to the front door to leave, Stephen said to me, “Nice old man. I wonder that Kay’s never mentioned him before. Probably she has and I haven’t paid any attention.”

Was it two months ago? I went over to John’s and found him making love to the four girls’ on the couch – Kay, on his lap, forcing herself down onto his dick and screaming, “Push it through my cervix! Deeper! Fuck me! Deeper!” her gorgeous little blonde cunt was stretched to its absolute limit and still she was only halfway down his pole.

“I’ll stick the kettle on and get you a towel.” I told him, sighing.

Karen was gone longer than expected but it gave us time to sort the tea. She bustled in with towels and urgently clasped both Stephen’s hands. “What’s wrong Honey? Tell me.” She wiped his brimming tears with unfeigned tenderness.

Stephen stammered, disarmed. His lip started to quiver. “Kay’s… Kay’s cheating on me!”

“Oh, God! You poor thing!” Karen’s small hands rested on his chest momentarily and then hurriedly began unbuttoning his shirt. She waved away his protests. “We need to get you out of these wet clothes. I’m not having you die of pneumonia.” and she jumped up on tip-toes and affectionately pecked him on the mouth. He was taken aback and glanced at me unsure. I smiled supportively. He only snapped back when she asked, “What makes you think she’s cheating?”

“Er… I… er… I caught her.”

Karen pulled off the shirt. “Oh, you poor thing!” She wrapped her arms around his waist and clenched him tightly like a teddy bear.

A tiny little bit of wife-swapping has occurred within our group, let me add. Karen has had sex with Stephen two times but even though, he still stiffened at this closeness. I patted his shoulder, handing him his tea. When it became clear that Karen wasn’t going to release her grip on him he forced himself to relax and hugged her back. Then he started sobbing. Sobbing hard like a little kid. It was shocking and heart-wrenching. I took his cup out of his hand and placed it down on the table somewhat at a loss.

My wife held him for a long, long time as he cried and eventually, when the moment was right, she pulled his head down so she could kiss his face all over, covering him with little pecks. He grinned, wiping his tears and blowing his nose. “Get these off too.” she ordered. Deftly, before he knew it, she got him out of his wet trousers, socks and shoes. “Sit down here on the couch and tell us what happened.”

Karen took up her position on the floor in front of him, smiling gratefully as I fetched her a pillow to kneel on. Her house-coat parted so that her legs were bare but she made no effort to cover them up. Stephen stared momentarily at her pretty little feet and gulped. “Drink your tea. Good. Now. Why do you think Kay’s cheating?”

“Are you comfortable there?” Stephen asked with concern. “You should sit here.”

“No. This is better. I like sitting on the floor.” she smiled, rubbing her belly and patting his knee. “Tell us everything. Every detail. What exactly happened?”

“Well… I… I was supposed to be away tonight at a conference but it was cancelled. I figured I’d give Kay a surprise. You know, take her out for dinner. She was… in the bedroom…” he faltered.

“And she was fucking another man?” Karen suggested bluntly, emphasising the word “fucking” somewhat sensually.

“No. She was alone. Well. I thought she was! She was in the bedroom kneeling on the floor… and… I thought she was waiting for me! But she wasn’t! She was waiting for someone else!”

“What did she say when she saw you?”

“She didn’t see me, that’s it! She was wearing a blindfold! ”

“A blindfold!” My wife gasped.

“She has no idea I was even there! She doesn’t know I saw her!”

“Oh, fuck! So, explain it!”

Stephen went on to describe how, lured by loud music coming from the bedroom, he’d found his wife kneeling on the floor, blindfold, her wrists tied together behind her back. Karen took especial interest when Stephen told us she was dressed like a slut and made him describe everything. His face burned as he described that her tight pink sweater was cut so short that it revealed the undersides of her boobs.

“Could you see her nipples?” Karen asked hungrily.

“When she arched her back, yeah.” Graham nodded miserably.

Kay also wore a tiny white skirt with pink panties, white stockings with large white bows and ridiculous nine-inch platform high-heels. A thin gold necklace adorned her delicious athletic abdomen – Kay’s rather tiny, like Karen. Tight little body, perfectly formed. Amazing perky tits with nipples pointing to Heaven! Picturing her dressed like a bimbo was making me hard so I took a seat in the armchair. Kay wore a choker around her neck; a small pink hand-bag and vibrator were on the floor beside her. “And she had glitter make-up on her cheek bones and a big pink bow in her hair!”

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