I Want You to Watch Me Pt. 06

An adult stories – I Want You to Watch Me Pt. 06 by Mr_Brady,Mr_Brady I Want You To Watch Me, Part 6

A big thanks again to Kenji Sato for his proofreading and editing skills. And also, all characters in this story are above the age of eighteen.


Right at that moment, with Bonnie and Robby standing right outside my door, I thought I was caught between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, Claire was inside my RV doing her best to come to terms with all the lascivious conduct that she had been involved in with the group…and had performed everything in full view of Bonnie and Robby.

On the other hand, I had her daughter and her boyfriend evidently needing a place to hang out, and most likely I assumed for the rest of the night, as well. I tried to come up with an excuse, so I could go back and tell Claire what was going on.

“Hang on, guys…I need to, uh…straighten up in here, before I can let you in.”

As soon as I’d said that, I knew I deserved to have somebody slap me because of how corny it sounded. But it was all that I could come up with, while I went and told Claire who was outside, right at that moment.

“What do you mean it’s Bonnie and Robby?? I can’t let them see me right now. She’s probably mad as hell at me, not to mention how embarrassed I am to even try and explain why she saw me doing all those things.”

“Well, I’ve got to go and tell them something. Why don’t you just hang out here in the bedroom for right now? They won’t know you’re here, not as long as you stay quiet.”

“Okay, I’ll try. And Kyle?”

“Yeah, what is it, Claire?”

“Thanks, honey. I really owe you one.”

I did my best to give her as much of a reassuring smile as I knew how, and went to let her daughter and Robby in.


As they sat down on the couch, it didn’t take long until the two of them took up about the exact same positions they were in the night before, when Nancy and I entertained them. And that was when Robby asked me if it wouldn’t be too much trouble if they could convert the couch back into a bed, just like it had been when they were there previously.

“Uh, I guess that’d be all right. But I gotta ask, are the two of you planning on spending the night here?”

I could see a pleading look coming from Bonnie, and knew that most likely, she didn’t have anywhere else to go or any other person she felt that she could trust, right at that moment.

Knowing I was basically their last hope, I reluctantly gave them the approval to do what Robby had asked.

“Uh, it looks like you guys got this. I’m just going to go lie down now. If you need anything, uh…just holler…and uh, I’m sure I’ll hear you…so…goodnight now.”

Hating how stupid I, again, sounded, I excused myself, and stepped the few feet necessary to enter the bedroom. I needed to have as quiet a conversation with Claire as I could, so they wouldn’t know that she was there.

“Oh, that’s great. So, I’m supposed to stay hidden away here until the two of them go to sleep, or they…oh my god, Kyle. You don’t think they’re gonna have sex here tonight, do you?”

“Right now, I’m not sure of anything. But from what your daughter and Robby have seen today, I wouldn’t be too surprised if they did.”

With all that had happened that evening, and with the obscene show that she had blatantly performed while her daughter also watched, I didn’t think she would be too aghast in finding out what Bonnie had revealed to Nancy and I about her having sex with a guy, her previous boyfriend.

“I guess it isn’t going to be too bad of a thing if I let you know that Bonnie isn’t a virgin anymore. I hope I’m not letting out something that she doesn’t want you to know, but she did tell us about her and…Phil, I think his name was.”

“Yes, that’s the guy she was dating before Robby asked her out. I had wondered if the two of them were doing something, but I was too nervous to ask her about it. Fact is, I never did care for him that much. Even though he went to church with us, I figured he was more trouble than he was worth, and now I know why. But what about Robby, I know I’m not the best representation of morality now, and I’m not trying to pry, but did you find out anything about him?”

“I’m taking you mean are Bonnie and him fucking?”

She looked at me as if I was asking a question that didn’t need to be asked.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean…is Robby fucking my daughter?”

When she said that to me, I couldn’t mistake the erotic charge of her facial expression as that obscenity flowed from her mouth.

“I guess you could just go in there and talk to your daughter and ask her, but that’s your choice, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, Kyle, you’re right; that’s my choice. And like I said, I just think she’s too pissed at me right now for us to try and have a civil conversation. That’s all I’m saying.”

As the minutes ticked by and we tried to pass the time talking about whatever came to mind, we couldn’t miss the elephant in the room as far as her doing what she should to connect with her daughter the way a mother is supposed to. And then finally, she gave in to the fact, that doing what was needed would be difficult for her, but also very important.

“Well, I guess I can’t put this off any longer, can I? Sooner or later, she and I are gonna need to talk, so I might as well make it now. Do you mind coming with me, I could use some moral support, if you really want to know.”

In our bare feet, we quietly took the few steps from the bedroom to where they were on the rolled out sofa bed. But we got a somewhat major shock when Claire and I saw the two of them sprawled out on the bed with her daughter hovering over Robby’s mid-section with his stiff cock planted firmly between Bonnie’s lips.

Once Claire noticed her daughter sucking her boyfriend’s cock, quietly as possible, she got behind me so that if Bonnie looked up from what she was doing to Robby, she wouldn’t be able to see her mother standing there.

“Oh Bonn, that feels good…so good…yeah!!”

“We didn’t get to finish this last night when we were so rudely interrupted. So now, your cock belongs to me, Robby!!”

I could tell she wasn’t going to get any kind of disagreement from her boyfriend about what she was doing to him. And then we heard her tell Robby something that I was sure made Claire very aroused and stimulated, too.

“I still can’t believe that my mom was doing all those things with those people. I’m so fucking horny right now just from seeing her like that. I don’t think it’d be such a bad thing if we were to do some of the same things that she did. Don’t you think so, Robby?”

“You mean, you?”

“Yeah, I guess. Would you like to do that, too? Would you like to have sex with me?”

I don’t think I had ever heard someone sputter and stutter, the way Robby did, once he understood that Bonnie was asking him to go all the way with her. But he still hadn’t answered her. Yet.

“So, like I said, Robby, do you want to do that, too? Or are you gonna wait until you get married to have sex?”

“Uh, uh…are you sure you want to…?”

I could tell she wasn’t wanting to waste any more time asking her boyfriend about it, so still unaware of our presence, she rose up off the sofa bed, and quickly began stripping off all her clothing. And in short order, her mother and I saw Bonnie standing completely beautifully naked and exposed to her boyfriend’s lustful gaze in the living room section of my travel trailer RV.

And as I had my first chance to see her totally in the buff, I felt my own penis begin to harden. Bonnie McCarver’s body, as far as I was concerned, looked as perfectly stunning and hot as her mother’s did. The pleasant shape of her ass, as well as her gorgeous breasts, only helped to give her the sexual, sensational look that she had.

And the fact was that if her boyfriend didn’t soon pick up on, doing what it was she was wanting, then I thought I’d be more than ready to try to accommodate her carnal request.

“I said I think I want you to fuck me, Robby!! And if that’s what you want, then quit messing around and get naked with me. I’m so horny right now from watching my mom fuck those people tonight, that I don’t think I could be anymore turned on than I am right now.”

As he finally picked up on what was being offered to him, Robby came up off the sofa bed and quickly disrobed. Meanwhile, he flashed his hardened pecker unknowingly to Claire and I, as we remained unnoticed situated right outside my bedroom.

As we watched him do his best for the first time in mounting his girlfriend in the missionary position, we could tell with what she was saying to him, that the two of them, in their first time of mating, were trying to work out the best way of being comfortable, as they tried to join their bodies together in unison.

Once Robby had his tool lined up correctly with Bonnie’s vaginal lips, I heard Claire audibly gasp, as she and I watched him sink his hard cock into her daughter.

“Uhhhh, yes baby, just like that. Oh wow, your cock feels good inside me. Yes, baby, fuck me just like that. Ooohhh, don’t stop!!”

Once Robby’s rhythm of fucking his girlfriend picked up to an even-steadier tempo, we could see their bodies begin to meld and bond even more intimately.

“I’ve thought about this, Bonn, for a while now. I love you so much, honey, and I have from the first time I laid eyes on you. Oh baby, fucking you feels so good!!”

“Yesssss, so good, soooo good, baby!! Fuck me, Robby, don’t ever stop fucking me!!”

Bonnie lovingly wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, and we saw him continue his pace, as he moved his cock between her spread legs. As their mating became even more frenzied and intense, Claire, the voyeur, became aroused to an even greater extent and flirtatiously whispered her explicit approval to the fornication that her daughter and Robby had become blissfully entangled in.

“Yessss, Robby, you handsome stud, fuck her!! Fuck my baby girl’s cunt with that sweet, stiff cock of yours!!”

Her statement caught me by surprise, but actually only helped to heighten my arousal to what she and I were watching as well. I wasn’t sure how far things were going to go that night, but I began having strong lusts and fantasies, that if it were possible, I’d like to have the opportunity to not only fuck Claire McCarver, but also her daughter, Bonnie.

And as ramped up as I could tell that Claire was, at that moment, watching her daughter being mounted and fucked by her boyfriend, I wanted to try to find out just how much she was turned on by it.

“Do you like watching this, seeing Robby fuck Bonnie like that?”

As she began to answer me, I could see the fire in her eyes, letting me know how aroused she was by watching the two of them amorously copulate.

“Oh god yes, Kyle. This reminds me of when my brother and I would sneak into our parents’ bedroom closet and watch them years ago. Don’t you think it’s such a turn on, too?”

“Oh yeah, I do. But tell me, what is it that really gets you turned on, as you’re watching them fuck like that?”

“I’ve never admitted it before, but I think Robby’s a very good-looking boy. And if I were a few years younger, and he wasn’t hooked up with Bonnie, then I’d probably want to have him all for myself. There, I finally said it. But if you repeat that to my daughter, I’ll tell her you’re a goddamn liar.”

“Okay, so now we know that you’re not ashamed to admit that you’ve got a thing for Robby, but you still didn’t totally answer my question…what is it that turns you on as you’re watching them fuck, right now?”

“For me, it’s just the way that Robby’s cock fits so well into her tight pussy. Don’t you love the way she spreads her legs open for him to sink straight into her like that? Oh my god, just seeing that makes me just about cum!!”

I had to admit, she was right about the fascination of seeing her gorgeous daughter getting plowed by her not-so-bad-looking boyfriend. But there was more to it, than even that. And I was trying to find the answer inside me when I heard the talking between the two lovers continue.

“Oh, Bonnie, I’m getting close. Do you think, even though I’m not wearing a rubber right now, that you wouldn’t mind if I came inside you?”

“Oooh, I’d love to feel you doing that, but I think I’d get pregnant, for sure. No matter what we saw my mother doing tonight, I still know that right now’s not the best time for me to have a baby. So, no, please don’t cum in me, Robby.

“But I tell you what…when you’re just about ready, let me know, and I’ll do something really special for you. But you gotta tell me before you’re ready to cum, okay?”

“Yeah sure, okay, Bonn.”

As a few more short minutes passed, while we watched Bonnie accepting Robby’s cock thrusting itself into her, as they continued to mate there on my sofa-bed. Robby finally alerted Bonnie, that he wasn’t too far away from his climax.

“Yesss, I’m getting ready…”

When Bonnie heard him make that proclamation about getting ready to cum, she was able to have him get up off of her. She then pushed him back on the bed to where they were as before when we first saw her giving Robby his blowjob.

Except then, it became an even more wild scene as the both of them were naked, Bonnie lay over top of Robby, while her mouth traveled up and down on his very firm cock.

“Yeah, cum in my mouth, baby. Cum for Bonnie. Let me taste that sweet jizz you’ve got for me, Robby. And when you cum, I want you to give me every last drop of it!!”

I could tell how excited watching her daughter perform oral sex on her boyfriend was making Claire, as Bonnie continued to take his cock into her mouth…giving him, what I figured to be, his first complete experience of fellatio being performed on him.

And just about only a few short moments of that pleasuring from her soft lips and tongue was all Robby seemed to need, until Claire and I witnessed her daughter accepting all of her boyfriend’s ejaculate as it gushed into her mouth, and he let her know how pleasurable of an orgasm he was experiencing.

“Oh, oh, ohhhhh yeahhhhh…I’m cumming in your mouth, Bonn. Yesssss, soooo nice…oh fuuuuuck!!!

A few minutes later and once they were done, the naked lovers went back to simply lying next to each other in the bed. We watched as Bonnie nuzzled herself up next to Robby, who looked like he was already close to falling asleep. And then we waited just a little while longer, until it appeared that they both had fallen into a dreamlike trance, one holding the other firmly as two people who had just experienced wild sex with each other, should.

After witnessing the intense sexual scene that had just taken place with Bonnie and Robby, we returned back to my bedroom. And, I wondered if Claire wasn’t going to want to talk about what had just happened. And that’s exactly what it was she wanted to do.

“Oh my god, Kyle. What did we just see? That was, that was…”


“Yeah, that’s a good word for it…arousing. I never figured my Bonnie to be as ravingly slutty as she just was…but, oh my god…the way she sucked Robby’s gorgeous cock and then took his cum in her mouth like that…holy fuck!! And y’know, as far as I could tell, it looked to me like she swallowed every bit of it, too. Holy fucking Christ!!!”

I was somewhat amazed at how quickly Claire had become accustomed to using F-bombs and other profanities, after having gone through her lubricious baptism with the group. But I wondered what other changes were in store for her, if she were to continue to meet with them.

As she lay down on my bed with me, still trying to figure out what to say to her daughter and her boyfriend, who were just sleeping in the room next to us, I couldn’t help but see from the look on her face, that she was thinking deeply about something. So I just came out and asked her about it.

“Yeah, I’ve got a lot on my mind right now, Kyle. The things I did with the group; how I’m going to explain it to Bonnie; how am I going to survive my failing marriage with Bill. Fuck, there’s so many things…I don’t even know where to start figuring it all out.”

“Who says you have to…at least for tonight, you don’t have to, right?”

“No…I guess, I don’t. But I can’t just stay here forever. Sooner or later, I’m going to have to talk to the people that I love, aren’t I?”

“Yes. Yes, you are Claire.


It was around three in the morning when I was awakened, sensing my guest rising up off the bed. It didn’t take long to figure out what she was doing when I heard the toilet flush, but then I heard something else.

The other sound was Robby discovering while he was also on his way to use the bathroom, wearing only his skimpy briefs, that Claire was there in the RV, as well. And then the two of them were standing right at my open door, and I witnessed the unavoidable whispered conversation that both of them were drawn into.

“Oh my god, Claire. I didn’t know you were here, too. You must’ve been here when Bonnie and I came in.”

“Yeah, Robby, I was. Kyle talked me into coming back with him, after leaving the…”

From the sound of her voice, I could tell she wasn’t sure how to navigate through discussing the potentially awkward situation of her naughty behavior a few hours before that. But then Robby, somewhat on edge himself, extended himself to be as good to her as he knew how, and kept their conversation flowing…

“Claire, it’s okay. Maybe it was something that you couldn’t help doing, but what’s done is done…right?”

“But, I’m sorry you had to witness that, Robby, not to mention my own daughter watching her mother allow those men…to fuck me like they did…and also see what I did with the women that were there, as well. I don’t want either of you to think badly of me.”

I was somewhat surprised when he began coming onto Claire in an intimate way, but nonetheless he let his secret desire for her be known. Being as close as we were, I was sure he had to have known that I could hear just about everything he was saying to her.

And then, with the all-of-the-sudden-candid honesty that Robby shared with her, I could hear the conversation quickly becoming a steamy exchange between an aroused younger man with an older, more-experienced woman, who he had just watched commit open fornication with others, right in front of him.

“For what it’s worth, Claire, there isn’t anything that you did with them that I didn’t find very… nice to watch. I think you were the hottest-looking lady by far tonight, when you did…when you let them…when you let them fuck you in front of all of us.”

“Oh…Robby, I’m not sure what to say to something like that. Is what I did, what you watched me do…did that turn you on, seeing me with those people like that?”

When she asked him that, her hand began touching his bare arm and rubbed up and down, from his elbow to his shoulder…and then she did it again…and then again once more. As she kept massaging his arm, an aroused smile came to his face as he did his best to answer her question.

“Yeah, if you wanna know, I really liked seeing you do that. That really was a turn-on for me, Claire. And I hope you don’t mind me letting you know, but I could tell that you were really getting into those guys…fucking you, like they did. I guess that’s what turned me on so much…how it looked to me, like you were enjoying having them pay that attention to you…made you look so fucking hot to me!!”

It was then that Robby had a somewhat look of embarrassment, and maybe he was wondering if what he’d told her had gone too far. But he still continued to talk, sharing his feelings of arousal with his girlfriend’s mother.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m even telling you this!! You’re probably thinking I’m some kind of perv now.”

Claire’s answer to him helped me understand that what took place back at the Temple when she became sexually excited, was, right at that moment, happening inside my RV bedroom. What the two of them were talking about was, no doubt, pushing them closer and closer to their own intimate destiny with each other.

“No, of course I don’t think that way about you. But I’ve got to tell you, you very handsome boy, when I watched you fucking my daughter just a little while ago, now that turned me on!! Almost as much as when I let those men do whatever they wanted with me when you and Bonnie were watching. I guess watching people fucking, and having someone watching me fuck, is about the same for me. All of that makes me very, very wet!!”

That’s when she began rubbing his arm again. But what happened next between the two of them, just about made me pop my rod. Very slowly, Claire brought her mouth up to his and gave him a light kiss, while also sharing with him some very erotic facts.

“And just so you know, I love the way your cock fits so perfectly in my daughter’s pussy when I watched you fuck her. And I guess I should tell you, too; I hear a lot of people tell us how we look so much alike. That her body resembles mine in so many ways. I wonder if you’re curious if your girlfriend’s cunt is anything like her mother’s. And if you want to see if that’s the case…then, all you gotta do, Robby…is ask. And we’ll go from there, okay?”

After having been told those titillating erotic things by Claire, he put his hands to her face and pulled her in, returning an even-more-intense kiss back to her. But that one became even more feverish, as the two of them began in an unrestrained fashion, feverishly French kissing each other.

With them standing just inside my bedroom, I couldn’t help but see how Robby and Claire seemed drawn to each other at that moment, like a moth to the flame. But I wasn’t sure exactly who was the moth, and who was the flame, as the mutual attraction between them, continued its upward spiral.

As their fingers and hands kept wandering over each other’s body, touching sensitive erogenous zones, I noticed Claire had taken the palm of her right hand and delicately brushed it up against Robby’s underwear, in the exact place where his noticeable bulge was.

“Oh yeah, I think you’ve found something, haven’t you, Claire?”

“Ooooh, yes, I have. Is this wonderful hunk of meat all tensed up and hard because of me, Robby?”

As he was in the process of answering her question, she had taken her hand and deliberately placed it inside his undies, and I could tell she was beginning to lightly stroke his lengthening penis in an up-and-down motion.

“Only if you want it to be, Claire. Oh fuuuuuck!!”

Her next answer to him, left no doubt that her erotic meter had gone way over the maximum limit.

“Well, to answer you…yes, I want it to be. I want your cock. So don’t you think it’s time that you let me give it a much more thorough examination, and let me see it close up? Would you mind if I got a better look than I had when you fucked Bonnie, hmmm?”

Taking her up on her request, any shyness that Robby had had, previously, seemed to dissipate all together, once Claire had come on to him in the way she did.

Compliantly removing his underwear, it only took him a few seconds until he stood completely naked in front of his girlfriend’s mother in my bedroom.

Quickly lowering to her knees, Claire didn’t waste any time to put the young man’s tool into her mouth, and then began rapidly moving her lips back and forth on his engorged penis.

“Oh yeah, Claire…oh…my god…that’s nice…ugh!!”

Stopping for a short moment, she looked up to his face and asked him…

“I bet you didn’t think I’d suck cock near as good as my daughter, did you?”

With all that was happening to him at that moment, he didn’t seem to have the willpower to answer Claire’s vulgar question. He simply stood there gazing down at her, while she went back to running her lips repeatedly over and over the head of his engorged penis.

As she did that for him for just a little while longer, it didn’t surprise me when she asked her next question.

“Kyle, you wouldn’t mind scooting over and sharing your bed, would you? I don’t want to disturb Bonnie while she’s sleeping in the living room, so Robby and I can use the only other spot available to do what we want.”

What she just asked me sent an erotic chill down my spine, and I figured that once the floodgates had opened, as far as her more than overt sexual brazenness was concerned, the sky would be the limit as to how far she would go. And with me feeling just a twinge of jealousy, I was soon to find out how far that was.

“No, I don’t mind, Claire. I guess this weekend can’t get any crazier, can it?”

With her still on her knees, continuing to give Robby a very sultry blowjob, I watched him rapturously pull her untethered robe from off her shoulders, giving him and me the opportunity to lustfully gaze upon her gorgeous breasts and aroused nipples. But once she stood back up, Claire swept her arms back and shrugged her shoulders, making the robe easily drop off and away from her, falling to the floor.

As the only negligible bit of clothing that she had been wearing, laid on the carpet, it flabbergasted me, seeing her luscious naked body once again, just the same as it had been at the Temple. Any man who might’ve been standing there watching, I’m sure would’ve been lost in lust over how her beautiful flesh seemed to glisten due to how alluring she was. Her appealing, well-shaped breasts, as well as her slim figure, rounded, gorgeous ass…and her impactful, auburn-colored hair, covering that sweet luscious pussy of hers…seeing them up close like I was, ignited my lusts even higher!!

It wasn’t lost on me that the seemingly chaste woman, who I had been introduced to earlier the previous day, had just about instantaneously overnight had a sexual metamorphosis, becoming a slutty vixen right before our awestruck eyes. And in only a matter of a few short hours after making her acquaintance, Claire McCarver was getting ready to copulate with her daughter’s boyfriend in my RV. And, to top it all off, as far as I could tell, she didn’t seem to have a problem with me watching it happen.

As she noticed how attentively absorbed our eyes were on her taunting nudity, Claire temptingly exhibited herself, flaunting her body to entice Robby and I to have even more carnal lusts for her. And while we were watching her, I could only ask myself, with what we were seeing, how much more aroused was she expecting to get us because of her sensual display? I was soon to find out how much.

As Claire lay down on my bed, she hoisted a crooked index finger in the air moving it in a ‘come hither’ fashion at Robby. Taking on an adopted-but-still-rather-good English accent, she told him exactly what it was she wanted him to do.

“Okay, young man, don’t you think it’s time that we quit messing around and you brought that sweet-tasting cock of yours over here and gave me a thoroughly sound fucking with it?”

Not giving her time to change her mind, Robby came the short distance to where the mother of his girlfriend’s was lying next to me and began to arrange his body so he could mount her in the missionary position.

But that was when suddenly, Claire announced to Robby that she might need some help to prepare her pussy for him, before they could properly mate.

“Honey, I know you’ve got to be hot-to-trot to jump my bones, but I think I’m going to need a little assistance, before you can stick that nice magic wand in me.”

Hearing what she told him, only made Robby look back at her with a confused expression on his face. As she lay there in front of him, with her legs spread wide open, Claire inserted one of her fingers into her slit trying to help him understand what her ‘problem’ was at that moment.

“Hey, baby, it’s okay. But why don’t you run your finger here, right here where mine is right now, and then I think you’ll figure out what I need you to do for me.”

Compliantly moving his hand down to her pussy, trying to insert his index finger straight into it. But by the look on his face, we could tell that he was coming to the understanding how she was needing to be ‘lubricated’ before his boner was going to be able to fit inside her.

“Yeah, see there, baby? You’re gonna have to loosen me up down there, understand?”

“Claire, I, I’m not sure what it is you want me to do…I’m…I’m sorry!”

It wasn’t difficult to read the uneasiness that Robby had, with him still rather new to the world of sexual intercourse, it only being his second time. But I was amazed when she answered him, the way she did.

“Oh lover, don’t sweat it. I can’t wait for you to fuck me. But, I need to get a little more ready. That means if you want to, you can eat my pussy. If you don’t mind.”

“I’ve never, never ever done that before. I’m so sorry, I feel like a total asshole right now. Maybe you shouldn’t even be doing anything with me, Claire. I guess I’m really letting you down right now.”

Her comforting words came to the rescue again, as she answered the anxiety that she could see he was having right then.

“Oh no, Robby, there’s no way I’m letting you get out of this so easily. Of course, I couldn’t tell you then, but I’ve been thinking about you fucking me since the first time you came over to our house. So now’s not the time to walk away from what we both want. Maybe Kyle can show you what you need to do? Will you do that for him, honey?”

It caught me by surprise because I wasn’t expecting Claire to bring me into whatever was going to happen with her and Robby. And there was also the fact that I didn’t expect to be mentoring a young twenty-one-year-old guy how to eat pussy. But I wasn’t going to turn down an invitation like what she was offering me.

“Oh my god, Claire; s-sure, I’ll do it.”

A sultry-type smile illuminated her face, once she knew what it was I was going to do to her.

“Thank you, Kyle.”

Taking my position between her widely splayed legs, I did the best I knew how, to instruct and show the young man there with us, exactly what steps were needed to be taken to pleasure a woman and perform cunnilingus on her.

“Yes, ohhhhh yes, Kyle…you’re really good at this. I get it that this is one of the many reasons why your wife should love having you around…oh fuuuuuck yesssss!!”

Over the next few minutes, I continued pleasuring her there on my bed. Even with the moistness showing between her legs, I wasn’t sure if I should keep doing it, or give Robby a chance to try to see what he could do for her. But then she told me exactly what she wanted.

“Yesssss, Kyle. I’m almost there baby… ohhhhh yeah. Please don’t stop…you’re going to make me cum…fuck-fuck-fuck!!!”

And it wasn’t but about a minute or so later when Claire’s body spasmed, as my tongue was still driving into her then-dripping-wet pussy.

“Oh, you sweet fucker. You goddamn, sweet fucker!! You’re making me cum, ma-king me fuck-ing cum…you-sweet-fuck-you!!!”

With the filthy obscenities pouring out of her mouth, I could tell that right at that moment, Claire had to be enjoying an ecstasy that was probably worth its weight in gold.

Finally seeing that I was more than successful in my mission to prepare her for Robby, I eased myself away from between her legs, returning to my position lying beside Claire on the bed. And then she spoke to both Robby and me.

“Well, that seemed to have worked out quite nicely…didn’t it? But Robby, I think you need a little help with your tool…it’s looking a little ‘droopy’ right now. Come here, baby, and I’ll take care of that for you.”

As he approached her, Claire sat back up on the bed and once again placed her mouth around his staff and ran her lips over it, quickly bringing it to full attention.

As she lay back down on the bed next to me, she had a blissful look of longing on her face.

“Yes, that’s what we want. Now baby, why don’t we pick up from where we left off just a few minutes ago? Let’s thank Kyle for getting me ready. But Robby, I gotta ask, are you ready to fuck me now?”

“Oh yeah, Claire, very ready!!”

With him letting her know how prepared he was, I watched as Robby lowered himself and handily introduced his erection into Claire’s pussy.

As their joined bodies gradually oriented to the other’s, I could see the familiarity between them rapidly escalate, as Robby’s cock sank even further into Claire’s pussy.

Wrapping both of her hands gingerly around Robby’s neck, Claire pulled his face down into hers and began lightly kissing him, bridging their two sets of excited lips together. As they kept that up for a short matter of time, she then spoke to her young lover.

“Oh baby, I’ve wanted you to fuck me for a while now. Is it okay if I tell you that? I think you’re such a hot stud!! The first time Bonnie introduced you to me at church, I couldn’t help wondering how long it was going to be until you’d fuck my daughter. And because I was thinking those nasty thoughts, I knew that as soon as you fucked Bonnie, I was going to want to have my turn with you, too. And see, that’s exactly how it turned out, didn’t it?”

It wasn’t difficult to see that her words were going to push him to climax in her sooner than later.

“Oh god, Claire, this is like a dream come true for me. I don’t know if Kyle wants me to tell you this, but only yesterday he was asking me, if I had the chance, would I want to fuck you?”

Quickly smiling at his revealing to her what he and I had talked about, she answered him back.

“Let me guess, honey, you told him…yes?”

As both of them laughed at her playful reply, and his thrusting inside of her continued, she quickly followed up with another revelation to him.

“Y’know when your mom found out that you were going to come camping with us this weekend, she and I talked on the phone…and Rhonda asked me…to take care of her son. But I don’t think this is exactly what she had in mind when she asked me that. And as far as what our friend, here, asked you…I guess we should ask him the same question.”

Even while Robby was still plunging his hard meat into Claire’s pussy, as I lay next to her, she turned her eyes up to mine and said…

“So, Kyle, let me ask you…if you had the chance to fuck me…would you do it?”

Her daring query just about caught me totally off guard, and for a few short seconds, I struggled to come up with an answer to her very direct question.

“Uh, I-I– Claire…are you asking me…”

Smiling up at me, while still entertaining Robby’s stiff erection as it drove into her, I could tell she was delighted in how she had knocked me off kilter with her uninhibited inquiry.

“Uh, Claire, I don’t…”

“Kyle, c’mon. I don’t think that having you eat my pussy knocked that much sense out of you, did it? Just tell me, do you want to fuck me…or not?”

Right away, I began panicking, remembering the malady that I was sometimes plagued by, and why Laura and I had the problems that we did. Or, at least, that was the excuse I made right at that moment.

“Well, you see Claire, I have this problem that sometimes comes along, that I, I don’t get hard like I need to…and…”

As she listened to what I was panicky trying to tell her about my situation, she matter-of-factly held the palm of her hand up to me, in the gesture of getting me to stop talking for a moment.

“Hang on a second, Kyle…

“Robby dear, do you mind giving me a moment with Kyle? But don’t go anywhere, stud. Because I’m not done with you. Not by a long shot!!”

After he had compliantly gotten up off of Claire, she rolled herself over to where I was lying on the bed next to her, candidly telling me…

“Okay, let’s talk about this the best way we can, honey. Pull your undies off for me, I want you to show me what I’m sure is your very nice cock. And then let’s figure out the situation from there, okay?”

As I did what she asked, with the two of us then lying completely naked on my bed, she began holding my more-than-somewhat-erect member, attentively studying it, as well as tenderly stroking it up and down with light amounts of pre-cum oozing out of my piss-slit.

My thoughts went back to the night before, when Nancy had done the same thing there in her brother’s RV. But as I had her hand gripping my cock, I admittedly found myself even more enamored with Claire McCarver, than I had been with Nancy Turner.

“I just want you to know that my husband, Bill, he’s got an issue with E.D. too. So it isn’t like I don’t know anything about these things. But I’ll tell you, the doctor says he’s got it because he’s let his body go to pot, and I don’t think he’s going to be changing his lifestyle anytime soon.”

“Yeah, well it doesn’t always affect me, Claire. Matter of fact, last night, well there was this woman, you saw her in the Temple. She was the one who let her brother fuck her there in front of all of us, it was their first time together.”

“Oh yeah, they were a hot couple, weren’t they?”

“Most definitely they were! But anyway, Nancy helped me last night to get a nice hard on…and…”

As she was still lightly stroking my sensitive cock-head, Claire looked into my eyes, almost like she was gazing straight into my soul and told me…

“Don’t worry, sweetie. Whatever happens here…right now with us…happens. And that’s all we can hope for, right?”

Once she’d said that, the beautiful lady leaned her face into mine and we impulsively began exchanging blissful kisses with each other. The more that our lips and mouths found genuine familiarity and intimacy with each other, all of my thoughts and remembrances of the outside world abruptly vanished from my mind. At that moment, all I could think of was being with Claire McCarver in my bed. There weren’t any considerations of my wife, or the rude way she’d been treating me that weekend. Our daughters and my sister, Diane, became extinct, as my whole point of focus centered around being with the lovely lady directly lying underneath me.

And as I could feel her hand tighten and then lightly stroke my ecstatic staff, bringing it to a point where we both knew what we could be doing together if that was what we wanted. I understood it then, all I wanted…was her.

As that realization blissfully came to me, I lifted myself so that I’d be in the position for our bodies to link. As I hovered myself above her with our eyes locked, and her palm rubbing up against my cheek, Claire challenged me…

“Now, no more talk, Kyle. I want you to fuck me!”

Feeling like the king of the world, with an almost-unconscious effort, I brought my cock to where I needed, and lined it up with her more-than-ready pussy.

As I entered and then elatedly fully penetrated her, Claire let out what sounded like a sensual groan, that I didn’t think I’d ever quite heard before. And as she had done with Robby, she did the same with me as well. Raising her head, and then bringing her lips to join mine, we both began energetically smooching, as she accepted my cock happily circulating inside her.

“Oh yeah, Kyle, fuck me, you handsome man. I can’t believe what’s happened so far. I’ve had the time of my life at the Temple, and then I get to have you and Robby fuck me. Oh my god, this is totally blowing my mind!! Oh, and speaking of Robby, we can’t forget him. I need to take care of him, too. Just like I promised his mother I’d do.

“I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you mount me doggie style? And then, Robby, you get in front of me and I’ll take care of you from there.”

I’m sure it was a sight to behold when the both of us did as Claire asked of us. There I was, pushing myself into her from behind, while Robby, with a very satisfied look on his face, knelt on the bed in front of her, while she excitedly took as much of his erect cock into her mouth as possible.

And then after a few minutes, she had us switch it up. Robby gladly took the position behind her, and I came around front while Claire more than adequately sucked my cock. Her lips were pleasuring me and keeping me fully erect, while allowing Robby to keep fucking her from behind. Loving the fact that each of us were enjoying our lascivious extravagant threesome, that up to that time in my life, I had never enjoyed like I was right at that moment!!

But while we basked in the satisfaction of our three-way tryst, there came a noise. I guess it would be more accurate to say that out of the darkness, just outside my bedroom, there came a voice that said…

“What in holy hells goin’ on here? Robby…are you fucking my mother??”

Appearing to be in a noticeable-type-of-shock-and-dazed stupor, an awakened Bonnie repeated her alarm even more vocally.

“Oh my gawd mom, are you, right now seriously fucking my boyfriend??”


The three of us finally noticed Bonnie was, dressed only in a pullover T-shirt, standing and watching what we were doing with each other. My first thought was that Claire would put an immediate stop to what was taking place, so she could apologize to her daughter. But that isn’t what happened at all.

“Don’t get too worked up over this, Bonnie. I think Robby’s been wanting to fuck me for a while now. And the truth is, now that you know your mom’s a slut…I’ve been wanting this, too.”

“Oh my god, mom, what the fuck’s happened to you?? I’m sure it’s got something to do with what we saw you doing with all those people tonight, right?”

“Baby, there’s so much, I guess, I need to tell you…and sooner or later, your father, too. But, I wasn’t sure how any of you would take all this.”

“Mom, how the hell do you think I’m supposed to take this? You can’t just start fucking Robby, like he’s your boyfriend instead of mine!! That’s some seriously messed-up shit!!”

Taking into account how Claire, once caught, wasn’t backing down from what she was wanting to do, she answered Bonnie’s challenge to her.

“Well then, I guess we need to ask Robby what he wants, don’t we?”

As Bonnie turned to look at her boyfriend, as he was still positioned behind Claire, that’s probably when she noticed that he hadn’t even removed his erect penis from out of her mother’s pussy.

“Oh baby, please don’t tell me you want my mom more than you want me?”

“That’s not fair, Bonnie. Is it wrong if I want you both? I mean c’mon here. Who could turn down an invitation from either one of you? You told me earlier that you wanted to fuck…so I did that with you. And then, your mom…she…invited me to…do her, too. Can you blame me?”

That was when I noticed Bonnie’s eyes averting to me and where I was kneeling on the bed in front of her mother as Claire was taking her hand, still stroking my cock while the just-about-downright-unconscionable conversation between the four of us continued.

“Well, what if Kyle wanted me to bed down with him? Would you say I was wrong if I said yes to him wanting to fuck me?”

When I could see him mulling over her challenging question, Robby didn’t take much time to give her his answer.

“I think whatever the two of you want to do is okay. I just want you to be happy in whatever you decide. And I hope that’s what you want for me too, Bonnie.”

I noted a somewhat dismissive sound of indignation in her voice, after she heard her boyfriend make his remark about wanting her to be happy.

“Oh, don’t worry about me, Robby, I’m sure I’ll do whatever it takes for me to make myself happy!!”

Probably to prove her point to her once-again-horny boyfriend, she moved over to where I was still on the bed kneeling in front of her mother. That’s when Bonnie lowered her knees to the floor. Maybe in an act of defiance, she gingerly placed her hands on my hips, and then used them to get me to turn my body until I was oriented in the same direction towards her.

As my semi-erect staff pointed to her, Bonnie leaned over and seemingly without regard to what her boyfriend might have thought, and in an outright act of dissent, placed her mouth over my cock.

When she began running her warm lips up and down it, she looked up into my eyes and flashed me a smile that helped me understand that no matter what her disagreement with her boyfriend was right then, she was very much into sucking my cock.

After she’d brought me to an acceptable erection, Bonnie got up off the floor and casually joked with her mother and Robby, as the two of them had more or less dismissively gone back to fucking each other doggie style.

“C’mon you guys, you can’t hog the whole bed here. You’re gonna need to give Kyle and me some room, too. If we’re all gonna fuck like this together, then we should at least be considerate of each other, right?”

While Bonnie and I watched her mother and Robby take the time to mindfully sidle over enough to accommodate us, we lay down and took our place next to them on my bed.

I have to admit, if my wife or anyone else might’ve walked in on us at that time, it probably would’ve appeared to be a really bizarre sight to see four people on our RV bed, lost in sexual abandon with each other.

With her lying down on the bed face upward, I ecstatically mounted Bonnie missionary style. As my staff sank blissfully and penetrated her, I noticed that her left outspread leg couldn’t help but touch and make contact with her mother, while her boyfriend uninhibitedly fucked her mother from behind.

“Oooohhh, Kyle, your cock feels so nice sliding in and out fucking me good!! Fuck me, baby…nice and good!!”

As the thought struck me, I realized with what I knew of Bonnie’s limited sexual history, the only other male that she’d been with so far was her first boyfriend Phil, and then just that night, for the first time, Robby the one who’d replaced Phil.

But at that moment, I began to wonder even with the mutual attraction that I thought was going on between her and I, if I wasn’t too old to be with her sexually? After all, my youngest daughter Amber was even a little older than the twenty-year-old girl lying beneath me, with her eyes staring up into mine. And I told her about the reservations I had and if we should be doing that, or not.

“Oh no, Kyle, I want you to fuck me. I was turned on when we met you, and Nancy was sucking your cock outside. I thought that was so hot, with you guys doing something so nasty like that.”

As our coupling advanced into a contented rhythm, I could hear Claire and Robby who were next to us there on the bed, delighting each other with him still behind her mating, doggie style.

“Yeah baby, fuck me. Fuck me, Robby!! I don’t want to scare my daughter, but I hope this isn’t the last time that she’ll let me fuck her boyfriend. Oh my god, this whole weekend’s been a crazy circus, hasn’t it? But for right now, Robby, just-keep-fuck-ing-me!!”

“Oh yeah, Claire. I still can’t believe I’m getting to do this with you. And if Bonnie doesn’t mind, I hope this isn’t the only time we get to be together. But I gotta tell you, I’m getting really close now. Where do you want me to cum? I hope you don’t mind if I do it in you.”

“Don’t worry, baby, a few years back they had to perform a hysterectomy on me, and I can’t get pregnant. So it’s okay. Do whatever’s going to feel good for you.”

“Ohhhh yeah, Claire, that’s what I was hoping you’d let me do!!”

And as Bonnie and I continued in our cozy connection, the two of us listened to the sexual excitement between her boyfriend and her mother continue to grow.

But what Claire told her lover next, helped me understand just how the depravity of being with the group had seemed to have overtaken her whole sense of rationality.

“Matter of fact, Robby, I want you to fuck me just like you’d want to fuck your mother. After all, I’ve seen how you sometimes look at her. So I’ll ask you the same question that Kyle asked you before, but this time, it’s about Rhonda, your mom. If you could, would you fuck her? Do you want to fuck your own mother? Tell me the truth, baby; don’t be afraid.”

Once Bonnie heard her mom, asking her boyfriend whether he wanted to have sex with his own mother, I noted a rather startled gasp escape her, while she was beneath me.

When Robby heard the raunchy explicit question that came from Claire, I could tell the force of the poundings of his cock into her pussy had increased to an even higher amount.

“Oh my god, Claire. Why are you even putting that thought in my head? I don’t think that’s something that she’d even want to do with me. C’mon, why even put an idea in my head about something that isn’t ever going to happen?”

“Why? Because that’s what I’m thinking about, I can’t help it, Robby. When you saw me earlier tonight, and what I did in front of everybody, I finally made peace with the fact that it’s something I like to do. I like watching people fuck. Just like I enjoyed seeing you fuck Bonnie earlier. And…and what I want, is to be able to be in the same room as you and Rhonda…and I want to watch you.”

“You want to watch us? Why would you want to watch us?”

“Oh fuck!! Don’t you understand what I am by now, goddamn you? I want to be able to watch you fuck Rhonda!! It would be such a turn-on if you and your mom would want me to watch the two of you fucking in front of me!!”

I could tell that her revelation to him about her overpowering fetish, pushed him completely over the edge, causing anxious jitters as he kept thrusting his cock into her. Once he began taking seriously what it was she was luring him to do with the woman who had given birth to him.

“Oh God…oh fuck…oh shit!! Claire, are you serious? My mom…fucking my own mother, in front of you? Fuuuuuck!!”

“Yes, baby, but only if she’s totally onboard with it, too. I want her to want it as much as I do. And then she could watch us fucking in front of her. I think she’d like to see that, too!!”

And then Bonnie spoke up.

“C’mon mom, are you serious? You want to watch him fuck his own mother? Oh my god!!”

Both Bonnie, Claire and I could easily tell that Robby thinking about going to bed with his own mother was taking its toll on him.

“Yesssss, I’m ready for you to cum in me, baby…and I want you to think about it…think about fucking your mom, Robby, and letting me watch while the two of you do it. She wants it. She wants you. She’s all alone and she’s only forty-two years old and your mom needs, she wants a man. You could be that man…and I need you to answer my question now…do you want to fuck your mother?”

As I watched him for the first time seriously contemplating Claire’s question, an expression came to Robby’s face that was completely new to me. It was the look of pure arousal.

“Yessssss, I want to fuck her. Oh god, yes!!

“Then fuck me like a man who fucks his own mother, Robby. Show us what you’re going to be doing once you get back home and you finally confess to your gorgeous mother that you want her to commit incest with you. You tell her what you want…and then she takes you to bed with her. Oh god, Robby. I think your mom’s not gonna put up much of a fuss to get in her pants. Yes…fuck me hard with that nice, sweet cock of yours…fuck me, Robby!!!”

While I was still driving my cock into his girlfriend, Bonnie and I were sure as we listened to him grunting out his orgasm inside her mother, that his mind was most likely totally centered around the nasty taboo thoughts that Claire had put in his head, of what it would be like to have incestuous relations with his mom and cum inside her pussy.

“Oh fuck, Claire…I’m cumming…cummmmming in you!!!”

“Yes baby, cum inside me. This is exactly what it’s going to be like when you’re with your mother and she begs you to get her pregnant. Believe me, she wants her baby to fuck her. Robby, don’t be afraid to want to fuck your mother!!!”

“Oh god…this is so…fuuuuuck!! Mom…I’m cumming inside you!!”

It was as if Claire’s hypnotic temptations had seduced her daughter’s boyfriend into an incestuous trance of some sort, and he’d been transported to being in his own mother’s bed.

“Yes…cumming in mother…ahhhhh!!”

Bonnie and I both watched, as her boyfriend strongly gripped Claire’s body and snuggled himself as closely as possible to her, as he began shooting his semen into her waiting pussy.

“Oh yeah, Robby, I can feel your cock throbbing. Oh fuck, your cum…squirt that luscious juice into my cunt, you sweet fucker!! Oh god…I’m, I’m…”

It was as if Claire had been overtaken by an unknown sexual spirit of some kind, as she irresistibly succumbed to an intense orgasmic force.

“Fuuuuuck, oh my god, oh my god…I’m cummminnng with your sweet cock in me, Robby. Keep cumming in me, baby boy…yesss, cum in me!!!”

As we watched her body tense up and her hips shake, while Robby was ejaculating his seed into her, it helped to further push Bonnie and I in our mating frolicking, as well.

“Oh my god, Kyle…fuck me like Robby did mom…fuck my cunt hard!! Oh yeah, fuck me hard!!!”

And then it was Bonnie’s turn to fall under her own spell of carnal lust. When her climax finally overtook her, she placed her arms tightly around me, and then as her body writhed underneath mine and her hips kept pushing themselves up, pressing into my groin…our bodies stayed locked as the intense pleasure of our coupling surged through both of us.

“Yeah…yeah…oh fuuuuck, yes!! I love you, Kyle…love you!! I wish you were my dad…so you could fuck me when we were home together…oh goddaaaamn, fuck me Kyle…fuuuuck me!!”

As far as I could tell, it was if she were talking out of her head. And I wondered if Bonnie would even recall or care later, what she was saying to me right then.

But also at that moment, I could feel my climax sneaking up on me. And while I kept up the ramming of my prick into Bonnie’s wet pussy, I couldn’t help but announce my oncoming blessed rendezvous with pleasure.

“Oh yeah, Bonnie honey, it’s not going to be too much longer for me until I finish, too.”

Because Claire and Robby had already achieved their climaxes, Bonnie’s mother picked up on what I had said about getting ready to ejaculate. And the protective instinct for her daughter took over, once she had slightly come back down from her orgasmic high.

“Kyle, Bonnie doesn’t need to be getting pregnant so young. So if nothing else…please don’t cum in her, honey.”

Slowing down my movements into Bonnie somewhat, I was getting nearer to releasing my sperm and selfishly wanted to make sure I enjoyed it to the hilt!!

“Okay, Claire. But where else should I do it, I’m getting really close.”

“Well, you did do a real nice job for me, licking my pussy. So, one hand washes the other when it comes to things like this. Why don’t you…?”

Seeing that she was taking my situation seriously, by the way her eyes rolled back and forth in their sockets, and then after a smile flashed across her face, she told me what she wanted me to do.

“Why don’t you cum in my mouth, Kyle? Let’s get a good taste of that sweet jizz of yours, honey!!”

I knew how serious she was, when Claire turned herself around on the bed until she was facing me, propped up on her knees. Solidly taking that position, her lips opened up enough to let me know the sincerity she had, to allow me to ejaculate where she told me to.

After sawing my cock in and out of her daughter a few more times, my body became quite prepared to spew my seed into whatever vessel would make itself available to me. Thankfully, it looked like Claire’s mouth was waiting for me.

And then, as considerately as I knew how, I pulled my cock out of Bonnie and raised it up to place it into her mother’s waiting mouth, as she knelt next to her daughter on my bed.

“Yes baby, put that sweet cock of yours in my mouth! Oh dear god, I am so ready for it!!!

It was as if our timing had been just about perfect. Once Claire had my shiny penis between her lips that were tightening around it, I felt my orgasm slam into me and my semen began forcefully spewing and gushing into her mouth. That’s when I angrily recalled how my wife refused to finish the blowjob that she had started, and how unfulfilled I felt when she’d done that. But right at that moment, having my cock inside Claire’s mouth, made me find my wife’s vindictive behavior repulsive!!

As Bonnie sat up and witnessed my ejaculating into her mother’s mouth. I could see how excited she was as it took place right there next to her…and as well by what she said.

“Oh god, mom, that’s so fucking hot!! Kyle’s cumming in your mouth!!”

It was even more of a turn-on for me, as the daughter and mother proceeded to remain next to each other, while Claire’s lips snugly held tenderly onto my cock and I spewed the leftover amount of my semen into her mouth.

After the flow of my jizz completely waned, Claire took hold of my erection and bringing it out of her still-closed mouth, pointed the head of my cock towards her daughter.

Picking up on what her mother was wanting her to do, Bonnie willingly accepted it into her mouth as well, letting me feel the soothing action of her lips, as they massaged themselves back and forth over the head of my still-sensitive, throbbing cock-head.

“Yeah, Bonnie, that feels sooo good, baby girl!!”

In a quick flash, seeing the young woman who was holding my penis softly in her mouth, I thought of my daughter Amber, and I wondered what it would feel like if I were to cum into her mouth and then what our relationship would become after having her suck her father’s cock.

But that thought quickly dissipated, once I noticed that Claire was pulling Bonnie’s face into hers. As she acquiesced to her mother’s erotic invitation, I watched as the two horny women’s lips came together in what suddenly became a very naughty kiss between them.

With Claire’s one hand tenderly wrapped around her daughter’s neck, she kept her lips pressed into Bonnie’s. I watched as the mother began opening her mouth, releasing her serpentine tongue as well as the remains of my semen that she had accepted, sending both into her daughter’s waiting mouth.

I couldn’t believe how forcefully their passions took over, as their make-out session escalated to an even hotter degree between them. Mother and daughter, in just a matter of moments, were arousing each other like I thought I had never seen before in my life.

As I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the incestuous, decadent sharing of their tongues, as well as enjoying the mixture of my seed along with their saliva, it was making my head spin more than I think it ever had before in my life.

“Oh, mom, I never knew we’d ever do something like this together. I love you so much!!”

“I love you too, Bonn. I guess I never realized what being with you like this could do to me. You’re such a beautiful girl. And you’re my beautiful girl…and mommy wants to eat you all up, baby!!”

And that was when I saw a fire in Claire’s eyes affirming she was wanting to do things to her daughter that a mother should never, ever do.

“Lie back, honey. Mommy wants to take care of her girl!!”

With an erotic fire furiously blazing in her eyes, she guided Bonnie back onto my bed, Claire used both of her hands to push her daughter’s legs apart, and then they gazed into each other’s eyes for just a few short seconds.

“Mommy loves you, baby!!”

“I love you too, mom!! Can we really be doing this right now? Is this even fucking real?”

“Oh yes, baby, it’s real. Mommy’s going to taste you. Oh god yes, I hope it’s fucking real!!”

And with that, Claire brought her face down into Bonnie’s furry bush, beginning to briskly run her tongue between her daughter’s wet gash.

“Oh fuuuck, mom, yessss!! That feels so good. I couldn’t believe it when I watched, with those men…wanting you!! And then they were fucking my mother!! And when I watched you sucking cock, too…it was making me so wet, mom…so fucking wet!!”

Relaying to her mother exactly what she saw her doing, Bonnie’s body seemed to be almost spasming while she was talking.

“And then what it was I saw you do with that woman Natalie, too. I felt really ashamed by how much it really turned me on. I just wasn’t sure how to tell you how much I liked watching you doing those things. And now, you’re doing it with me, too.

“Oh god, mom…eat my pussy…eat my fucking pussy mommmm!!”

As Claire kept doing exactly as her daughter was asking of her, she grasped the sides of Bonnie’s legs and pushed her face as far into her valley as she could.

“Yesssss, yessss, you’re making me–you’re giving me a–oh fuck, mom–I’m cumming!!

“Oh god, I’m cumming on your mouth!!”

“Yes baby, give it to mommy. I’m ready to drink your pussy juice, honey. Mommy wants to make her baby’s pussy feel good!!”

It was definitely a tantalizing exotic sight to behold, as Bonnie pressed her cunt as far up into her mother’s face as possible. I couldn’t miss the hypnotic stare on Robby’s face, as he witnessed his girlfriend’s orgasm flare itself up. I’m sure he had to be as turned on as I was, watching a mother incestuously performing cunnilingus on her own daughter. Robby and I could only stare at the exhibition of naked flesh displayed before us, making it plain how fervently filthy the two of them were willing to go with each other.

With an untold amount of pleasure surging through her, due to her mother’s wicked tongue, Bonnie rocked her head left to right and let us know how much she was loving what was happening to her.

“Oh…oh…oh yeah…fuuuuuck!!”

“Yes baby, cum for mommy!!”

Keeping her mouth attached to her daughter’s pussy as her orgasm raged through her, Robby and I could see the continued fire in Claire’s eyes, as she desired to bring Bonnie as much pleasure as possible.

“Yeah, mom, oh fuck, yessss!! Don’t stop, please don’t stop!!”

Launching her hips and arching her back as far off the bed as she could, what Bonnie was allowing us to see definitely showed her climax was taking over, and her body movements, at that moment, were uncontrollable.

“Yes baby…cum for me. Mommy just wants to make her baby feel good!!”

And then, after her climax had finally wound itself down, Bonnie got up off the bed and told her mother…

“Now, it’s my turn. I’ve never done this before, but I’m going to do my best to give you the same thing that you gave me and make you feel good, too.”

Without nary a sound, and wearing only a smile on her face, Claire accepted what was about to happen, and lay back on the bed, longingly gazing at her daughter, voluntarily spreading her legs and resting on her elbows, in just about the same position and spot as Bonnie had been lying.

As Claire’s legs were spread invitingly wide for her, Bonnie looked like a lioness in heat, while in the jungle stalking her prey, as she inched herself up to where her mother’s pussy was openly exposed to her there on the bed. We then watched as she stuck out her tongue preparing to sexually sample the first incestuous taste she would get of her mother. She then sank it into Claire and ran it back and forth across her mother’s feminine furrow and then withdrew it.

After that, using her finger, Bonnie inserted it into her mother’s labia, doing what she could, to explore and pleasure the place where she had come into the world. That was when she used two fingers and inserted them into Claire’s folds trying to get them further apart and deeper into the cleft between her mother’s legs.

“Yes baby…that feels good…but don’t stop, honey…mommy needs you to go deeper.”

As Bonnie obeyed her mother’s instructions, she placed another finger inside Claire’s cunt and then drove those three into her, penetrating wider, and further.

“Yesssss, yes, that’s what I need…yes, baby, fuck mommy’s cunt with those sweet fingers of yours!!”

Not satisfied with just doing that for her, Bonnie’s tongue protruded out of her mouth and then she slowly brought it down, and then directly into her mother’s pussy again.

“Fuuuuuck yeah, Bonnie!! Are you sure you’ve never done this before, baby?”

“Just learned it like everything else–online, watching porn.”

“That reminds me, I’m going to have to make sure I pay our cable internet bill for this month!! Oh fuck, baby, don’t stop now…keep licking my pussy!!”

Moving back into the folds of her mother’s sex, Bonnie’s tongue flittered daintily over Claire’s clitoris in an effort to bring as much sexual pleasure as possible to her mother.

“I’m not sure what things are going to be like for us after we get home, Bonnie, but right now, I can’t think of a better place to be than having your face between my legs and eating my pussy, baby. Oh holy Jesus, this is so fucking delicious, I love you, baby girl!!”

I guess neither Bonnie nor Claire had noticed that Robby had been intently viewing the sexual spectacle that was taking place between the two of them. They didn’t notice, that is, until he got behind Bonnie and inserted his cock back into her naked and exposed gash.

“Oh fuck yeah, honey…you want to be in my pussy again, don’t you?”

“Yeah, Bonnie, I do. I can’t get enough of you!!”

“You can’t get enough of me, or you’re just wanting me so you can fuck my mother again?”

“Uh, I want the both of you. I hope that’s something that we can make happen.”

That was when Claire answered Robby, honestly telling him…

“Well, maybe that’ll be possible, as long as you don’t mistreat my daughter just because you’re getting to fuck her like you are. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Claire, quite clear.”

As I watched the three of them, Robby fucking Bonnie, while the daughter performed cunnilingus on her mother’s pussy, I couldn’t help but wonder what their lives were going to be like once they returned home. But then there was another reminder of what might be possible when Bonnie took her attention away from giving her mother cunnilingus, and asked Robby another question.

“So, is it like mom said…do you want to fuck your mother? And am I going to have to compete with her, too, for my boyfriend’s affections?”

While Robby contemplated Bonnie’s question, he hadn’t stopped thrusting his resurrected cock into his girlfriend.

“Bonnie, I’m just wanting to make sure I can hold onto you. All this other stuff that we’re worried about, maybe won’t ever happen. But as long as I can have you…and maybe your mom, now and then, I think everything’ll be fine. Don’t you think so?”

“Yes baby, but right now, I like what you’re doing and I need you to keep fucking me. Fuck me, Robby…fuck me!!”

As I could tell that Bonnie was satisfied taking her boyfriend’s cock once again inside her bareback, she returned to pleasuring her mother’s pussy, as well. They seemed to be as content as any of them could hope to ask for.

And while I watched for the next few minutes, as they gloried in their threesome, I found it extremely arousing when Bonnie and Claire changed positions, lying down next to each other in front of Robby who was reclined with his back on the bed. Both mother and daughter performing fellatio on him, mutually sucking his cock between the two of them.

As they lay on the bed, I could see the newborn erotic connection between mother and daughter as they took turns taking Robby’s cock into their mouths, each bringing him very close to ejaculating, but would then back off. Once after Claire had taken her turn, she brought her mouth up to his and the two of them shared a very passionate kiss. After that, telling her daughter’s boyfriend something very arousing…

“I love sucking your cock, honey. Let’s not let this be the last time that we do this, okay?”

And then the three of them changed positions again as Bonnie showed her boyfriend how she enjoyed pleasuring her mother, with Robby joining in, taking part in licking Claire’s pussy for the first time with his tongue.

I guess they enjoyed what it was they were doing with Claire being orally serviced by her daughter, and then Robby again fucking Bonnie from behind for the next few minutes.

And then it wasn’t much longer after, that I heard the young man begin panting and huffing as he continued pistoning his stiff prick deep into Bonnie’s cunt from behind her.

“Oh…oh man…I’m…I’m getting ready!!”

But by that time, I noticed that nobody said anything to him about pulling out of his girlfriend. Robby only built up speed as Bonnie kept performing cunnilingus on her mother as a heavily distracted Claire fell into another bout of orgasmic bliss.

“Yes baby, lick mommy’s cunt…oh, oh fuck, oh fucking fuuuuuck!!!”

As I watched Claire enthralled by another overwhelming climax, her daughter was trying to deal with her own while simultaneously sensually working her tongue between her mother’s legs.

“Yeah, Robby, fuck me…oh shit…fuck me, honey!!”

“Should I pull out Bonn, should I pull out of you again?”

The only answer I heard coming from Bonnie was her contented sighs helping her boyfriend to know how much she was feeling overpowered by his cock and what it was doing to her at that moment.

“Ohhhhhh, mmmmmmm, yessss, fuck me, baby, just…please don’t…stop fucking me!!”

“But, but, what if?”

“I don’t care!! I just want you to cum in me, Robby…do it!! Oh shit…I’m starting to cum right now, too!! Don’t stop fucking me, Robby!!”

As I watched his erect cock frantically sliding back and forth deep inside Bonnie with her impending orgasm, I figured she was anticipating him releasing his thick cum into her, she rocked and twisted her hips as he kept driving himself into the depths of his girlfriend’s pussy.

“Yes, Robby…oooohhh yeah, I want you to cum in me…cum deeeep inside me!!”

Hearing her enchanting words, I figured Bonnie, right then, didn’t care what might happen if her boyfriend’s viral seed made contact with any one of her fertile eggs. Having had the same thing happen to Laura and me years ago, I fully understood what the repercussions could be due to an unplanned pregnancy. But I still didn’t feel as if I had any right to step in to try to stop what I was pretty sure was going to take place there in front of me.

Fulfilling Bonnie’s request, Robby made his final forceful thrust and then held her hips; he kept his body very still, while his cock nestled itself inside his girlfriend’s obliging and satisfying warm cunt.

“Ooooohhhh yeahhhhh…!!”

Because of his animated grunting, I could tell Robby’s potent seed was spewing into his girlfriend. And even though her strong orgasmic trance had just about overpowered her, Bonnie labored to describe the carnal delight that was coursing through her as they audaciously coupled on my RV bed.

“Yessssss, I feel it, Robby. You’re, oh, you’re cumming in me! Oooohhhh, your cock…it’s throbbing…shooting your jizz inside me, ooooh yeahhhh!!”

“Bonnie…I love you so much!! So much, honey!!


After that, was when the four of us fell asleep. Claire, slumbering with me, while Bonnie and Robby slept on the roll-out bed that the couch made into.

As Claire and I snuggled our naked bodies together, that late Saturday night-early Sunday morning, I still couldn’t help wondering where my absentee wife might be spending the night. But with her letting me know how dedicated she was to not break off hanging with her friends, and what she told me earlier before she left, all I could hope for was that Laura was safe and bedding down with other members of her group.

And just as I was falling asleep, with Claire’s back to my chest, and in my arms, I still held out hope that Laura would keep her promise and finally give her explanation of how she first came into contact with her group of friends. I definitely wondered what kind of story she was going to give the man that she’d been perpetually cheating on for who-knew-how-long, on our return trip home that next day on Sunday afternoon.

End of part 6


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