Just Once by jmm999,jmm999


British English spelling and grammar throughout. Cheating wife.


Just once

“I’m off to the quiz night then babe. What are you planning tonight?” asked Steve.

“Sandy’s coming round.” said Deb. “She needs to unburden herself. I expect it’s just women’s stuff, but we’ll probably get through a bottle of wine. I may be in bed when you get back.”

“Better have a box of tissues handy as well.”

“Good idea.”

They kissed goodbye and he opened the door. Sandy was outside, about to knock.

“Sandy, perfect timing!”

“Hi Steve!”

They hugged in the hallway. He’d been married to Deb for eight years and much preferred her medium sized breasts; but was not averse to a sexy hug. Sandy’s breasts were nearly twice the size, and her hugs were full on.

Steve was looking forward to walking down the pub, and not only to clear the cobwebs before the quiz. Deb had been acting rather strangely the last few days. Nothing he could put his finger on; just kind of distracted.

As he reached the corner, his mobile phone rang. It was Dan, the pub landlord.

“Steve, sorry mate, the quiz is cancelled.”

“What? Why?”

“The other teams have been calling in. Half are dropping like flies with this fortyeight hour bug, so I’ve had to cancel! But you can still come down for a beer.”

“Are the rest coming?”

Dan hesitated.

“Actually, most of them are staying in.”

“Sorry mate, looks like you’ll be having a quiet night.”

Most people have their sneaky side. As Steve got back to the house, he decided to keep quiet. Their friend Sandy was divorced and living alone. He was intrigued to know what she needed to unburden. Might be something racy. He let himself in quietly.

They had a front room; the living room was at the back. Steve turned off his phone and opened the door, ready to slip in if anyone came out to the hall. A bottle of wine between them would probably send them scurrying out to the downstairs toilet, and he would have to be ready. His brief excursion outside had given them time to get stuck into the wine.

The living room door was half open, as always. But standing in the unlit hallway, Steve couldn’t be seen. He removed his leather jacket and put it in the front room. Sandy was wearing a short summer dress and had her knees pointing straight at him. Muttering something about mosquitoes, she pulled it up and scratched her upper thigh. ‘Very nice.’ he thought. ‘You don’t often see green panties. Not the most thrilling colour, but it’s always exciting to see something you shouldn’t.’

“So, what did you want to discuss?”

Now this was a surprise. Sandy had spoken. Steve thought it should be Deb asking that question.

“It’s about sex outside marriage Sandy. It’s not an affair if I tell Steve about it beforehand is it?” said Deb.

“I suppose not, technically. So, are you having an affair?”

“Not yet, but I want to.”

“Why would you want to do that? You’ve always given me the impression Steve’s a good husband.”

“Oh, he is!”

“Is it sex then? Doesn’t he satisfy you?”

“It’s not that either. Our sex life is great!”

‘Well that’s a relief.’ thought Steve. ‘I didn’t think we had problems, but it’s reassuring to have it confirmed.’

“Then why?”

“Because Steve is the only man I’ve ever had. He swept me off my feet when I was seventeen, and we got married a year later.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin bride; it’s considered cool these days.”

“Oh, I wasn’t a virgin when we married. Steve and I had made love loads of times. But I’ve never experienced any other man. I’m twentysix and I want to try someone else. Just once. Just to know what it feels like.”

“And you had nobody at all before Steve?”


“What kind of answer is that?”

“I went up the Top Rank Club when I was sixteen.”

“I thought you had to be eighteen to get in there.”

“Yes, but the bouncers were ok if you looked like you were going to behave yourself. I went with Trish who was eighteen. She’d been before and knew one of them. So it was a case of ‘She’s with me’ and we breezed in.”

“I bet your parents didn’t know. I remember how strict they were.”

“They didn’t. I told them I was having a sleepover at Trish’s, which was true. But her mum and dad were a lot less strict than mine. Though we still didn’t tell them we were going to the club. Anyway we had a great time, I tried my first alcohol.”

“What did you drink?”

“A snowball. You know, Advocaat, lime and lemonade.”

“Wow! Miss Sophisticated!”

“I know, it’s not so cool now. But at sixteen I thought it was wonderful! And they served it in a round brandy glass, so it looked more like a snowball.”

“Go on. What happened?”

“They closed the doors at eleven. People were still inside, drinking and dancing, but no-one else was allowed in. They do it to keep out the drunks. Trish said we’d better be back at hers by half past, so we left. There were still two bouncers hanging around outside. But they weren’t really needed, there was a cordon and a closed sign.”

“Yeah, I remember that closed sign. There were times we’d drink in cheap pubs, and get to Top Rank too late.”

“So one of the bouncers says: “Fancy a quickie Trish?” and they popped round the corner into an alleyway. She left me standing there, saying she’d only be five minutes. The other guy said: “How about you?” I thought they meant a ciggy and said I didn’t smoke. He laughed and said they were actually going to have a knee-trembler. I’d never heard of that either, and when I asked him what it was, he said he’d show me.”

“I’ll bet he did!”

“Naïve, I know. But I was only sixteen. He took me round the other side of the building and pushed me up against the wall. Next thing I knew he had his hand up my dress. He was disgusting. Said he knew he was supposed to start with my tits, but we didn’t have long. And anyway, there was no point as I didn’t have much up top.”

“Cheeky bastard!”

“He kissed me and it was horrible; I’d never had a tongue in my mouth before. He stank of cigarettes and beer. And his chin was so bristly it hurt my face. He held me against the wall and shoved his hand under my panties. I was scared, and pushed him off, and shouted “No!” and Trish shouted back “Leave her alone!”. He stepped away and I ran back round the front. Trish joined me and the bloke she’d been with arrived, doing up his zip.”


Steve had never heard about that incident. But so what? He’d never felt the need to question Deb about her past sex life. No need; it was obvious she hadn’t really had one.

“Everything changed after that.” Deb continued. “I always thought Trish was fun, and lucky to have such open-minded parents. But I now realised she was just a slut, and her parents were probably not much better. We didn’t fall out as such, just drifted apart. But I often recalled that scary moment when I was assaulted. And, strangely, the memory always excited me. I retreated into my shell for a year, then Steve came along and coaxed me out of it.”

“Well, he certainly counts as your first in my book. A hand up your dress is just practice.”

“Yes, Steve was the first; still is. That’s why I have to talk to him. I don’t want to go behind his back.”

“Do you think he’ll agree?”

“I hope so. He takes a very logical approach to things. And it’s not just that he’s thirteen years older than me. It’s thirteen years of experience I never had. He doesn’t talk about past girlfriends. But I know there were quite a few.”

“And now it’s your turn. Do you have anyone in mind?”

“Yes, there’s a guy where I work.”

“Ooh, do tell!”

‘Yes, do’ Steve thought.

“You know I have my own office, and I usually take sandwiches in for lunch, and stay there and work through. But one day last month I overslept. No time for breakfast or sandwiches, and by lunchtime I was starving, so I went down to the canteen. The food’s pretty good in there, just a bit high on the calories. Any employee can use it, but it’s primarily for the factory floor workers. Great if you like chips!”

“Is it free?”

“A nominal pound.”

“Good value.”

“Anyway, the tables seat two or six people, and I was sitting by myself at a smaller one. Then this young guy in overalls must have been the seventh at his table so there was no room. I got the impression this happens most days as his mates were jostling for position and laughing. One of them whispered to him and nodded towards me. I knew he was being dared to come and sit with a manager. His face went red, and I didn’t think he’d do it. But, after a moment’s hesitation, he came across and asked if he could join me”

“And you said yes.”

“Of course, I could hardly say no. He was really sweet and we started chatting.”

“How old?”

“A fair bit younger than me.”

“Oh come on. You’re only twentysix!”

“OK. I found out later, he’s nineteen.”


“Yes. He’s slim, and not particularly tall. But very blond, with no apparent body hair. The opposite of my Steve really. And he was so shy and cute, and blushing.”

“Aw, and that’s how it all began. How romantic!”

“You’re joking. I’m not after romance; I get that from Steve. I want raw sex!”

This was certainly giving Steve food for thought. He could give her raw sex if that’s what she wanted.

“Has he got a name, Mr slim and blond?”

“Nev. He asked me if he could sit with me again the next day, but I told him I usually eat in my office. Poor lad looked so disappointed. Then he asked what I do on Saturdays. I told him I usually go to the shopping mall, and he said he’s got an apartment near there, and how about meeting him for coffee in Starbucks. I told him I’m a married woman, and you won’t believe what he said next.”

“Go on.”

“He said: ‘My mum is a married woman, but I’m sure she drinks coffee sometimes!”

“Bold!” said Sandy.

“Yes. He seemed to find a little confidence. I said I might be in Starbucks around lunchtime.”

“And were you?”

“Of course! He was already there; I don’t know how long he’d been waiting. He went and got me a latte and we chatted again. But this time it was different.”

“How so?”

“I was reminded of when I first met Steve; that was also in Starbucks, but how different this time was. Steve was the experienced one, and I was the virgin. I can’t be sure Nev is a virgin, but I think he is.

“Did you do anything? Apart from chat I mean?”

‘Yes, that’s what I want to know.’

“Yes and no. He was still shy but made it clear he was interested in me. Then he walked me to my car. I unlocked it and asked if he needed a lift anywhere. But he lives nearby and said he didn’t. Then his face changed, and I knew what he was thinking. He wished he’d said yes so he could get in the car with me. He’d have been happy to drive anywhere. He mumbled something about preferring the back seat, and suddenly went beetroot red.”

“Getting bolder. What did you say?”

“I said ‘Maybe next time’ and gave him a kiss.”


“On the lips. But only a quick one!”

“You hussy! So what’s next?”

“I’m eating in the canteen again next Friday lunch. And may meet him again for a coffee on Saturday.”

“You do realise if you kiss a man on the lips, albeit briefly, he’ll expect more next time.”

“I know. But I only plan on running him home afterwards. I’m not ready for sex yet. but I need to be sure it’s on the cards, before I discuss it with Steve.”

“He’ll be ready all right Deb. Even a youngster will invite you up to his apartment. And he’ll have tidied it up.”

“Well I definitely won’t go.”

“What’s the point of running him home then?

“I thought I could kiss him again in the car.”

“And let him go further? Squeeze your breasts? Get his hand up your dress, like the bouncer?”


“Then what?”

“Then I’ll decide how to broach the subject with Steve.”

“I have three questions Deb.”

“Go ahead. I asked you here for your opinion.”

“First, what would be your reaction, if Steve wanted to have sex with another woman?”

“I’d hate it!”

“Just once? Like you want?”

“It’s not the same thing at all. He’s had loads of women. I’ve only ever had him!”

“OK, second, are you sure you could stop at just once? If you really enjoy slim and blond, you might get hooked.”

“Won’t happen, I’m quite sure. I only want to know what another man is like. Once is definitely enough. It would be such a powerful feeling; being in a position to teach him what a woman wants. For when he gets a proper girlfriend. He’ll be able to look back on his first time – with an older woman!”

“Right; third. What will you do, if Steve refuses?”

“I don’t know.”

“Bullshit! You must have thought this through. What will you do?”

“Well, if I’m careful, and am sure he won’t find out … I might just go ahead anyway.”

“Thought so. What’s the plan now?”

“I want another kiss with Nev, and enough groping to let him know I’ll to go all the way. And it needs to be in relative privacy; so my car is best. Then, if he makes me feel the way I think he will, I’ll tell Steve I want a ‘Get out of Jail Free Card’. Just once. I’ll point out my lack of experience, and I think he’ll let me.”

“That’s what I figured. So, you wanted my opinion and here it is. If Steve says go ahead, then clearly that would be the best outcome. Do it and get it out of your system. You don’t need my blessing for that. But if Steve says no, be careful. Stan cheated on me, and thought he would get away with it. But I did find out, and was devasted. It might be better to tell Nev, this was a moment of madness and you won’t be seeing him again; even in the canteen. I’m serious Deb; you’d better be careful if Steve says no.”

There was a long silence, presumably while Deb digested this. Then the conversation slowly turned to girls’ stuff and Steve slipped back out.

The pub was indeed quiet, and Dan was delighted to see him. He sat at the bar and chatted for a bit; then found a table and thought through a plan of action. Two pints later he knew what he was going to do. It might not work, but it was worth a try.

The following evening, after they’d washed the dinner dishes, Steve spoke.

“Before we settle in front of the tv love, let’s have a chat. I have something important to say.”


She sat opposite him at the dining table.

“I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable with any of my questions, but let me know me if you are, ok?”


“Do you regret being a virgin when we met?”

“Of course not.”

“Only you know I’d sown my wild oats; are you jealous of my previous experiences?”


“Do you ever wish you’d played the field more, when you were single?”

“No, not really. I was only seventeen.”

“Then there’s something I must tell you.”

“Go ahead.”

“Your being a virgin was very important to me. I loved you from the first time we went out. It was Starbucks, and I fell for you over two coffees. I’d only had a couple of girls before you, and neither of them were experienced, but you were the one. Our sex life has come a long way over the years. And I want you to know that bringing you to where we are now, has been an honour.”

“Thank you love, it’s been an exciting ride!”

“Good. And even today, I feel proud when we’re out together and other younger men ogle at you. I know it’s old fashioned to say you’re mine, but that’s how I feel.”

“That’s ok, I’m flattered.” she replied.

“Which makes it a bit awkward bringing this up – you know – what I want to discuss with you.”

“Just spit it out.”

“OK. I know you would not cheat on me in a million years; I’d be devastated if you did. But there’s a woman at work I really fancy, and I know she fancies me.”


“I want to have sex with her. Just once.”

“But I do everything with you. I admit I love it all too, but I’ve never refused you anything! What could you possibly get with someone else?”

“Experience. Like I said, it’s been thrilling teaching you, but also a responsibility. And sometimes it still feels like that. I’ll be forty next birthday, and may never get a chance like this again.”

“A chance like what?”

“Ellen, our finance manager. She’s about eight years older than me. The few relationships I had were with younger, inexperienced women. Sex with Ellen would be exciting and comfortable. You may remember her, I introduced you to her at the firm’s Valentine’s ball.”

“Was she the tall one with greying hair?”

“That’s her.”

“But she had big breasts; you don’t like big breasts!”

“True. But this is about a different experience before I hit middle age. I don’t want to marry her, only have sex with her. Just once, to see what it’s like with a really experienced woman. She always flirts with me when our paths cross at work, and I did kiss her at the company ball, during a slow dance. You were out in the toilets.”

“And is that all you did?”


“You haven’t had any other kind of contact with this Ellen? Screwing in the staff toilets?”

“No! Unless you count her flashing her stocking tops at me most weeks. And that’s not contact.”

“Well I think it’s bloody outrageous! It should be me who has an extra marital experience. You’re the only man I’ve ever been with, but you had women before me.”

“That’s my point really. You just said you had no regrets, being a virgin when we met. So, for you to stray now would be devastating; it would undo everything we’ve achieved. But one more partner for me would hardly make any difference. Ellen has as good as admitted she’s looking for sex. Her husband had been dead over a year.”

“You can forget the whole idea Steve. I will not be giving you my permission.”

“Oh. Well I’d still like you to think about it babe. Tonight and tomorrow, clear your mind and look at my suggestion unemotionally. Let’s speak again tomorrow after work. In fact, we’ll go to Starbucks where we first dated.”

It was a cold night for Steve in the marital bed; but hopefully that would be a small price to pay. He was satisfied he’d called a halt to Deb’s plan for the time being, and felt rather proud of his deception.

“Can’t you see that Steve presented an argument as strong as yours? Almost identical in fact.” said Sandy.

“What can I say? On the one hand, I think my case is stronger, and I’m annoyed he seems to be thwarting me. On the other hand, you are right I suppose.”

“So did you still see Nev today?”

“I did, but it was only a canteen lunch.”

“Ooh, I think it was a bit more than that Deb. Did you cancel the Saturday coffee?”

“Yes, but I implied it might only be a postponement. Not necessarily over yet. And I’ve got his phone number, just in case.”

“I hope you told him never to call or text you.”

“Don’t worry, I thought of that.”

“Are you going to put your case to Steve tonight?”

“I don’t see how I can now. It’ll look like retaliation. But I do need to be sure he will not go with through with it with this Ellen, providing I stick to my guns and say no. If his attitude is he’ll go and have sex with this Ellen anyway, then I’ll feel free to call Nev.”

“And if he listens to your views and calls it off?”

“If I believe he’s telling the truth, I’ll have no choice will I? I’ll just have to kick Nev into touch. Steve would go ballistic if he was refused his last chance, and then found out I cheated on him.”

“And it would be cheating now, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes it would.” agreed Deb.

“Let me know how it goes. And there’s something I need to do, which may have some bearing on this. Will you call me tonight?”


Steve picked Deb up at work. Factory workers came streaming out and he scanned them for blond and handsome. It was impossible of course. She emerged looking sombre as she approached the car, and he sensed a win. His wife had been beaten by a phantom. They didn’t speak until they were in Starbucks; even then, the conversation was not a long one.

“So, have you thought about it babe?”

“Yes. And I do not want you having anything to do with Ellen. Or any other woman.”

“I must say I’m disappointed. I consider this my last chance gone. But I will respect your decision. I suppose, thinking about it, I would feel the same if you said you wanted to play away from home. The whole matter is closed then. I see no need to mention it again.”

“Good.” she replied.

He waited, to see if she had anything to add. Nothing.

“Come on the, finish your latte. I’ll treat you to dinner.

“So, is it all over and done with now?” asked Deb.

“I guess so.” replied Sandy.

“I’ll go to my grave, only ever having had sex with Steve. Even with our age difference, I’ll probably be in my seventies when he goes. Do people have sex in their seventies?”

“Don’t be so morbid. Anyway, I have some news.”

“Hope it’s good.”

“You decide.” continued Sandy. “I still feel uneasy about your cheating on Steve, but I found out he’s been less than honest with you.”

“He’s already having sex with this Ellen?”

“You could hardly be farther from the truth Deb. I thought it was a coincidence; Steve’s beating you to the punch. And how his reasons for wanting to have a fling were a reflection of yours. So I called his company and asked to speak to the finance manager. A charming chap called Neil. He said Ellen left just after their Valentine’s dance. Apparently it also doubled as her leaving do.”

“No! Really?”

“It’s true. She took early retirement and moved to Ireland six months ago, to look after her ailing mother. So Steve’s tales of flirting and stocking tops were outright lies.”

“You mean he knew what I was planning?”

“It would appear so.”

“But how? Nev couldn’t have said anything; he’s never met Steve. He doesn’t even know where we live.”

“It’s a mystery all right. But maybe Nev confided in one of his mates? Someone who mentioned it to a friend, who passed the story on? It doesn’t really matter. The fact is there is no Ellen. Steve was making it up, probably to put you off.”

“Well I’m damned!”

“Ellen! Long time no see! What are you doing back from Ireland?”

Another big soft hug. Steve thought it was even better than Sandy’s; Ellen was taller.

“Hi Steve, I was hoping I might run into you. Sadly my mum died. I’m back tidying up some loose ends.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Will you be staying?”

“Thanks, but it wasn’t really a surprise. And no, I’m only here for a few days. Mum left me her house in Cork, and I love it. I’m selling up and moving there permanently.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, too.”

“How’s that gorgeous wife of yours? Deb, isn’t it?”

“Still gorgeous. She’s gone down to Southampton for the day with a friend. Apparently Debenham’s is closing down for a refurb. They’re off to the sales.”

“Are they stopping over?”

“No. They’ll be staying for dinner, then getting the train. I’ll pick them up at the station at nine tonight.”

“Then you could buy me dinner, for old times’ sake!”

Ellen still felt like unfinished business. He’d told Deb they’d kissed at that dance, just before she left the company. That was true, but it had been a goodbye kiss and they’d done more than that. While Deb was dancing with Steve’s boss, they had slipped out to the men’s toilets, and locked ourselves in one of the stalls. He’d sat with his trousers and pants down and Ellen had taken her panties off. Then some noisy guys had burst in and they’d had to stay quiet.

Sex with Ellen had been on the cards for some while, and this was to be their first time. The guys left and another group arrived. They waited again, acutely aware it would not be long before they were missed. But fate decided that was not to be after all. Another guy went into the stall next door and proceeded to have a dump. Steve and Ellen returned to the party; unconsummated; but at least undiscovered. They didn’t talk about it after; both feeling fate was telling them it was not to be. But today the gods seemed to be smiling. Deb was miles away with Sandy. And Ellen, asking if Deb was stopping overnight, could hardly be making it more obvious.

“Or,” he said, “you could come back to mine and I’ll rustle us up some lunch. I can manage a salad.”

“A salad would be lovely. Let’s just pop into this wine merchant and I’ll treat us to a bottle. Maybe two; one before and one after.”

‘Before and after what?’ he thought. ‘As if I can’t guess!’

His cock was big, just as she’d hoped. They’d started off with a blowjob, and he’d come down her throat almost immediately. He grunted as he did so, and she swallowed the lot. His semen tasted great and she made sure she didn’t spill any. He’d been eager to start and she was still wearing her dress, and didn’t want spillages on it. This was their moment at last, their golden opportunity, and there was plenty of time. He was soon ready for round two.

She lay back on the bed, dress discarded, and he fucked her enthusiastically. He’d been looking forward to this, and had better control second time, pacing himself and watching her face intently. She cupped her hands behind his neck and pulled him down for a wet kiss.

“Harder!” she whispered. “I won’t break!”

He gripped her ankles and forced them apart, till she was all but doing the splits. She moaned with an orgasm, and convulsed under him.

He was thrilled that she’d cum so quickly, but now there was no stopping him. He had hours to enjoy her and felt like a god. He pulled her legs around his waist and she automatically squeezed him and crossed her ankles. He pounded her harder, and still didn’t finish. Barely five minutes later, she climaxed again, a little louder, saying ‘Yes! Yes!’ as she did so. He stopped moving and his cock twitched inside her. She squeezed her eyes shut with each pulse. But he wasn’t done yet.

He untangled her legs behind his back and gripped her behind the knees. Then shoved them all the way back till they were each side of her head. Keeping hold of them, he now fucked her harder than ever. He made an ‘Ng, ng’ noise on every stroke. Tiny white bubbles were spreading from her cunt lips and coating half the length of his cock. This was the biggest and hardest erection of his life, and it wasn’t going to last much longer. He could feel his cock hitting something inside her, and wondered if that was her cervix. Concerned he might be hurting her, he went for the finish line. Six more hard thrusts and he suddenly stopped as he unloaded inside her.

“Jesus!” she cried. It was so loud, they both wondered if the people next door might have heard. Her face was bright red and, when she opened her eyes, there were tears streaming down her cheeks; though not from pain. It felt as if he’d spurted into her a dozen times. His semen oozing back out, and mingling with her secretions down his shaft. The duvet soaked it up. He rolled off her, spent, and she sat up; more sperm oozed onto the bed.

“This duvet cover will need to go in the wash!” she said.

He just grunted and she leaned over his cock and started sucking it clean.

“No more, my balls are aching!”

“Don’t be such a baby.” she replied. “I’m only having a taste; your cum is delicious! I don’t expect you to fuck me again for at least thirty minutes!”

He sat up too.

“I’ll go and make that salad then.”

They ate it at the kitchen counter, naked, and it was more like twenty minutes before they got back on the bed.

“I was worried I might have hurt you.” he confessed.

“You did actually, but that’s no reason to worry. Your excitement affects mine. They say pain is close to pleasure and I enjoy being abused. It’s been ages since I got fucked so roughly; it was wonderful. Ready for more?”

He placed her hand on his hardening cock.

“What do you think?”

“I think you are. And I want you to do it even harder this time; hurt me a bit more.”

“Well I could try I suppose!”

She kneeled on the edge of the bed with her buttocks up in the air, so he could fuck her while standing. He shoved his cock deep into her and slid a finger into her anus.

“Mmm, that’s very naughty. You can leave it there while you fuck me.”

“Happy to be of service ma’am.”

He rammed into her again and she moaned with satisfaction. He removed his finger and dug his thumbs into her buttocks as he forced everything further apart. He was probably leaving impressions in her flesh, but neither of them cared. As his climax finally approached, she screamed she was coming too. No need to hold back; there would still be time for more after this one.

His last pistoning strokes were as hard as he could manage; they were hurting him too. But was worthwhile as he unloaded into her. She collapsed under him, yelling ‘Oh god! Oh god!’ His cum trickled out and ran down onto her thighs; now dripping onto a different part of the duvet. The room smelled of sex. She recovered quicker than he did, and turned and kissed him.

“That was fantastic!” she said. “Can you manage a couple more before I go?”

As it turned out, he could.

Steve was waiting in the station carpark when the girls emerged. He jumped out of the car, opened the boot, and helped them stow their purchases. Sandy was loaded down with Debenham’s bags, and he was relieved to see Deb only had two.

“I’ll drop you off first Sandy.” he said. “So what did you ladies have for dinner?”

They both spoke at once.

“Dover sole.” said Sandy.

“Salad.” said Deb.

“Salad, followed by Dover sole.” explained Sandy.

“And what did you buy in the sales, anything nice?”

Sandy said: “I was very ‘shop till you drop’ but Deb was quite restrained. She only bought some sexy underwear.”

“Good. I can’t wait to see it!” said Steve.

‘Yeah, I can’t wait to see it too!’ thought Deb.

That night Steve and Deb went to bed early. Usually, just a day apart would be enough for lots of ‘missed you’ sex. But, for some reason, they were both too exhausted.

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