Love Lessons by davepepperbury,davepepperbury

“Look, if you can’t concentrate, we’re gonna have to get this over with. You’re clearly too fascinated by my tits to get anything else done. So, are you gonna touch them, or not?”

“Excuse me, am I what now?”

“Touch them. You know, honk honk. Get it out of your system.”

“I… I couldn’t…” Simon was shocked. He couldn’t objectify her like that. Well, okay, in the privacy of his own room, his own mind, of course he could. That’s how he’d spent the last few years of his life, at night. But not in person. That would be… wrong.

“Yes, you could. Give me your hand.”

“No, I don’t want to.”

“Don’t lie to me. I know you better than that now; I can see how hard your cock is. Give me your hand, and let’s get this over with.”

“You really want me to touch you there, like that?”

More than you can possibly imagine, she thought. Again, what’s the big deal? Half the football team have splashed their cum over these puppies, at one time or another. All I’m asking you to do is feel them. Man up, Simon. But she couldn’t say that out loud, it’d scare him off for sure. But she had to say something. “Oh, for God’s sake Simon, be honest will you. We’re friends now aren’t we, so we can be truthful with each other. I know you want to; you know you want to.” And I want you to, she said to herself, but couldn’t admit that to him. There was honesty, and then there was insanity.

She took his shaking hand, brought it to her boob. He curled his hand over the curve of her, staring at his fingers as they cupped her.

“There,” she said. “Not so scary.”

Simon’s brain was in meltdown. I can’t believe I’m touching her boobs! He could feel his hands shaking. She moved round, sat in front of him, and he brought his other hand up to grab the other breast.

“Gently, they’re not stress balls, don’t squeeze so hard.”

“Sorry… It’s firmer than I expected,” he mumbled, still staring at his hand.

“That’s because of the bra. Feel here,” she said, drawing his fingers up to the cleavage where her necklace nestled. Sure enough, Simon felt the soft flesh give with the slightest pressure. He stroked his fingers across her silky skin, over the crease to the other boob, and back again.

“You’re amazing,” he said, finally managing to tear his eyes away from her tits to look at her face.

You’re so sweet, she thought. She could feel him trembling, and it was really starting to turn her on. The effect she was having on him, the strength of the reaction just from the gentlest touch, she’d not known anything like it. Her past boyfriends were horny, experienced guys. Simon was nervous and excited. He had no preconceptions about what was normal; ah, the things she could teach him… she felt herself getting wet at the prospect.

She shuffled over, sat on his knees as he continued to fondle her breasts, stroking over the material of the crop top. He seemed content, but she needed more. She grabbed the hem and pulled the top over her head, so his hands could stroke across lace and satin instead.

“Oh god,” he breathed, as he saw her perfect tits presented in the sexy lingerie. He traced the outline of the bra, ran his hands over her back, followed the curve of the cup from her armpit down into the depths of the cleavage where the bra met her breastbone. He cupped both boobs in his hands, gliding his thumbs over where he could just see an impression of her nipples pushing against the fabric. He heard her breath catch, and he smiled, slowly teasing at her nipples, drawing forth a moan.

She tucked a finger under his chin, lifted his face towards hers. Simon was powerless to stop her as she brought her mouth to his, gave him the warmest, softest kiss, slowly capturing his top lip with hers before drawing away. Their eyes met, briefly, and then she leant forwards again and pressed her mouth back to his, and then expectantly parted her lips.

Oh shit, thought Simon, what do I do now? Theoretically he knew what was expected, but practically? No idea. He was on the verge of sliding his tongue forward and hoping for the best when he felt Claire’s tongue brush over his lips. Gratefully, he let her take the lead.

My god, surely he’s at least kissed a girl before? Nobody could be that inexperienced at eighteen, Claire thought. But Simon seemed frozen, so she had to take the initiative. Delicately she showed him what she expected. She squirmed, excited to be taking charge for once. She was starting to realise she was going to be the girl he compared all his future girlfriends against. No pressure!

Simon was in heaven. He’d imagined this moment a thousand times, but the reality surpassed all expectations. He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears, his hands shaking as he caressed her perfect boobs, her lips on his, his tongue dancing over hers inside his mouth. He moved his hands round her body, feeling her back, grabbing her ass. As he felt along the torn leg edge of the short shorts, she started to slide towards him down his legs, until her centre pressed against his rock-hard cock.

He broke off the kiss, needing to breathe, and started to kiss across her jaw, down to her neck. He nibbled playfully along her collarbone, smelling her skin.

Claire felt the pulse of his cock beating against her clit. She could feel she’d soaked through the sexy knickers. His lips were on her neck; God how she wanted him to bite her, to claim her; yet she couldn’t let him mark her, lest anyone at school notice. Then he was kissing down from her neck, down to her chest, tasting between her cleavage, starting to bury his face in her tits. He scrabbled at the clasp of the bra behind her back, fumbling uselessly at it. “Let me,” she breathed, and her boobs slipped from the lace into his waiting hands.

Simon was sure he was forgetting something important, but he didn’t care. Breathing, probably. But it didn’t seem to matter. He licked across her perfect nipples, kissing across and between her boobs, burying his face between them, feeling her warm soft flesh press against his cheeks. It was the most incredible feeling he’d ever experienced.

Claire could feel his heart rate hitting hundreds of beats a minute, his breathing erratic. She grinded herself against his cock, hornier than she’d felt for a long, long time. She popped his shirt open, hands exploring his chest, teasing his nipples as he licked and suckled on hers.

Then, all too soon, she felt him go stiff; his mouth hung agape, and she watched as his eyes bugged out and his body twitched.

Simon only knew the orgasm was coming once it was too late to do anything about it. Smothering his face in her chest, a place he never wanted to leave, it all became too much. He collapsed back into the chair as his cock twitched and his balls pumped load after load into his boxers.

Claire leant forwards, kissed his forehead as the orgasm subsided and he caught his breath.

“Wow,” he managed eventually, perhaps the biggest understatement of his life. “That got a bit out of hand.”

“You’re not kidding,” she said. “Nice though.”

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you?”

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