Lyle was lying naked in the guest house behind the main house. He was waiting under cover, trying not to fall asleep, so he could have his first sexual experience with someone other than himself. He was 22 years old on this night, so he was a late starter. He was just too shy for his own good. He met someone through a dating app (they were made for shy people, he reasoned) and they talked extensively for 2 weeks. The person he was chatting with only lived 43 miles away, but was a busy professional with no time for socializing at that point in time. That point in time was temporarily over, and the person, Lover, said they would be over at midnight on the night of the 13th.
Lyle was under the impression that he was meeting a female, and that impression was made by their conversations, the profile pic and other photos of a scantily clad woman. Nothing overtly pornographic, just sensual of a teasing nature. His phone on the nightstand beeped, and he read the message: “I just pulled up lover boy, is the place completely dark?”
“Yes ma’am”, he replied. There were black-out shades on the windows, a rubber piece under the door to keep small critters and light out, and no nightlight. It was as black as black gets in his cozy little cabin.
“Good boy. Now dim your phone and keep it right beside you under a pillow. We won’t talk tonight, just voice texts. Remember our conversation 2 days ago?”
“Yes ma’am”
If it weren’t for the fact that this was a text, we would hear the compliance in his tone. It was decided two days ago that Lyle would just lay back, not having to do anything except hands-off oral if he was instructed to do so, and quietly enjoy the experience, taking any instructions that Lover would give him via text that turned into that “tone” that phones have.
His phone was dimmed and face down under a pillow when the door opened.
“It’s good and warm in here, Lyle, thank you for that. Now throw back the cover.”, he heard his phone say.
He did just that, and he could smell the perfume as Lover got closer.
“Open your legs so I can have easy access to your parts.”
He did so and almost immediately felt a hand covered in a silken glove begin running one finger over his parts. All of them, in a feather-light touch.
“Remember that fantasy you told me three days ago in the middle of the night?”
“Think about it now while I’m doing this, and you should get rock-hard in no time.”
He did, and he did. His lover felt it stiffen and enlarge, so two more fingers were added to the first one. His lover then stopped, and quickly applied some hot cinnamon oil to three fingers, and continued with the light-as-air strokes, with all three fingers doing a swirl and dance on that skin. He began to moan and writhe a little.
“Are you ready for the fantasy to become reality Lyle?”
“Are you sure, Lyle?”
And with that, Lover came close enough so that Lyle felt the sexual organ of his Lover brush up against his lips.
“Chow down, Lyle. Go as soft and smooth as I am.”
He did just that, but he found it hard to go soft and smooth. He was so hungry for it that he wanted to devour it like a hungry wolf-cub. But he restrained himself. Lover was giving him his first time, and he wanted to respect his lover by obeying. So, he did. He started to moan and writhe more, even though only two minutes had passed. He was almost there. Lover sensed it, and that put Lover on edge as well.
His orgasm was as intense as they come. The first ones typically are, and it came just like the actions that preceded the result: soft, smooth and slow. When Lover came, Lyle’s mouth became firmly planted over where the liquids of the orgasm come shooting out, and, true to his fantasy, he drank it all up.
He felt good. He felt satisfied, spent and grateful to Lover.
“Thank you, so much. That was great!” He texted.
“It was my pleasure.”
“Can we do it again soon?”
“Yes, but I’ll let you know where and when. I would like to make this a steady thing, and I want it to continue like this. Unseen and unheard, with technology doing the talking for us. I think it’s important that you learn the anonymity side of a sexual relationship before you learn how to interact with your lover in person. The former will teach you how to do the latter better, more effectively and long-term.”
“Okay, I don’t understand completely, but I trust you.”
“I trust you as well Lyle, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here. It’s important to my professional life that my sexual preferences stay in the shadows, and doing that helps us both.”
“You have my word that you have my confidence.”
And with that, Lover left the same way that Lover came. Soft, smooth and quiet.
The next morning, Lyle slept in and was famished. The guest cottage where he slept and worked remotely did not have a kitchen, so he had to go to the main house to cook. The owner of the house was up, and, as they were prone to once a week, the owner fixed Lyle breakfast. It was almost ready when he walked in, so he sat down and started to make conversation.
The End.
And with that dear reader, I’m going to wrap it up. I will leave it up to you to determine the gender of Lover, and I can continue the story in that vein.
This can easily be made into a chapter story with a new one every week of roughly the same length, but I want to gauge interest. I’ll let it set here for a week to see if there is enough interest to continue the story, or a lack of interest to warrant leaving it a flash fiction piece.