Magic Problems

Jose and Maggie were friends as far back as grade school. Both worn glasses and had been cast as nerds all through school. Well, they were nerds. Both had straight A’s in science and math. Both were headed off after the first of the year to college under full scholarships.

It was the Friday night before Halloween and they were sitting around the fire pit in Maggie’s backyard. Maggie sighed and shook her head. “Have you got a date for the Halloween party?” Maggie asked her friend.

“What Halloween party is that?” Jose replied and sighed. “No date and no invite to any party.”

Maggie tossed another small piece of wood on the fire. “Maybe we should have our own party and invite all the nerds and geeks who don’t have anywhere to go.”

Jose chuckled and looked at her friend. “I hope you’re joking. Even I don’t want to sit around and stare at the floor with that bunch.”

“Then what are we going to do?” Maggie asked.

“That is a good question,” Jose replied and they both sighed deeply.

There was a long silence until Maggie said, “I wonder what we could whip up in the chemistry lab if we put our minds to it.”

“Whip up? Whip up what? A party or dates to go to a party?”

“I don’t know, maybe trouble for the parties that we didn’t get invited too,” Maggie replied.

“That seems kind of childish,” Jose shot back.

“Yeah, I know but I’m feeling that way,” Maggie said with a sigh.

A big puff of smoke across the fire pit startled both young women. Before either could say a word, an old woman stepped out of the smoke waving her hands and coughing. “I hate that shit,” she said in a wheezy voice.

“Who the fuck are you?” Maggie said in a shaky voice.

“Language, young lady,” the old woman said sharply.

“You said shit, so….” Jose said and left the sentence unfinished.

The old women looked at her and then back at Maggie. She frowned and asked, “How old are you two?”

“I’m eighteen,” Jose replied and then added, “My friend is nineteen.”

The old woman frowned and shook her head. “You’re kind of old to be wishing for revenge on people.”

“I didn’t know there was an age limit on that,” Maggie said.

The old woman gave Maggie a hard look and then took a deep breath. She let it out slowly and then said, “That is true but most of the time it doesn’t call me. I deal with the younger set, shall we say.”

“Who the hell are you and where did you come from?” Maggie said in a rush.

The old woman’s laugh was more of a cackle. “I ain’t your fairy godmother, that’s for sure. I’m more from the other end of the spectrum.”

“We’re a little old to believe in fairy godmothers,” Maggie said quickly.

The old woman looked the two young women up and down. “Physically maybe, mentally, I don’t really know. You don’t match any criteria I have.”

Jose looked at her friend and shrugged. “That’s us. We don’t fit in anywhere.”

“We’re smarter than the average people our age,” Maggie replied.

“Smart at what?” The old woman asked.

“Math, science, the real stuff,” Maggie shot back.

The old woman let out a long loud groan. “Nerds! What did I do to deserve this?”

“And what is wrong with being a nerd?” Jose asked quickly.

“They don’t get invited to parties for one thing. They usually don’t have boyfriends for another,” the old woman shot back.

Jose sighed. “That’s us.”

“The boyfriend thing I can probably fix,” the old woman said as she flexed her bony fingers.

The front of Jose’s t-shirt started to swell. It grew shorter at the waist and wider and higher across the top. Jose’s eyes were very wide as she looked at the huge bulges in the front of the t-shirt. Her hands jumped to her chest and she yelled, “What the fuck?”

“They’re call breasts,” the old woman said with a cackle.

“I know what they are called and I don’t have any,” Jose said as her hands felt of the large globes under the thin t-shirt. After a moment, she groaned softly as two large tents center up on the breasts.

Maggie stared in disbelief at her friend’s chest. Her hands came up to the flat front of her t-shirt. “Uh, how about me?” She asked as she forced her eyes away from her friend and onto the old woman.

The old woman shook her head. “Only one of you needs breasts. The other can feed off the leftovers.”

“Leftovers?” Maggie said and groaned as understanding came to her mind. She looked at her friend. “Yeah, you draw them in, get your pick, and I get whatever is left.”

Jose was toying with the rock hard nipples through the t-shirt and totally distracted. Bolts of pure pleasure were shooting from each nipple to her lower belly. With each bolt, her panties were getting wetter and wetter.

From far away, Jose heard her friend calling her name. She looked up and shook her head to clear it. “What? Did I miss something?”

“Yeah, you get boobs and I don’t,” Maggie said hotly.

“That, that’s not fair,” Jose said looking at the old woman.

The old woman sighed. “I’ve only got so much raw materials to work with, so to speak.”

“Then split them equally between us,” Maggie said with anger still edging her voice.

One of the breasts under Jose’s hands disappeared. “Hey!” She said loudly as the other breast moved over to the center of her chest. She looked up in time to see a huge breast rise up from the center of Maggie’s chest.

Maggie was looking at the single breast on her chest. “This is not what I meant,” she said with a groan in her voice as her hands moved over her one huge breast.

“It may not be what you meant but it is what you said,” the old woman replied with a cackle.

A moment later, the fronts of both t-shirts started to deflate and the old woman was gone.

Maggie was cussing a blue streak and Jose sighed as she placed her hands on her once glorious chest. Something wasn’t right. Her hands were not flat. She squeezed and groaned as pleasure shot straight to her sex.

“I have boobs,” she said loudly but Maggie was still cussing. To cut through the stream of blue words, Jose reached over to the front of her friends t-shirt. Firm mounds greeted her hands. She squeezed not so gently.

Maggie’s last word cut off in the middle to be replaced by a loud moan. Her hands jumped up to cover her friend’s hands. “I, uh, I,” she stammered and then groaned again as Jose let go of her breasts.

Now both young women were exploring the fronts of their stretched out t-shirts. When Jose jerked her t-shirt up and off, Maggie’s eyes grew wide. “You have boobs,” she said loudly.

Jose looked up from caressing her very sensitive breasts and grinned. “I said that a while ago but you were busy cussing.”

Maggie whipped her t-shirt off and groaned as her hands found her own bare breasts. “I have boobs,” she whispered as she caressed her own breasts.

“You got what you wished for,” Jose said and then moaned long and loud as she lightly pinched her own nipples.

“An, an even split,” Maggie said as she watched her friend pinching her nipples. She tried the same thing and gasp from the jolt of pure pleasure that flooded her lower region.

“So sensitive,” Jose said with a deep whimpering moan as she continued to pinch and roll her nipples. Suddenly Jose’s eyes popped open. She didn’t remember closing them. She grinned at her friend. “Who do we show them to first. I mean besides each other.”

Maggie’s eyes popped open. “The better question is how do we explain where they came from?”

“We’ve always had boobs,” Jose said and then the light dawned. “Just not big visible boobs.”

“They’re not big compared to what you had earlier but they are huge for us,” Maggie pointed out. “They don’t just magically appear over night.”

“Uh, ours did,” Jose said and then laughed. “Was she a good witch or a bad one?”

Maggie ran her hands over her new breasts and shivered. “I don’t really care. I have boobs and that’s all that matters.”

Suddenly Maggie froze and looked at Jose hard. “You grabbed my breasts,” she said accusingly.

“It was the quickest way to shut you up,” Jose explained.

Maggie’s hands came over and hovered in front of Jose’s breasts. Jose eyed her friend’s hands and then grinned as she pulled Maggie’s hands forward until they closed on her breasts.

Jose gasped and groaned loudly as Maggie flexed her fingers feeling of the warm firm softness of her friend’s breasts. Hands on her own breasts made her look down. Jose had her hands on her breasts. They both groaned deeply.

“Are, are they the same size?” Maggie asked as she let go of Jose’s breasts.

Jose looked from one of her breasts to the other. “They look the same size.” Then her eyes jumped to Maggie’s breasts. “We look the same size.”

Maggie moved closer to her friend. Their nipples were inches apart as they studied each other’s breasts. “They look exactly the same.”

Jose leaned forward and brushed her nipples against her friend’s nipples. There weren’t sparks but the next thing they knew, they were kissing passionately as they rubbed their breast together.

Maggie jerked her head back breaking the kiss. She stepped back, her hands coming up to cover her breasts. “These things are dangerous,” she whispered a moment later.

Jose had her hands on her own breasts. She was making soft whimpering sounds as she slowly caressed them. “What, what’s going to happen when a guy gets a hold of them?”

Maggie shivered as she flicked a fingertip against one nipple and then the other. “Way too sensitive.”

“Tell me about it,” Jose replied as she rolled a hard nub around with a fingertip.

“I, uh, we, uh,” Maggie stammered as she grabbed her friend by the waist and spun her around. Jose ended up on her back on a lounge chair with Maggie on top of her. Before Jose could say anything, Maggie sucked the end of her left breast in and swirled her tongue over and around the stiff nipple.

Jose came unglued to say the least. Sparks were flying along every nerve ending in her body one second and she was coming like mad the next. She had a double handed grip on her friends head.

About the time Jose started to spiral down from on high, her grip on her friend’s head loosened and Maggie swapped nipples. That pushed Jose right back up into orbit.

This time as she started her decent back to the real world, she pushed Maggie’s head out to arms length. “Enough, already,” she said between ragged breaths.

Maggie giggled and shook her head wildly. “Talk about your power trips,” she said loudly. Suddenly, she got off Jose and moved over to lay down on the other lounge chair. “My turn, uh, your turn. Whatever.”

Jose groaned as she came up on her elbows. Her eyes jumped from Maggie’s breasts to her eyes and back again. With another groan, she rolled sideways and almost fell off her chair. “Are, are you sure about this?”

“How else are we going to get used to the sensations safely,” Maggie whispered with excitement in her voice.

“You, uh, don’t understand. I came twice. Once when you sucked my left nipple and once when you sucked the right one.”

“I, uh, yeah, I can go with that,” Maggie whispered. Before Jose could move, Maggie sat up and then stood up. “Grab your t-shirt, we’re going to my room.”

Jose looked at her friend hard and said, “Why go to your room?”

“Trust me. We could be at this for a while and I don’t want us to be caught or even interrupted,” Maggie said as she grabbed her t-shirt and Jose’s hand.

Jose shook her head. “Your parents are going to be gone for two days.”

Maggie laughed and pulled on Jose’s arm. “We’ve got a lot of exploring to do.”

Jose followed her friend into the house. “I think having boobs has drove you a little crazy.”

“Crazy like a big fat fox in a hen house,” Maggie said as she locked the back door and they headed for Maggie’s bedroom.

Once through the bedroom door, Maggie jerked the t-shirt out of Jose’s hand and tossed both shirts on the chair in the corner. “Get those shorts off and get on my bed,” Maggie said sharply.

Jose looked at her friend as if she was crazy. Maggie was stripping off her sneakers, socks, shorts, and panties as she scrambled up onto her bed. She saw Jose just standing there. “Hop to it,” Maggie said forcefully.

With a shrug, Jose moved over and sat on the side of the bed to take her shoes and socks off. “Hurry up,” Maggie said. “You’re moving too slow.”

“What’s the hurry?” Jose said as she stood up to take her shorts off. When the shorts were down around Jose’s ankles, Maggie grabbed her panties and jerked them down.

“Hey!” Jose yelled but it was too late, Maggie pulled her back until she bounced on the bed.

Maggie’s head came over her head and she latched onto one of Jose’s breasts with her mouth. Jose gasped and got one of Maggie’s breasts stuffed into her mouth.

After that it was a free for all wrestling match. Mouths and breasts. Racing pulses, sparkling fireworks from orgasms on top of orgasms.

Somewhere along the way, they both ran out of steam and laid side by side with their heads in opposite direction.


Jose was almost asleep when Maggie groaned and whispered, “Holy shit.”

“Uh huh,” was Jose’s witty reply.

“Magic boobs,” Maggie whispered.

“Uh huh,” Jose replied and then groaned. “Do what?” She said as what Maggie had said filtered through the pink fuzzy haze her brain was in.

“That, that’s the only thing that makes sense,” Maggie said.

“Sensitive places we’ve never had before makes more sense,” Jose said as a few brain cells kicked in.

“Other than teaching each other how to kiss, we’ve never done anything with each other,” Maggie said.

“Yeah, but….” Jose started to say and shook her head. “We’ve never had boobs before.”

“Correct,” Maggie said as she rolled over on her side and lick Jose’s nearest nipple.

Jose gave a jerk and shivered as a jolt shot straight to her sex. “I can’t be horny after all the orgasms I’ve had.”

“Want to bet,” Maggie said as she licked over and around that same nipple.

Jose’s hips jerked and flexed. With a groan, she whispered, “I’ll die if I have another orgasm.”

“Want to bet,” Maggie said with a laugh.

“My nipples are getting tender,” Jose protested.

Maggie shivered hard and crawled up on top of Jose. “I know something that isn’t tender. It hasn’t been touched.

When Maggie wiggled forward, Jose gasped. “You wouldn’t dare.” Jose let out a loud yell as a hot wet tongue slid over her clit and the circled it. She was coming almost instantly. Her favorite masturbation fantasy was coming true.

Something wet and slippery touched Jose’s nose. Her eyes popped open and she was eye to eye with Maggie’s sex, so to speak. Her hands jumped to Maggie’s ass as her tongue shot out and speared deep into Maggie’s sex.

Now it was Maggie’s turn to yell as she went off like a bomb. Back and forth they went, feeding on and off each other. Somewhere along the line, Maggie arched up and rolled over off Jose.

Nothing was said as both were asleep in very short order.


They both still had boobs the next morning but they were very shy around each other. Finally, Jose sat up and slapped Maggie on the ass. “I think your magic boobs boiled down to two horny women who got a Halloween present and got carried away.”

Maggie rolled over and looked at her friend hard. “How horny are you now?”

Jose’s eyes went wide as she stared at her friend. “I, uh, I,” she stammered and then groaned. “We need a shower.”

“Together?” Maggie asked.

Jose grinned and replied, “Why the hell not.”


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