Mountain Bachelor Ch. 03 by theyRule,theyRule

Note: I couldn’t decide on the correct category, so I am using the First Time category, which is the starting category of this series.


Greta and Rupert were silent during breakfast, more silent than usual. They weren’t a very chatty couple because Greta was getting nervous if she didn’t understand Rupert. Normally, he was careful to use simple words and simple sentences but when he got carried away, he was talking a lot.

But that morning, they both were thinking about their previous night. They both found points of interest in what they did.

Greta’s mind was busy about her goal. She got very excited when she thought he was going to kiss her pussy. She wanted to pursue that. She was thinking of ways to persuade or guide Rupert into going down on her. She was positive that once he even only kissed her pussy, the rest would come.

She knew that what they did the night before was the right path towards that goal, together with many good things. If she managed to lure him into doing that more often, he would try it at one point. But she also wanted to have sex too. Besides, it wasn’t going to be fair if she kept his dick grounded. She wished that he could last longer when having sex.

Fortunately, Rupert’s mind was wandering in the same neighborhood. He wasn’t thinking of going down on her, obviously. But he was thinking that last night’s events were fruitful too. This was the first time he didn’t ruin things in his first round. Also, this was the first time he did things without thinking or being stressful about, naturally; he led her to do something in bed. He was the one who made Greta relax and feel confident, when she was shy for the first time. He felt like a more proper husband. He saw her female thingy, at least most of it.

Besides, there was nothing stressful when all these were happening. He wasn’t afraid that he was going to explode or ruin things, he wasn’t stressed of doing something wrong. It was fun, probably more than it was exciting. And, the most important part was that he got to practice controlling himself, with Greta’s help. This could be the exercise she was mentioning when she said “Good one.”

He wanted to have more nights like that. More than he wanted to have nights of sex. In fact, he wanted sex more than this but there was a new feeling, telling him to avoid sex. He was getting cold feet about sex unconsciously. He didn’t want to lose face anymore, ruining their special moments, being the cause of frustration. Probably that feeling was making him convince himself that he preferred this instead of sex. He wondered if he could manage to have her do that instead of having sex.

Then he remembered that his dick was still grounded. He wasn’t sure about that when he woke up. His manhood was hard and he made some gestures with his eyes, showing her that. She made scissors with her fingers and he understood that he was still grounded for the main thing. He could use that. At least until he learned how to control himself. He remembered his mental notes.

Greta, on the other hand, was trying to find a slightly better alternative. She wasn’t aware that Rupert wanted to play that game too. She was considering of telling him to play that game as a foreplay. Of course, it wasn’t possible for her to tell him that, she was planning to appeal him by mentioning something else. For example, that game, instead of him jerking off in the toilet. They were going to be practicing on controlling his first orgasm and after he came, they were going to be ready for sex, in his second round, without any awkward jerk off session. She had an all-in-one package in her mind for him. She was going to try and tell him that after dinner.

They were again hand in hand that day. But Rupert was more touchy-feely than he ever was. Apparently, their game was helping him remove some barriers in his head. He couldn’t keep his hands off her and she wasn’t complaining. He wondered if it was OK to go to bed with her in daytime. If she let him, he probably wouldn’t leave the bed that day. If she knew that he wasn’t after a quicky in the morning, she could have let him. The word quicky suited too well to what was going to happen if she did.

The problem was, they both didn’t know how to invite or persuade the other to play this game.

At Margaret’s place, Anna was raving about something when Sue entered the house. Anna stopped talking and sat back, like a serious statue. Margaret stood up and showed Sue where to sit. They were having tea but Margaret didn’t offer tea to Sue.

Sue said “How are we today?”

Margaret was sitting down when Anna started talking “We? We are not very OK, dear Sue.”

She looked at her in discomfort, then at Margaret to see that she wasn’t very warm to her too.

“What happened? What’s going on?”

“I believe that you know what’s going on. It’s about Arnold’s shop, about you upsetting Greta and Rupert.” Anna said, she wasn’t letting Margaret defend her own niece.

“Yes, Sue, what was that about?” Margaret asked, eyeing Anna to let Sue explain before giving her a hard time. Anna puckered her lips and took her tea cup in her lap.

Sue got sad and spoke silently “I’m sorry about that, I explained to Rupert. I was doing small talk, without bad intentions.”

“Small? That was the biggest talk I ever heard!” Anna almost spilled her tea when snapping at her.

Margaret said “Anna, please.”

Turned to Sue and said “Please continue, Sue, we haven’t witnessed that, can you tell us what happened?”

“I made a joke, asking Rupert if he was happy with his strong worker…”

Anna couldn’t wait “And to earn her keep, like giving home to a homeless person, right?”

“You’re right, Anna.” She was very ashamed “But when Rupert told me that she wasn’t his worker, he was lucky to have her in his life, I understood my mistake. I was ashamed and I couldn’t even apologize from Greta, please tell her I’m very sorry. I wasn’t thinking then.”

Margaret regretted acting like that. She too wanted to reprimand her and she was waiting for the right moment. But when Sue talked like that, she knew she missed her chance. Just to get it out of her system, she said “I see that you already understood your mistake. Greta is very important to me; I want her to be happy no matter what. Are we clear on that?”

Anna stepped in “Let’s not say ‘no matter what’, Rupert’s happiness is also important.” then sipped from her tea when she saw Margaret’s angry expression. She remembered Greta was the reason they were doing this, not Rupert.

“So, Rupert defended her, right?” Margaret asked.

“Yes, he’s such a sweet person, he tried not to offend me but he was very upset when he talked to me, I understood what she meant for him.”

Margaret ended the conversation “OK, so, as your punishment, we decided you to gossip in the village and tell everyone how happy they are, how Rupert can break anyone’s heart for the sake of her happiness and how much he loves Greta.”

Anna said “And how much Greta loves Rupert.” She stood up and asked “Tea, Sue?” when going to kitchen to avoid Margaret’s angry looks.


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