My Beautiful Debbie

All characters are over the age of 18.

This is a very special story to me. But rather than hold up the story with that explanation, I’ll go into that in my author’s notes at the end, so you can skip it if you’ve a mind to.

My Beautiful Debbie

My father got me into building model cars when I was around ten. It was something he’d enjoyed as a boy and as it turned out, I did too. So, he’d buy up kits all year at yard sales and flea markets for a quarter or a half a buck, then when the Long Island weather would turn to shit, he’d drop them on a bench in the basement for me, so I had loads to do all winter.

We moved to warmer climes when I was thirteen and one of the first things I did was find the local hobby shop about four miles from the house.

Hobby Haven was a nice place, if a little stuffy and overcrowded with all sorts of stuff. It was owned by a grumpy old son-of-a-bitch named Carl Miller. Carl was the sort of guy who thought anyone under the age of twenty was a thief out to steal him blind and anyone younger than thirty didn’t have enough life experience to be interesting. Carl was a soft sort of guy, with grey hair and a pallid complexion, somewhere in his early sixties.

He had a group of friends that would often hang out in his shop, and they’d talk about model trains or bullshit about whatever was going on in the world. There was an enormous model train layout on one side of the store that Carl had been working on for as long as I’d been going to the store.

I’d go in there with some frequency, I’d find what I needed and buy it all under his watchful eye. My dad could have gone in there, received a handshake and a ‘good to meetcha,’ and even called him Carl. But I… had to call him Mr. Miller and be treated like a felon.

By the time I’d turned twenty, I’d spent hundreds of dollars there, but I knew that if you put a gun to his head, he wouldn’t be able to tell you my name.


In early 1988, I’d finished my second year at a community college, working toward an AS degree in Criminal Justice, when I got my sponsorship approval from the local Sheriff’s Office.

My dad held it in his hand. “Wow. The police academy. That’s pretty cool, Rob. Great job.” he said with a measure of pride in his voice. “Says here, it’s gonna start in May. Are you going to do another semester before it starts?”

I shook my head with a smile. “Nah, I’ll try to catch some more hours at the car wash.” Things are different now, I know, but in 1988, you could own and insure a car, and take nine credit hours a semester at the local community college, all on not much more than a minimum wage job. If you were thrifty.


Winter in Florida is the optimal time for exercising outdoors if you’ve a mind to. I had been an avid cyclist since I was in my mid-teens. At first it was just an escape from my home life, but I really came to enjoy it. I’d travel twenty miles or more on any given free day and did local tours of up to sixty-two miles. They called it a metric century which was one hundred kilometers. I was in pretty decent shape. I had nearly as much money tied up in my bike as I had my car.

One afternoon, a couple weeks after New Years, I chained up my bike out in front of Hobby Haven and walked into the store. I knew immediately that something had changed. For one, it smelled better, and it was cleaner. A lot cleaner.

“Good morning!” came a female voice.

I turned to see a vision of loveliness. Sitting on the stool that Mr. Miller’s ass usually occupied, was a beautiful blonde woman. She wore a lovely blue sundress, and it was pulled demurely over her legs. She smiled and waggled her fingers at me.

I must have been staring for a while because she finally said. “I won’t bite. I promise.”

I started from my reverie and walked up to the counter. There were a lot of things I wanted to say. Like “am I dreaming” or “are you real?” but they seemed too much like pickup lines to me, no matter how honestly, I might mean them.

“Was the store sold or something?” I asked, hoping it would force an introduction.

She laughed and I swear it was the most heavenly sound. Her makeup was light and understated. A little pale blue eye shadow and dark eyeliner with light pink lipstick on her bee stung lips. I’d never seen a pair of lips I wanted to kiss more. “No, Carl’s just off fishing today.” She held her hand out to me. “I’m Debbie Miller.”

I shook her hand lightly and finally said what I was thinking. “Please tell me you’re his much younger sister.”

She laughed loudly once again without releasing my hand and I smiled at her. “Sorry to disappoint. I’m Mrs. Debbie Miller. Carl’s my husband.”

I must have looked quite the fool with my eyes wide and jaw slack. She released my hand. “And you are?”

I regained my wits just in time to keep from acting as foolish as I looked. “I’m… umm… Robby. I’m one of those young people that your husband always thinks are stealing the store from under him.”

She chuckled and grinned at me. “So, you’re a regular here then?”

I nodded and told her of my hobby. “Mrs. Miller, I’ve been coming here for seven years. I never even knew he was married. Where’s he been keeping you? Some castle tower?” I’ll admit I was trying to come off as charming. She gave me no clue if I was succeeding.

“Oh, no. I just sold my travel agency last week, and since he’s too cheap to hire someone, I decided to cover the store for him while he takes a much-needed trip to the east coast for some deep-sea fishing.”

I was dumbfounded. The idea of that old curmudgeon married to a gorgeous angel like this just floored me. She had a lovely curvy shape, full in both breast and hip. The dress had a flat neckline that went from collarbone to collarbone. Her modest heels were hooked on the bottom rung of the stool.

“Please, call me Debbie. What brings you in today?” She looked down at my sweat covered body. I was wearing Lycra cycling shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. “I wouldn’t say you’re dressed for model building.”

I looked at her and answered honestly. “You know, I don’t exactly know. I was out for a ride and trying to figure out what to do for the next few months until the police academy starts. I saw the store and thought I’d see what new kits you have.” I shrugged.

Her eyes opened wide. “Police academy?”

Before I knew it, she and I were in a conversation all about what I wanted to do with my life. At some point she walked from behind the counter and walked me toward the shelves with the model kits. I perused them as we talked. She asked questions and then listened patiently as I rambled on like only a twenty-year-old who’s trying to impress a girl, can.

I stole looks and glances the whole time. God, she was beautiful. She had tiny laugh lines and crow’s feet, and her hair was a very pale blonde, which was put up in a very attractive hairdo. I knew there was no way she was as old as Mr. Miller. Maybe in her early forties, tops. Her default expression was a pleasant smile.

After a while I realized that my previously damp shirt had nearly dried on my body and that I must have been in there for a while. I grabbed a kit I was interested in.

I turned back to the register, and she followed along behind me. “Well, I guess I’ve taken up enough of your time,” I said sheepishly.

Our eyes met. “Well, I’m very happy you stopped in, Robby. It was nice chatting with you.” She smiled. “I think you’re going to be a terrific police officer. And we surely need more of those.”

I paid for my purchase, and she again stepped from the counter and walked me to the door. Her hand caressed the back of my shoulders as I opened the door making the chimes above the door jingle.

I looked at her. “Are you going to be around here much?” I asked hopefully.

She smiled and nodded. “I think so, maybe in the afternoons but definitely on Saturdays. Carl wants to do a lot more fishing now that I’m free to cover for him.”

I smiled back at her. “Then, I’ll be seeing you around.”

I walked out and, in my vivid young imagination, I saw her watching me as I walked to my bicycle, perhaps admiring my physique as I unlocked the chain and stowed my package on the carrier above the back tire. But when I looked back, I didn’t see her.

I spun my touring bike, stepped into the toe clips and headed off, making sure I glanced down the alleyway behind the building. In the space where her husband’s old Dodge pickup usually sat was a sleek red ’85 Chevy Camaro with T-tops. They weren’t much in the horsepower department back then, but I did like the shape of them. I smiled when I saw it. The idea of that gorgeous woman driving around in a red sports car with the tops off, making men’s hearts jitterbug, just felt so right.

I had a shift at the car wash that evening and it was a damned distraction from the dreaming of Debbie that I did. She was a question wrapped in a conundrum and slathered with a big scoop of ‘what the hell!?’ How did a grumpy old fart like Carl end up with this goddess in a pale blue sundress? I supposed he wasn’t an ugly guy, and maybe he’d been more handsome twenty years ago, but how do you love a guy with a permanent scowl?


I altered my usual cycling trips to include going past the alley behind the hobby shop. But until Saturday, the Camaro wasn’t there. And on Saturday, it just so happened that I needed some glue.

My heart was beating wildly as I stepped through the door, the chimes announcing me.

I looked over at her and she was talking to another customer. An older guy who was one of her husband’s usual group of pals. Today she was wearing an elegant silky blouse, and a knee-length skirt in different shades of pink and magenta. She was so lovely and feminine; I could hardly tear my eyes away.

I walked past them and headed for the racks of adhesives and paints and pretended to look around.

I heard the man laugh out loud at something Debbie had said. “Well, with such an attractive attendant, I think this old place might just see an uptick in business!” he said loudly. I smiled, agreeing completely.

I heard her finish ringing his purchase and then excuse herself to see to another customer. He waved and left with a big smile.

I heard her shoes on the tile floor. “So, what can I do for you today, Robby?” she said with a teasing tone. The fact that she remembered my name meant so much.

The door jingled and she turned and waved as the other man walked out. I looked at her and nodded at the door. With a knot in my stomach, I tried for James Dean cool. “He’s right you know.”

She looked at me curiously as she figured out what I was referring to. Then she frowned slightly. “Not you too. I’ve been dealing with my husband’s friends all day, who suddenly need a bottle of glue when they found out that I would be covering Saturdays.” She looked at the rack I was standing by. “What do you need?”

I looked her in the eyes. “Glue.”

Her mouth dropped open and then she laughed so hard she snorted. She leaned against the shelves and continued until her eyes watered. I laughed right along with her, enjoying the intimacy of being so close to her as she laughed merrily.

She reached out and her hand landed on my bicep. My rather sweaty bicep. She got herself under control and then looked at her hand comedically. “Eww,” she said flatly and then laughed again.

“Sorry about that.” I said with a chuckle. She looked around for something to wipe her hand on. Her eyes landed on my shirt, and she reached for it as if to wipe her hand off, only to find my shirt just as sweaty. “Ugh!” she laughed. “You’re a mess!”

She whirled and headed for the back of the store where I knew there was a storeroom, though I hadn’t ever been in there. I followed her back there, admiring her ass in that dress. With a pair of low pumps, she looked very professional and had this ‘sexy boss’ look that I couldn’t resist.

I stood at the storeroom door as she went to a deep sink and washed her hands. The storeroom was really just an office because all the stock was out on the floor. In the rear I could see items which could have been excess from their garage or attic. I saw a box marked Christmas, and another marked Halloween. Along with a few other large household items that you only need occasionally.

She fired an irritated but amused look at me as she dried her hands. I shrugged. “I like cycling and my boss at the car wash doesn’t care if I’m sweaty or not. It’s hard not to be, working there.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I suppose not, but your never gonna find a nice girl if your always… nasty.”

She changed the subject and asked me if I was looking forward to the police academy. We chatted for about ten minutes until we’d exhausted the subject. I paused and then opened my mouth a said the stupidest thing ever. It took all the boldness I had to say it, and it just didn’t come out right. As usual.

“Debbie, you’re very… attractive. How did someone like you end up with Mr. Grumpypuss?”

Her face went from a glorious smile to an intense frown in an eyeblink. “How rude are you?” she barked at me.

I stammered in surprise. “I’m sorry, I di-didn’t mean to…”

She cut me off. “I don’t want to hear it!” She poked her finger towards me. “My relationship with my husband is none of your business, young man. Do you hear me?”

I nodded like my head was on a loose hinge.

She paused and just glared at me. Then she pointed to the door. “I don’t think I feel like selling you any glue today. I think you should leave my store.”

I opened my mouth to say something, to apologize somehow, so that this beautiful woman would stop looking at me with such disgust. It hurt me in ways I can’t describe.

Her glare told me that silence remained my best bet, so I turned and left the store feeling like a man condemned to an eternity in darkness.

The front of the entire building had a curved green awning, and the support poles were what I chained my bike to. I walked up to the pole and took a deep breath before banging my head against the metal in frustration.


I spent that week depressed. I remember thinking that it shouldn’t hurt this much. I barely knew this woman. But it did.

By next Saturday, I had made a stop at my local drug store and got a very nice apology greeting card. I added a few lines that were short but sincere. That afternoon I was going to leave it under the wiper on her car, but I found the car’s windows open an inch. Which is pretty common in Florida, but usually not until summer. It keeps the inside of the car from becoming an inferno. I slid the card through the slot, onto the driver’s seat and left before someone spotted me messing with a car and called the cops.

I waited another week. I got dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a button-down printed shirt that was popular at the time. I owned a 1975 Oldsmobile that I was very fond of but didn’t drive as much as I wanted to, just trying to save my money.

I took her out for a spin and headed to the hobby shop.

The chimes jingled as I walked in, and I stopped as the door closed behind me. Debbie was behind the counter.

“Can I come in?” I asked softly.

She smiled sadly and waved me toward her. The look on her face told me that something was wrong. I walked up to the counter. “Are you alright?” I asked. She tried to smile but couldn’t get it convincing.

“Carl’s been hurt.”

I reached out for her hand unconsciously. “Oh no. What’s happened?”

She sniffed. “An accident on a fishing boat. He lost his balance and went backwards over the fish cooler. He’s hurt his back quite badly.”

I knew nothing I could say would fix it, so I just stayed silent. She wiped her eye. “I guess I should be glad he didn’t go overboard.” Then she straightened and wiped her eye again and looked at me seriously. That was the moment she realized I wasn’t in sweaty cycling clothes. She smiled sadly. “You clean up pretty good.” Our eyes met. “Did you do that for me?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“I need a favor. A big one. Carl is going to be flat on his back for months. Lots of doctor’s appointments for x-rays, CAT scans and then there will be physical therapy, and all sorts of other stuff. And I’ll be running the store on my own.”

I nodded.

“I need someone I can trust to watch the store when I take him to appointments. Would you like a job where being sweaty isn’t a requirement?” She gave me a small grin.

My mouth fell open. “I don’t think Mr. Miller would approve of me. What about one of his model railroad pals? I’m sure one of those guys is retired and could help you.”

She shook her head. “Nope, I want you and I’ve already told him. And your right, he wasn’t jazzed about the idea.”

I looked at her seriously. “Why me?”

She took my apology card from a sheaf of papers next to the register.

“We don’t really know each other. But you cared enough to buy this and write something nice. The guy who would do that, is a guy I can trust.”

I blushed and moved around nervously. I said the first thing that popped into my head. “Yeah, well I really need that glue.”

I think it took her a second to realize I was joking and then she laughed brightly. It was easy to see that she really needed to.

It really wasn’t a hard choice. The store was open 8am to 5pm, Tuesday through Saturday. She offered me the six and a half hours between 9am and 4pm, with a half hour lunch. She assured me that the employment would last until the academy started, so I went down and quit the car wash that afternoon.

I started the next Tuesday morning. It took her about ten minutes to show me how to operate the 1962 model cash register.

After that, I was off and running. I was around to take care of customers with my modest knowledge of models of all sorts, without too much trouble. Carl was a stickler for price tagging each item, so I had no trouble adjusting to retail life.

As I knew she would be, Debbie was just a joy to be around. Light and funny, she always found something fun to talk about. It’s safe to say that I was crushing hard on her, very quickly.

She opened and closed the store. I was there most of the day, and she scheduled all of Carl’s appointments when I was.

She brought us lunch every day. She made terrific sandwiches. On my first day, we were sitting behind the counter and eating quietly when she spoke up. “You know, it wasn’t so much what you asked.” She looked at me to make sure she had my attention. “It was how you asked it.”

Our eyes met and I looked at her sincerely. “I’m very sorry. I try hard, but I just don’t always say the right things with girls. I get nervous.”

She nodded and looked solemn. “Carl wasn’t always like he is now.” She paused a moment as though lost in the past. “Carl is a twin. He had a twin sister and lost her. They were very close.”

She cleared her throat and glanced back at me; her blue eyes captured me utterly. “She was very sweet, and we became great friends. She was my maid of honor at our wedding.”

She set her sandwich down. “She was killed by a sixteen-year-old boy, joyriding in his daddy’s car, with just a learners permit.”

I’m sure my face showed how sorry I was to hear that. She smiled sadly.

“He loved her more than anyone. Including me, though he’d never say it out loud. And believe me when I tell you, that did not offend me. She was that special of a person.”

I nodded, but probably didn’t understand yet that kind of love.

“I think a part of him died with her. He’s never been the same. We went to therapy and grief counseling, but nothing helped.”

She smiled a bit. “He’s just a grumpypuss now, as you so eloquently put it.”

I was never so ashamed as I was at that moment, and I found myself near tears myself. Thinking about this now as I write, I’m reminded of a Robin Williams quote. “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” I learned that lesson, that day.

She reached over and pulled me into a hug which seemed to be the closest thing to heaven I’d ever known. She smelled wonderful. I put my nose in her blonde hair and breathed deeply. I’m only five foot eight, and in her modest heels we were eye to eye. I set my hands on her back gently and felt the warmth of her body.

When she pulled back, she wiped a tear from her face and then mine, with a little laugh.

For two weeks we talked and got to know each other and had a grand time doing it. We laughed and teased, even flirted a little bit. I know she caught me giving her longing looks. The pretty outfits she wore had been what she wore to her travel agency, so it was just part of her style. She wasn’t gonna start wearing jeans and T-shirts just because it was a hobby shop.

Until my second Friday in the store. That morning, she returned from an early appointment dressed differently. Instead of the lovely outfits she wore so well, she came in, in a halter-topped bodysuit and tights. If you were around in the 80’s and remember leg warmers, she wore those too with athletic shoes.

She must have noticed my eyes when she walked in. She looked amazing. Her beautiful curvy body was on display, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her.

She looked at me a little sheepishly. “Is this, okay? The place where Carl is getting therapy has a gym next door and I signed up for some aerobics classes in the evening.”

I was nearly speechless but managed to not make a fool of myself. “It’s fine by me.”

But it didn’t take long for her to understand that perhaps it was a little too casual. After a couple of men came in with their ladies, who gave her the ugliest looks, she came to me.

“I did this so I could save a little time and catch a 5:30 class after we close.” she said with a concerned look. “I don’t think it’s appropriate now that I think about it.”

I thought for a minute and then remembered a smock that Carl had sometimes worn when he was working on the big model railroad setup. I went and got it and handed it to her.

She grimaced as she looked at it. It was spotted with model paint and glue. “Seriously?” She slipped it on and started closing the snaps.

I shrugged. “This is a hobby shop. You fit right in. And it covers those curves pretty well.” The words were out of my mouth before I thought about it.

But rather than get upset she smiled and grabbed the sides of the smock and pulled them tight around her. “These curves?” she said with a cheery smile.

I nodded nervously and pointedly looked her in the face. I breathed a sigh of relief when she laughed.

The smock did the trick, and she wore one Tuesdays and Fridays when she dressed for her aerobics classes, but replaced Carl’s with a new one, that fit her a bit better. Some days, she’d leave and take Carl to some appointment or just go home and be with him for a couple of hours and I covered the store.

But as the third week ended, I was having real troubles with my imagination. She’d often wear the smock open until a customer came in and then she’d button it up. It gave me an unobstructed view of her marvelous body for most of the day. Her tits weren’t huge, but they were pleasantly plump, and I wanted to put my face between them in the worst way.

One afternoon I went into the bathroom during my lunch break. I’d spent a good portion of the day with an erection, and I really needed a release. But, because Carl always worked alone, and never let customers use the restroom, the door did not have a lock.

Debbie and I had discussed this on my second day, and we just agreed that when the door was open, it was available and when it was closed it was occupied. Easy.

That afternoon, I was seated on the toilet, happily stroking one out when the door opened. My head was back as I enjoyed myself and I started when I heard her gasp and the squeak of the old hinges. Time stopped as our eyes met for the briefest of instances and she saw what I was doing.

“Oh geez!” she yelled and slammed the door closed. Talk about a boner-killer. I put my hands on my face and wondered how long I could hide out in there and not have to face her.

After five minutes I got up, cleaned up and walked out. Humiliated, I couldn’t look at her.

Her voice told me exactly how she was feeling. “Did you finish up?” she said tersely. She was not happy.

I coughed. “No.”

Her voice lightened a bit. “Well then you’re just an average twenty-year-old and not a weirdo who likes being caught.”

I looked up at her. “I’m… I’m really sorry.”

She nodded grimly. She gestured toward my cock. “Was that because of this?” She held open the smock.

I got my eyeful and nodded.

She looked at me rather surprised. “Robby, I’m a forty-six-year-old mother of two, surely I’m not…”

She looked in my eyes and we just looked at one another. Finally, her face fell. “Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll get dressed at the gym.”

I just shrugged. “It won’t make a difference.”

She raised an eyebrow. “What are you saying?”

I could feel my hands trembling at my sides. I was about to say what I’d been thinking for weeks.

Finally, I just blurted it out. “Debbie, you’re an unbelievably beautiful woman. You’d have to wear a clown suit and a bag over your head for me not to think so. The dresses and outfits you wear… they’re beautiful and look great on you. I can’t help but…” I ran out of words and looked down at the floor.

I was saved by the jingle of the chimes over the door as a customer walked in. I could see her breathe her own sigh of relief as she turned toward the door, snapping the smock closed.

“Hi! Can I help you find something?”


We spent the rest of the day in silence. At the end of my shift, I clocked out and looked over at her.

“Debbie, I’m so sorry I made this… weird.” I paused, deciding my next line. “Maybe, you should find someone else. I… I can go back to the carwash. I know they’ll hire me back.”

She looked at me and came around the counter and walked up to me.

“I’m sorry too. It never occurred to me that you would see me as… a woman. My daughters are a little older than you and all their friends just see me as a mom. And I guess I’m just used to that when dealing with young people.” She paused and then continued. “I want you to stay.”

I looked into her lovely blue eyes. “Are you sure?”

She smiled and then chuckled. “Yes. I’ll just have to be a little more careful with that restroom door. Maybe I’ll get a lock for it.”


She never did get a lock as another two weeks went by. Things went back to normal. Sort of. We were fine around each other, reestablishing the easy banter and fun conversations that we’d enjoyed. But… there was a lot more eye contact. I’d look up and find her looking at me with a funny expression that I didn’t understand.

And I went back to rubbing one out, occasionally. What can I say, I was a twenty-year-old virgin. I’d had plenty of female friends but girlfriends, I was always short on. Girls wanted to be pals with me, not jump my bones. I’d spent all of high school and college in what kids today call ‘the friend zone’.

I never could figure out why. Females were the enigma of the ages for me. I’d see guys treat girls like absolute shit and the girls would kill themselves trying to get back with them again and again. All the while crying to me. “I wish he would treat me like you do, Robby.” It was maddening.

But Debbie wasn’t a girl. She was a woman. A beautiful woman. You may as well have pumped an aphrodisiac directly into my veins. All I could think of was kissing those beautiful lips, her soft shoulders, and sliding my hand up those shapely legs.

If I had to identify a day where everything changed it would have to be the day where she acknowledged what I had done in the bathroom.

She would usually eat her lunch at the front counter, reading a book or magazine. I’d usually eat in the back. And occasionally use my half hour to dream about her beautiful ass in her tights and masturbate. One day I came out afterward, and she looked at me with an amused look. “Feel better?” she asked without looking at me.

My first instinct was to try and deny it. “Huh? I wasn’t…” Then I gave up when I saw her raise an eyebrow and not say the obvious. Like how a young man would only spend fifteen minutes in the restroom for one reason. And we both knew it.

“Umm… yeah.” I finally replied.

She looked back at the magazine and nodded her head. “Good.” she said noncommittally. Then she turned to me with a strange expression. She slid off the stool.

“You know what? It’s my turn.” She gave me a wild grin. “Watch the store, will you?”

I watched her walk into the storeroom, with her hips swaying under the pleated skirt she wore. Her wedge heels made her legs look amazing. That was her everyday shoe. A sandal, with a cork three-inch wedge.

I stood there dumbfounded. I heard the restroom door shut and I just stood there with my hands shaking. My imagination was a kaleidoscope of sexual imagery as I dreamed of her sitting on the toilet lid with her panties down around her ankles. With her fingers doing things that I’d only dreamt of.

There were a couple of customers in the store so I could only go as far as the door to the storeroom. I stood there, pretending to arrange products on the shelves. I’m sure she was only using the restroom normally and had only said that to get a rise out of me, literally, but I could have sworn I heard a loud sighing exhale come from the bathroom after a few minutes.

I was signaled by a customer, thankfully. He and I were in deep discussion on the types of model rocket engines when she walked out of the storeroom.

When I returned to the counter, Debbie was already back on her stool, thumbing through her magazine. She didn’t look up when she said, “You know, you might be on to something there, Robby. That’s better than a midday nap.” She looked up and our eyes met. I shuddered and she saw it. “Are you going to need another break?” She looked down at my crotch with a curious look.

I turned away. “I’m fine.” I managed to croak.

I heard her soft reply. “MmHmm.”


I made an effort to not take any “breaks” for a while and as far as I could tell, neither did she. Until the following Friday.

As I’ve mentioned, Debbie’s dresses or skirt and blouse combos were just what she had always worn when she worked at her travel agency. They were pretty but professional. That Friday she came in; in a blue blouse I’d never seen on her before. It was sleeveless and showed off her firm upper arms, with a V-neckline. It was blousy and loose. The material was shiny and eye catching. At the bottom of the V was just a hint of cleavage. Still professional I supposed, but perhaps, only just.

We went about our day, and she was all smiles. She was in a terrific mood. I had often asked about Carl and his recovery, but I seldom got more than a one-line answer. She left, took him to appointments, occasionally went home to make him lunch, but nary a word came out of her about him. She’d frequently talked about her two daughters and their lives, but nearly nothing about her own.

Around ten o’clock we got a product delivery from their distributor, and we spent a little time unboxing in the storeroom. The first box she bent over to pick up, my heart nearly stopped. For three or four seconds I was looking down her blouse at her beautiful tits, held by a deep plunge bra the way a ring holds a precious stone to be admired.

It must have been my conspicuous silence that got her attention as we worked. “Are you okay?” she asked me. I saw her looking at me with a small smile. It occurred to me that maybe she’d worn the blouse knowing the effect it would have on me. But that made zero sense to me. Why would she do that?

I nodded. “Yeah, fine.”

She turned back to her work, but she wasn’t through with me. “Do you like my blouse?”

At that point I knew that I was right, and I summoned up all my courage to be honest. “I think it’s sexy as hell.” I sighed, stunned at myself that I had been that bold.

Her smile told me that I had not overstepped.

A few hours later she grabbed a magazine and her lunch and headed for the front counter. I gobbled mine and then headed for the restroom. I really hated that she knew what I was up to when I went in there, so I had lubricated the hinges so I could go in quietly. It worked great, but there was an unforeseen consequence of that little bit of simple maintenance.

I was quietly enjoying my little stroke when I heard a noise that would otherwise have been muffled by the closed door. I looked up and Debbie was standing there watching me in the doorway. Her expression was flat, and her eyes were glued to my cock. Without looking away, she spoke. “The front door is locked and the ‘back in 20 minutes’ sign is up.”

Then she took a step in the door, and her eyes rose to meet mine. She walked to the cabinet across from me and looked down at my lewdness.

“Debbie,” I croaked helplessly. I was shaking with a mixture of shame and arousal. I wanted her to see me, but terrified that she would think I was some sort of pervert.

She raised her hand to her lips and shushed me. “Show me,” she whispered. She nodded toward my crotch. “Show me how you do it.”

I exhaled in a mixture of disbelief and pure elation. “Ohh,” I breathed as I began to slowly stroke my cock again. My cock had lost not a drop of blood within it, and it felt as hard as a rock. I thought my heart would burst when I saw her smile.

I let my eyes travel down her beautiful, shapely body as I stroked myself. I willed my eyes to bore through her clothes to see her, unobstructed, but no such Kryptonian powers manifested themselves.

When she raised her hands up to the neckline of her blouse, I caught my breath and our eyes met. The blouse was made of some sort of shiny stretch fabric, whose inventor should be knighted and sainted, and she pulled the neckline open wide. I bit my bottom lip as my eyes drank in her amazing cleavage. “Is this what you want to see?” she said seductively.

I took a deep breath and replied. “With every fiber of my being.”

She shook her head and giggled. “Aren’t you the smooth talker, all of a sudden?” I realized she was probably joking but I surely didn’t mind because at that moment, she reached into the cup of her bra and pulled her breast out to hang over the fabric of the bra, one and then the other.

“Oh Debbie,” I moaned as my hand began to speed up on its own.

She smiled. “Slow down, we don’t want you to chafe.” She turned and opened the cabinet she was leaning against and took out a bottle of hand lotion. I’d never seen it before, but then again, I’d only looked in that cabinet once. She walked up to me, coming within arm’s reach. She held the dispenser over my cock. Her beautiful tits hung just inches away. I could have leaned forward and sucked a nipple into my mouth.

I felt cool dollops of lotion fall onto my hand. I very quickly transferred it to my erection and began smearing it up my length. She moved back to leaning against the cabinet.

“There now. Isn’t that better?” She laughed lightly.

I nodded and then she looked down at her breasts. She picked them up in her hands. “They’re not what they once were. They sag a bit now. But ya know… time, gravity and two hungry babies.”

Caught up in the moment I just answered from my heart. “They are the most beautiful things, I’ve ever seen.”

The look of gratitude and affection that she gave me at that moment I will carry with me always.

“You’re such a sweet young man. Someday a smart young woman is gonna see that.” Her eyes traveled over me. “And that fine, young… body,” she said a little breathlessly.

I could feel my orgasm approaching and my breathing hitched. I reached to the counter for the wad of toilet paper I had unrolled for the purpose.

“No don’t!” she said with an intense look.

“I… I’m gonna…”

“I know, sweetie. I want to see it,” she whispered. It was the first time she’d ever called me by a term of endearment.

That was it, man. With a deep moan my cum shot straight out towards her. We both watched three big ropes of it spatter on the floor between her feet. She had a wonderful smile on her face. I stroked more slowly enjoying every firing nerve ending to the fullest. Her eyes bored into mine and her smile was very encouraging.

“Mmm, that was exciting.” Then she straightened and turned toward the sink, whispering something to herself that I didn’t catch. She looked down at me and then handed me a paper towel.

I took the towels and looked down at my softening cock. I started wiping and when I realized I was going to need another, I turned back to her. She handed me some more, which I didn’t notice because my attention was once again on her amazing tits.

She frowned at me and then took a moment to put them both back in the bra and pull up her blouse. “So, I’m guessing you’re a tit man.”

I chuckled despite being embarrassed. “I umm… yeah.”

Then she looked me in the eye and her face turned serious. “Robby. Are you… a virgin?”

It seems so silly and unimportant now, to be a virgin, but back then it felt like I was admitting to being a Communist. I just nodded.

She smiled and then with my pants around my ankles and my cock hanging out, she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“Not to worry.”


The rest of the day was all smiles from Debbie. After an hour or so, I was just beside myself with the desire to, in some way, verbally address what had just happened.

She just held up her finger when I tried. “Robby, there are some things that happen in life that can be ruined by shining a light on them. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

I had no fucking idea what she was talking about, but I nodded anyway. She smiled and stroked my arm from my shoulder to my elbow and then I went back to work more confused than I’d ever been.

As I was leaving for the evening, she smiled at me slyly over the checkout counter. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said.


I hardly slept that night, and I masturbated vigorously to the memory of her luscious tits. For all my expectations though, the next day went by like any other. Her demeanor didn’t change, nor did she behave any differently despite what we’d shared. I was very confused.

That weekend, I decided that I was gonna go to work Tuesday morning, looking good. I wasn’t sure why I wanted to, but she always looked so amazing, and I always looked like a total slacker in jeans and a T-shirt.

I hit the mall and got a haircut and a couple of nice shirts with some khaki trousers. Boat shoes worn without socks were popular at that time and I went with that. Tuesday morning, I shaved and got dressed. It was out of the ordinary enough for my mother to notice.

“Someone’s looking to impress a girl today.” she said with a big smile.

I made up a tiny white lie about the cute brunette that worked in the jewelry store a few doors from the hobby shop.

“Good luck,” my mom said as I headed out.


I parked in the back next to her Camaro and walked in the back door into the storeroom.

I was surprised to find Mr. Miller sitting in his big office chair against his work bench. He turned the chair slowly as I walked in. I saw a flash of pain on his face.

A moment later Debbie walked in off the sales floor. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

Carl looked me over. “So, this is the kid you got to look after things, eh?”

She smiled at him. ‘Yeah, hun, this is Robby and he’s done a great job.”

Carl looked around the storeroom. “Well, the place is clean, and at least he dresses decently. No weird hair or earrings.”

Debbie smiled. “Robby, I got the time wrong for Carl’s doctor appointment today. We’re going to hang here for an hour or so, and then we’ll leave.” Her eyes bored into mine. “I’ll probably be back around lunch time. I’ll bring some sandwiches. Sound good?”

I heard the chimes on the front door and felt I was literally saved by the bells.

“Yeah, that sounds great. Good to see you again. Mr. Miller.” I walked past them and headed onto the sales floor.

I heard Debbie say something about how good I was with the customers. If he replied, I didn’t hear it.


After Debbie dropped Carl off at home, she came in the back with our lunches. She seemed to be in a somber mood.

After we ate, she collected my paper plate and leaned in close to me. “You look very sharp, Robby. Are you trying to impress someone?”

I didn’t deny it. “Yes. There’s a beautiful blonde who’s been making me crazy.”

“Crazy,” she said softly. ‘What an apt word for this.” Debbie grabbed the big office chair her husband had been sitting in a few hours ago and pulled it over to me and sat. Our eyes met and then she looked down at the floor.

“What we… what I… did yesterday was very inappropriate,” she said softly. “We’d both be better off if we just forgot it happened.”

I knew that regardless of my response, what had been starting between us was over. “Well, you won’t hear me complaining about what happened,” I replied. “And I couldn’t forget it if I wanted to.” I got up to walk out onto the sales floor.

She caught me by my wrist. “You will keep it a secret, right? Just between the two of us?”

I nodded, but that wasn’t good enough. “I need your most solemn promise, Robby.” she said intently.

I looked down into her beautiful face. I would have promised her anything. “I promise, I’ll never tell anyone.” She nodded.


The next two weeks were tough for us in every way. Carl’s appointments got more frequent, as he was beginning to heal, and his physical therapy started getting results, and things were very cautious between us. Our usual banter and light flirtations were replaced with awkward silence. When we attempted to engage in that way, it seemed forced, and it didn’t last.

But most of all it was clear that there was now something unspoken between us. I was too young and inexperienced to recognize it, but looking back I’m positive that the desire I was experiencing for her, she was feeling for me. The way she looked at me, the occasional touch on my arm or shoulders, were soft and affectionate.

I pointedly did not visit the restroom for anything aside from its intended purpose. But I can’t say the same of her. She was often in there for extended periods, and I was so tempted to open the door and see for myself, but I was just too nervous to do so.

So, I was a little surprised, when Friday afternoon, she asked me if I’d stay until closing. I’d never been the sort to turn down additional work hours and I happily agreed. Around quarter till five, she closed out the register and asked me to watch the front and then lock the front door at five.

I’d never closed the store before, and it didn’t occur to me that there was anything out of the ordinary going on. But there was.


At five o’clock, I locked the door and flipped the open/closed sign and headed for the storeroom. What I found stopped me in my tracks.

Debbie stood there in front of a folding cot that had been sitting in the back with the holiday decorations, zippered into a canvas dust cover. It wasn’t a camping style cot or anything like that, but a real folding bed, with springs and a four-inch mattress, that probably dated back to the 50s when things were built to last.

It never seemed out of place, so I never questioned why it was there. Growing up, I’d spent nights on such a bed at my parent’s friend’s homes, or at my grandparent’s home. Everyone owned one back then. Homes were smaller. Having a guest room was an incredible luxury. A guest would expect to spend a night on the sofa or a cot like this one.

But here, it looked out of place, with its clean white sheets and the beautiful barefooted woman standing in front of it. Her eyes met mine and I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I walked right up to her because even in my inexperience, I knew she wanted me to.

Her hands came up and caressed up my arms, over my shoulders and took my face in her soft hands. She leaned forward until our lips were nearly touching. “I’ve given this a lot of thought and I really want this. Is this…”

I didn’t let her finish. What I had wanted for so long was so close. I leaned forward the rest of the way and I kissed her. At first her body tensed up and her hands tightened on my face, and then she relaxed, breathing out through her nose. I was a virgin, but this wasn’t my first kiss. That much, I knew how to do.

We kissed for nearly a minute, growing more and more intense as it progressed until we broke the kiss, to catch our breath. She looked into my eyes. “I don’t think I’ll be going to aerobics this afternoon,” she whispered. “We have an hour.”

I nodded. “Debbie…I.” I began and reached out and touched her waist. She took my other hand and raised it to her lips and kissed the palm before setting it against her cheek.

“Don’t worry about anything, I will show you what to do.”

She lowered my hand and pressed it against her breast through her blouse. It felt so warm and full, and I knew in an instant that she had removed her bra. Only the thin material of her blouse was between my hand and her breast. It made me wonder what else she’d removed. I squeezed gently and was encouraged by her smile and her eyes fluttered momentarily.

She reached down for the hem of my shirt. “You first, handsome.” I put my arms up and she dragged the shirt up and off. When she looked down over my lean frame, I would swear I saw a shudder run through her. She dropped my shirt, and her hands caressed my chest. “A fine, strong, young body.”

Her hands caressed down until she got to my belt which she opened deftly, before unsnapping my jeans. She paused there, looking into my eyes as if she was giving either of us a moment to stop this from going any further.

I reached down with both hands and pushed both my jeans and boxers down as far as my arms could reach without bending. Gravity took care of the rest, and I stepped out of my boat shoes and pants.

She looked down at my body and smiled broadly. She reached out and took my hands and pulled me towards the cot which she sat down on. She looked up at me and pulled me towards her until my erect cock touched her throat. I’m sure I was shaking like a leaf.

“I will take care of everything,” she said softly, and I took a deep breath and nodded. She reached up to my chest and caressed down my torso with her eyes following her hands.

Like any young person, I masturbated. It felt great, but I’d never felt anything like when her hands caressed my cock. “H-holy cow,” I exhaled. She smiled at me.

“Feels good?” she asked and then her hand tightened around my shaft and stroked downward, pulling my foreskin tight. I moaned my response.

She bent and my eyes got wide as she took my cockhead in her mouth. She sucked gently and I felt her tongue slide over my cockhead, and under my glans. She pulled back and kissed it before looking up into my eyes. “We are going to do everything you’ve dreamed about. But I think that we should skip ahead to get rid of that pesky virginity. So, you’re not so nervous, later on. What do you say, to that?”

I nodded vigorously. “Yes, please, Debbie.”

She pushed me back gently and stood, the smile never leaving her face. Her breathing was as ragged and uneven as mine and I saw her hands tremble as she began unbuttoning her blouse. Her breasts were magnificent. I reached out and squeezed them both gently, in my hands.

She reached back and I heard the zipper on her paisley patterned skirt. To this day, I remember that afternoon whenever I see paisley. The skirt fell to the ground, and she stood before me gloriously nude. She looked at me rather sheepishly. ‘Is it everything you hoped for?”

I was working on pure instinct at that moment and my words had let me down so often in the past, that I just let my gut guide me. I stepped close and kissed her again. I pulled her body in tightly to mine and I felt her breasts flatten against me. I slid my right hand down and cupped her ass and pulled it toward me. She broke the kiss and took several deep breaths. Her fingers pressed into my back, and I finally figured out what to say.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whispered into her ear. She gasped and kissed me again, hard. It was the right thing to say. I felt her tongue on my lips, and I opened them to allow our tongues to touch. It was like there was an electric charge passing between us, and I know we both felt it. I could feel my cock pushing into her belly and we broke the kiss, and she stepped back, gasping.

Our eyes met and she gestured to the cot, “Lie down on your back, sweetie.”

I watched her eyes follow my body as I did so. She bent and trailed her hand up the inside of my leg and then over my balls and cock. I got my first good look at her pussy, which had a thick patch of blonde hair over her vulva. I saw her outer pussy lips closed over the inner and I wanted to explore there so badly. My only introduction to the female body had been in the pages of Playboy and Penthouse from my dad’s bedside table.

I caught my breath as she lifted her left leg over my body to straddle my thighs. She smiled and our eyes met as she scooted up over my hips. I felt her dampness slide over the length of my cock, and she stopped and sighed with her eyes closed. I gasped as I felt her flesh move over mine. She moved her body slowly, grinding down on my shaft and she panted three times before exhaling deeply.

She never said it. She never said that it had been a long time since she’d had sex. But even in my inexperience I knew that this was indeed the case, just based on her reactions. I know that I should have felt bad about what we were doing. I was about to have sex with a married woman. But I didn’t then, and to this day, as a married man, I still don’t. It was magical and she, an angel, and the memories of that spring remain so in my memory. If that makes me a terrible person, then I guess that’s what I am.

I reached up and took her breasts in my hands, and her eyes sprang open, and she smiled brightly. She cupped her hands over mine and squeezed tightly as she continued to grind on top of my cock. “That feels… sooo good,” she moaned.

“Shouldn’t we use a… you know?” I asked.

She laughed out loud and pulled my hands from her body. Leaning forward she pinned them to the mattress next to my head. Her tits dangled so close to my face and my eyes fastened on them.

“You’re such a sweet guy for thinking of it at this moment, but I don’t think so.” She ground backward on my cock, with a grunt. “I can’t have any more babies, and as for diseases, I couldn’t think of two safer people than you and I. Can you?”

She leaned forward some more and I shook my head urgently. Then she relaxed her arms and dropped her right nipple and areola into my open mouth. It was an “angels sang on high” moment for me. I sucked on it gently and ran my tongue over her engorged nipple. Her areolas were about the size of a half dollar, and she gasped as I latched on. “Ohhh, Robby.” She sighed. It was the first time I’d ever heard my name spoken with such ardor and it was the happiest moment of my life.

She leaned over and switched me to the other tit, and I devoured it even more hungrily. I looped my hands around her ass and pulled her down toward me. After a minute or so, she pushed herself up and looked me in the eye. I felt the head of my cock dip into the opening of her pussy and my eyes got wide.

“Are you ready?” she asked seductively.

I nodded and for the second time that day, said the perfectly correct thing. “Yes, and I’m so glad that it’s with you.”

She smiled and kissed me passionately. While our lips were joined, she angled her hips the perfect way and I slipped inside her. She was unbelievably tight, but I felt her stretch around me, as I eased slowly into her slippery pussy. She panted as the seconds ticked by. It felt like an age, and I wanted to buck my hips and push myself deeper, but the look of elation on her face held me still, until I was at last completely sheathed inside her.

“Oh Debbie, it’s just amazing. You feel so good,” I whispered.

She kissed me again and she torqued her hips, sliding up and down on me slowly. She pushed up again. “You’re not going to last long.” She said it as a statement of fact, and I nodded my absolute assurances of that fact. “But don’t worry about that. You cum inside me when you need to. I want to feel it inside me.”

They were, far and away, the sexiest words ever spoken to me.

She rode me slowly and I just drank in the image of her, hands planted on my chest, her breasts hanging enticingly, her mouth open as she breathed, her eyes boring into mine. After perhaps two minutes of absolute bliss my first orgasm inside a woman came rushing up like a wave.

My hands tightened on her hips, and I began thrusting up into her. She stopped moving and just let me move out of sheer instinct. “Yessss, that’s it, Robby. Give it to me.”

“Oh, Debbie,” I moaned.

“Yessss,” she whispered. A moment later, I flooded her pussy with cum. It felt like gallons of it.

“OH DEBBIE!” I moaned loudly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her body, as my hips flexed up into her.

“It’s so good, it’s so good,” she whispered. Finally, she relaxed and lay against my body as we caught our breath. She sat up and kissed me tenderly, then looked in my eyes. “Was it everything you thought it would be?” she asked.

I was quite overcome with emotion at that moment, and I couldn’t speak. I think my eyes said it well though.

She leaned down and hugged me again and I felt the muscles inside her vagina squeeze my cock. She giggled. “You’re still hard.”

I flexed my hips and pushed into her again. She leaned up, pushing against my chest. “My young stud. Do you want to be on top this time?”

I smiled and told her I did, and we switched positions. Seeing her laying there open and irresistible, was the most beautiful thing. She held her arms open for me, and I leaned over her. We kissed and then I began poking around down there, rather unsuccessfully trying to find her vagina. She giggled and then reached down and guided me in, with her hands.

She smiled and assured me that being able to find it in the heat of the moment takes a bit of practice. As I slid inside her again, she took a deep breath and her eyes closed. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be an expert.”

I began thrusting into her, flexing my hips downward in a very awkward fashion. It didn’t take long for my lower back to really start hurting. She must have seen my discomfort because she stopped me. She pushed me back on my knees and brought her legs straight up. I could see her pussy, wet with our combined cum and I was nearly overcome with arousal.

“That’s it, now slide into me and then wrap your arms around my thighs and flex your hips from this position.”

Heavens, it was such a relief. She bit down on her lower lip and moaned as I started thrusting in and out of her. It was also an unfamiliar movement, but it didn’t take me long to get the coordination down.

She looked up at me and moaned. “Oh yes, Robby. Harder, baby. Hard as you want.”

I torqued my hips forward and our bodies slapped together. Debbie wailed. “Oh yes! Again!” I began thrusting vigorously and she reached up and began squeezing her left breast as her left hand slid down and began rubbing her clit, though I hadn’t been introduced to that lovely little button yet.

The sight of her touching herself and the look of exhilaration on her face drove me wild. I tightened my arms and began thrusting harder yet. Debbie began wailing loudly, making me glad that the walls were of brick, the building dating back to the 50s.

Suddenly her eyes flew open wide, and her mouth dropped open. Thinking I’d somehow hurt her, my movements faltered. “No! No! Keep going!” she nearly shouted, her face relaxing as I began pounding into her again. She laid her head back and closed her eyes.

“Don’t stop, sweetie. Don’t change anything. You’re gonna make me cum,” she said, her voice thick with arousal. “I’m gonna cum.”

I gasped with elation and continued fucking her with enthusiasm. Her fingers were a blur on her clit and I could see her fingertips pushing into her soft tits.

Her eyes sprang open again and I felt her pussy tighten down on me like a vice. “Oh, Rrrrrobby!” she moaned as her orgasm swept through her. Her hand left her breast, and it slapped down and grabbed a fistful of bedsheet.

Sadly, she clamped down on me just a stroke too soon. I felt myself ejaculate within her, but my orgasm was ruined. I didn’t mind a bit. She pulled me down to her and held me tightly. Her lips sought out mine and we made out, as my cock softened inside her wet warmth.

She slid to one side, and I took the hint and slid off her body in the other direction. The cot was just big enough for us to do this. I slid under her armpit and laid my face on her breast. She wrapped her arms around me and held me. “That was very good,” she said, breathing heavily. “I’m going to teach you so much. It’s going to be wonderful.”


The next day, I stopped at the local florist on the way to work. After what she’d done for me, it seemed like the thing to do. I’d bought my mother and grandmother flowers dozens of times, and both girlfriends I’d had (briefly) in the past. To show appreciation, flowers just seemed like the thing to do. Debbie was in the storeroom when I arrived and offered her the bouquet with a hug. I tried to kiss her, but she turned her head, and I just got her cheek.

She was surprised and a little hesitant. “That’s very thoughtful, Rob.” She pulled the card from the flowers and read it with a thin smile. She looked at me. “You know I can’t exactly take these home with me.”

That hadn’t occurred to me. “Well, umm… we can just put them in some water, here then, and leave them on the desk,” I offered.

She chuckled. “Okay, but I don’t have a vase here, so you’re gonna have to think of something.”

So, the ‘thank you for taking my cherry’ flowers, spent the first day in a 7-11 Super Big Gulp cup until I could grab one of the half-dozen cheap vases from my parent’s garage, on my lunch break. As I was putting them in the vase, she turned to me.

“Let’s talk,” she said.

I was old enough to know that those words usually start off something unpleasant, like, “I want to see someone else.”

I gave her my attention. “What we did yesterday, was wonderful and I’ve no regrets. I think that it will be our Friday thing, if you’re up for it,” she said slyly.

I breathed a sigh of relief. “But only Friday. On Tuesdays, I’m going to go to my aerobics class like normal.” She paused to make sure I was getting this. “And except for our Friday thing, there will be no displays of affection between us. No hugs, kisses, touches or anything else. It goes back to normal, except after closing on Friday. And I need you to put a stop to those wishful looks you’ve been giving me since we met.” I lowered my eyes, a little embarrassed.

She paused again and we just looked at one another. “Do you understand?” she asked. I thought I did, but age and wisdom has shown me I was wrong back then. I thought it was about keeping the risk of being caught to an absolute minimum. It really wasn’t. It was to keep what was building between us emotionally, from getting out of hand.


That next week was a little weird. I think both of us felt like we were pulling back a bit. It was tense. We’d start talking and then laughing and enjoying ourselves and then she’d reach out to touch my arm like she might have two weeks ago, and then pull it back. Our laughter would fade as we both got embarrassed. As Friday got closer, we both got a little more at ease with the situation and it got closer to normal.

On Friday, I dressed nicely and shaved. Used a little cologne. Drove my car with the air conditioning on. Debbie noticed.

“I’m sure the customers appreciate you getting dressed up for them,” she said with a smile.

I chuckled. “Well, I’m all about customer service.” We both laughed.

We both stuck to the rules. We didn’t talk about it, we didn’t touch or anything, but I had not yet come to know the wiles of a woman. Around one o’clock on Friday, I finished with some customers and went into the back to drop off a return. The cot was already out and had fresh sheets on it. She was standing there in her body suit and a light flowing skirt. She wore the smock unbuttoned and wide open.

I could see her nipples poking through the material of the body suit. If she had been wearing a bra earlier, she wasn’t now. She caught me looking and grinned.

“You okay?” she asked softly.

I tore my eyes from her exquisite curves. “I’m just fine.”

We both heard the chimes on the front door, and she pulled her smock closed and stepped past me towards the sales floor. “I’ll say,” she said suggestively as she walked past me, leaving my heart beating like a trip hammer.

The rest of the afternoon passed that way, with little glances and smiles and glimpses of her body, when she opened her lavender smock. I’d thought it a strange color when she bought it, but it really suited her.

At 4:50, she closed out the till and headed back into the storeroom, but not before she gave me a smoldering look. It was the longest ten minutes of my life. At two minutes till five, a man passed by the window, and I held my breath that he wouldn’t come in the store. I’m sure Debbie heard my sigh of relief all the way into the storeroom. At five o’clock and zero seconds I turned the lock on the door and flipped the open sign.

I held on to enough dignity and self-control to not run to the storeroom. When I entered the storeroom, she was sitting patiently in her husband’s office chair. As the door swung shut, she motioned for me to come to her. “Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly,” she said with a grin.

I stepped up to her and she immediately began unbuckling my belt. She looked up at me, “Because that’s what we’re going to do today. I’m going to eat you up.” Her breath was already as ragged as mine as she opened my jeans and pulled them and my shorts down. I watched her pull my hard cock next to her cheek and breathe deeply. She looked up at me. “No more cologne, please. I like the way you smell,” she smiled. “Even when you’re sweaty.” She kissed the head of my cock lovingly. “Especially, when you’re sweaty.”

I unbuttoned my shirt. “So, let’s get sweaty then,” I said happily. Which wasn’t all that much of a chore really. The sales floor had a suspended ceiling, and the air conditioning was ducted down low, but in the storeroom, the AC ducts were twelve feet up. On a hot day, it never got close to comfortable. But this was only March, and it hadn’t gotten that bad yet.

She helped slide my shoes and pants off my legs and then sat back, admiring my naked body. She sighed and then opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it again with a wistful look. She stood up in front of me with her hand caressing my cock. I leaned in and kissed her enthusiastically. It was like a damn broke. She reached around my neck and pulled me hard into her. Her right leg wrapped around mine and I could feel my cock pressing into her abdomen. She kissed me like she’d been starving for it. Starving for the intimacy of it. I gave back as good as I got. Finally, she pushed me back with a gasp.

She dashed past me and yanked her skirt off. It was just an elastic waist, and it was off in a flash, leaving just her body suit on. She sat on the edge of the cot and held her arms open for me. I stepped between them, and she pulled me towards her. She looked up at me. “Do you know what I’m going to do now?” she purred.

I felt a shudder roll through my whole body. “Well, I know what I’m hoping, you’re going to do.”

She laughed and then took hold of my cock at the base and slid her mouth down over it. I felt my cockhead hit the back of her throat just before her lips touched her hand against my abdomen. She sucked hard as she pulled back.

“Was that what you were hoping for?” she said with a knowing smile. Then she plunged back down onto my cock without waiting for my reply. Her warm, wet mouth felt amazing. Every few strokes, she’d lick up and down my length and then renew her assault on my cock, while cupping my balls gently.

My hands instinctively went to her head, but I pulled back at the last second. She must have caught the movement because she looked up and said, “You can put your hands on my head but don’t push down too hard.” I nodded my understanding. “And Rob,” our eyes met. “I want you to cum in my mouth.”

My jaw dropped and she giggled as she began sucking on my cockhead again. I’d read about that, in dirty magazines, but I’d had my doubts that women would actually want such a thing. Apparently, I was dead wrong. My beautiful angelic boss had just asked me to… and just as I thought it, I felt it beginning to occur.

“Ohh, Debbie,” I moaned.

She started stroking me with her hands, my pre-cum and her spit making it slick. “Does it feel good, sweetie? Do you like it when I suck on your cock?”

“Oh hell, yes,” I moaned before she resumed. I could hear my pulse in my ears. “Your mouth feels so good, Debbie. It’s amazing. I’m going to cum soon.”

Her reply was a hummed, mmhmm, and she sped up with her hand and mouth. I tried to hold off. I’d heard of thinking about sports or the weather or anything, but all I could imagine was her pink lips around my cock, making me feel like a fucking king!

When I came my hands tightened involuntarily on her head and my hips began thrusting on their own. I must not have been too rough because she never stopped, never pushed back on me. She just moaned with me when I flooded her mouth with my cum. I felt the tip of her tongue under my glans and knew I was shooting it down over the back of her tongue. She just swallowed and then looked up at me with a big smile. She licked up my length and grinned up at me lasciviously. God, she looked so sexy.

“I love doing that,” she said as she caught her breath. “Was it good?” she asked.

My knees felt a little weak, so I sat next to her on the bed. Our eyes met. “Deb, I don’t have the words to describe how good that felt.”

She smiled. “Better than my pussy?”

I shook my head in a hurry. “No, nothings better than that.”

She stood and laughed, pushing me backward on the mattress. She kissed me and for a split second, I recoiled as I’d just cum between those lovely lips. Then it occurred to me, that if I couldn’t handle kissing her after getting a blowjob, I didn’t really deserve a blowjob, and then kissed her back enthusiastically.

She broke the kiss. “Are you ready to return the favor?”

My eyes went wide. “You mean lick you, down there?” She nodded, never breaking eye contact.

Some of the first pornography I’d ever seen had included cunnilingus and I’d read about it. I couldn’t wait to try it. The idea of it had always felt so deeply visceral and intimate it was one of my greatest fantasies.

“I would really like to do that,” I said fiercely.

Debbie kissed me. “That’s great! Because I love oral sex. Giving and… receiving.” She fell backward on the other end of the cot and pulled her knees up toward her chest, spreading them wide. She reached down and much to my surprise there were snaps in the crotch of her body suit. She yanked on the fabric and the snaps popped open, revealing her beautiful pussy.

Her outer labia were spread revealing her inner pussy lips which were generous to say the least. She spread them so I could see her opening. At some point I realized I was holding my breath and took a big breath which made her laugh.

“Don’t pass out on me now, lover,” she said mischievously. At that point I received instruction on the anatomy of a vagina and finally a crash course in how to make her cum with my mouth and fingers. I’m proud to say that I was successful in that endeavor, but only because she was patient enough to teach me.

I loved every second. It was everything I hoped it would be and watching her cum with my fingers on her G-spot and my tongue on her clit was an amazing experience.

By the time she had caught her breath I was completely hard, and she wanted me inside her, pronto. She pealed down the top of her body suit and squeezed her breasts erotically.

I entered her like I had the week before, with her ankles on my shoulders and she wailed when I slid inside her. “Oh sweetie, I’m so sensitive after I’ve cum. So go slow and easy until I tell you and then let me have it.”

Those were simple instructions and I followed them to the letter. Our eyes held one another as I slowly eased in and out of her wet pussy. It was incredibly intimate and special. After five minutes or so, she had me speed up some more and we both began breathing hard and moaning together.

“Robby, it’s so good. I’m so happy,” she whispered, and it made me feel wonderful. After another minute she started to pant heavily, and her eyes narrowed. “Fuck me, Robby. Fuck me.”

My heart soared and I began plunging into her feverishly. I let her legs fall over my elbows and I leaned forward over her. The strength of her legs held me and I pistoned my hips for all I was worth. Her pussy was dripping wet, and we were drenched in sweat. I watched her big tits undulate with every impact of our bodies and I became completely entranced by them.

She reached out and took my face in her hands. “I’m close Robby, I’m getting close! Are you?”

I nodded an affirmative and she gasped. “Let’s come together, sweet boy. Together! You tell me when, okay?”

My breathing hitched and my eyes got wide. So did hers. “Oh, I can feel you! I can feel your cock getting bigger inside me! You feel so good… I’m gonna cum!”

My orgasm roared through me, and she was just a heartbeat behind. We moaned together and enjoyed seeing the rapture on each other’s faces, until we collapsed into each other’s arms, kissing like lost loves.


Our affair continued for another six weeks or so, and she found me an eager pupil and a very quick learner. And then, as all things must, it ended.

Though we never talked about it, we both knew it was going to happen. The police academy was starting soon, and I knew Carl was eagerly awaiting the doctor’s okay to come back to work. Debbie and I had a very somber final week. That Thursday, I noticed that the cot was not in its usual place in the storeroom. I stopped and stared at the place it had been and I heard her come up behind me. Her hand caressed down from my elbow, and she took my hand. I turned and we shared a sad smile.

“My sister is staying for a while, and we needed the cot back at the house. Our Friday’s…”

I pulled her hand to my mouth and kissed it. “Our Friday’s have been wonderful. Life changing, even.”

Her eyes welled up. “For me too,” she whispered.

The front door chimes rang, and we both took a deep breath and smiled. We got back to work, and I didn’t leave early. I stayed until five ‘o’clock. She didn’t question it or remark on it, it was like we both knew these were the last few minutes.

After we were done, we met at the back door. She turned to me, and we kissed. It was short but sweet and we both tried to put everything we were feeling into that kiss, into that embrace, both failing utterly.

Our eyes met. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” I said, trying to put on a brave face.

She gave me a sad smile and nodded. “Yeah, tomorrow.”


The drive home was one of those trips where you end up in your driveway but have no memory of the trip between it and where you started.

My mother noticed my long face as I walked into the house. “It didn’t work out with that brunette in the jewelry store, did it?”

I managed to keep it together and told her that it hadn’t. She started saying something else, but I was already in my room before she finished.

That night I received a phone call from Carl Miller. He explained that he was returning to work the next day. He thanked me for my assistance but said that my services would no longer be required. Just like that, it was over. My life moved on with the start of the police academy and the few times I drove by the store, her Camaro wasn’t there.


Fast forward twenty-two years, to 2010.

A fellow cyclist named Bruce Weber wrote a book called Life is a Wheel, in 2014, and it certainly was true for me. Because, after many years of living all over the country with my wife and two sons, we found ourselves back… home. The 2008 market crash hit us hard, and we were living out of state. In 2009, I lost my job, and then subsequently, our home. We made it through thanks to friends and family. We moved in with my wife’s aunt and my good friend got me an interview for a really good job. By 2010, we were back on our feet. My wife and I, and both our sons worked our asses off to make it happen.

Now, I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you that I raised my sons to have hobbies. They didn’t build model cars like me, but we all enjoyed a trip to a hobby store.

One day in a town about fifteen miles from where I grew up, I was driving with my family when my youngest son sang out. “Hobby shop on the right, Dad!” I checked my mirrors, looked over my shoulder, did a quick lane change, and decelerated perfectly to pull into the strip-mall entrance. All, without pissing off another driver.

I pulled around and finally got a look at the place. It was Hobby Haven. My arms broke out in gooseflesh and had to remind myself to take a breath as I pulled into a parking spot. It was a recently constructed building. It hadn’t been there when I left town to join the service in 1992.

I let my family walk in ahead of me. I needed to take my time with this. I stopped when I heard the chimes on the door jingle. My sons scanned the big room and split off immediately. My wife, Sara, just meandered down the first aisle, happy to take it slow.

I was at first struck with the feeling of familiarity. Though this wasn’t the same store I had worked in, it felt similar. There was a bit of the same haphazardness that Carl kept in his store.

I stood, not far from the door when I saw a woman close to my age, which was forty-two at the time. She was a sandy blonde and a bit on the chubby side, with a pleasant smile. “Can I help you find something?”

I returned the smile and asked, “Is this the same Hobby Haven that was north of here back in the 80s?”

She nodded. “Yeah, that was my dad’s store. He passed in ’93, and Mom and I have moved the store twice since then. We’ve been here about a year now.”

With a knot in my gut the size of a volleyball, I asked. “And your mom? How is she?”

She simply turned and pointed. “You can ask her yourself. She’s right over there, near Dad’s old train layout.”

My hands trembled as I thanked her for her time and walked towards Debbie. Seeing her then brought everything back in a rush. You never forget your first love, they say, and it’s very true.

My mental math told me she was sixty-seven or thereabouts. In stories like this, they always say that she didn’t look a day over fifty and still looked amazing, but that’s not the truth of it. She looked sixty-seven. But still a very beautiful, sixty-seven. I’d have known her anywhere.

The customer she was talking to, thanked her and walked away. Debbie turned to the wall to return some items to the shelves and didn’t see me as I walked up.

I’d been thinking of what I’d say since I saw the store’s sign outside. “Do you still have the cot in the back room, Deb?” I asked softly.

I watched her body flinch as my voice spoke an old secret aloud, and her hand stopped in mid-air with the item she was putting away. She set it back down and turned slowly.

She saw me and her hand came up to her mouth and her eyes filled. Then her hand came down, and she was frowning at me. She wiped away a tear quickly, regaining her composure.

“You could have called. Or wrote.” she said tersely.

And just like that, I was stammering before a beautiful woman, just like I had, back in ’88. “I’m so… sorry, Debbie. I…”

And then she was in my arms. She wrapped her arms behind my back and pulled me tightly to her body. Her hair was a beautiful white, and she wore it in a modern pixie cut. Her body was still curvy, but with a few extra pounds than she’d had in her aerobics days. But I was no one to talk about a little extra around the middle.

I squeezed her gently and whispered in her ear. “I’ve thought of you, all the time.”

I heard her take a deep breath and inhale my scent and then she reluctantly relaxed her arms and pulled back a few inches. Our eyes met and then she leaned in and kissed me. It was the softest, most chaste, kiss. Then she whispered, “And what were you remembering?”

She pulled back and smiled at me. It was that mischievous smile that I remember in my dreams so often.

I smiled at her. “Well, those terrific sandwiches you used to make.” We laughed for a long time and then just looked at each other. Finally, I spoke. “My wife and my sons are here with me.”

Her eyes filled up with tears again. “And did you tell her?”

I nodded. “Yes. A long time ago.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but she stopped when her daughter and my wife walked up to us together. Debbie stepped away from me, and I got a weird look from Sara and her daughter. I smiled at Sara, and she shrugged and turned to Debbie’s daughter again. I forget what they asked Debbie about, but just like that, the conversation turned to hobbies.

I had told Sara about Debbie back in the “disclosing all sexual partners” part of our courtship. I may have mentioned her once or twice in passing since then. If my wife connected the woman before her with the woman who took her husband’s virginity, she didn’t say anything. We talked together for perhaps ten minutes, with Debbie and I stealing glances at one another the entire time.

When my wife and sons went up to the checkout, it finally left Debbie and I alone again.

We looked at one another and chuckled. There was so much to say, but now, just wasn’t the time. “I’ll come back another day. We’ll talk,” I said.

She sighed and smiled. “That sounds wonderful.” She walked up and poked me in the chest. “And that’s all we’re gonna do mister, so don’t you go getting any funny ideas.” We both had a laugh and then she grinned at me. ‘Besides, you’re too old for me now.”

God, it was hard to leave the store. Before I did, she took her wallet from her purse and fished out a card and tucked it into my shirt pocket. I assumed it was contact information and didn’t bother to look at it then, but I did when I got in the car. Staring down at the card, my eyes swam, and I had to take a minute to get myself together. I was not expecting to see my own handwriting on the card. It was old and worn, but it was the card that I had added to the flowers I’d brought her after our first Friday.

Thank you so much, beautiful lady.


That night my wife looked at me with a smile. “So… you want to talk about it?”

I didn’t marry a dummy. I knew she’d probably picked up on some of the tension between Debbie and me. Not to mention my little moment in the car. I was pretty quiet on the way home. But I wasn’t going to be that easy.

“About what?” I asked with a grin.

She gave me a wry look. “Whatever was going on between you and the older woman at the hobby shop. You obviously knew each other.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, sorry. I’m just sort of processing it,” I said.

“Processing what?” my wife said, stepping up to me close enough to kiss.

“Remember the older woman, I told you about? The one I worked for, who took my virginity?”

Realization flashed across her face, and she clapped her hand over her mouth. “You mean… that was her?”

I nodded. She sat down on the edge of the bed and then looked up at me. “Are you going to go back?”

I nodded. “Yeah, we need to talk, she and I.”

Sara got up and kissed me deeply. “I think I’d like to as well,” she said with a grin. She threw her arms around me and pulled me close. “I need to thank her for being such a good teacher.”


Author’s note –

As I mentioned at the beginning, this is a very special story. And for two reasons.

The first is that this is the story I came to Literotica to write. It was my very first submission. The first version of this story was kicked back three times for a few reasons, but the short of it was that my writing wasn’t up to snuff yet.

So, I started another story which became Mama’s Beach House, and it was my first successful submission. But Debbie was never far from my mind, and she showed up in my second story, Getting Busy. Which is a very different take on Debbie and the hobby shop in that it takes it to a wonderful happy ending. But this telling of it, has always been waiting for me to rewrite and I’m glad I did.

The second reason is because this story is true or at least mostly so. I obviously cannot recall our actual dialogue, or what she wore each day. Debbie, the hobby shop, and my job there were all real. The amazing spring we had, really happened. I have changed the name of the store and her and her husband’s name and been purposely vague on location.

My attraction to older women was cemented that spring. I would not think it a stretch to say that I was in love with her. I certainly went through a period of heartbreak when the job ended, and the police academy was a welcome distraction from it.

Debbie and I, did have that talk years later, and I’m sure it won’t surprise you to know that our affair had been Carl’s idea. The afternoon he came to the store with her, he’d noted the tension between us, the way I looked at Debbie. He told her it was alright. He wasn’t into being a cuckold, but he knew he wasn’t the husband he should be and gave his blessing. We kept it low key and when it was over, it was over.

He died five years later of a stroke. Debbie never remarried, though she’d had some boyfriends. She and I kept in touch and talked frequently through social media until she passed away recently. It was what prompted me to restart this story.

I owe her an awful lot. It was with her that I learned to be comfortable around a beautiful woman, how to flirt and have fun. To be confident and to forget about being James Dean cool and just be Robby, however cool or uncool he might be. It was part of the learning curve of knowing women that some men, like me, seem to have a bit of trouble with, at first. Love you, Deb.



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