My Newlywed Neighbours by Biandrandy,Biandrandy

They were love’s young dream when they moved into the tiny cottage across the road from my house. They screwed nearly all the time when he was home and she gazed at him in worship the rest of the time. Well, he was quite beautiful in a David Bowie sort of way.

She was a stunning blond. Petite with long straight hair and a lovely rounded pair of 34Cs with an arse to match.

I could see into their bedroom from my office window and all the while the office light wasn’t on they didn’t bother with the curtains. I had a perfect view of her getting fucked all ways to heaven. She was insatiable. It didn’t take long though for the shine to wear off.

He was moving ahead in his city job and started working stupid hours. Now that really screws up your sex-life — been there etc… She was a free-lance graphic artist so she’d barely opened an eye in the morning before he was out the door.

I watched him fuck her awake a few times. She didn’t object, she just lay there and let him get on with it and then go straight back to sleep afterwards. He soon gave up though and just let her be. By the evening she was truly gagging for it. She’d rip his clothes off as he got through the door and fuck him on the hall carpet.

On one occasion she was waiting on her knees, naked with her mouth open when he opened the door. She sucked him off in the hall without even bothering to close the door. I’m pretty sure she knew I was watching that time.

He was coming home later and later though and she soon took to wanking herself off three times a day. Within a year they were down to fucking once a month.

I thought it was about time we got better acquainted. So I ordered a small parcel and arranged to be out when it was delivered. I’ve got the postman pretty well trained so I knew he’d leave it at the cottage. I got home early afternoon, parked my car in the drive and quickly changed into shorts and a thin silk shirt. From the office I saw her peeking at the car and jogged downstairs.

I’d made a jug of iced tea that morning and it was just about ready. I was getting ready to serve it with some home-made biscuits when she knocked on the door… “Come in — it’s open!”

She tentatively opened the door and called out “Hi Mr Savage — I’ve got your parcel.”

“Hi Jenny! it’s Harry — come through.”

She timidly walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a pair of cutoffs over a skimpy bikini and Greek-style leather sandals.

“Come in and have some tea.” I said, pouring her a glass.

“Oh I don’t want to bother you.”

“Oh don’t worry about that! I’ve just made some biscuits.” I took her elbow and steered her out to my sun-lounge and installed her on the sofa. She looked great in the afternoon sun.

Now I’m no oil-painting — a bit rugged and weatherbeaten. Nothing like her beautiful boy. But I’ve always been successful with the ladies and I was confident that I could get into her pants despite her being married less than a year.

I handed her a glass of tea and the plate of biscuits and plonked down at the other end of the sofa. “So how are you settling in?”

“Oh fine — it’s so lovely here.”

“Yes — a bit quiet for a hot couple like you two though.” She blushed slightly at the personal reference.

“Oh no! it’s just what we need. I can work in peace and it’s only a two minute drive to the station for Andrew.”

I noticed she said ‘to the station’ and not ‘from the station’. She was already beginning to think of him as separate from her life.

I sat in silence and looked at her body as she finished her biscuit. She was well aware of my gaze but didn’t seem too uncomfortable. She cast about for something to say. “Your garden looks lovely.”

I leapt to my feet. “Come and have a look.” I took her hand as she opened her mouth to protest and eased her to her feet. “Bring your tea.” She followed me out of the sun-lounge doors and down the garden path.

I kept hold of her hand as we walked side-by-side through the garden. She was chatting happily about all the plants and trees and the little hidden dells. Then we rounded the high hedge at the bottom of the garden into my sun-bathing area.

She gasped at the view across farmland and the Weald to the distant South Downs and the sea. “What a view!”

“It’s a great spot. You can sunbath here to your heart’s content with no prying eyes.”

“You sunbath nude? you’re a bad man!”

“It doesn’t do anyone any harm. You should try it. There’s a shower and fresh towels in that shed. Help yourself.” She looked where I was pointing to my bath-house half hidden behind the bushes.

“Oh I couldn’t!”

“Yes! Go on! No one can see you here. You can use it as much as you like. Use the side gate if I’m not in.” I could see she was tempted. “Anyway I’ve got to go and finish off a report. Stay as long as you want.” I patted her back and headed for the house. She moved to follow me but stopped and folded her arms as I walked away.

When I got to my office I was pleased to see that she hadn’t spotted the security camera up in the big Norway maple. Ok it wasn’t hidden but not obvious either. She was laying on one of my beech-wood steamer chairs wearing a sun hat that I kept in the bath-house for guests.

She gave it ten minutes before she she glanced around and removed her bikini top. Twenty minutes later she was starkers wearing just my hat and a big smile.

I gave her an hour to toast. I was whistling loudly as I approached my little sun-trap. When I rounded the corner she was standing wearing a bath towel round her waist. Her ripe tits were proudly on display. “I’ve brought you some more tea.”

She smiled taking the glass “You’re spoiling me Harry.” She sat. “That’s not just a shed! You’ve got a sauna in there.”

“Hmmm — a weakness of mine I’m afraid. Perfect for summer and winter.”

“Yes — I love a good sauna — Andrew hates it.”

“Well we’ve got time before he gets home — let’s fire it up.”

“Oh no!”

“Yes! Why not? – Let’s do it.”

I went and switched on the electric heater. It would take half an hour to get up to temperature. We sat side by side and chatted. After five minutes she excused herself and came back wearing her bikini bottoms. I’d have those off soon as well.

We chatted idly in the sunshine for half an hour. I got her talking about her work and her family. There’s nothing like being a good listener to get a woman relaxed. The sauna would be just about ready so I excused myself and went into the bath-house.

I came back wearing a terrycloth robe. I’d lost the shorts and underneath I was nude. I flung another robe in her lap. “Come on! Time for some heat.”

She tried to protest “Oh no! I shouldn’t” but when I took her hand and pulled her to her feet she didn’t resist. She clutched the robe to her chest as I led her into the bath-house.

Inside there was a small changing room. She’d already left most of her clothes in there. I pointed. “Go on. In there and get your robe on.” She was gone a while. I knew what she was worrying about. She needed to loose the panties. Otherwise they’d be drenched in sweat and not nice to walk home in. Of course, she could go home in just her cut-offs…


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