Night Out in a Hamburg Sex Club

My friend invited me for a

Birthday Night Out In A Hamburg Sex Club.

And what a night it was.

My friend Dieter invited me to Hamburg for a birthday night out with him we had been friends since our college days together and had visited each other on a number of occasions since then.

As I had never had been to one before but always wondered what they would be like I agreed to go to a gay sex night club which Hamburg is famous for. Dieter had managed to get us two category ‘E’ tickets for a club where one of his friends worked.

I was very nervous about what to expect as we travelled to the club in a taxi, egged on by Dieter’s expectations of a night full of erotic and unrelenting sex.

We had to present our ID cards at reception to be copied by what was an obviously Tran’s or CD receptionist who openly flirted with us saying she could meet us later after work.

Dieter egged her on, he was good at that and we had quite a few mishaps because of it during our college days in Dusseldorf where we both studied business and business administration.

My adrenalin was pumping so hard I was finding it hard to settle down one of those fight or flight moments; flight was winning.

As first timers to the club we were given an introductory tour by one of the staff. Started in the general bar area which was crowded and noisy with dancers and people trying to make out with each other, more or less what I expected. We then moved onto the ‘activity’ areas.

You needed a pass to get into where the pay and play sex area’s were, with separate playrooms for groups, lesbian’s, gay’s and dungeons which were fully equipped, bit to entheaustic for my taste maybe one day.

Entertainment areas included a wide screen cinema which was showing a very erotic interactive film which was being actively re-enacted by a stag group.

Large stage and two exhibition pit areas, where the tour guide said.

“No need to explain what these are for.”

All had low lighting discreet alcoves and general open areas for those who preferred to watch or participate in open activities, with various help yourself sex paraphernalia vending machines on the walls.

It was quite an eye opener I didn’t expect this let alone participate in. I was beginning to seriously feel I was out of my depth.

We then went to see the duty entertainment manager Werner who Dieter knew.

We had to sign an ‘activity’ disclaimers saying;

‘We are knowingly and willingly participating in sexual activities with individuals who may receive or make payments for sex.’

‘Payments will be made via an account which will be settled at the end of each night, noting the club has a cashless policy.’

We were given tap wrist bands to put on, all we needed to do was select what we wanted by taping the band and payment becomes automatic, pricing being on a board in each room, including for multiple activities that you tapped to select.

Werner took us to the private club area ‘E’ changing room, first we had to get undressed, all guests and staff wore, either coloured shorts or wraps, we were given white wraps with red, blue and green piping (indicating active, passive, oral etc.).

This let everyone know what your preferences were, or provided, Dieter already knew and had prefilled in what we were both into.

I was now getting a bit concerned what we had let ourselves in for. When Werner left to make arrangements for us to get into in area ‘E’, standing there with only a wrist band, white wrap and flip flops on, I asked Dieter.

“What’s happening and what have you signed us up for?”

“Remember the Sun club, housekeeping, life modeling, pool parties we went to, the striptease routine we did and the Norwegian business men we had sex with and got paid for?”

My heart skipped several beats and stopped a couple of times I think, as I thought back to when we were both students and short of money.

One summer Dieter and I managed to get a summer job in a Sun (naturalist) club about 10k outside of Dusseldorf. It was where we first met, became roommates then friends.

As staff we wandered around all day with only speedos on serving drinks, tiding up, cleaning.

What we didn’t know when the students union found us this job was it was an exclusive private ‘gay’ naturalist club. Apparently being over 19 was the only pre-qualification required as they would ‘train you’, accommodation etc. was included.

It wasn’t long before we knew what the members were doing apart from walking around naked although they were very discreet about it. Occasionally we would walk in to a room to find members having sex together or in a playroom or alfresco behind a hedge row on sun loungers.

A few times I was asked to photograph their activities for them, only once in the first ten days was I propositioned, I didn’t know wither to be relieved or insulted by that.

Although many of the students we studied with were gay of flexible shall we say, we were both straight.

The whole environment was not sordid or anything like that actually it was quite amenable just a first time eye opener for the both of us.

After we completed our probationary 10 days the event manager called us into his office, apart from confirming our 3 month contract.

Told us it was now okay to accept payments for sexual favors from club members or their guests and just to let him know what they wanted and he would recover the money for us.

We both knew what he meant as we left his office as by now one or two of the members had already sounded us out about future favors we were prepared to give.

Dieter confidently said.

“I am up for it what about you?”

I was still taken aback by it and said.

“Yes I suppose so but I have never been fucked before.”

Dieter replied.

“Neither have I but I would like to see what it’s like.”

That night after my shift one of the members came up to me when I was alone and asked.

“How about you come to my room when you finish your shift?”

I had actually finished my shift then and was heading back to my room for a shower. I was still very unsure of myself as I said.

“I have never had sex with a guy before; I wouldn’t know what to do.”

Apparently that was a well-used come-on which I didn’t know about at the time.

He put me at ease as he said very slowly and amenably.

“Don’t worry I can show you what to do.”


We headed back to his room, although he was naked I still had my speedos on, as he closed the door said.

“Why don’t you take them off and enjoy a relaxation brandy with me?”

It was a large one he poured, we drank it and chatted as I stood their naked feeling a bit aroused with anticipation, he came over to me took the empty glass and placed it on a table.

By now I was very relaxed, incredibly over relaxed, with hindsight I think their must have been something in the drink.

He started to fondle me until I became totally aroused then guided me onto the bed. I lay there on my back as he produced some oils and rubbed them on then in me it was my first time experiencing this but I found it so erotic and enjoyable.

He lent over me and started to suck, my first blow job, not experiencing this before I became quickly excited and lost control much to his enjoyment.

I think me losing control was his highlight point, he wasn’t finished though, rolled me over had me kneel on the bed doggy style. He applied more oils on and well inside me this time, I really, really enjoyed him rubbing it in until I felt I was going to cum.

When he stopped I knew what was coming next, first the stroking, then tapping then a slow slow until he broke through, my first time being penetrated.

Unlike his blow job this was slow as his climax built his pace became erratic and unsteady, I could feel something start to happen. Then I was surprised when he came in me and its quick built up. As he withdrew it slowly drained away a satisfyingly weird experience.

We both lay there recovering, this time without any help or encouragement from him I developed a hard-on as I lay their which I could feel starting to pulsate. Courtesy of the lingering or slow acting brandy aperitif; possibly.

I lay back for the second time as he kneeled over and straddled me, his hand guided me through step by step. After he started it wasn’t long before I was getting excited as my climax approached, as much as I wanted to hold back, I wanted to let go, and let go I did.

When I arrived back to my room Dieter was sitting on the edge of his bed, I could see he was intensely excited as he looked up at me and said.

“I did it, I did it, I let him fuck me and I fucked him back!”

I sat alongside him and said.

“Me too; do you think we should do this for a living?”

He looked me straight in the eye and said.

“YES I do! Defiantly.”

After that first time we were kept busy by members, sometimes their friends too who recommended us to their friends who were looking for favors. The club couldn’t get enough staff as they weren’t allowed to use foreign workers a license term so we were in demand over the next few months.

That summer was one of intense sexual excitement for both of us the money we were earning would pay more than our student fees for the next year.

We had also developed our own relationship. A few nights after that first time and a night off visit to the bars on Dusseldorf’s river Rhine promenade, where we had a lot to drink.

A couple of business men propositioned us in exchange for paying our meal and bar bills, these bars have cabins you rent by the half hour in their back yards.

When we arrived back at our room that night I pushed our two singe beds together and they stayed together until our contract ended.

After we were back at college we rented a single bedroom apartment between us and moved in as a couple.

We still needed money though, initially I signed up as a ‘naked housekeeper’ for two days a week, a lot of students did that then, for a couple of very nice guys in their sixties Eric and Jan.

After you got used to being naked while cleaning someone’s house it was an okay job not much different from the Sun club.

All went well for a few weeks until one night Eric and Jan asked me ‘why did I do this job’?

“I need the money to continue with my studies.”

Their reply was not what I expected.

“Okay we can more than double your money if you have sex with us when you finish your housekeeping work.”


Was my simple answer, after that each housekeeping night ended in sex with either one or both of them.

Dieter housekeeping job developed a similar arrangement but included him being filming or being filmed he was into that in a big way and often posted them on a pay as you view site.

Later a weekend erotic life modelling gig came up where we were to strip off in front of 20 budding artists who sketched and painted us emulating having sex together, sometimes we took something to maintain the firmness of the pose.

In all we did eight Saturday morning sittings of four hours each, we were planning to go on a winter hiking and skiing holiday to Norway, this was the money for it.

On the last night we were asked back to an apartment for drinks by some of the budding artists, budding being the word.

After we arrived money was put on the table and asked us to have climaxing sex together so they could photograph us; to use for detailing their paintings.

Although we had had sex together quite a few times, we both said no. It was a negotiation ploy, the additional money they put on the table convinced us to do it in front of them as they photographed us.

It was a one off with no chance of kickbacks so we said.


A week later I was asked if I would attend a pool party and entertain foreign Japanese business men with a striptease show and sexual favors, they would make it worth my while and did I know anyone else who would be interested.

I talked Dieter into it and we both attended, we practiced our strip show, Dieter knew a student who was a club stripper to fund her studies. I think we both had sex with six men each that night, the money was very good.

Dieter said;

“You said we should do that for a living as it was fun and the money was good, remember? Well that’s what I got you for your birthday, ‘your dream job for a night’.”

Werner came back, pointed at the door and said.

“They are waiting for you.”

Dieter led the way, the room was big had a number of discreetly lit alcoves and a well lit Bukkake plinth that was being actively used. I thought no never, even although Dieter had reminded me of the striptease gig we did.

There were about twenty or so milling about all wearing blue wraps and pay wrist bands like ours. All we needed to do was touch the bands together until they buzzed; nothing else.

We separated and milled about, I was approached by my first guest of the night who was in his fifties and about my build who simply asked.

“Can we go to my playroom?”

I think he may have been one of the Norwegian oil executive I had seen on the television news one night talking about German oil investments in Norway.

I followed him, he closed the door, the lights dimmed down automatically to a blue haze, he came over without hesitation and unfastened my wrap and let it drop, I unfastened his wrap and let it drop too.

Werner had the foresight to give Dieter and myself a handful of red gummies, any reservations I had were gone. I was ready with a fully sustainable arousal and now actively pressing and rubbing him which seemed to really turn him on.

He was an active power player in life so I had to be passive I lay there as he started his overtures of excitement build up; then. He started aggressively banging away it was his ego style that I saw him act out on the television news. He had a lot of stamina and kept up his onslaught until he had to let go.

We both lay there together, his eyes were pleading for more the ego of being in charge failed him. I took the initiative rolled him onto his back, prepared us then engaged in a slow, slow, quick, quick, slow rhythm ‘P’ tapping or rubbing as the opportunity presented itself.

I could see the perspiration run down his body and face the main thing was he was enjoying it I could tell from his facial expressions and body movements up to the point I unloaded.

He got up but was a bit unsteady on his feet, struggled to put his wrap on as he said.

“Please wait their just like you are now.”

The gummies were still having their affect as I lay they with a pulsating hard-on.

Someone entered the room and asked.

“Are you available?”

I nodded yes as he entered, without hesitation dropped his wrap. In the blue haze light it was difficult to see who it was until he was up-close, by the time I could make out who he was, I recognised him as a well-known German politician.

He was now sitting on me cowboy style and we were starting to engage with each other, they say politicians don’t do any hard work, this one did until I couldn’t contain myself and let go. Those red gummies really worked. I think he must have had them too.

After he left I left the room, nobody outside, the whole area was empty; Dieter came over to me and asked.

“What’s happening?”

All the dimmed lights came up to full power, we were partially blinded by the lighting change although we could hear the stamping of feet couldn’t make out who it was from.

As our light vision slowly returned we could see it was uniformed German Police with dogs with massive muzzles on them ordering us to stand still. We did, with only a flimsy wrap’s on, two pairs of snarling teeth looking at us and several police officers with automatic weapons.

Werner came over with two of the largest police officers I have ever seen just behind him and said.

“They work for me.”

After the Security Police left Werner said.

“Say nothing and you don’t know who else was here, don’t worry we will sort things out later including a bonus for silent amnesia.”

That was the last we ever heard of it, no Police, no reporters. It never happened.

Two days later Werner asked us to come and see him and offered us a job as business managers in his new club in England his sales pitch was.

“I have a new club with influential and wealthy German and local English backers like this one near Oxford in England, it opens in a months time. Both of you are business qualified, speak fluent English and are very discreet would you like to work for me their?”

He handed us a salary type paper showing us how much we had earned for one nights work. Ten days later we caught the early morning flight to Heathrow.

At the airport a car and driver were waiting for us, we left the airport and travelled up the M40 towards Oxford, we seemed to pass Oxford before leaving at Junction 11 then went through a village called Middleton Cheney.

We drove through the hilly Oxfordshire countryside crossing back over an autobahn passed a farm called Diddly Squat. I shared with Dieter only the English could have a farm with the name of ‘doing nothing’.

We arrived at a large gated estate which said ‘Private’ after a few checks we passed through security. It wasn’t long until we arrived at a not very big sign on another large gate that said ‘Gentlemen’s Private Sun and Spa Club, Members Only.

The driver punched in a code and the powered gate opened for us.

Its layout reminded us of the Sun Club where we had worked two summers ago just outside Dusseldorf. The manager Alfred, everyone was on first name terms only, a confidentiality thing, met us after a coffee we started the grand tour with the facility sales team.

The clientele were to be either residents within the private gated estate or would travel and stay overnight in one of the luxurious rooms or lodges sprinkled around the estate. The club fees would ensure exclusivity and an upmarket clientele, unlike the Hamburg club it would be quality not quantity.

Layout was originally a large farm house and attached outbuilding added was a number of discreet log style lodges all now renovated inside and outside, the renovations must have been nearing completion as scaffolding was being removed and furnishings were being taken in wrapped in plastic sheeting.

We were taken to see the indoor facilities first, private meeting rooms in Germany they were called playrooms, indoor pool’s, sauna’s, whirlpool spa’s, gymnasium, bar and cafeteria, fully equipped dungeons, entertainment areas included a wide screen cinema, private cinemas, entertainment stages but no pit areas this time. Apparently not in accord with English taste.

All the furnishings and decorations were purchased locally from RH England an exclusive five star supplier including off a ten foot giraffe that they were struggling to get through one of the doorways.

Outside there were similar facilities but all discreetly screened by trees, hedge rows, walls or bushes more for the naturists not exclusively though.

We met up later with Alfred who told us what was expected of us, as if we didn’t know already, and had arranged temporary accommodation for us in the nearby Deddington Arms an old world coaching house until the live-in staff accommodation was ready.

Our first job in five days time was to start face to face interviewing and training of potential waiting, serving and entertainment staff and introducing them to their scantily dressed uniforms and club lifestyle.

They were pre-screened by a local company who specialized in this type of recruitment, apart from a few locals be students from nearby exclusive colleges and universities looking for discreet funding to improve their expensive student lifestyles.

We had to arrange their training programs, similar in many ways to what we went through which we knew from experience and what was expected from staff.


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Soon the newly selected staff members whose earnings would be generous once we had set up Oxfordshire first very discreet private member’s only gay sex club would start to earn their stripes.


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