Nothing You Can Do About It by Skippy47,Skippy47


“Good morning Ambrose, this is your daily WAMB wake up program with Dave Longstreet and please, you wives out there, stop telling your husband you wake up with Dave Longstreet. I’m tired of being confronted by angry men.

“As far as the weather goes, you will still need a jacket today even if you’re warm natured. Definitely take a coat if you are cold-blooded like my wife. How can I say nasty things about my wife on air? She’s not up yet!

“Let’s get your day started with one of my favorite wake-up songs. Here is Hall and Oats with ‘You make my dreams come true.'”

Radio listeners were hearing a tape instead of the live program for the first time in my almost 25-year career. I had taken over the morning program from my father who still owns the station. I am somewhat of a celebrity in our town. I have very high ratings and we have more businesses wanting advertising time than we have available. Despite our success, like most local radio people, I don’t make that much money. I love what I do just like by now-retired father did.

Money must be part of the reason my wife has for conducting an affair. She made a big deal about Derrick Prescott taking over as Vice President of the Ambrose National Bank. He was being groomed by George Prescott, his father to take over from him as President one day. Kristen is a loan officer at the bank. Her praise of Derrick was effusive at first but died off. Now, her interest in me, our daughter and our sex life has died off. When I tried figuring out when they might be getting together, I realized that there was a gap of time between when our daughter gets on the school bus and when my wife went to work. I was always long gone to prepare for my show that starts at 6:00 am. If she ever wondered where I was, she just had to turn on the radio, hence the taped show.

I went to my house and a grey BMW was in the driveway that didn’t belong to me or my wife. I let myself in, and very carefully, went upstairs. The sounds made it clear that sex was going on. I got my phone’s camera ready and peeked into the bedroom. As I suspected, she and Derrick were naked, and he was pounding her on our bed. I took several minutes of video before I stopped and put away my phone. I entered and hit Derrick on the side of his head. The only effect was to piss him off.

Derrick withdrew from my wife and looked at me with anger. Since he was taller, bigger and stronger than me, he seemed sure that I was no match for him. Unfortunately, he was right. Before long, I was in the floor trying to absorb his kicks. Thank goodness he didn’t have shoes on. My wife got out of the bed and asked Derrick to stop.

Kristen then stood naked over me. “Dave, I’m sorry you found out this way, but I’m not sorry you found out. Derrick and I have been lovers for a few months, and we don’t intend to stop seeing each other. Let me make the situation clear to you: If you file for divorce or ‘out’ us, you will lose me and access to your daughter. You will lose your job because Derrick will force the advertisers to desert your radio station. You will lose your precious reputation if people find out you are a cuckold. If you try and take money out of the bank, you will find I have already moved most of our money into an account under my name only. Finally, you will also lose some more blood as men that Derrick will hire will beat you up while ‘mugging’ you.

“The sooner you realize that there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, the better off you will be. I will still play your wife and Chelsea’s mother as far as anyone else knows. Now that you know, however, you will no longer be getting the pity sex I’ve been giving you. Go back to work, Derrick and I are not done yet.” Derrick stood there with a smirk on his face. I left with my tail tucked between my legs.

“The phrase, ‘nothing you can do about it’ kept ringing in my ears. That couldn’t be true. I went back to the radio station to find out there had been many complaints that no phone calls were being taken as normal. The calls were a major part of our program. My father had left a message asking me about it. I called him back and briefed him on what I had seen, and what my wife had told me. He told me to put my big boy pants on and fight back. That woke me out of my malaise. I spent the rest of the day making my plans.

When I got home, I did my chores and packed some clothes but left enough and my toiletries to make my planned departure less noticeable. Kristen came in after work, Chelsea was home from school, and I spent my time with her. I had prepared dinner in advance, my chore tradeoff for my wife getting Chelsea off to school each morning. That night, Chelsea and I went over her homework. Since we were out of hearing from her mother, I told her what I was planning. She had suspected her mother was cheating and had already checked one thing in preparation for our divorce: in our state she was old enough to decide which parent she wanted to live with. She wanted to be with me. My plan was moving along.

After Chelsea went up to bed, Kristen told me. “Just don’t rock the boat, Dave. Derrick gives me two things you can’t: money and a big cock. As soon as he can divorce his wife, I will give you a divorce and he and I will get married. You need to figure out how to make the best of it. You will be able to see Chelsea as often as you wish as long as you play ball. If you don’t, she will effectively be gone from your life. Don’t believe I won’t do it.”

That morning I opened my show as I did normally, however, after 7:30 when I figured Derrick and my wife were in bed together, I unleashed my response to my wife’s declaration that I could do nothing about it.

“This morning my dear listeners, I have to do something unusual. I need your help. I desperately need your help. My wife Kristen and her lover, Derrick Prescott, are at this moment engaged in extra-marital sex at my house. I could not say that without having proof of their adultery. You can see that proof at our station’s website: The man is Vice President of Ambrose National Bank where my and my wife’s funds are. Well, where my funds used to be. She has removed all our joint account funds so that I cannot ‘take the money and run.’

“When I confronted her and her lover, she informed me that given Derrick’s power and her advantage in any divorce, I cannot do anything about it. For the most part, she is true — if I had no help. That’s where you come in. If you have funds in the bank, you can withdraw your money. If enough of you do that, I believe that George Prescott knows nothing of his son’s affair but when he finds out, he will take action. I cannot count on that right now. It may take a run on the bank to get his attention. If enough people withdraw their funds from the bank, he will have to do something. In a few minutes, I will be leaving Ambrose. It has been an honor to wake you up for so many years. God Bless!”

I had consulted my father before deciding what to do. It was he that told me he bet that Derrick and my wife had not really planned for me doing anything other than roll over. He was sure Derrick’s father would not support the actions of his son. We debated me going to him directly. We decided to go with the broadcast. As soon as I signed off, my Dad came in and took over. It was itching to get back behind the mike. He wished me good luck as I took off.

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