Charlie was spent. Not only was he exhausted from the sex he was drained by the scene he had witnessed.
Chen regained her composure and swung down from the desk, standing in front of him.
“You did good, lover, you did good.” And turning toward her friend said something in Thai, making Tran blush and bow her head. Tran raised her head after a moment, looked at Charlie, and spoke to Chen.
“Tran likes you, Charlie. She has invited you to our spring festival.”
“Oh yeah? What is that?” Charlie studied Tran. She was a slight girl, very lovely and soft, with what he figured might be a very sexy figure under her baggy shirt. She smiled a big toothy smile at Charlie.
“It’s our initiation ceremony, where we bring young adults into citizenship. Tran is an initiator this year, and she wants you to come. It’s quite an honor, Charlie, not many outsiders are invited.” Chen began gathering her clothing. You should go, lover. You will be amazed. Tran is in Y’an, Charlie,” Chen referred to the social club that trains the women of her village in the arts of making love, “She is a trainer of Number Two Love.”