Office Girl Allison Ch. 08 by Williamdark963,Williamdark963

Meeting Damien

© William D’Ark 2022

This work is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains graphic language and numerous sexually explicit scenes related to bondage, discipline, and sado-masochistic (BDSM) lifestyles, as well as exhibitionist-voyeur and power exchange relationships which may be considered offensive by some readers. All depicted sexual and/or BDSM activity in this work is considered expressly consensual between adults. All characters and events are entirely fictional and any similarity to real persons living or dead is coincidental.


‘So, Sir…’ Allison considered as we walked towards the side entry. …’somebody paid for our drinks. After I gave a guy a blow job.’

‘Maybe,’ I said. ‘But what of it?’

‘So I am a whore. Isn’t that right? Sex for money?’

I had her by the elbow so she could walk straight. I paused, lifted her chin and kissed her. She draped her arms around my neck and wriggled close rubbing her breasts against my chest. Her tongue went deep, probing, tickling. Wet lips slobbered back and forth. A too-much-booze kiss. Sincere but overdone.

‘Look at it this way,’ I said, pausing the kiss and swallowing. My hands were again at her magnificent breasts. …That open-front top… wow, irresistible… She needs more like this.

‘Like what Sir…’

Good god, did she just read my mind? No, um… the first question… I blinked my eyes. How many Laphroaig’s had I had?

‘Think of it as gifts being exchanged,’ I told her. ‘You gave yourself to the entire bar. Gave away all your secrets. Think about how beautiful you were to them. How sexual, even though they never laid hands on you – except for one. They loved what you were giving. They will remember you forever.’

‘Mmhm…’ she mumbled, eyes squinting.

‘So somebody – probably the bar manager, but maybe Randy – decided to give us a gift in return. The drinks.’

She thought about that for a minute. ‘How much was that worth, d’ya think? The bar tab…’

I hadn’t looked at the receipt but ran some numbers in my head. ‘At least a hundred dollars. Before tipping Randy. Call it a hundred and twenty.’

She turned and took my arm, walking on. Then flat out said, ‘Pfftt…I’m worth more than that.’

I laughed out loud before kissing her pretty head.



It didn’t take long for us to make our way to the garage. Near midnight, the quiet was deafening. The click of Allison’s sandals on the concrete was the only sound as we walked to the car arm in arm. Nearing the Acura my friend Damien rose up from a crimson red Audi parked close by.

‘Hello William,’ he said, offering his hand. ‘And this must be Allison.’

‘Hello,’ I replied, taking the hand. ‘Allison, meet Damien, a longtime friend. Damien runs Power Exchange in San Francisco.’

‘Yes,’ he said, taking her hand in turn. ‘Have you heard of it?’

‘Why, noo…’ she said, trying to process this latest surprise. Her stare drifted between the two of us as he drew her towards his car. I followed them, hands folded behind my back.

‘We’re a BDSM sex club in the City. Very well known, good reputation. I’ve been part of that scene long enough to know… Seeing you this first time… You will like it there.’

‘I’ve wanted you to meet Damien for some time,’ I explained to her. ‘And to tour Power Exchange.’

Damien was sitting on the hood of his car holding Allison by the wrists. ‘Why don’t you tell me about yourself,’ he said.

Allison blinked, studying me as I walked to the other side of the Audi. I nodded to her. She cleared her throat.

‘I’m, um, from the South Bay. Grew up there. William and I work together…’

‘No, no, not that,’ he interrupted her. ‘Tell me about yourself.’

She looked confused, standing there silently. Then, somewhat grudgingly, she pulled her wrists free and untied the open front top. She didn’t bother to look around. …See who else might be watching. Her attention was on Damien.

‘I’m 37 C,’ she said, unveiling her breasts. ‘Is that what you want to know?’

‘Oh very nice,’ Damien replied, enjoying the view. ’37 C… With those beautiful nipples?’

Allison lifted her breasts. The nipples tightened. ‘These shrink or swell a lot on their own. But you’re right,’ she said. ‘They make me 38 C sometimes. Depends on the bra and, well…’ she trailed off.

‘So yes, that’s what people want to know about you. Tell me something more?’

She closed her eyes and sucked some air. She pinched the nipples, letting the breasts dangle. The nipples lengthened as we watched, Damien and me. She wagged the heavy breasts back and forth, pinching harder. Then, squeezing her eyes tight, lips in her teeth…

‘Mummph…’ she murmured, widening her stance. Juice trickled to the concrete floor.

Allison had cum from nipple play… On her own.

When she let the breasts fall we saw the nipples had become wide and tight. Thick. The areolas, normally half dollar sized, had folded around the nipples in tight rows of quarter-sized ridges.

’38 C,’ she said, beginning to quiver. ‘When I’m like this.’

‘Ah, I ‘see,’ he grinned. ‘Get it? ‘C’?’ Allison frowned while his smile widened. He folded his arms. ‘I bet there’s even more to know. A girl like you.’

Allison paused, tilting her head to the side. Her Sir was watching; he knew this man… Knew he would be here. Where should she take this? How far should she go? She considered it all.

‘I haven’t had sex in a year and a half, Sir. But I’ve cum so much tonight I feel like I’m inside out. And I think you’re going to fuck me and make me cum some more. Right here. In this garage.’

His smile gleamed, arms folded across his chest. ‘Well yes, I certainly am going to do that Allison.’

‘Then I guess I should tell you about this too.’

She reached around to the side of her skirt and unfastened the single button, letting the pleats drop to the concrete floor. She stood still, naked between the open front top and the tall cotton socks, waiting to see what was to come.

Damien complimented her. ‘Very, very nice, Allison. You understand things quickly. Sir William has done a good job with you so far.’ Scanning her form, he added, ‘I see a little extra grooming might be needed?’ He turned towards me to confirm.

‘Already in the works,’ I said. ‘We’re working towards a permanent solution after New Year’s.’

Listening carefully, Allison pulled away the cropped top. It dropped to the concrete beside the pleated skirt. ‘This part doesn’t need any extra grooming,’ she said, raising her breasts again.

Damien nodded, fingers tapping at his lower lip. ‘You’re a superb, very fuckable woman, I can see. A bit of an attitude, but I’m sure Sir William has a plan for that too.’

He stepped forward and picked up the girl’s clothing. He took Allison by the wrist. ‘Why don’t you come over here with me.’ He pulled her towards the Audi, laying the clothes against the shiny metal hood, leaning the girl forward. …For the fourth time that night.

‘Sir William, will you help me please?’ he said.

I leaned forward, looking Allison eye to eye. I took her wrists and pulled her to me. ‘This is my final gift to you tonight, slave girl,’ I said.

Damien was between her legs, his belt unfastened and his cock out. He was stroking it to its full length.

‘William, is bareback okay?’

‘You’re the professional, Damien. You decide.’

‘It’s been a year and a half for her? I think bareback then.’ He scooped fresh girl juice with his hand, oiling his stiff cock with it. Seconds later he was fully implanted, deep as he could go, in Allison’s slick hungry womb. The girl was pinned to the Audi hood, bound by me at the wrists, being pumped furiously by Damien’s cock. A shocked expression on her face, she found herself unexpectedly… uh… uh… uh… bouncing against the metal surface.

‘Look at me Allison,’ I told her. ‘Look at ME.’ She focused her glazed eyes on mine. ‘Do you want to cum again? For me now? Just for me? While being fucked by this man’s cock? Do you want to cum while looking me in the eye?’

‘Oh my goddd …’ she wailed. ‘YES SIRrr!’ Uh… uh… uh… banged against the car.

Damien shifting his angle to go in higher, deeper, against the cervix …fucking her that deep…

‘SiR!!’ Allison cried out in pain, dropping her head, mouth open, breathing hard…

UHH… UHH… Uhh… pounded harder still.

‘Don’t look away Allison. Don’t close your eyes. Look at me when you cum. Look here.’ I tightened my grip on her wrists. She was being used hard; her cheeks jiggled with each deep plunge.

When the orgasm happened it was like that scene in Clockwork Orange. When Malcom McDowell was forced to wear eye clamps while watching particularly violent video sequences. His eyeballs had been pulled apart, wide as they could be, while gory scenes of bloodshed and rape unfolded on the large movie screen in front of him.

That was how Allison looked as she gave me her first open-eyed orgasm.

Cumming like this – staring at the partner – requires a level of communion so profound it becomes part of a person’s arousal. It builds the eventual release. But it can be a scary thing; the person is really seeing their partner. And they are completely, nakedly, powerlessly seen themselves as they release that life force energy. The French call it ‘la petit mort.’ The little death, brought on by complete, emptying release. Open eyed. It’s as if one’s soul bursts from the body. Through the eyes…

Allison came so hard she soaked Damien’s pants. Soaked them… The portion of juice jetting between his legs shot two or three feet from the car. She let out a murderous harsh scream that echoed between the concrete pillars. …While looking me square in the eye.

‘AAAAAhhhh…. Ohh, Ohh, Ohhhh,’ she shouted as wave after wave after wave crashed through her. ‘ahhh…. ahh…. UHHhh…’ …more waves came; Damien wasn’t finished.

Uhh… Uhh… Uhh… Uhh… the pounding continued.

Allison’s watery eyes finally blinked. Opening them she found me again as the final orgasm built. Her gaze would not drift away. But she writhed so hard one of her wrists escaped my grip. She convulsed against the metal hood. ‘Pa-hh…HAAaaa…. Ahhgg… HAAggg… Ahhhgggg….’ …exhaling all her air… crumpling… a cheek on bare cold metal, breathing so hard her back ribs showed …wearing only tall socks and four inch heels.

She was finally done for the night.

Uhh Uhh Uhh… thrusting still, Damien then let out his own loud, throaty cry, filling the girl’s cunt with seed, pumping and pumping till it rolled from Allison’s pussy, splatting over her own cream-pile below. He buckled on top of her for a moment, panting too.

‘Incredible,’ he said. ‘Just incredible.’ He rose up to look at me. I let go Allison’s other wrist, adjusting my clothes. …Brushing back my own rigid cock.

‘I could feel her cunt gripping at me when she came,’ he said. ‘Every time she came. You know how good that is.’

‘I look forward to feeling that too one of these days,’ I said, letting go of her. ‘Under a different contract than we have now.’

I walked around the Audi as he retrieved his cock. I tossed a pair of torn pink panties in his direction.

‘Here,’ I said. ‘Use these.’

Damien caught the lacy pink cloth and wiped away the cream. He folded them in half as if to toss them back.

‘A memento,’ I said. ‘Keep them.’

Grinning, he pushed them into the back pocket of his black denims. He adjusted the tail of a colorful silk shirt then the gold chain necklaces he was wearing beneath it. Twenty four carat, I was sure.

‘William…’ he said, shaking my hand again.

‘Sir Damien,’ I replied.

He smacked Allison on the ass. ‘Good night, girl. I was happy to be of service tonight, though it was a long drive for just this brief pleasure. You owe me more. My place next time. We’ll make a night of it.’

Allison hadn’t moved. ‘G’night Sir,’ she murmured.

I stepped over to pull the girl together. She pushed herself up from the hood, scraping at her clothes. She looked like a painting despite her mussed up hair, cherry-red backside and… hmm… the welts that had formed across her ass and thighs. Damien must not have noticed the marks, anxious as he was to be inside her. He would have said something.

Stepping around the cum-puddle, I led Allison by the hand to my car. The Audi engine started up behind us. I popped the trunk and fished through the shopping bags for the new cable knit sweater dress. It was the warmest thing we had. The Audi pulled away with a quick honk as I lifted up Allison’s arms and pulled the heavy cloth over limbs, head and shoulders, all the way below her butt. She hugged herself and dropped her head onto my chest.

‘Thank you for the gift, Sir,’ she said softly. For the fucking, I mean,’ …sorting out all of the gifts she had received that night. Hugging me close she said, ‘I wish it had been you but thank you for everything.’

I opened the car door for her. ‘I want one more hour with you tonight,’ I said. ‘Text your mom.’

By the time I had walked around to the driver’s side she had mom on the phone.

‘I’m fine. A little tired but great, really. How are things there?’ …listening… ‘I’m sure she was tired too after her swim.’ …listening… ‘No, it’ll be another hour or so. I’m having fun. And lots to show you when I get home.’ …listening… ‘Ok, thanks. Use my bed for your nap if Shelby takes up too much room.’ … ‘Okay, see you soon.’ She slipped the phone back into her handbag.

‘Where to now Sir,’ she asked me with a smile. ‘I’m not hungry and I don’t need any more alcohol.’

‘Not too far from here. Stanford campus. Some aftercare for my worthy subbie.’



Note: An illustrated version of this story can be found at

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