Photos on a Hike by speakingmusic,speakingmusic

Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction. While the setting is real, the people and events are not. Everyone is of legal age or older (18+) and all sex is consensual.


I recently moved to a new area and wanted to find ways to get some physical activity without just going to the gym. A nature park, a few miles from my house has dozens of trails by a small river. I went for a hike the other morning. Starting at 6am to avoid the hot sun, I was only planning on walking 10 to 12 miles. The nature trail follows a river and its slow descent to the sea. At the far end the trail runs into a golf course, so it doesn’t make it all the way to the beach. Still, that was just past the six-mile mark, a perfect spot to stop and take a break.

There was a beautiful weeping willow with lots of shade. I stepped under the branches and pulled out my water and a power bar. Under the tree, the ground was soft. I laid down and relaxed. While there, I noticed several other walkers/runners had come to the end of the trail and headed back. I could hear them but not see them. Likely, they couldn’t see me either.

Feeling frisky, I pulled out my phone with the idea of taking some candid shots of me naked under the tree. When I got the camera setup to where I thought I could get some good shots, I stripped off. A dozen poses later I looked at the results. The framing was all off. Each time I pressed the shutter the phone moved slightly. So, it was pointed too low, too high, or off to one side. I was in the photos, but not all of me. They were unusable.

In typical frustrated fashion I exclaimed, “Fuck!” and deleted the photos. My frustration masked the sound of a pair of walkers reaching the end of the trail. But not my exclamation from them.

Just as I deleted the last photo, I heard a woman gasp, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

I immediately realized I was still naked and possibly offending her. “I’m sorry. I was just trying to take some photos of me under the tree. I don’t mean to upset anyone.”

The soft round oriental face looked me over and smiled, “I’m not upset. I thought you were, un-ha.” She gestured at my crotch, suggesting I’d been masturbating. I wasn’t hard, but my cock was certainly visible.

“No, honestly, I was trying to get some photos, but it isn’t working.”

She looks over her shoulder and says something in Chinese, then turns back to me and steps into the shade. “What seems to be the problem?” She was dressed in a white cotton short-sleeve shirt with broad rimmed woven hat covering her medium length black hair. Her face was round, not plump, but soft on the edges, with a warm smile.

“Well, every time I go to take a picture, I move the camera slightly, so I’m not centered.”

“I can help. My husband is a photographer. I have a pretty good idea as to what makes a good photo.”

Shocked at the offer, I nod my head and said, “Sure! If you’re willing. Nothing erotic. Just me without clothes.” I handed my phone to the woman.

At this moment, another woman moved the branches aside and stepped into the shade.

The first woman held out her hand, “Hello, my name is Min and this is my friend Xin Yi.” We shook hands, then Min turned to her friend and spoke in Chinese.

“My friend suggests we go up the hill a little ways. We don’t want to be too close if other people come walking down the trail. There is another tree we can use.”

I put my shorts back on and together the three of us climbed up the hill. There was another tree, slightly larger which was far enough away to allow us to talk without being heard by others.

Satisfied with the new location, I stripped down. The ladies talked in Chinese, probably about what poses to do, but they both kept their eyes on me. I felt like I was putting on a show.

Once I was naked, we discussed the types of poses I wanted. It was odd talking candidly about poses with one woman while the other stood there silently to the side. Xin Yi looked like she didn’t understand what was happening, but willing to enjoy the view.

Min started taking photos and was surprisingly good. She captured a dozen great photos with another couple dozen keepers. When she was done, she handed the phone back and asked her friend a question as she handed her friend her phone. “Would you mind taking a picture with me, something for me to remember the moment?”

“You want to take a picture with me naked?”

“Well…, you naked; not me naked?”

I laughed. “So long as you don’t post it on social media.”

“Oh no,” she shook her head. “My husband would not be happy if he knew I was taking photos of a tall naked man.”

“I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

“No trouble. He will never see. No worries.”


Immediately after I agreed, she took off her hat, stepped up next to me, and put her arm around my waist. She was shorter than me by quite bit, so her head rested on my bare chest as my arm wrapped around her shoulder. Her hair smelled of almonds and honey, while her cotton top pressed against me letting me feel her full breasts against my waist, as her hand pulled me towards her. She was cuddling for the photo.

Xin Yi took several photos while the two ladies chatted in Chinese. After several shots Min asked, “Can I put my hand on your belly?”

“Sure, but I’m rather sweaty.”

She turned and inhaled deeply with her nose pressed to my ribs. “Not sweaty. You smell good.”

I was thinking she would put her hand on or near my belly button, but no. As she settled her head back against my chest, her free hand fell onto the area just above my pubic hair. Up to this point I had kept my composure, not even a hint of an erection. I wanted non-erotic photos, so an erection would be out of context. However, once her hand touched my lower belly and she caressed the skin, allowing her pinky finger to glide into my pubic hair every so often, my cock started to respond. I didn’t go full bore, but he definitely plumped up.

After a couple more pictures and a comment by Xin Yi, Min let her hand wander down to where a couple of fingers where at the base of my cock. I shifted and obviously tensed because Xin Yi asked, “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“No, it’s just your hand is getting close.”

“Oh sorry,” said looking down. “I didn’t realize.” Then after a beat she caressed the top of my cock. “Your penis seems to like it.”

Again, I shifted a bit. “Well, yes, your hand is enticing, but I wasn’t going to take erotic photos.”

“A hard penis isn’t erotic. It is just a reaction to touch.” She slid her hand down and lightly grabbed my cock. Her soft touch and gentle squeeze made my cock grow harder. “It would be fun to have a photo of me holding you when you’re big.”

I couldn’t speak, so I didn’t technically object. Min met my silence with a smile. She slowly stroked my cock then turned to her friend. Xin Yi took more photos. My face had to look all kinds of weird because I couldn’t focus on my expression to save my life.

When done, she stepped away and looked at her handy work. My cock was good and hard, pointing straight forward. “You have a lovely penis. Slightly bigger than my husband, but mostly, I like you are trimmed. No foreskin. Your head is just there.” She took her palm and caressed the tip. My cock was screaming, More of this, please.

Rather than notice my erect cock, which I’d seen plenty of times before, I looked over at Min’s nipples pressing through her shirt. Her full round breasts were firm. She obviously enjoyed the photo session. Xin Yi noticed too and said something in Chinese. Min gasped, stepped back, and put her hands over her nipples. “I am so sorry. I guess women have reactions too.”

Laughing, I replied, “No worries. It’s not erotic. Just natural.”

Min laughed, then rubbed her hand in small circles over her nipples, occasionally giving them tweaks.

I enjoyed the show and my cock twitched in response.

She noticed this. “Ooh, you like my breasts?” She stared at my cock as she tweaked her nipples. My cock twitched again. “You like me playing with them?”

I laughed again, although a bit more nervous. Where was this going?

Min said something to Xin Yi, then stepped closer to me. “Can we take one more?”

I should have said no, I wanted to step back, but I was already at the branches. If I stepped back much further, I’d be outside the shade of the tree and visible from the end of the trail. But the idea she might stroke my cock again was worth standing my ground, “What did you have in mind?”

She smiled with a wicked glint in her eye. “What I want to do is, well, more than just touch.” Min glanced over at her friend, “but we had better not. Still, maybe something more than just you naked.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Min tossed her hat away and pulled her top up. Her hat fluttered to the ground as the white cotton shirt quickly turned inside out and slid over her head. She tossed the shirt to her friend and just as quickly undid the front clip on her tan bra. “Nothing erotic. Just natural reactions.” Min turned back and forth allowing her large breasts to slowly sway in response. The nipples were sticking out a good half inch and her pink areolas were puffy. She was enjoying the effect this had on my cock.

Min stepped next to me, put her hands on my hips, and turned me towards her. “What kind of picture should we do?” She stood there for a moment thinking, for I was no help. My cock was pointing at her belly and what I really wanted is for her to caress me some more, a lot more. She looked down, put her hands on the outsides of her breasts, then squatted down slightly. After squirming for a bit to get into position, she held her breasts so my cock could slide in between them. A few adjusts and the purple head of my cock peaked out between her white breasts. She half squatted for a moment looking between her breasts at my throbbing cock with a drop of precum oozing out the tip. I thought for moment she was going to lick it. Then she looked up at me. “Smile for the camera.”

We turned to look at Xin Yi, whose own nipples were straining against the fabric of her dark green shirt. She wore a floppy fabric hat that shaded most of her face, but the grin was evident. She was happy to help her friend get photographic evidence of the moment.

Without getting a word in edge wise, I did what I was told as we moved through several more poses, each getting more and more erotic. Me with my face between her breasts, Min with her hands wrapped around my cock as her open mouth was about to engulf me, and finally, me holding Min by the waist with her black trousers wrapped around me, my cock visibly poking up from the dark fabric as she leaned back to hang upside-down for the camera. It was a hot day, but I swear the temperature between her legs was a good ten degrees hotter. My cock was ready to explode, pressed up against the crotch seam of her trousers, her hips constantly squirming because the position wasn’t easy to hold still. We were basically dry humping and if we didn’t change positions soon, I was going to spray white cum all over her black pants.

A few more clicks, then Xin Yi frowned and said something. Min agreed and moved to sit up. When I brought Min back upright, the two ladies exchanged more words. I continued to shift my hips slightly rubbing my cock against her crotch. I was so close. Min turned to me, “This is not right. Put me down.”

I thought she’d felt we’d gone too far; I’d gone too far. So, I put her gently on the ground and turned to grab my clothes. When I turned back, shorts in hand, about to apologize, I saw she had taken off her dark trousers and stepped out of her pink panties. She was as naked as I was, her black pubic hair highlighting the triangle of her hips.

“Xin Yi would like to get one with your light pubic hair against mine. The light vs the dark, the yin and yang.”

I was afraid if we attempted the same move with me holding her by the hips, her legs around me, there would be nothing stopping me from sliding inside. But I was still hard and not thinking straight.

Rather than grab my waist in preparation to jump, she asked, “Could you get on your knees?” She put her trousers down so I could kneel on them. Then she sat down in front of my knees, facing me with her hips against my legs and her knees spread. She a foot on each side of my calves, then lifted her hips. She was trying to capture the same pose without us standing, but her legs weren’t quite long enough.

I reached down and grabbed Chi by the waist, my hands under her butt, and lifted. As her hips rose, her pubic hair got closer and closer to mine. With her legs spread, I could see the dark folds of her labia stretched, the broad butterfly lips of her vagina wet with anticipation. My hard cock sticking out just above her opening, until it wasn’t. Her hips slid up and her perineum pushed my balls down and out of the way. Her vaginal lips pressed up against the under side of my cock. I don’t know what Chi was thinking, but I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to slide my cock inside and cum, a lot.

With her shoulders pressed to the ground and her arms splayed out for support, she wiggled her hips trying to edge up just a bit further. I could feel her wet lips sliding along my cock. It was too much. I shifted my hips back and forth, but rather than trying to pull her hips higher, I was grinding my cock against her vaginal opening, pressing the tip of my cock against her clit. I hadn’t penetrated her, but we were having sex. An orgasm was building in my balls; my cock was throbbing. I was about to coat Min’s black hair with a load of cum.

I felt her legs grip around my waist as she joined in the motion, small shudders with her pussy to tickle my cock. My hands slid down from her butt, to grab around her waist, and pull her up. She instinctively knew what I was attempting and helped lift with her stomach muscles. Suddenly, rather than angled down with her head on the ground, her breasts were pressed against my chest, and we were face to face. I don’t what expression I had on my face, but hers was unbridled desire. She wanted to fuck.

She wrapped her arms around my head and kissed me. My hips rocked back and forth a couple of times, enjoying the sensation of my cock throbbing against her cunt, but it wasn’t enough for Chi. Somehow, she pushed forward, until her feet were on the ground, and I was on my back. The shift in positions eased my urge to cum allowing me to continue to enjoy the situation. She squatted over me, lifted her hips just enough to allow my cock to point straight into the air. Then, with one fluid motion, she impaled herself. I felt my cock slide in to her hot cunt and press wide the wall of her vagina.

“You are so thick,” she gasped. That was it. I started to cum, hard. “Oh, you are cumming,” she said as her hips gyrated against mine.

“Don’t stop!” I huffed and started thrusting with my hips. I was cumming, but I wasn’t done.

After several loads of cum, we got into a rhythm. I rocked my hips and she gyrated hers. But it only lasted for a moment. She shifted to pumping her hips up and down with her hands on my chest to stable herself, and then went to town. Her legs and hips were moving so fast, I couldn’t even attempt to match her rhythm. All I could do was lay there and let my pulsating cock enjoy the ride.

At one point Xin Yi moved around to get some closer shots of our copulating. She put one knee down by my shoulder and hoisted the other leg over to the other side. I’m not sure what came over me, but there was Xin Yi’s broad ass hanging over my face while my cock was being massaged by Min’s pussy. I reached up, grabbed Xin Yi by the waist, and pressed my face into her crotch.

Suddenly there was a bunch of Chinese screaming. Min didn’t stop pounding herself on my cock, and Xin Yi wasn’t trying to get away. I just surprised her. Eventually, after a few seconds of over the clothes oral, Xin Yi tapped me on the head. I stopped. She stood up, quickly dropped her trousers to reveal a similar, if slightly larger bush than Min. Accepting fate, or eager to try my skills without the impediment of fabric, Xin Yi repositioned herself over my face giving me full access to her spread wide labia.

I dove in. She was wet and pungent, not bad, just a much stronger flavor than I was used to. Paying attention to her motion, I tried to hit all the right spots. Soon, her hips were shuddering like the early stages of an earthquake. She started to wail something in Chinese as her hand reached behind her, slid into the hair at the back of my head, and pressed my face between her legs. My nose was right at her anus as my mouth was sucking on her vagina. I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care.

Just about the point I thought I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen, I felt my cock let loose. I came again. Regardless of Xin Yi’s hand, my head flew back, I gasped for air, and my hips thrust forward. Another grunt and another thrust. Four more of these until my involuntary clinches gave way to less violent, more voluntary thrusts.

Xin Yi fell over to lay on her side in the shade of the tree. Min’s hips were vibrating when she collapsed on top of me. We lay there for quite a while, until Min lifted her head to say, “You are a good fuck.” She wiggled her hips still feeling me inside her. My cock was softer, but by no means soft. It came hard, but in that odd place where, if given the opportunity, it would gleefully go for another round. As she squirmed, it responded with a twitch. “Maybe you are not done?”

I shrugged my shoulders. I hadn’t gone on a walk to have sex, I hadn’t even stopped to take photos because I was aroused, but with my cock drenched by her cunt, more sex was definitely an option.

Xin Yi lifted her head and said something in Chinese. Min didn’t translate but did turn to me. “We had better go. Our husbands will wonder why our walk took us so long.”

The ladies stood with their legs spread. Min was using a towel I’d brought to wipe out my cum leaking from her pussy. Xin Yi was just letting her pussy air out, slapping her hand lightly against her clit as the ladies talked. I’m not sure what that did to settle things, but I was too blown away by the events of the day to do much more than gather my clothes and dress. Even that took a bit to figure out which leg goes into which hole of my shorts.

Just as I’d figured it out and had one leg in, I heard Xin Yi start to moan. The slapping had shifted to jiggling her fingers rapidly over her clit. Her legs were shaking. She was bringing herself to another orgasm.

I stood there watching, one leg in, one leg out of my shorts. Xin Yi looked over and our eyes locked. I could feel my cock wanted to get hard again. She looked down, smiled, then shuddered as the orgasm took over. Her whole body shook as she clinched her hand over her cunt, gave out a few short grunts, and then a deep sigh.

Min started to get dressed. Rather than putting on her pants, Xin Yi came over to show me some of the photos she took. “This one is good of you with your penis and her breasts. I like it very much.” It was the first time she’d spoken in English. I realized she understood more of what was going on than I first imagined.

As we scrolled through the pictures and Xin Yi’s quiet voice narrated her thoughts on the subject matter, my cock was ever more encouraged to grow. When she was done, she gave a glance down at my semi-erect penis, then over at her friend who was occupied getting her shirt right side out. Xin Yi let one hand drop from the phone and grab my cock. In a whisper she said, “Next time, maybe I get your cock and she gets your tongue.”


I appreciate your comments, particularly to those who feel the story is not worthy of 5 stars. Please take a moment and tell me what you think.

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