Return to Eden Ch. 02 by Insufficient,Insufficient

Her tummy and butt were not as firm as they used to be, but as she slid her hands down her body, she loved the way her curves had hardly changed at all.

Beneath her outfit, she decided to go with black lace underwear. Even though they would remain unseen, she still liked to dress sexy for a night out.

Soon after she finished her makeup, Evelyn saw Judy pull into the driveway.

“Good night hun!” She said to her daughter as she slipped into her red high heels. “No wild parties while I’m gone,” she joked.

Mandy laughed. “Oh my god, mom! How did you know?!”

With a final playful wink, Evelyn stepped outside and locked the door behind her. Walking towards the driveway, she noticed several cars in her neighbor’s yard and someone exiting the closest one. Even in the fading light, she easily recognized Garrett Richards. He was the principal at Mandy’s former high school, where Evelyn’s neighbor, Arthur, had taught for many years. Although Evelyn was not that close with Garrett, they shared many mutual friends, and she saw him frequently.

As he saw her, he smiled and waved. “Hello Eve! Where are you going, looking so amazing?”

“Oh, stop!” She giggled. “I’m just going out for cocktails with friends,” she explained. She gestured towards Judy, who waved politely from the car. “And I take it you guys are up to no good?” She asked, nodding towards Arthur’s house.

“Don’t worry,” he smiled. “We’ll try and keep the damage to his house and not so much yours.”

“You better!” She tried to sound stern, but her laughter betrayed her. “I don’t need you rowdy boys bugging Mandy all night.”

“Oh, that’s right… she must be home for the summer by now. Still exhausted by exams? She was always a keener, from what I remember.” He paused. “Unless another year away from the nest has already changed her.”

“Nope,” Evelyn replied proudly. “Same sweet girl as always. God knows where she got it from,” she joked.

“Well then we will definitely try and keep the noise down. Wouldn’t want to keep her up.”

Evelyn laughed. “I don’t think you need to worry about that. She’s a night owl… will probably be up long after you boys call it a night.”

“Alright,” he said. “Good to know.”

Evelyn slowly walked towards Judy’s car. “I was just kidding, by the way. Feel free to stop by and say hi. I’m sure Mandy would love to see you. She always thought highly of you and Arthur. She’s stuck home alone all night and I bet it would break up the boredom to catch up with you guys.”

“Sure thing, Eve. Maybe we’ll invite her over for a beer,” he teased.

Evelyn fought back a fit of laughter. “You better not get my daughter drunk! She survived two years of college and I don’t need you guys being a bad influence!” She knew her daughter was old enough to drink and that she regularly drank with her friends, but the protective motherly instinct still kicked in at the mention of it.

“The last thing I need is one of my former students turning to a life of alcohol and drugs,” he said with a smile. “She’s in good hands, Eve. Have a good night.”

Evelyn sat down and poked her head out the car door. “You too,” she responded warmly as she closed it.

As they pulled away, she turned and greeted her friend. “Hey, thanks for picking me up.”

“No problem. You’re looking really hot tonight,” Judy replied.

“Oh, whatever,” Evelyn laughed in response. She liked to play modest, even if she knew it was true. While most guys would certainly agree that Evelyn was more attractive, Judy could still turn a few heads as well. Although she was a little shorter than Evelyn and had a slightly wider figure, Judy still had a body that could inspire lust in men or jealousy–and perhaps sometimes lust–in women. However, while she liked to occasionally chat with men at the bars, Judy was faithfully married.

The two women chatted as they drove back to Judy’s condo. Located within walking distance to downtown, it made for an excellent launch point for a ladies’ night out. They talked excitedly about the next couple of months as they stepped through the door and Judy dropped her keys on the kitchen counter.

“Make yourself at home, Eve. I’m just going to use the washroom and touch up my makeup before we go,” Judy said, disappearing down the hall.

Slowly, Evelyn stepped through the small entryway and into the dining area. From there, she could see Judy’s husband, Lance, sitting in the den, relaxed in his recliner and watching hockey on television.

“Hey Eve!” He greeted, taking his eyes momentarily from the game to say hello.

“Hi Lance,” she responded with a smile. “How are things?”

“Oh, can’t complain.” As he spoke, his eyes casually drifted down to examine her body in the provocative red dress.

Subtle as always, she thought, trying to play naive. Evelyn had known Lance for years, and as far as she could tell he had never been unfaithful to Judy. But that did not mean his eyes would not occasionally wander.

She had caught him checking her out many times over the years, and part of her was even flattered by the attention. She could not very well fault him for looking at her dress when she had chosen it explicitly to get the attention of men. Can’t blame a man for being a man, she thought.

His eyes quickly returned to meet hers. “You make sure to keep Judy out of trouble,” he continued.

“Don’t worry,” Evelyn said playfully. “I’ll bring her back in one piece. Or I’ll at least scoop up all the pieces and slip them under the door.”

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