Shipping Clerk Ch. 05 by ZZchromosome,ZZchromosome


Legal Consultation


After Andi was dressed but still on her knees inside the car, Ms. Stotts informed her that she would be allowed to wear panties from time to time. Ms. Stotts would be the one who decided what those times were. Legal proceedings were one of those occasions. In order to meet with her lawyer, Andi needed to be properly dressed, and that included panties. Ms. Stotts removed a pair of panties from her purse and told Andi that she would wear them to meet with her attorney.

The panties were super-sexy high-cut bikini briefs with a t-back. “I want your bottom looking good,” Ms. Stotts informed her, “I want it to be smooth to my touch. I don’t ever want to see panty lines on you, and I will make my clothing choices accordingly”.

Andi took note of the fact that she, Andi, had no clothing choices. Although she had known that executives generally chose outfits for their admins and interns, she hadn’t really thought through all of the ramifications of that. Andi just assumed that she was going to be wearing bras and panties as a matter of course. It now appeared that was untrue. Ms. Stotts fully intended to choose not only Andi’s outerwear but also her UNDER-wear!

Andi tentatively reached for the sexy panties, but Ms. Stotts put them back in her purse. “Not yet, honey; we’re going to my office first to finish cleaning you up. THEN you can put these on, okay?”

Andi nodded, and Ms. Stotts exited the vehicle. She turned and offered Andi her hand. Andi froze. It just occurred to her exactly what she had agreed to do. She was going to walk across the parking lot in full view of every window in the Stotts Trucking headquarters building… wearing a skirt… a SHORT skirt… made of floaty material… and nothing underneath.

Seeing her hesitate, Ms. Stotts gave her a sympathetic smile. “Are you frightened, honey?” she asked the frozen girl. Andi nodded slowly.

“It’s all right, love,” Ms. Stotts told her. “You’re with me now, remember that?”

Andi nodded again, this time more confidently.

“Well then,” Ms. Stotts continued, smiling broadly, “I suppose that when people look out these windows, they will say, ‘Oh look, the boss has finally chosen an admin! Doesn’t she look sharp!’ Because that’s what they’re going to say. I didn’t purchase these clothes on a whim. I put a lot of thought into it. You are an extension of ME now. Everything that YOU wear, I am wearing. No one can criticize you for your clothing choices… no one. Because I am the one who MADE these choices, and I chose that skirt. I also chose that jacket. I told you to wear them for me. The only choice YOU have made is to obey. You are a good girl, you are being obedient. Do you want to be my good, obedient girl?”

Andi very, very much wanted to be Ms. Stotts’ “good, obedient girl”. She reached out a tentative hand, and Ms. Stotts drew her out of the vehicle and into an embrace. Standing there, they were partially shielded from the building’s judgmental, prying eyes by the towering pecan tree and the limo. Ms. Stotts further shielded Andi by turning away from the building. “Shh, shh,” she soothed the trembling girl.

“My good, brave girl,” she whispered. “You are so brave, so strong. This is a frightening time for you. I know that. I see that. I understand that. Shh…”

Katheryn rocked the brave-but-frightened girl in her arms. “Everything is going to be fine, honey, you just place your trust in me. I’m the one making the decisions here, not you. If anyone gets criticized, it’s me. If anyone needs to take responsibility, it’s me. You don’t have responsibilities anymore, only I do. That’s my job. That’s MY place in life. Your job, your place in life, is to be pretty and happy and well-dressed. Do you understand this? I know it’s a change for you, a big one. But you don’t have to struggle anymore. That part of your life is over now. I was very serious about that when I said it at lunch. I don’t want you to struggle. I don’t want you to fight. I only expect two things from you; I want you to obey, and I want you to be happy. Nothing less will please me. Are you ready and willing to be my happy, obedient girl?”

Andi, clasped against Ms. Stotts overwhelming presence, with her head pressed against her previously unobtainable bosom, nodded silently.

“Good, because I am going to take your hand, and I am going to walk across my parking lot. I am going to walk into my building. I am going to walk through my accounting department, my legal department, and my marketing department holding your hand. There WILL be prying eyes. Those eyes WILL be looking at us, and they will be judging ME. Not YOU, not any longer. You are now an extension of ME, and of my will. I need you to remember that, learn that, and understand that. I am in charge here. You are not. No one can legitimately judge you for obeying my will. They can judge ME, but they cannot judge YOU any longer. Does this make sense to you?”

Andi nodded again into her employer’s silk-covered bosom. She was intensely aware of the fact that only a millimeter or two of silk was between her and her boss’s un-constrained breasts. The fact that her own barely constrained breasts were pressed up against Ms. Stotts’ stomach was also on her mind. As was the fact that one of Ms. Stotts’ hands was placed firmly on her round bottom, stroking it gently.

Decision made! Andi pulled back from the embrace and looked up at her Mistress, full of spirit. Her confidence was improved by the fact that Mistress didn’t bother releasing her possessive hold on Andi’s plush bottom. “Let’s be about it, then!” she announced cheerily, echoing one of her favorite sci-fi heroines, “full speed ahead and full power to the port lasers!”

Ms. Stotts chuckled and, with her usual aplomb, turned and walked away without releasing Andi or making any obvious effort to guide her. Andi simply flowed from Ms. Stotts’ standing embrace to her walking embrace without conscious thought. It was done that smoothly. One moment they were standing, and the next moment they were walking. Just so.

Less than a minute ago, Andi had been petrified by the thought of walking across that parking lot dressed in a miniskirt. Now, although she was still apprehensive, she could do it. She was Ms. Stotts’ girl now. She was under Ms. Stotts’ protection. She was under orders. That’s what mattered now.

Ms. Stotts led her smartly dressed subordinate across the parking lot. Andi was still terribly aware of the fact that she was wearing a floaty skirt, her new vagina was still moist, completely bare, and it was breezy out. She was also very conscious of the fact that Ms. Stotts, the great and powerful, was escorting her, and nobody would dare stop and question them. Andi was being obedient and helpful and couldn’t be bullied or criticized for doing so. While she was under Ms. Stotts’ control, she was… untouchable. It was a heady feeling. While growing up, boy-Andy, the foster-care kid, had been a bullying target from the very beginning. But now, Andi realized, Ms. Stotts stood between Andi and the rest of the world. Ms. Hosseini — a powerful corporate CEO in her own right – had to ask Ms. Stotts for permission to touch Andi. That was Andi’s new reality. Someone else controlled access to Andi’s person, and that someone was Ms. Stotts.

Ms. Katheryn first took her to the executive washroom to freshen up. There were plenty of feminine toiletries present, and Andi was instructed on what to do with each. Once Andi was dressed again, Ms. Stotts gave her the panties to wear. It was Andi’s first time putting on panties, and she relished the feeling of the sensual satin bikini briefs sliding up over her hips and snugging up against her freshly washed privates as the thong back popped into the crack between her cheeks.

After freshening up, Katheryn took her to the conference room to meet with her divorce attorney. The lawyer, Mr. Deshonte Davis, informed her that, worst case scenario, she should walk away from her marriage free and clear AND with visitation rights. Also, she was due an equitable distribution of marital wealth, including all wages and UBI that were stolen from her over the years. He read Andi’s marriage contract and said that it was not — technically – excessively slanted in Lina’s favor. However, the implementation was the problem. This meant that getting a divorce might take some time. They couldn’t just challenge the contract; they had to prove that actual financial abuse was taking place within the bounds of a valid marriage contract.

Next, Mrs. Markowitz delivered the Stotts Trucking executive assistant contract, and Mr. Davis reviewed it. It delineated Andi’s duties as eye candy and sex toy for Ms. Katheryn Stotts. Under the contract, Katheryn Stotts would choose – and pay for – all of Andi’s work clothing. “Work clothing” specifically included evening clothes for after-work social functions. The senior executives of the company — Katheryn and Marilyn Stotts, Mrs. Markowitz, and the Marketing Director could request Andi’s oral services at any time. The contract specified that it constituted a blanket consent agreement, meaning that none of the parties needed to ask for Andi’s consent. Only Katheryn Stotts could ask Andi to service anyone other than those four executives and Andi could always refuse one of these requests without breaching her employment contract. Only Katheryn Stotts had access to Andi’s lower holes, meaning that Andi needed Katheryn’s permission to have non-oral sex with anyone else. Although a “monogamy clause” was unusual in these types of contracts, it wasn’t unlawful. Since Andi’s current marriage contract also included a monogamy clause (only for Andi), Andi recognized that she was just exchanging Lina’s sexual control for Katheryn’s. She was okay with that, though, because she trusted that Katheryn wouldn’t be selfish about it like Lina was.

“Hmm, let’s see here,” Mr. Davis continued, turning to the law firm’s competing offer, “It is a pleasure to extend an offer of employment to you…”

In contrast, the HH&F contract specified that Andi “shall” orally service ANY attorney in the firm upon request, up to five per day “unless otherwise directed”. As the spouse of two HH&F attorneys, Andi was aware that there were about 53 lawyers at the firm. The ill-defined upper limit on her services didn’t impress her. Andi also had to have vaginal or anal intercourse with any of the three named partners at the firm on command. In other words, anal and vaginal sex would not be her choice; it would be at the whim of three other people, none of whom she knew well, and none of whom she trusted one iota.

The firm’s three named partners and Andi’s two wives would form a Supervisory Committee. Committee members could order her to service anyone they liked in whatever manner they liked. If Andi refused, she could be punished in a manner “to be determined”. She could also be required to spend the night with Committee members. Andi would be required to keep a journal of her sexual usage, which would be reviewed weekly by the Committee. The Committee would also decide when Andi got pregnant and by whom. They would decide the placement of the baby if they didn’t want to keep it themselves. Andi would also be required to accompany the five to social functions, where she “shall” obey all orders given to service anyone that her Mistress chose. The contract also waived her right to sanctuary unless she submitted her complaints to binding arbitration first. So yeah, it was essentially a sexual slavery contract. These were becoming more common and more enforceable as time went on. Society was on the path toward enslaving its fertile young women.

They also discussed the clever use of the words “will” and “shall”. Most people use them interchangeably in writing and conversation, so they wouldn’t realize the difference when reviewing the contract. But in contract law, “shall” creates a legal obligation, whereas “will” simply denotes a potential future event. The contract maximized Andi’s legal obligations toward HH&F and minimized HH&F’s obligations toward Andi.

Andi was agog that this was even remotely defensible in court. Mr. Deshonte assured her that it wasn’t… quite. But the trends were unmistakable. The ability of fertile women to live independently was being slowly eroded. The civil rights and protections of fertile young women remained in place, but at the whim of the State. Maybe not this year, maybe not next year, but it was coming.

Andi signed the Stotts Trucking job offer. When she put the pen down, a chill ran down her spine as she realized what she had just done, signing away full control over her own sexuality. She exchanged Lina’s control for Katheryn’s. She held her fingers on the pen for a few moments, considering. It was akin to a chess player moving a piece and then not taking their fingers off of it before letting go and making the move irrevocable. Andi frowned, thinking… and let go of the pen. She was committed. This was her life. Ms. Katheryn Stotts owned her now. Andi had made a choice. She might not be able to be independent anymore, but she COULD choose her protector.

The meeting concluded with Mr. Deshonte promising to schedule a hearing to get the divorce process moving. He said he should be able to provide a court date sometime in the next three weeks.

After the legal consultation, the Stotts led Andi back to Katheryn’s office. When they entered the room, Ms. Katheryn didn’t pause, she crossed the room to her desk chair and sat down. While doing so, she commanded, “Andi, panties off, now. The jacket, too. Room, frosted glass. Door, lock.”

She gave all four commands in the same tone of voice, that of someone who expected to be obeyed. The room’s AI obeyed as a matter of course, that was the reason it existed. Andi obeyed just as quickly. Unlike the machine, Andi had a choice, she had free will. She obeyed because she wanted to please her new Mistress.

Andi was wearing panties for the first time in her life. It had been an unfamiliar experience for her. So was removing them, and she fumbled around under her skirt a bit before she figured it out. Finally hooking her thumbs under the waistband on each side of her hips, she bent at the waist and tugged them down to the floor.

As she was doing so, Ms. Marilyn took a seat on the couch. She was smiling and attentive. Apparently, something interesting was about to happen, and Andi was the center of attention.

When Andi stood up victoriously with the panties in hand, Ms. Katheryn said to her, “Bring them to me, sweetie. You are still allowed to wear panties, but you are not allowed to HAVE panties. I will tell you when and WHICH undergarments to wear. Do you understand?”

Andi nodded. All throughout the previous meeting, she had been distracted by the thought of serving this woman. Every time she thought about the possibility of becoming Ms. Stotts’ personal assistant, she would get frightened, her thoughts would scatter… and then reassemble with the same answer… “Yes”. Ms. Katheryn kept telling her not to answer. Ms. Katheryn kept telling Andi to wait for her attorney to finish reviewing the legal documents that would bind Andi to her for years to come. Ms. Katheryn kept insisting that Andi had the freedom and autonomy to choose, but she was wrong. It was inevitable. Andi was going to be this woman’s sexual property and she knew it. And now the papers had been signed. Free-Andi had signed them, and now owned-Andi stood in her place. The anticipation had been… stimulating.

Katheryn fingered the panties thoughtfully, feeling the slick moisture that Andi left there with a pleased, slut-affirming smile on her face. Andi felt a sense of accomplishment in that. Andi had been slutty for her, and Mistress was pleased.

“I just gave these to you an hour ago,” Ms. Stotts admonished her gently, “and you have already soiled them. Don’t worry, you won’t be punished for that, I LIKE it.”

Ms. Katheryn placed the panties in her purse. Andi does not have panties in her purse. Mistress controls access to panties. That’s how things are supposed to be.

Ms. Katheryn crossed her beautiful stocking-clad legs at the ankle. “Andi, I have just concluded a successful business negotiation. I have acquired a valuable new asset. I believe that I should be rewarded for that. Do you know the traditional way that a new executive assistant rewards her new Mistress?”

Andi DID know. She had been looking forward to it for over an hour, hence the soiled panties. She began to sink gracefully to her knees in front of her new owner.

“Uh-uh, no-no, honey, Use the kneeling mat. I expect you to spend a lot of your time on your knees in the future, and I won’t have you scratched or bruised. Excellent, thank you. Now Andi, as we discussed in the meeting, the contract you signed is a declaration of consent. I do not need to ask. I can simply TELL you what I want, and you are expected to obey. Do you understand that? Good, good. However, since this is the very first time for us to be together in this way, I’m going to ask you verbally. Will you lick my pussy?”

Up until this moment, Andi wasn’t sure if she was going to be licking pussy or sucking cock. She was fairly certain that Mistress could have either one if she chose. “Yes, Ma’am,” she replied, “and I’ll suck your dick, too. Would you rather have a blowjob? I’m a little worried about it because I’ve never done it before, but I’m willing to try.”

“I appreciate the offer, sweetie, but I want to give Marilyn a demonstration of my new assistant’s skills. I’m sure you are a highly-skilled pussy licker, since you have two superior wives over you. We can have a cock-sucking lesson later tonight. Marilyn knows exactly how I like it and she will be your instructor for that.”

“Tell you what, Ma’am,” Andi said, reaching for her glossy stocking-clad knees, “how about we let YOU be the judge of my cunning linguistics?”‘

Smiling seductively, Andi proceeded to stroke and caress the knees and thighs of her glamorous boss. In her discarded male form, she had secretly lusted after these thighs for years. In her new female form, she desired them just as much. Lina and Rochelle had frequently demanded oral servicing from boy-Andy, Lina far more often than Rochelle. Rochelle preferred to have a woman between her thighs, preferably a slender blonde like Lina.

Katheryn smiled down at Andi approvingly and nodded in the direction of the skirt’s buttons.

“THIS is an important skill to learn,” Andi thought as she figured out how to unbutton a skirt while on her knees. “Because I’ll need to do it a LOT… hopefully.”

As Andi finished unbuttoning the final button, Ms. Stotts sighed and spread her thighs invitingly, thrusting her hips forward to the edge of the seat. This was a specially-made senior executive chair. It was designed to facilitate this exact thing. Andi had noticed the chair being delivered a couple of weeks ago. It appeared that Ms. Stotts always planned ahead. Andi was always meant to be here, on her knees, between these gorgeous thighs. Boy-Andy or girl-Andi, it didn’t matter. It was inevitable.

It was immediately apparent that the afternoon negotiations had been stimulating for someone in addition to Andi. As she spread those muscular, stocking-clad thighs, Andi watched as Ms. Stotts’ already-aroused, already-engorged labia spread themselves, as well. Shifters never have tan lines. If they get sunburnt, their skin renews itself with an overall tan the next time they shift. Ms. Stotts clearly spent a significant amount of time by the pool. All of her skin had a perfect golden-brown coloring, including her outer labia. As the soft, delicately bronzed labia parted, they contrasted with the pure-pink inner labia, glistening with fluids. Someone was REALLY looking forward to this!

Andi dove in, fulfilling a dream. Ms. Stotts had been her fantasy lover for years now, and she aimed to please… with her tongue. Her mouth exploded with erotic flavor as she dove right in, seeking the source of her Mistress’s nectar. Andi was very, very skilled. In her past, as boy-Andy, he had truly enjoyed servicing women. It was the nature of things that subordinates were expected to service their superiors orally. Andy had been a junior spouse for six years. Before that, he was at the bottom of the high school social hierarchy. It was no surprise that he had developed a talented tongue.

Andi started at the bottom, where Mistress’s arousal juices had pooled during the negotiations. After scooping up and savoring the nectar she found there – ensuring that her Mistress could see her happily-smiling face while she was doing so – she switched long, slow licks that explored every crevice of Mistress’s pink folds.

Andi continued licking, all the while grinning with delight. She was so happy right now and she wanted Mistress to know it. Eventually, she moved on to sucking Mistress’s clitoris. As Ms. Stotts’ breathing became more rapid, approaching a climax… Andi backed off and returned to licking. This time, instead of using the broad flat of her tongue, she was just using the tip, pressing hard as she could into the inflamed flesh. She also snaked two fingers into her Mistress’s love canal and began thrusting them in and out. As Ms. Stotts started approaching a climax again… Andi slowed down, trying to prolong the experience.

Ms. Stotts wasn’t having any of THAT! She grasped the back of Andi’s head and forced her face into her pussy, “Suck my clit and suck it now, girl!” she demanded. Andi was glad to do so. In truth, she was just teasing her Mistress in order to force this exact turn of events. Andi opened her mouth as wide as it would go in order to cover as much as possible, then started zig-zagging the pointed tip of her tongue across Mistress’s exposed clitoris while applying suction at the same time. It was a master-class technique. It couldn’t be denied. Ms. Stotts’ thighs slammed shut on the sides of Andi’s head as she came, locking her in place as she shuddered and whimpered her way through her victory orgasm.

Finally, still breathing raggedly, she let the grinning girl go. Andi rocked back on her heels and smiled lasciviously at her boss, then started cleaning the dripping fluids from her chin with her fingers. Her face shone up at Ms. Stotts like a light. “How’s that?” she asked, “Do I get to keep my job?”

“Absolutely, greedy girl,” Ms. Stotts told her fondly, leaning forward and kissing her cum-smeared face. “I hope to see that smiling face of yours between my thighs for years to come. Now let’s get cleaned up so we can go home. I’m taking you home with me tonight.”

She then turned to her sister. “Marilyn,” she said, “While we’re cleaning up, get with Gary in IT and have him set Andi up with her new phone. I don’t want those harpies to have any way to torment Andi ever again.”


New Phone


Andi, cleaned up and wearing her jacket again, went down to the IT department. It was very strange for her to walk these same halls in her female form, wearing her sharp new outfit. Everyone smiled at her as she passed. Boy-Andi had received polite nods sometimes, but usually he had been ignored. NOBODY ignored girl-Andi. She was pretty sure that at least half of them – both men and women – turned and watched her bottom after she passed. The women were more subtle about it, but some of the men… wow! How did they think that their big foot-clomping ogre feet would NOT give them away as they broke stride so they could look back?

Nevertheless, Andi didn’t feel frightened or intimidated in the least. She was Ms. Stotts’ special girl, and THIS was Ms. Stotts’ own property. She was safe here, and she had nothing to worry about.

Andi received a new phone. Gary, the IT guy, totally flirted with her as he showed her how to download some free apps. He also set up her email and was very friendly and helpful. Andi realized that she really enjoyed receiving the undivided attention of an attractive man. This was the closest that she had been to a man while in her female form and it was surprising to her the way her body responded. She knew that most shifters retained the sexual orientation of their previous gender and ALSO picked up an additional sexual orientation driven by their new gender’s biology. It seemed that although boy-Andy had zero sexual interest in men, Andi’s female body WAS interested. Gary was being very solicitous and helpful, leaning close and “inadvertently” touching her while demonstrating the features of her new smartphone.

Although Andi’s body was aroused by the close interaction with an attractive man, her mind was still confused by it. After all, Andi had been a heterosexual male for 25 years, and a girl for less than a day.

So, when they were finished and Gary asked her if she was willing to demonstrate her appreciation on her knees, she was relieved to be able to point out that she wasn’t permitted to do so without permission, he would have to ask Ms. Katheryn about it. He blanched and started stammering excuses.

“Yeah, I thought so,” Andi thought to herself while remaining outwardly polite. She wasn’t offended by the male attention; she was just confused by it. She figured that she would eventually be having sex with men at some point, but there was no need for her to start before she got comfortable with the idea. Andi was impressed with her owner’s foresight; she had given Andi built-in protection from sexual harassment. Andi didn’t need to stick up for herself, Ms. Katheryn will do it for her.


The Drive Home


That evening, the Stotts again gave her a ride home.

Again, Andi was subjected to chivalry. Doors were opened, Andi guided with gentle touches to the shoulders, waist, and lower back. Katheryn sat next to her with her hand on the smooth skin of Andi’s exposed thigh.

This time, the drive felt very different to Andi, though. Yesterday, she had just been a regular employee for whom they were doing a favor. Boy-Andy was embarrassed by the fact that he needed help. He was even more embarrassed that his employers had discovered that he couldn’t handle the matter himself. He had spent that entire ride feeling like an imposter who didn’t belong in their luxury sedan. Now, though, she belonged to the Stotts, they were supposed to take care of her, and she belonged right where she was, sitting next to her glamorous boss.

At the apartment complex, the Stotts both exited the vehicle again.

The usual crowd of alcoholics sat on an array of lawn chairs and other objects in the courtyard… except for the guy sleeping under the bush. They watched silently as the three women exited the vehicle. Music played from a boom box, but otherwise, there was no sound. The only movement was the one man smoking a cigarette. Tobacco is expensive, and he had no intention of wasting it.

“Andi, get back in the car,” Katheryn ordered.

“Ma’am,” Andi pleaded, “I live here, this is my home and I have stuff that I need and…”

“And you will NEVER sleep here again!” Ms. Katheryn snapped at her, then immediately regretted it.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you, Andi, that was uncalled for. I’ll tell you what, we’ll compromise,” she said much more kindly. “I will escort you to your apartment, and we will gather your things. I’m taking you home with me tonight, regardless. This is NOT a safe environment for a girl living alone. It just isn’t.”

After Katheryn left to take Andi upstairs, Marilyn approached the group of loiterers. The smoker stood and approached her, waving his hand toward the sidewalk to indicate that they should walk away from the group before speaking.

“Jazzie, I presume?”

“Yup, how can I help you, Ma’am?”

“My name is Marilyn Stotts, I’m Andi’s employer. We have heard about your warning that this neighborhood is not safe for her, and we agree. Is there a specific threat that concerns you, or is it a more general concern?”

“Naw, Ma’am, was just some loose talk, nothin’ specific. I like Andy, I helped him move in. Seemed like a real nice kid to me. And if you can keep him away from that screeching bitch, I think that’s all for the best. He just don’t belong here none, you know? He never did. And he DOUBLE don’t belong here now he’s a girl. It just ain’t safe. Was fine when he was just a regular guy, but now he’s a girl, too, so yeah. Was just lookin’ out for him.”

He sighed, bent down, and picked up a pebble before he continued.

“I got more to say. See this here rock, Ma’am? It’s real interesting and you want to look real close at it and NOT at the green car in the charger rack behind you. THAT don’t belong here, neither. But there it is, just like it was here this morning, and the evening before that. It’s been comin’ around the last couple o’ days. Some folks don’t know about this, but I do. I used to work on ’em. With the right software, any modern self driving car can be used as a surveillance device. Thing’s covered in sensors, stands to reason. And so I’m askin’ myself, what’s changed, what’s differ’nt? Only thing I know of that’s changed around here is Andy sprouted hisself some tits. So yeah, I think someone’s watchin’ him and I don’t want him here. I like him and I don’t want him to get hurt none, unnerstan’?”

Marilyn nodded thoughtfully. “I DO understand, Jazzie, thank you. We feel the same way about her. We’re ALSO trying to keep her away from the ‘screeching bitch’, as you called her. Andi really DOES deserve better in life and we mean to provide her with that. Andi’s a valuable employee. We were already evaluating her for promotion before any of this happened, and we don’t want to lose her. By the way…”

Marilyn reached into her purse and brought out a package of cigars, “… I believe this is your brand?”

“I believe it is, how did you know?” he asked, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Marilyn gestured around the edge of the parking area. Cigar butts were scattered at their feet. “You litter,” she told him.

Jazzie burst out in startled laughter. “I do, I do, I should pick up some.”

Just then, Andi and Katheryn exited the stairwell. Andi was no longer pouting and was carrying a small designer suitcase with a feminine floral print. Katheryn was behind her carrying the cardboard shipping box and looking grim.

“Hi Jazzie, it’s me, Andi! I look different, don’t I?”

“Sure do, Miss Andy, sure do. Purty as yer own babygirl, I think. Make sure you give her a kiss for me next time you see her. Tell her it’s from Grampy Jazzie.”

“Will do,” Andi replied cheerfully as she was loaded into the car by her fiercely scowling boss. Apparently, Ms. Katheryn was intensely displeased about something she had seen.

Andi waved at Jazzie from her seat as the door closed.

“I like your suitcase, it’s very nice,” Marilyn complimented.

“Oh, it’s not mine,” Andi replied, “Lina left it behind when she came here to yell at me last night. We dumped it out and put some of my REAL clothes in it.”

“I see, and just what did she expect you to wear?”

Andi giggled, “A red satin tube dress, mesh body suit – open crotch, of course – and stripper heels. How am I supposed to walk around in something like that? I took the dress, though, I like it. I’m pretty sure if I took the HH&F job offer I’d be dressed like that in public every day.”

“By the way,” she continued, quietly outraged, “I think she was here today, some of my things have been SNOOPED.”

“Andi, when we get home, you can have the guest bedroom for now,” Katheryn told her. “You can stay with us as long as you like. Your things will be safe there, I promise you that nobody will ‘snoop’ them.”


Evening Activities, Bedtime


The Stotts lived in a large, pale-bricked Georgian home in an upscale neighborhood. It was far better than any place that Andi had ever lived. The wrought iron gate opened slowly as Andi excitedly looked out the windows. She had been saddened when she had to leave the rest of her things behind, but now she was looking forward to being the Stotts’ temporary guest. It would be fun living here for a week or two until she could save up money for her own place, she thought.

The heavy wooden front door opened into a large, sunny atrium with a curved staircase on the right. The décor was very elegant; it reminded Andi of a hotel lobby or something like that. She could easily imagine herself sweeping down the grand staircase in an evening gown, going to a ball.

“Let’s get you situated, Andi,” Ms. Stotts told her. “Your room is the first one on the right at the top of the stairs.”

The Stotts carried Andi’s box and suitcase up the stair, and they all went into the guest bedroom. It contained a full-sized bed and other furniture, all neatly made up, ready for company. There was even a nice bookshelf for displaying Andi’s books and figurines.

Ms. Marilyn went to change and get dinner started, while Ms. Katheryn stripped Andi and had her put on an ivory silk kimono. It was VERY short, barely hiding her naughty bits. In fact, the elegant trumpet sleeves decorated with small silken tassels were actually longer than the hem. Wearing it made Andi feel like a fine princess. For the second time today, she was being dressed in an article of clothing that cost more than her monthly rent at her old apartment. Ms. Katheryn informed Andi that she shall only wear lingerie at home, and NEVER undergarments, as that would be inappropriate.

“Why don’t you go downstairs and help Marilyn set the table? That will be your chore for the time being. As I told you at the restaurant, I want you to learn about fine dining, and proper place setting is an important part of that. The best way to learn is by doing.”

On her way down the grand staircase, Andi imagined that she was a princess or other fine lady, making graceful sweeping gestures with her arms so that her new kimono’s sleeves would flutter appropriately. She arrived in the dining room smiling.

After she finished putting dinner in the oven, Marilyn showed Andi how to set a formal place setting. It was fun. Soon, all three women were sitting down to eat. Katheryn, as the head of household, sat at the head of the table, flanked by Marilyn and Andi. Both of the Stotts wore ankle-length lace-trimmed robe and gown sets.

When Katheryn joined them, Andi noticed that when she changed, she hadn’t just changed clothes. She had also “changed” genders. There was clearly a significantly sized slab of meat dangling between her legs, creating an obvious penis bulge. “Like what you see, Andi?” Ms. Katheryn asked when she caught Andi looking.

Andi blushed and looked down. Her thick, strawberry hair swung forward, partially concealing her blushing face. “I’m sorry,” she said, “I’m just really curious about it. You know, when I was a guy, I had no interest. I didn’t think it was icky or anything; I just didn’t care. But now that I’m a girl… well, I think it’s really interesting and I want to at least get a close look at it.”

“Is that okay? Can I do that?” she asked, hopefully.

“Sure, honey, we can do it after dinner.”

During dinner, Katheryn made sure to ply the girl with several glasses of wine in order to get her in the mood and feeling adventurous.

Katheryn wasn’t in a hurry to seduce Andi yet, though. She knew it was just a matter of time before Andi’s new, female biology overcame her years of mental conditioning as a heterosexual male. After dinner, all three women worked together to clean up. Andi, who was feeling a bit tipsy, chattered happily the whole time. This cooperative familial environment was so different from what she had previously known. No one was getting the silent treatment, there was no veiled criticism or hidden insults. Everyone seemed genuinely concerned about everyone else’s emotional well-being. Andi felt like she had finally fallen into the right hands. She had always held out hope that the right woman would discover her someday, and that day had finally arrived.


“Watching” Television


After cleanup, they left the dishwasher running, and Ms. Katheryn guided Andi into the TV room. She didn’t say, “Andi, follow me,” or anything like that. She simply put her arm around the smaller girl and guided her where she wanted Andi to go. It was another one of the games that dominant women played, this quiet assumption of physical control over a girl (or boy). Before their marriage had gone cold, boy-Andy enjoyed it when Lina did that. But now, it felt even better, probably because Andi didn’t just HOPE that Ms. Stotts cared for her well-being, she KNEW that it was true.

The TV room contained three love seats arranged in a shallow “U” facing what had to be the largest TV screen that Andi had ever seen outside of a department store. Ms. Katheryn sat with Andi on one of the sofas and pulled her close. Andi relished the protected feeling and the luxurious sensation of two silk-clad bodies snuggled together. Her quality of life had improved tremendously in such a short time! Last night, she was sitting anxious and alone on her stained and broken couch, wearing a ratty old t-shirt. Tonight, she was dressed in fine silk, under the comforting arm of a powerful woman. Her heart still wasn’t sure if she deserved such good fortune, but her head was determined to prove herself worthy.

Ms. Stotts picked up the controller. “What do you want to watch, sugar?” she asked.

“Oh, umm, I get to pick?” Andi asked. “I thought that since, you know, it’s your house and your TV, that you would, you know…”

“Yes, everything in this room is mine,” Ms. Katheryn told her kindly, “But you are my guest, and I want you to choose the show. I want you to be happy and comfortable living here with me. You’ve had a momentous day, and you deserve to be able to relax and watch a show you like.”

Andi took note of the fact that “everything” in the room included one Andi Lavois Grumman. She also noticed that Ms. Stotts didn’t say “visiting me”; she said “living here with me”. Senior executives like Ms. Stotts often had their assistants move in with them. Andi hadn’t really thought too much about it, but that prospect didn’t seem like a bad thing at all. Hadn’t she just been thinking about how much better her life had become recently? Andi certainly FELT like she belonged to Ms. Stotts; that much was certain. But did she also want to give up the last vestiges of her hard-won independence?

Well, enticing as that thought was, she didn’t have to decide that now. Her boss wanted her to pick a show. That she could do.

“Umm, can we please watch “Highland Chieftess”?” she asked. “The last one I saw was episode 27. Can I watch the whole series on the big screen? Because I had to watch it on my phone before and I want to see it again, only bigger.”

“Of course, dear,” Ms. Stotts told her with an indulgent smile. “Did you want to see episode 27 again, or just move on to 28?”

“Uh, no, not a chance,” Andi replied with a shudder, “that episode had a huge, gory execution scene in it. I do NOT need to see that on the big screen. Especially the castration part!”

“Don’t worry, dumpling,” Ms. Katheryn said comfortingly as she leaned back and pulled Andi closer. “I’ll protect you. You’re safe here with me. If it gets scary, just turn your head into my shoulder and I’ll tell you when it’s safe to look again.” Her hand slipped around one of Andi’s silk-covered breasts and began drawing circles lazy around her areola.

Ms. Marilyn entered the room and sat down on one of the other couches, arranging her silks. She placed a hairbrush and a couple of hair ties on the coffee table in front of her. “What are we watching?” she asked.

Ms. Katheryn patted Andi’s breast, indicating that she was allowed to answer for the two of them.

“Oh! We’re watching episode 28 of “Highland Chieftess”. I haven’t seen it yet, but it’s the one where Chieftess Rowena seduces the English Ambassadress, Lady Theodora. I saw the actress who plays Lady Theodora on the talk shows, showing off her baby bump. It was REALLY sexy! Did you know that she used to be guy, just like me? When she became a shifter, she started doing female roles, and they timed the filming of this episode to take place when she was in heat. So we’re actually going to see her getting knocked up, too… on national TV!”

Marilyn chuckled at Andi’s unfeigned enthusiasm. She also noted that Andi thought that pregnancy was sexy, AND that she considered the impregnation of a former male exciting. She made eye contact with Katheryn over Andi’s head and gave her a slight nod. That boded well for their plans for her. They both wanted another child, and if they could impregnate Andi, a girl that they controlled, that would be ideal.

Unaware of the silent communication between her superiors, Andi snuggled down to watch the show.

An hour later, after the show’s climax – which featured a montage of Chieftess Rowena’s climax, Lady Theodora’s climax, and the climaxes of both of Chieftess Rowena’s husbands – Andi was agog. “That, was, so… HOT!” she exclaimed.

Andi slumped back in her seat. “Do they have action figures out yet?” she asked. “Because I want all of them.”

Katheryn chuckled, pulled Andi close, and kissed her on top of the head. She was SUCH a pure soul!

“Honey, I will buy you an entire ARMY of action figures you want, just to see that happy look on your face,” she said with a smile.

“Hmm….,” Andi said, imitating Lady Theodora’s haughty demeanor and upper-class British accent, “I suppose that would be acceptable. I expect that you should want something from me in return. How about a kiss?”

Andi tilted her head, presenting her cheek for a kiss.

Katheryn took the bait. She reached up and took Andi’s chin in her hand, turning her head just so. But instead of going in for the kiss, she carefully combed Andi’s hair back behind her ear, then looped it onto the other side of her slender neck. With a pleased smile, she kissed Andi’s cheek. Then she kissed her eyebrow, her ear, and started nibbling on her earlobe. Andi twitched and squirmed under the sensual assault, but didn’t pull away.

Bit by bit, Katheryn worked her way down Andi’s face to her throat.

“Hmm,” Andi murmured, then boldly slid her hand into the open front of her boss’s robe, seeking a prize. She found it. Oh girl, did she find it! She leaned back slightly and stared down in amazement at the thing in her hand. The huge penis filled her hand completely. Her small hands didn’t even come close to encircling the throbbing shaft. And it was definitely throbbing in her hand. Andi could feel every… single… ONE of her Mistress’s heartbeats.

Ms. Katheryn kissed on the top of her head and whispered into her hair, “Like what you see, honey?” she asked.

Andi DID like what she saw… and what she felt. It felt amazing. It felt like POWER. Ms. Stotts essentially “owned” Andi now. She controlled Andi. And yet here Andi was, holding her Mistress’s most sensitive organ in her hand, controlling IT.

Up until now, Andi had been unsure about interacting with Ms. Stotts’ penis. She hadn’t even been certain that the woman HAD one. She thought Ms. Stotts had a penis, but Andi had never SEEN it. But there it was, right now, in her hand. Andi was somewhat surprised to discover that she wasn’t the least bit bothered by that.

Andi gently ran her hands up and down the shaft. She used to have one of these things, so she knew exactly how to handle it. Although it was her first time handling a penis not attached to herself (himself?), she knew just what to do. Andi slid Ms. Stotts’ foreskin back, revealing the crown of her mighty endowment. She then began to slowly stroke the loose skin up and down over the hard shaft. The combination of hardness and softness entranced her. It was fun, and Andi wanted to experience more.


Both women looked up at Marilyn at the same time. Andi couldn’t see Katheryn’s face from this angle, but she knew her own facial expression was a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. Thinking quickly, Andi asked, “Can I borrow this? I’ll give it right back when I’m done.”

“I have a better idea, honey. Come here…” Marilyn coaxed.

Andi reluctantly released the warm shaft in her hands and stood up. Marilyn turned her around to face Katheryn on the couch. Katheryn was leaning back on the couch and had opened her silk robe. Her beautiful, tanned, muscular curves were on full display. All 6 feet 3 inches of her and all those OTHER inches of hard cock lying on the rippled surface of her flat stomach.

“Look,” Marilyn told her, “your own personal Chieftess. Were you impressed with Lady Theodora’s ‘negotiation’ skills? I thought she made a very convincing argument. Don’t you think you should negotiate with YOUR Chieftess?”

Andi HAD been impressed with Lady Theodora’s skillful negotiating. It was the same kind of “oral argument” that her wife Lina used frequently. That’s how fertile women get ahead in life… servicing their superiors. The Supreme Court’s decision in “Lewinsky” clearly established that every adult person had the absolute constitutional right to exchange oral sex for favorable treatment from their superiors. Andi’s wife Lina frequently bragged about her successful salary negotiations with the partners at her law firm. Of course, boy-Andy never benefitted from any of that, but new-Andi, girl-Andi, she was different. She could and SHOULD use her skills on her boss to achieve maximum success in life.

Marilyn pressed down on Andi’s shoulders and had her kneel in front of that amazing penis. She then slipped Andi’s kimono off her shoulders so that her breasts were bare for Katheryn’s viewing pleasure. Andi wondered briefly if Katheryn was more visually stimulated when in her “male” form. Marilyn retrieved her hairbrush and brushed Andi’s strawberry blonde hair up onto the top of her head and secured it there into a high ponytail. Entirely by coincidence, the hairstyle provided a convenient handhold AND ensured that any onlooker would have a good view of Andi’s face while she was “negotiating”.

“I like it when your hair is up, Andi,” Marilyn told her, “I like to watch, and I want to see our face.”

When Marilyn finished arranging Andi just the way she wanted her, Andi was on the floor between her Mistress’s knees, topless and kneeling in a puddle of ivory silk. Andi felt like Lady Theodora, about to “negotiate” with the bold Chieftess. Up until this moment, she hadn’t been sure about how far she would be willing to go tonight. She knew that if she demurred, the Stotts wouldn’t force her to do anything. But right now, kneeling before her goddess while looking like a fine princess… she wanted to ACT like one, too. And princesses ALWAYS rewarded the brave heroine in every chivalric romance that Andi had ever read. Of course, Andi grew up before the S-virus, back when most brave knights had vaginas. But now, it was becoming more and more common for heroines – like Chieftess Rowena – to have penises.

From this angle, Ms. Katheryn’s penis was much more intimidating than before. It was pointed right at her. At her face. At her mouth. From inches away. Hesitantly, Andi reached out and grasped the penis again, stroking it more tentatively this time.

“His name is Girl Hammer,” Katheryn informed her, “but don’t be frightened by that, he’s a good boy and I keep him under control.”

Andi looked at her in a combination of surprise and amusement. “Girl Hammer, really? I would have thought that this is a girl-cock?”

“Nope,” Katheryn replied with a smirk, “he’s a boy and he uses male pronouns. So please do be sensitive of his feelings.”

Andi accepted this explanation because this was absolutely a masculine appendage, it had no feminine qualities. It was the penis that every man secretly fantasized about sprouting from his own loins. It was a raging monster. A raging monster that, for the moment, Andi had complete control over. She ruled this thing.

Andi licked the pre-cum off the tip, savoring it, but didn’t swallow. Instead, she rolled it around in her mouth, using it to stimulate her saliva glands, coated her tongue with it, then used her tongue to slather the raging purple head.

Ms. Marilyn knelt behind Andi and leaned over her shoulder, coaxing Andi to do more, gently taking control of her head with the “convenient” topknot. Pushing her forward, urging her to further impale her own face on the intimidating girl-destroyer.

Andi acquiesced, she submitted, enjoying the process of being “forced” to give head “against her will”. Ms. Katheryn leaned back, like a bronzed goddess. A goddess of cock. Her open robe revealed her entire femininely muscular torso. The S-virus had rolled her age back to her apparent mid-twenties. Presumably, a daily fitness regimen had toned and honed her physique to the epitome of feminine perfection. Six foot three and covered in muscular curves, she embodied the X-virus-affected vision of feminine dominance in repose while she watched sweet, curvaceous Andi work her cock.

Andi, urged on by Marilyn’s coaching, kept trying to get more of her Chieftess’s penis in her mouth. Finally, it was too much, she had discovered her limit. It wasn’t a psychological limit, it was a physical one. There was only so much cock she could shove into her mouth without some serious sword-swallowing training. Andi VERY much wanted that sword-swallowing training right now. She, or rather, boy-Andy, had heard that shifters, especially former male shifters, were extremely flexible in the area of cock-swallowing and she desperately want to know if that was true. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if “Lady Andi” could impress “Chieftess Katheryn” by demonstrating her ability to sheathe Katheryn’s entire “sword” in her throat? What would it feel like to be ravished that way, Andi wondered?

In the meantime, though, Andi did the best she could. Andi had ALWAYS done the best she could. Tonight was no different. She pumped her mouth up and down on the 3 or 4 inches of shaft she could service with her mouth – or was it Marilyn pumping her head up and down? No matter, Andi liked it and she wanted more. As she did that, she also slid a fist up and down on the saliva-slicked portion of shaft directly below her mouth, jacking the Girl Hammer into her mouth in sequence with her bobbing head. Soon, Katheryn exploded, hosing Andi’s throat, face, and breasts down with jets and streamers of semen. Andi tried to catch it all in her mouth but lacked the experience to do so. She wasn’t an experienced cocksucker… yet.

Andi leaned back, blissed out. SHE had dominated that cock. SHE ruled it! SHE made her Mistresses happy and proud. And that made ANDI happy and proud!

Andi coughed lightly and swiped her chin. She looked at her semen-smeared palm, then started licking it. “So, umm,” she began, “how was that? Pretty good for a first-ever blowjob? Do I get the job? Am I hired?”

Before Katheryn could answer, Ms. Marilyn, who still had her arms around Andi, pressed her forward again. “You were wonderful, sweetie, but you’re not done yet. Kathy can easily go twice in a single night. I want you to start licking her again until she gets hard, then I’m going to ask you to do something else, something for me. Can you do that? Can you do something for me, something I need very much?”

“Mary, maybe Andi has had enough, we don’t want to overwhelm her on her first night with us,” Katheryn cautioned her.

“I know, hun, but I NEED this,” Mary pleaded. “I’m getting warm, I’m getting hot, you know how rare that is. I need this.”

Katheryn nodded thoughtfully. “Andi,” she said very seriously, “I’m going to tell you a secret, one that cannot ever leave your lips. Marilyn is ‘clenched’, she can’t normally feel sexual pleasure at all. But what she CAN do is watch. If the sex is hot enough, perverted enough, and real enough, then she can sometimes warm up enough to at least feel something. Someday I’ll tell you what we had to do to get her infected with the S-virus. She ALMOST had an orgasm that night, her first in 20 years. I think we can do better, though. With your help, we might be able to achieve a breakthrough some day. Do you want to help us, Andi?”

Andi nodded, she owed these women everything. She became their property for a reason. Of course she would help.

“Clenched womb” was the common term for Ms. Marilyn’s condition. It was one of the most important factors in the declining birth rate. After the X-virus pandemic, only about 40% of women remained fertile. In order for the population to remain stable, each of those women would have to produce an average of 5.1 children. That was an impossible dream because all too often, their reproductive systems AND their sexuality simply shut down after a pregnancy. Other times, it happened DURING pregnancy. Clenched womb had killed Andi’s mother during her seventh pregnancy. Andi was pretty sure that the Stotts didn’t know that, or they would have gone about this request completely differently. Of COURSE Andi would help. She needed to. If Ms. Marilyn was clenched and there was a way to help, Andi would find it.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked.

“I don’t know, but I suspect that Mary is going to tell us,” Katheryn replied.

“I’m going to push you, Andi,” Marilyn told her. “I’m going to push you to do things you may not feel you’re ready for, things you wouldn’t have done otherwise. But I’m going to give you a safe word first. Your safe word is ‘rutabaga.’ If you truly need it, don’t hesitate to use it. I expect to hear you complain, I expect you to resist, but as long as I don’t hear your safe word, I’m going to keep pushing you, do you understand? You have something I need, Andi, and I hope to get it from you tonight. Now suck my wife’s cock until she gets hard again so that I can get what I want.”

Throughout this speech, Ms. Marilyn kept caressing Andi’s stomach, and now she slid her skilled fingers deep into Andi’s drenched slit. “What a good girl you are Andi, what a good, slutty little thing you are,” she crooned in Andi’s ear. “That’s right, take him into your mouth again, just like that. He’s rising for you, he’s getting ready for you. I’m getting you ready for HIM right now. I think you probably thought you were going to wait. You probably thought this wasn’t going to happen tonight, but it is. You’re going to ride that cock tonight, Andi. I’m going to slide my wife’s penis into your drippy little love hole and make you ride it until you’re exhausted, just like Lady Theodora riding Chieftess Rowena. Remember how hot that scene was? Wasn’t it sexy when Rowena forced Theodora into her bed, using her own lust against her? I want you to do that, too. I’m going to imagine that Kathy is impregnating you, just like we saw on the screen. I want to watch your face as she fills you up.”

Her tone had completely changed. Before, she was gentle and encouraging. Now, she was still gentle, but there was an added stridency to it. She was making demands now, She expected to be obeyed.

Andi thought that scene was really hot, too. She loved the fact that the show’s producers had actually arranged for the impregnation of a starlet on national television. It was even sexier to Andi that the actress in question used to be an ACTOR. He had been an incredibly good-looking man, too. Andi got aroused just thinking about it. She started imagining that SHE was Lady Theodora, pleasuring Chieftess Rowena, not realizing what Rowena’s plans were, not knowing that Rowena had the key to her chastity belt… and that the serving girl with the key was sneaking up behind her, ready to pounce.

“Mmf, mmf,” Andi’s mouth was now filled with a hard cock as both she and Ms. Katheryn responded to Ms. Marilyn’s dirty talk. In her mind’s eye, Andi was the English Ambassadress, conducting a skillful negotiation with the Highland Chieftess. She needed the military support of Rowena’s clan, and she knew just how to be convincing. The sneaky serving girl approached from behind and began kneading the exposed breasts spilling out of her elegant corset. Lady Theodora was in heat, but the negotiations were important and they couldn’t be delayed until Theodora’s heat passed, so she wore a chastity belt to protect herself. The clever servant unlocked it and plunged her fingers into Theodora’s already dripping sex. Andi orgasmed, exactly as Lady Theodora had, muffled screaming around the penis in her mouth as her head was held in place to prevent her from speaking.

Then, just like the servant had in the movie, Marilyn lifted her up, ignoring her orgasm-clouded protests, and lowered her right on top of the erection she had just been servicing with her mouth. Lost in a haze of lust, Andi slowly lowered herself onto the throbbing shaft. Just like Lady Theodora, Andi lost her virginity while being sandwiched between two taller and stronger women. And again just like Lady Theodora, Andi responded to the unfamiliar intrusion with eager passion. First, she lowered herself slowly, adjusting to the massive intruder as it filled and stretched her birth canal. Andi gasped as the “Girl Hammer” was hilted. Ms. Katheryn’s “sword” was now well and truly sheathed in Andi’s willing flesh. It felt so good. She felt so full and stretched in a way that had never happened to her before. Then she rose up… and Ms. Marilyn let her rise a few inches before pushing her back down. Andi considered struggling like the actress in the show but decided not to. It was more fun if she succumbed to her own lust quickly. Soon she was bouncing up and down with Ms. Marilyn’ hands lightly on her shoulders, mainly to help Andi keep her balance.

Then, as Ms. Katheryn was approaching her climax, Andi was pulled off, turned around, and re-impaled in the reverse cowgirl position. Marilyn dropped to her knees and held Andi by her thighs while Katheryn held her in place with a vice-like grip on her hourglass waist. Lady Theodora had been wearing a sexy corset, but Andi didn’t need one to have a small waist. Katheryn’s long fingers almost encircled her waist as she held her in place and started thrusting upwards. Then, just like the servant girl in the movie, Marilyn placed her mouth over Andi’s clit and drove her to a second orgasm as Katheryn filled her pussy with her boiling seed.

Like a wild woman, Marilyn shoved the coffee table aside and laid on the floor. “Sit on my face, Andi!” she cried and Andi did so. “I’m so close, I’m so close! Use the purple vibe, honey!”

Andi knelt over Marilyn’s face as she plunged her tongue into Andi’s be-spunked love hole. She watched as Ms. Katheryn quickly joined them on the floor, licking her wife’s vagina while very, very slowly working an extremely slender vibrator into her tightly-clenched vaginal canal.


Tragic Aftermath


The new position didn’t last long. Although Marilyn was initially licking Andi vigorously and giving Katheryn commands on what to do… it petered out quickly. Her head dropped back to the carpet with a disturbing clunk, and she pushed Andi away. Andi stood and reached for her discarded kimono. For a moment, the three women were a frozen tableau: Andi standing with her new kimono in her hand, Marilyn lying on her back with her hands covering her face, and Katheryn sitting on her knees with the forgotten sex toy still buzzing in her hand. All of the erotic tension in the room evaporated.

Then Marilyn began to sob. One of the most powerful, untouchable, and important women in Andi’s life began sobbing like a broken vessel. Katheryn moved quickly to cover and comfort her. Andi, unsure what to do, picked up a couch blanket and covered her two broken heroes. Everyone is human, and even goddesses cry sometimes. Still trying to be helpful, Andi went to the nearby bathroom and came back with a couple of hand towels and a washcloth soaked in hot water.

“I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry… Andi, please forgive me, I was selfish and I used you, I’m so sorry. I almost got there, I almost came, but it wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t GOOD enough, I wasn’t STRONG enough,” Marilyn babbled between sobs.

Katheryn, still holding Marilyn, shushed her and waved Andi away. Andi, although still desperate to help, realized that this was an intimate moment between spouses and left the room. She really HAD been having fun. She HADN’T felt abused at all. Once more, the X-virus and its ugliness had intruded on Andi’s life and ruined a good thing. She needed to think on it. There had to be a way to help.

Still thinking, Andi went back to her room, hung up her luxurious kimono, and washed up. Then she put on one of her comfy, pink flannel nightgowns and sat on her bed. She needed a distraction, so she took her collection of figurines and action figures out of her box and arranged them on her new set of shelves. The figures were all on the upper shelves. She wanted to save the lower shelves for her paperbacks and comic books. She would need to pick them up from her old apartment.

Still dissatisfied, Andi carefully arranged the figures by genre and show, ensuring that the more heroic characters stood in the front row, ready to defend their fellows. That was better. She left a gap in the middle of the arrangement and searched for “Highland Chieftess” action figures on her new phone. There were so many! She didn’t want to overwhelm Ms. Katheryn with demands, so she picked two – Anatomically Correct Chieftess Rowena and Very Pregnant Lady Theodora – for her wish list. Smiling with satisfaction, she nodded and saved her choices.

She still didn’t have any money, so she would have to “negotiate” the acquisition with her boss. That thought brought a smile to her face and she licked her lips in satisfaction. “Yes, that’s right,” she thought, “the Lady Theodora negotiation method is best. All will crumple before my cock-sucking prowess.”

Andi pulled the sheets down and slid into bed. She wasn’t familiar with such terms as “high thread-count Egyptian cotton”, but the sheets felt remarkably soft and smooth against her bare legs and delicate feet. She wriggled around for a bit, seeking out cold spots and finding the best position. She really wasn’t accustomed to sleeping in such a huge bed. She also wasn’t used to having six different pillows to choose from. Eventually she figured it out, though, and lay quietly. The figurine arrangement still wasn’t quite right. Doggton Doggo shouldn’t be so close to Cleocatra Catburgler. She got up and rearranged them to be further apart. That was better. She didn’t want them arguing while she was trying to sleep.

As Andi lay there, looking at her figurines and thinking, she heard a polite knock on the door. “Come in,” she said, rolling over. Andi appreciated that she had privacy now. Lina or Rochelle would have simply barged in without knocking, on the assumption that whatever he was doing in private was utterly irrelevant.

Ms. Katheryn came in, sat down on the bed next to her, and began gently stroking Andi’s hair out of her eyes. She seemed to be emotionally drained by recent events but was still able to muster an expression of genuine concern for Andi.

“Are you okay, honey?” she asked.

Andi nodded. “I’m fine, it was fun. You know, until the end there. I’m worried about Ms. Marilyn and trying to think up ways to help.”

Ms. Katheryn sighed. “You know, Andi,” she said tiredly, “this is normally where I say something like ‘Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of everything”, but I can’t. I feel like we’re making progress, but I don’t know how far we can take it without help.”

Andi wanted to pat her on the thigh reassuringly, but her arm was trapped by her side when Ms. Stotts sat on the covers. She probably could have wriggled it out, but she liked the feeling. It was comforting because it reminded her of the times when her mother would sit on her bed at night and talk. Strangely, many of her memories from her life as boy-Andy seemed faded and gray, but other, older recollections were still vibrant, as though they had happened to HER. This was one of them. In fact, ALL of her memories of her mother were like that.

“Ma’am,” Andi said, “I want you to know that I’m willing to do anything at all to help out. I owe you ladies everything, and I want to pay it back. Plus – and don’t get upset when I tell you this – my mom died when she clenched. She was six months pregnant at the time. So for me, this is personal, and I’ll do anything at all to make things right, okay? If we need to put on all kinds of extra-naughty shows for Marilyn, then that’s what we’re going to do. Extra, extra naughty. In fact, I already came up with an idea…”

The two women conspired together in quiet tones for some time. Then Katheryn kissed her precious, filthy-minded pet on the forehead and tucked her in.

Tired from her big day, Andi soon fell asleep and dreamed of being Lady Andi, rewarding the gallant Blue Knight for rescuing her. On her knees, as is proper for a well-bred Lady.


End Day Two


Author’s note: Wow, only on Ch. 05 and I have nine more days of Andi’s adventure already mapped out. This may take a LOT more chapters! Many thanks to Avicia, Carl_Bradford, MrSmith27, and Eroticstoryspinner for their edits, ideas, and encouragement.

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