Soccer Moms Ch. 05 by Heybuddy65,Heybuddy65

Carol did not consciously remember thinking to move her hand, but she did notice when her own hand reached between her thighs and began rubbing her mons over her shorts. Carol was clearly turned on by watching Jen and looking at her. She still was not sure what it all meant and what it meant in terms of her relationship with Paul, but she could no longer deny to herself. She wanted to be with Jen. But she still was too afraid to take that last step. So instead, she just continued to watch and satisfy her own needs.

Since there had been some periods of silence already, Jen did not initially think anything was different. She had been hoping that Carol might ask Jen to join her. However, she was still horny herself and so she began to just lightly stroke her nipples which was always such a good starter for her. As this silence continued, she eventually became curious and looked over to see Carol’s eyes boring into her.

Carol’s eyes clearly had a look of hunger and desire, but there was also a shadow of doubt that Jen saw as well. Jen realized that things were in a very delicate situation here. If she pushed too hard, Carol might get scared off and no good could come from that. But if Jen did nothing, this might be the furthest things would ever go. And Jen had decided that whatever else had to be managed in this situation, she wanted things to go further with Carol. She had learned to trust her instincts and while she knew that they still had only known each other for less than two months, she also knew that Carol was very special to her and that she definitely felt a connection with her that she had not felt with anyone in a long while.

Jen looked right into Carol’s eyes and said in as sultry a voice as she thought she could make “It seems like you see something you like?” While Carol began to offer an apology for staring, she did not look away. Jen cut her off “No, it’s okay. I like that you are staring. It turns me on to know that this is turning you on.” Jen said as she also continued to rub little circles across her nipples.

Jen had finally decided on a course of action. She broke the eye contact and actually slid off the bed away from Carol. For her part, Carol was disappointed that the show seemed to be over. A small part of her was relieved as this would not require her to have to make a choice she was not sure she was ready to make.

However, Jen was just beginning. She went to the chair by the desk in the room and wheeled it over to the foot of Carol’s bed. She stood there for a moment just staring at Carol and smiling.

Carol was transfixed. She was still laying down but now had picked her head up and was looking at the vision before her. Jen’s crop top shirt had fallen back down when Jen got off the bed. However, it was still being stretched, revealing a view of the bottom of Jen’s wonderful boobs. The firm roundness swelling out from the bottom of the shirt, hinting at the wonders that were being covered. And then there were Jen’s nipples, already hard and pushing out the shirt some more.

Next Jen turned around, showing her high, tight behind. She seemed to pause for a few seconds to give Carol time to drink it all in before she bent over at the waist. Carol wanted a better view and her neck was beginning to stiffen, so she scooted backwards and came to a sitting position, her back against the headboard, her hands at her side.

Jen now reached behind and grabbed the elastic band on the waist of her shorts and began pulling them off her body. As Jen’s lovely little butt came into view Carol made and audible “Oh!” as she continued to stare at the beautiful, half-naked woman at the foot of her bed.

Jen turned around and again made eye contact with Carol. Next, she crossed her arms and pulled her shirt up allowing her breasts to bounce free and easy as she tossed the shirt over by her own bed. Then Jen sat down in the chair and raised her legs up and put her feet onto the end of Carol’s bed, spreading her legs wide and giving Carol a full view of her shaved mons.

Carol continued to sit there, almost paralyzed. Her breath becoming shorter and her hands still at her sides as every ounce of her being was focused on Jen at the foot of her bed.

Jen now began to slowly play with her nipples with one hand while the other began rubbing up and down between her thighs. “Carol, I have not been completely honest with you. I noticed you the minute I got to the field that first day. I’m sure it started with the red hair, but then it was your eyes. Those beautiful emerald eyes of yours. And those Cupid’s bow lips of yours. I wanted to kiss you right at that moment.”

Jen closed her eyes as if recalling the memory in her head. At this point she started pleasuring herself with more vigor. Her hand that had been stroking her nipples was now pinching and pulling them. The fingers of her other hand were now in between her nether lips and she was moving them faster as she went.

“Mmmmmm!” Jen now let out a moan as she came back from this brief interlude and again looked straight at Carol. “And then I started talking to you and I quickly realized that I also liked the woman behind those pretty eyes and those kissable lips. But I had just moved here and did not know anyone and since we hit it off so well right away, I was just happy that I had made a friend. And the fact that she was so hot was just a bonus.”

“Since John died, I have had a few relationships that went beyond just casual dating. Both men and women. I introduced some of them to Melanie when it started to get a little more serious. But I had not had anyone that serious for several years and having just moved here several states away from everything I had known for so long that I really was hoping to find a friend and I had found one so quickly I just knew I was very lucky.”

Carol noticed that Jen was starting to have some difficulty with her speech as Jen’s hands were providing more and more pleasure. And as it was building up inside her body, Jen could sense it. However, she knew she had to get all this out. To put her cards on the table and hoped that she had read the situation correctly.

Jen continued her story as she continued to masturbate herself closer and closer to orgasm. “Then we had the girl ref who looked like Colleen. And that night a lot of what I was thinking about was those times in college. But I was also thinking about what Colleen must look like now. And when I started to think about that, I saw you in my mind. And then I started thinking about you sleeping, or at least I thought sleeping, right next to me and that pushed me over the edge that night. Ummppfff!” It was as if that memory had again moved Jen closer to her climax as she let out another moan of pleasure.

Hearing Jen’s admission that thoughts of Carol had actually made Jen come that first night they were alone in the hotel room had its effect on Carol as well. The sound that Jen had made as she orgasmed that night had stuck with Carol ever since. And that the thought of her was the genesis of that sound had Carol so turned on now she had soaked her underwear.

Carol slipped her hand inside her pussy and easily coated her fingers with all the wetness there. She then pulled her hand out of herself and moved it up to where her clit had started to engorge and was now completely out from its hood. Carol began to trace little circles over her throbbing clitoris as Jen continued.

“Then when I found out that you had been watching me and that you were excited by watching me, it just seemed like it might be fate. That I managed to find someone who I would have a connection to so quickly. And then the error with the hotel last week put us in bed together and again, it was as if forces were aligning to make this happen. And when we switched sides of the bed, I could see it in your face that you wanted it to happen as much as I did.”

Again, Jen stopped and closed her eyes and picked up her pace as she moved inexorably toward her orgasm. Her right hand now down trying to spread herself more open as she pushed two fingers on her left hand inside herself and began slowing moving them in and out. She could feel the muscles inside her contracting and squeezing her fingers and they moved in and out of her and she knew she was getting very close.

When Jen opened her eyes again, the scene before her had changed a bit. Carol’s eyes were also now closed. Her head was titled back against the headboard. She had pulled her shorts and panties down toward her knees and she was furiously rubbing her hand up and down her pubic area with a finger running inside her vagina on each stroke as she came up.

Jen actually stopped her own actions and stared at Carol for a few seconds, herself momentarily paralyzed as she took in the lusty scene before her. Finally, she spoke “I know what your hand is feeling right now because my hand felt that very same thing last week.”

Carol’s eyes again came open. They were big, almost as if she was scared but at the same time she continued to rub herself and her stare when right to Jen’s vagina as she watched the blond women teeter on the edge of her climax.

“I came over here just now hoping that I could entice you. But once again, it is I who cannot get enough of you. You don’t seem to appreciate just how beautiful you are, how sexy you are. But I do. I know. And I am loving every second of seeing you right now. You’re why I am going to come Carol. You are why I am going to feel the ultimate feeling of pleasure and arousal that a woman can feel. And I think you are getting close yourself. And it is so hot.”

And then Carol heard Jen calling out to her, begging her to come as well. And there was something in that voice. There was a desire for Carol. And Carol was not used to being desired or at least she had never thought of herself as being desirable. And she too was desirous of Jen and her body and she wanted nothing more than to do as Jen was asking and to come with her. Together.

And as Jen started to call out her own orgasm, Carol knew that the line she had been afraid to cross had not only been blurred, it had been obliterated altogether. And the last bit of inhibition left her body and it was immediately followed by the rush of her orgasm as she granted Jen’s request and came with her. Together.

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