Tea and Crumpets a Student’s Tale by nimrod1916

I have subsequently discovered that the recovery time, called the ‘refractory period’ is fifteen minutes for eighteen year old males which increases as you get older.

I was ready to go in ten!

I was soon in my stride, moving easily, slowly at first, then faster until to my satisfaction Mrs Pennyan began to writhe and groan below me as she arched her back to take me deep inside her to experience the heights of an energetic eye rolling orgasm. This was another first for me, I had never experienced the full extent of a female orgasm while I was still inside. I thought at one time she had almost passed out, such were the throes of her passion. She writhed, moved side to side and pulled me ever deeper inside her as she reached the peak of her climax. Had I just done that? Wow!

That was enough to send me down a similar path and my seed, this time, diminished in quantity still managed a few spurts inside her. After a few minutes we subsided into a post coital bliss on the sofa in front of the fire. I felt happy and smug that I had progressed so quickly from abject premature ejaculation to my partners undoubted ecstatic pleasure. From sparrow to shite hawk in two easy lessons!

“I think you need a good meal inside you after that” she said, we both got dressed and she proceeded to cook a wonderful chicken dish accompanied by a beautiful white wine.

We spent the rest of the evening together on the sofa and then she asked if I would like to stay for the night, an offer that I readily accepted.

That night we made love again for the fourth time. My sperms must have fully replenished thanks to the food, the wine and my youth, because when I finally came I could feel them gushing into her as they were supposed to do at the first attempt and we both had a simultaneous orgasm. I must be getting better.

I went to sleep, naked, wet, sore, tender and very contented.

With her guidance I learned about what it takes to satisfy your partner as well as yourself. She taught me about foreplay, how to go slowly at first, to make the sex last until both partners are satisfied, not to withdraw my cock immediately after I had ejaculated and not to rush to the bathroom to wash my cock. You are effectively washing the scent and juices off from the woman you have just made love too.

I learned about the clitoris, nipples, belly button, G spot and other areas, all highly erogenous zones for females. I discovered that the first two or three inches of the vagina are where most of the pleasure receptors are located and she also told me what it feels like for a woman to have an orgasm, how females enter a magical world of arousal and sensual pleasure and even about the female ejaculation, which she achieved twice with me. As a result in the coming months and years we enjoyed vigorous, satisfying sex and shared orgasms in every conceivable position of copulation in her house and sometimes in the garden. She quite often wore her stockings, garter belt, even a full bodice, to enhance our couplings and I learned to marvel at the utterly erotic sight, but to control my urge to ejaculate too early.

To see her in full flow on top of me, bouncing on my cock with her huge tits, undulating majestically like two fully rigged sailing ships bearing down is something that will always remain with me. Often she invited me to stay the night in her huge bed, we had very little sleep and I was shattered but happy, the following day. She was a great tutor and I wish I had been so ardent a pupil as an undergraduate, I may have had better grades.

She told me a few months later that I had learned quickly and I was a good lover, one of the best she had known. I had a beautiful cock, one of the biggest she had seen and my ability to give her pleasure was unsurpassed. I cannot tell you how proud that made me feel that this is what my tutor thought of me. It was a great compliment from a wonderful lady!

She never minded if I invited other girls back, she had other partners too and we continued our relationship until I left university. Neither of us asked of each other more than we were prepared to give, we made no demands, it was a perfect relationship which lasted the full three years of my course. It was not all sex either, she was very well read, amusing and interesting. I really enjoyed her company and I like to think she enjoyed mine.

I even came to stay with her during the holidays. That first Christmas when my parents were off skiing and her relatives had left, I stayed nearly a week. We saw the in the New Year together. I was sitting naked with my back again the sofa, she sat across my legs also naked, facing me with my cock inside her as we sipped champagne in front of the fire. This was the first time I had drunk champagne like this, not easy to choreograph, but well worth the effort. We had tried to coordinate our climax with the strike of midnight, I am not sure we got it spot on, but it was a hell of a way to see in the new year!

That was just one of the occasions I still vividly remember. Every New Year’s Eve at midnight, wherever I am, whoever I am with, I always remember the ‘first footing’ with Mrs Pennyman.

I got a job in Australia immediately on graduation so I did not see much of Mrs P in the years that followed, but we kept in touch. I returned to the UK about three times annually and always visited her. She had a steady partner by then, an older man, someone she was very fond of. I had met the woman of my dreams in Australia, we had married and our first baby came along not long afterwards.

My meetings with Mrs P were purely platonic and the tea and crumpets were delicious. However prior to our last meeting she had contacted me to find out when I was next coming to the UK. She asked to see me, this was odd as she had never done this before, there was a sense of urgency in the request. I was due to be in the country the following month and decided I would like to take her out to an expensive restaurant for a decent dinner, I never could afford to do this when I was a student and it was my way of saying thank you. Her partner was away for two weeks so we had no trouble in making a mutually convenient arrangement.

This was about eight years after I graduated and although she must have been in her early fifties by then she remained a very good looking woman, perhaps a little plumper, but then so was I. She had much shorter hair and it looked a little thinner than I remembered but it really suited her. Over dinner she asked about my new family and wanted to see some pictures. Our conversation flowed easily and we reminisced about our times together. She was very complementary about my transition to expert lover and pulled my leg unmercifully about my first abortive attempt. Then she surprised me!

She said that I was not the only one to be aroused that first afternoon and she found it very erotic and a big turn on when I pulled out and prematurely ejaculated all over her thighs and stockings. She was very close to an orgasm and one move by me would have been enough; however, she could see that I was utterly dejected and ashamed, so she let the moment pass. She also said that I had a habit of walking around naked in my rooms and not drawing the curtains. One evening when I was standing in the window she could not help noticing how well endowed I was, so the ‘shock’ at the first close up of my erection was not altogether a surprise.

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