The Big C

This story is based a little bit on fact. My second girlfriend had the same condition and early adolescence experience as the main female character in this story. I am thankful I could help her work through some of her trauma and self-worth. She’s now happily married with four children.

The Big C

“Don’t get any fucking ideas, I don’t like boys!”

Those were the first words Issy Jones ever spoke to me. She was 5 foot 4 inches of ultimate cuteness, long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and an athletic figure.

Her rather abrupt greeting came as I stopped at her bedroom door to introduce myself.

Issy was a new arrival at Gerry and Gina Ferrall’s foster home… or as I liked to call it ‘The FFF”… Ferrall’s Foster Fuckup. The Ferrall’s saw us fosters kids as just money makers and they were continually trying to squeeze more into their shitty five bedroom house so they didn’t have to work full time. Issy was number six… I’d been number four and had lived there for eighteen months.

For the most part the Ferrall’s left me alone, I was big for my age. Gerry had a temper but he knew to play it cool with me. I already had a reputation for getting into trouble and was on a last warning with the court. Next stop for me would be prison. So we both had something to lose if things got out of hand… for me it would be my freedom and for him it would be money… plus his teeth, nose, and anything else I could break before I was hauled away. So for the most part we kept clear of each other.

There were four other fosters in the house, all boys aged eight to twelve, Issy was the first girl.

My names Jayden Johnson, but everyone calls me Jay. I’d been in and out of foster homes since I was eleven years old. I never knew my birth father and my mother always had a constant string of men in and out of the house. No-one stayed long, they were all jerks who just wanted to get into my mother’s pants. Mom was good looking and had been a teen model before getting pregnant with me at eighteen, her parents kicked her out and she ended up topless waitresing at a roadhouse just outside town. One thing led to another and she started turning tricks to pay for an ever growing cocaine habit. We lived on the bad side of town in a small rented two bedroom apartment. I learned to toughen up pretty quick and knew who to make friends with to survive in the neighborhood. As if things couldn’t get any worse they did on my eleventh birthday when Mom never came home from work. She simply disappeared. The cops concluded she’d been killed by a client or a local drug dealer. They were just guessing but it was probably true. I was put into foster care but kept getting moved around due to my ‘anti-social behavior’… fights at school, petty theft, smoking dope… you get the drift. Anyway I chalked up a few appearances before a magistrate in the youth court but always seemed to get someone who wanted to give me another chance.

I was now eighteen and had eight more months of probation before I could ditch the system and get on with my life. Because I was still at school I had been ordered by the court to stay at the Ferrell’s until my probation was up. Despite this being my sixth foster home I was still doing pretty well at school. I had a knack of retaining information so aced most tests and exams without having to study at all. Every Saturday was community service, I’d been sentenced to 300 hours for graffiting the side of the town hall with a group of housing protesters who’d been evicted from a council owned building… I reckoned it was a justified protest, the city didn’t. Sundays were my only free time and I usually hung out at a gym owned by a group of ex-army guys who ran fitness programs for local youth.

Life was pretty boring to tell the truth. Issy’s arrival was a plus and despite her rather unusual first greeting we ended up getting along okay. She was seventeen and had been in the system for four years. Occasionally at night we’d sit on the steps of the back fire-escape, drinking coffee and smoking a joint. It was nice having someone cute to look at as well, although she’d repeated the no boy’s statement again just to make sure I didn’t try anything. Our friendship developed quickly and I really began to like her. Because we were older neither of us had to share a room, not that you could fit anyone else in our rooms anyway. We had the attic space and our small bedrooms were on either side of the steep stairway. Prison cells would be bigger than our rooms, but at least we had some privacy.

Issy was very shy regarding her body and wore jeans and sweatshirts most of the time at the house. The only time her figure was more noticeable was when she had to wear her school uniform and even then she’d picked sizes that were too big and slightly baggy. But there was no hiding her nice, tanned legs as they descended from under her plaid skirt.

Two months after she arrived there was a knock on my door. Issy entered. She looked anxious.

“I caught Jerry him in my room last week.”


“He said he was doing a room check. I think he went through my things.”

“Shit Issy!”

“I want to get out of here, but my case worker said that this is the only placement for me.”

“Yeah you’re not the only one who wants to get out.”

I put my hand on her shoulder and she immediately pulled away.

“No touching me!” she stated forcefully.

“Whoa, sorry.” I was a bit stunned by her reaction. I thought our relationship was better than that. Maybe I was wrong in thinking she was comfortable being around me.

“It’s not just you, it’s all guys.” She explained seeing my shocked face.


“Sorry, it’s just…”

“Hey, you don’t have to explain, we’ve all been through shit in the system.”

“I wish it was just that.”

I didn’t know what that meant so I didn’t reply.

Issy got up and left without another word. She went to her room and shut the door.

The following day everything seemed fine and we walked to school together as if nothing had happened.

A week before school break I got some good news. I’d been spending my community service hours at a local charity workshop that employed disabled people to make small household items, like brooms, planter boxes. My Saturday job was to do a complete sweep of the warehouse floor and clean the tools and machines. It was a task that usually took all six hours of my allotted service time. Steve, one of the charities trustees would come in and supervise me while he worked in the office. On this particular Saturday I’d arrived to find the place locked up. I peered through a window and saw it was as clean as when I’d left it the previous week. I had Steve’s number so I gave him a call.

“Hey Steve. What’s the story with the warehouse? It’s locked up and looks like it’s already been cleaned.”

“Sorry Jay. Didn’t Russell call you and say not to come in today?

“Nope. So why’s it so tidy?”

“No-ones worked this week. We had a major electrical failure last Monday morning and it took all week to fix, so I sent everyone home. Sorry you should have been told.” Steve apologized.

“Okay. You got anything else I can do to make up my time?” I wanted my community hours to be over as soon as possible so missing a week was not ideal.

“Not there I’m afraid. But I’ll log your hours anyway seeing as how you came in.”

“Great thanks. I guess I’ll go then.”

“Hey Jay. Do you like to smash stuff?” Steve asked before I could end the call.


“I have a renovation job in town. Today we’re doing some demolition work. If you want you can come to help. I’ll pay you for your time.”

“Ah, yeah okay. Where is it?”

“I’ll swing by and pick you up… be there in fifteen minutes.”

True to his word Steve arrived right on time. On the way to the job he explained that he had a renovation company and they had a rush job on at a loft apartment.

When we arrived he introduced me to his crew, Kelvin and Doug. I then got given a spare pair of work boots, safety glasses and a sledge hammer.

“All the internal walls need to come out. I’ll pair you with Doug. Just follow his instructions… and remember safety is always first.” Steve cautioned me before picking up a large wrecking bar.

We worked all day stopping only for lunch. By five o’clock the demo was finished. I was covered in sweat and dust, but it had been one of the best days I could remember.

Steve handed me a wad of ten dollar notes “Good job. Here you earned this..”

“Thanks, but you know I would have done this for nothing.” I grinned at him.

“A laborer is worthy of their hire.” He replied smiling then added, “Hey, don’t your school holidays start next week? If you want I can offer you work right though the break. We could certainly use the help to get this place finished on time.”

“Seriously? Ah, yeah that would be great.” My reply was enthusiastic and my smile broader.

“We’ll have to clear it with you foster parents first.”

“They won’t care, they’ll be happy I’m out of the house.”

“Run it by them anyway. Okay.”

I told Gina what I was going to do and as expected she didn’t give a shit. She did ask if I was getting paid and I lied and said it was coming off my community service time. If she knew money was involved I can guarantee she and Gerry would try to get some of it.

The following afternoon I took the cash Steve had given me and visited an acquaintance called Tommy. He worked at a sex toy distribution center and whenever I had any extra money I would meet him to get some wholesale priced supplies. I’d rung him that morning with my order and he had it waiting. My motto was if you had money then use it to make more money. Capitalism… isn’t it great!

Later that night I went over to my friend Jane’s house. Jane was nineteen and worked in the kitchen at a large prestigious girls boarding school. She ran a side business providing certain commodities to the girls at the school. Items that either they couldn’t get legally or didn’t want to buy themselves. Jane mainly supplied dope and although some of the teachers knew what she was doing they turned a blind eye due to the control she kept. I suppose it was a case of ‘better the devil you know than one you don’t.”

I provided Jane with something else the student’s wanted… vibrators and dildos. I could get them really cheap from Tommy and resell them to Jane for a 50% profit and she would resell them to students for 50% profit again. The girls at the school were either too young to visit a sex store or didn’t want to buy online due to delivery issues. In a boarding school with 1500 horny female teenagers demand was always high.

“So how many have you got?” Jane asked as we sat on her bed. We were drinking beer and sharing a joint.

“Six of the super silent slimline vibes, four Bluetooth eggs and two double ended dildos, for those who like to play together.” I grinned and dumped the contents of my bag onto her lap.

Jane smiled looking at the pile of multi colored toys. “Usual terms?” She queried before taking a long toke and exhaling smoke out her nose.

“Yeah.” I took the joint from her and copied her actions.

“Can you get more, especially the remote eggs. The girls love them. There’s a dare going around at the moment for them to wear the fucking things in class during the day. I could sell a dozen tomorrow. I can spot you some cash if you need it.”

“Nah, I’m okay. Got a holiday job so I’ll have the money soon. Besides Tommy will give me a week to pay if I need it.”

There was a sudden noise from the wall behind us.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“Yep. Wally the Whopper is here.” Jane sighed and shook her head in mock disgust.

The sound was the bedhead in the next room knocking against the wall. It was soon joined by the sound of Jane’s mother’s arousal.

“Fuck this wall must be thin.” I laughed, shaking my own head in disbelief.

Wally was a traveling businessman who visited town twice a week and spent the evenings having loud sex with Irene, Jane’s mother.

We called him Wally the Whopper because one night Jane had gone next door to tell them to keep it down and she had seen the size of Wally’s cock. She’d opened the door to yell at them just as Wally pulled his dick out and shot a huge amount of cum all over Irene’s upper body. They didn’t see Jane and she stood watching in unbelief as rope after rope of cum spurted out of Wally’s twelve inch pulsating rod. It literally covered Irene’s stomach, tits and face as she gyrated and bucked on the bed from a massive climax. Still unnoticed Jane had left the room leaving them to their blissful ending. She’d described the event to me in quite some detail and we had duly dubbed Wally with his appropriate nickname.

“Your Dad’s going to find out about Wally and cut that dick off one day.” I declared as the noise from next door reached a crescendo with both of them obviously reaching a satisfactory conclusion.

“He already knows.” Jane replied casually.


“Yeah he found out six months ago, but then Mum knew he’d been fucking my Aunt Helen so it was kind of hard for him to complain. They agreed to keep things the way they were. Dad stays at Helen’s on Sunday and Wednesday nights the same days that Wally’s in town. It seems to be working because there’s still plenty of sex next door on the other days of the week.”

“Bloody hell! You have to listen to that every night.” I exclaimed.

“Mum and Dad aren’t as loud and I’m out most nights until there done anyway. Besides, I can’t really complain I’m not much quieter than Mum when I’ve got a good stiff cock inside me.” Jane laughed and swigged her beer.

Hearing the noise next door and now picturing Jane fucking had me stiffening up. I tried to hide the bulge in my pants with my hand. Jane noticed!

“Feeling a little horny yourself eh!” She grinned seeing my discomfort.

“Fuck off!” I replied defensively.

“Want me to wank you off before you go?” She asked and winked.

“Nice offer but I’ve got to get going I start work at 7am tomorrow.” I got up and turned towards the door quickly so my boner wasn’t too much on show.

“Rain check then.” Jane said cheekily and grinned again.

I left the room with a smile on my face. I knew I wouldn’t be getting anything any time soon from Jane. Her boyfriend was a 6’ 3″ college football player built like a small building. Still her flirting with me was good for my ego.

The holidays came and went and I enjoyed the job with Steve and the guys. We built new walls in the studio and fitted a new kitchen and bathroom. Every night I was tired and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I also managed to double all the money I earned with Tommy and Jane’s help.

The only problem at hand was Gerry getting more interested in Issy. I offered to thump the shit out of him but Issy knew if I did I’d be in big trouble and sent to lock up. We were both desperate to get Gina and Gerry out of our lives.

It was a chance meeting with Jane’s mother Irene that hatched a plan for us to get away. I was sitting in the waiting room of my probation officer when Irene entered the room. She was a lawyer and had an office on the same floor.

“Hello Jay, waiting to see Derek?” she inquired while waiting for the receptionist to return.

“Yeah, got to have monthly confession sessions.” I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

“Oh come on Derek’s a good sort.”

“Yeah he’s okay I suppose.” I conceded with a shrug.

“You’re living with foster parents aren’t you. That’s never easy.”

I was surprised that she knew I was fostered. “To be honest it sucks and the Ferrall’s aren’t exactly good at the job.”

Irene looked at me surprised. “Ferralls! You don’t mean Gina and Gerry Ferrell do you?”

“Yeah unfortunately.”

Derek’s door opened and he greeted both of us before ushering me into his office. Irene seemed lost in thought as I said goodbye.

After my meeting as I walked out of Derek’s office the receptionist called me over to her desk.

“Irene Duggan would like a word with you Jay. She’s in the last office down the hall.”

“Ahh, Okay.” I responded, more than a little surprised.

I made my way down the hall and approached the last door on the right. A brass name plate with ‘Irene S Duggan, Attorney at Law,’ was etched onto the frosted glass window. I wasn’t sure whether to knock or go straight in so I rapped gently on the glass and then entered.

A young woman with bright red hair sat behind a large wooden desk on the far side of the room. She had the biggest tits I’d ever seen and her low cut dress left nothing to the imagination, her nipples must had just been covered. Her desk was piled high with folders and the walls lined with filing cabinets topped with document boxes. It was a kind of ordered chaos. On the only free wall was a huge poster of a Greek island… white washed houses with blue shutters overlooking the clear blue sea. The picture seemed to bring a little calmness to the otherwise busy room.

“You must be Jay. I’m Clare, Irene’s paralegal. Go through she’s waiting for you.” The red head smiled and indicated the door behind her.

I nodded and approached the door.

“Don’t bother knocking.” She answered my unspoken question before I asked.

Irene was behind an even larger desk, it too was covered in files and documents. Once again the walls were covered in cabinets piled high with boxes and papers. Space for a couple of chairs had been left facing the desk.

“Thanks for calling in Jay, have a seat.” Irene smiled.

I sat down, still bewildered at why I was here. I just hope she hadn’t twigged onto Jane and my sex toy business.

“Gina and Gerry Ferrall.” She said looking at me.

“You know them?”

“Unfortunately yes. I’ve known them for many years. Not my favorite couple I’m afraid.”

“Mine neither.” I replied with a shrug.

“How on earth did they get to become foster parents again!” Irene said shaking her head in disbelief.

“What do you mean?”

“Jerry was accused of interfering with two young teen girls they had in care about eight years ago. I went to school with Gina’s older sister and everyone was devastated when the accusations came out.”

“What happened?”

“There was some kind of deal made and Jerry got off with a smack on the hand and they were banned from looking after other kids. It ruined their reputation in the town we lived in so they had to move. I think Jerry’s brother helped them, the two of them were as thick as thieves growing up.”

“You mean Jerry’s brother Mike?”

“You know him as well?”

“He’s my court appointed social worker, and yeah he and Jerry are really close.”

“Well, all I know is Jerry and Gina were banned from foster care, so something isn’t right. Jane also mentioned that you said a young a girl in your house is having problems with Jerry?”

“Yeah Issy. She moved a few months back, she’s sixteen.”

“I don’t like this. I’m going to do some digging and find out what’s going on here. You okay with that?”

“Ah, yeah of course.”

“Leave it with me then.” Irene smiled.

That short meeting lead to a whole can of shit being stirred up. A chain of events that changed my life. It turns out Irene’s big boobed helper Clare wasn’t just a normal paralegal… she had the skills of a computer genius and was also a pretty good amateur detective. She found out Jerry, Gina and Mike had a lot of dirty laundry hidden in their closets! Firstly, the only reason Jerry and Gina were fostering again was because their previous records had been erased from the system… something that Mike could have done. The three of them were also running an illegal adoption scam on the dark net, taking money from desperate couples in exchange for supposed streamlined access to foreign orphan children. To top things off Mike was having an affair with Gina behind Jerry’s back.

Irene took all this info and came up with a plan that not only secured my freedom but also had a positive result for Issy. She arranged a meeting with Jerry, Gina and Mike and blindsided them with her accusations. They were stunned at what she knew and on the back foot from the beginning. Although she couldn’t prove Mike had erased the fostering records that didn’t stop Irene from making it sound like she had enough proof to go to the authorities. She also threatened to turn their names over to the couples they had ripped off via the dark web dealings. Again there was no way of taking the issue to court but giving the victim’s their names could result in some couples taking reparation that might cause physical harm the Ferrall’s.

Irene negotiated that Mike agree to send Derek a report that suggested I was ready to transition into my own accommodation. I was 18 and leaving school in a few months anyway. I’d been offered full time work from Steve, and he had a studio apartment I could rent Jerry and Gina would stop fostering immediately and the kids in their care would need to go to other homes. Also Issy, who had gotten to know Irene and Jane over the last few weeks was to be placed under Irene’s guardianship. When all of these things had been completed Mike would resign his position as a social worker in foster care and the evidence against him and Jerry and Gina would not be handed to the authorities.

Things moved fast and within a week Issy had shifted in with Jane and Irene. A month later I moved into my own apartment. I was free!

Irene’s final move was to tell Jerry about Gina and Mikes affair. Jerry was so upset he took to his brother with a metal bar and put him in hospital. As a result he got 2 years in jail for assault… and Gina divorced him.

All in all I think everything worked out well!

I enjoyed living by myself and started taking cooking lessons at night school once a week. My apartment was small but I had everything I needed. Issy and Jane would come over to eat sometimes and they were both impressed with my new culinary skills.

Issy and I grew closer together and I was starting to question her ‘no boys’ policy. We almost seemed like girlfriend/boyfriend without the physical stuff. I still knew not to push anything on her, it wasn’t easy but I kept my hands to myself.

School finished and I started full time with Steve’s company. My probation and community service also ended so I was finally free. After six months the company got a job assembling bungalows at a resort in Tahiti. I was asked if I wanted to go and help. Of course I jumped at the chance to spent my days knee deep in warm water building tourist accommodations in the South Pacific. Issy was sad to see me go but to be honest I was getting a little pissed at her being so cold physically. I was, however, surprised when she took my hand in hers at the airport and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She was even crying as I waved goodbye at the departure gate.

The job took the best part of a year and I enjoyed my time in the sun immensely. Six months into the trip I meet a 20 year old Swedish girl who was working at a resort nearby. Her name was Lovisa but everyone called her Lova. She was the quintessential Scandinavian girl…. long blonde hair, blue eyes and a figure that had me drooling the moment I saw her. We’d only met once, briefly at a local festival but that was enough time for her to ask if I wanted to go swimming one evening.

We got together on the beach in front of her resort just before sundown. Lova wore a very small bikini. Her nipples were barely covered by the thin material and the thong bottoms didn’t cover much either. We swam until the sun dipped into the sea on the horizon then walked hand in hand back to her room at the far end of the complex. When we arrived her roommate was sitting reading on her bed.

“Come back in an hour Stella.” Lova simply said to the other girl.

Stella stood up smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek as she walked across the room towards the door.

“Make it two hours.” I said smiling back at her.

“I’ll give you ninety minutes, by then Lova will have you worn out stud.” Stella replied playfully as she left the room.

Stella was right! Lova was a dynamo between the sheets. Her bikini and my shorts were on the floor in seconds and we were quickly onto the bed in a 69 position. She had a pussy that tasted unbelievably sweet… real girl-cum dripped from her and I greedily lapped it up. My cock was also sucked like a pro and when she deep throated me I couldn’t believe it. I’m not huge, maybe seven inches but she took it all down to the balls! Oral was followed by sex in every position I knew and a few more that I hadn’t even thought of before! I tried to slow things down a bit and be a bit more romantic but Lova wasn’t on the same page… she bossed me around gyrating and moving us into ‘karma sutra’ style poses. In the end I just went with it, my body was contorted into all sorts of shapes but it was fucking enjoyable anyway! When Lova orgasmed, which must have happened at least a dozen times, she went completely silent and just shook like a mini earthquake was working its way through her body. Fantastic to watch!

Lova’s appetite for sex was literally exhausting and by the end she had coerced two massive orgasms out of me and I was left covered in sweat gasping for breath. As we lay beside each other recovering I realized we both hadn’t said a word to each other since leaving the beach. I guess sometimes words don’t matter.

Stella entered the room true to her word ninety minutes later. Lova and I were still lying naked on the bed and neither of us made a move to cover up. I was still semi stiff and my cock glistened with pussy juices.

“If you had any energy left I’d invite you to my side of the room but I know Lova too well. You aren’t fucking anybody else tonight big boy.” Stella grinned and went into the adjoining bathroom.

I sat up and gathered my clothes.

“You can stay the night if you want. Just don’t hog the bed.” Lova said nonchalantly and rolled over with her back to me.

Stella re-entered the room in a thin t-shirt, she blew me a kiss and headed for her bed.

“Nighty, night studly.” She smiled and turned out the light.

In the morning I woke to an empty bed. Lova was gone but Stella was still asleep across the room.

As I headed for the bathroom I could still smell last night’s sex on my body. I showered and had just started drying off when Stella entered the room. She sat on the toilet and urinated while watching me towel off, then she tore off some loo roll and wiped between her legs.

“Fuck it! I’ve got my period.” She exclaimed in an annoyed tone. “If you want to fuck me before you go it’s going to have to be in the ass.”

“I’m sorry. What?” I didn’t think I’d heard right.

“Do you want to fuck me or not.” Stella shrugged and stood up pulling her T-shirt off.

“Ah yeah. Of course I do.” My cock was already growing looking at the naked flesh in front of me.

“Good. But like I said it’s going to have to be in the ass. That okay with you?”

“Yeah, ass is good.” I replied still a little shocked at her invitation. “What about Lova though?”

“She’s already at work, early shift and if you’re worried that she’ll mind if we fuck, don’t. She’s been here for ten months and has probably fucked every guy on the island. Besides we share everything, toothbrush, underwear, and guys when I want one.”

“Quite the room mates.” I quipped.

“You go get into my bed while I have a shower and give my ass a rinse out.” Stella slid past me, lightly slapping my backside as she went.

I did as I was told and retreated to the bedroom to wait.

“In the ass.” I murmured to myself as I lay there. That would be a first for me. It had been the one thing Lova and I had not done the last night. None of my previous girlfriends had been up for anal either.

Stella came out of the bathroom, grabbed a hair dryer and started to dry her hair. I watched her and took a good look at her naked body. She had a fuller figure than Lova and carried a few extra pounds but it didn’t make her any less sexy. Bigger breasts that still had great shape and a peachy bottom that looked very appealing. Her pubic mound was topped with a shock of dark red pubes that matched the hair she was drying. The sun had left her with striking bikini lines that made her look even more alluring, I really liked the contrast between the white and deep brown shades.

Finished with the dryer Stella turned and looked at me. She smiled and approached the bed slowly letting me admire her even more.

“Is studly ready for his dessert after last night’s buffet.” Her tone was sensual and playful.

“Oh yeah.” I replied and held out my arms to greet her.

Compared to the night before our sex was slow and seductive. We french kissed enjoying the feeling of tongues colliding and sliding together. I stroked her pussy gently as she leisurely played with my cock. We took our time and our sexual passion grew slowly as we explored each other’s bodies.

“You’ll need to finger my little dark hole to get it warmed up.” Stella’s voice was raspy from arousal.

I’d noticed a small jar on the bedside table labelled coconut butter and dipped my finger in it before sliding it between her butt cheeks.

“Just go slow, but I like the feeling.”

I slipped my finger into her ass, going slowly as requested.

Before long she asked for a second and then a third finger to be inserted. Each time I buttered up my digits before continuing.

“Hmm, that’s nice.” She murmured. “Let’s get your little man in there now.”

I parted her thighs more and entered her from behind, my cock gradually disappearing inside her. I began to fuck her ass slowly, withdrawing almost completely before pushing gently forwards at each stroke. Stella was moaning quietly and seemed to be enjoying things immensely.

“A little faster please,” she asked politely between gasping moans.

I obliged and started to trust with more pace. Her moans increased and a hand slipped between her thighs.

My hands moved to her breasts fondling and squeezing the nipples causing them to grow stiff between my fingers. The tightness of her ass and the sound of her arousal had me getting close to cumming but I wanted to let the pleasure last as long as possible so I slowed down my actions.

“No… no! Keep going!” Stella complained immediately as she pushed her butt checks into my crotch.

Always one to comply with a naked girls request, I sped up again. Stella grunted her approval. As expected it wasn’t long before I felt my impending finish coming again.

“I think I’m going to….”

“Cum in my ass!” Stella interrupted with a cry.

I duly did as asked and came with a cry of release, emptying my balls into her. I kept thrusting and was rewarded a short time later as her butt started rising and falling as she too orgasmed. I could feel her sphincter muscles contracting around my cock squeezing out the last drops from my shaft.

I collapsed on top of her taking most of my weight on my elbows as we both lay still panting for breath. When my cock plopped out of her ass a huge glob of cum leaked out onto the bedsheets.

“Well done studly.” Stella said smiling at me as I rolled onto the bed. More cum dribbled out of her as she startled me and leaned forward for a kiss, I could fell the sticky goo covering my flaccid cock.

“That was unreal.” I declared. Anal sex was indeed as good as I had heard it was!

We took another shower together before I kissed her goodbye and headed for work. There was a huge smile on my face all day!

Over the next six months I enjoyed sex with Sella on a regular basis but Lova never seemed interested again… probably a good thing as I didn’t know if I would survive another session with her if it was like the first.

My time in Tahiti came to an end and I returned to my old job in my old city. The only change was my tanned body and sun bleached hair.

I’d saved almost all my wages for the last year and had enough to put a deposit down on a two bedroom derelict apartment, which I intended to live in while renovating.

Issy was now eighteen and was free of the system. She had started going to university on a scholarship that Irene had organized through a family charity. We met up for coffee the day after I got back. It was like old times and we spent the best part of four hours talking and catching up. Issy was now living in a dorm and seemed for the most part to be liking it.

“The only thing is there’s no freaking privacy.” She lamented.

“Gotta be a bit quiet when rubbing one out eh.” I joked.

“Ha, ha. Very funny.” Issy replied rolling her eyes.

“I can get you a super silent vibrator through Tommy if you want.” I continued my razzing.

“Got one from Jane already smart ass.” She poked her tongue out insolently.

“How’s Jane going? I haven’t managed to catch up with her yet.”

“She’s good… we see a fair bit of each other… she calls herself my big sister sometimes.” Issy rolled her eyes but I could tell she quite liked the idea.

I did meet with Jane a couple of days later, she had finally moved out of home and was living at the girls school as a house matron. She’d had to stop her extra activities with the new job… well all of them except the sex toy business. She now dealt directly with Tommy.

I worked full time on my apartment for six weeks and it was looking pretty good with a new kitchen, bathrooms, repaint and flooring. Issy helped out when she wasn’t in lectures. Our relationship returned to where it had been previously. Every time I tried to talk to her about us she grew quiet and withdrew… I thought it was about something that must have happened in foster care but she said it wasn’t. I was willing to wait for her to open up but it wasn’t easy. At least we were holding hands now.

I started working for Steve again and he asked me to do an out of town job that would involve staying away for the week. Issy agreed to look after Growler my new housemate, an English sheep dog. I gave her a key to the apartment and told her she could stay over if she wanted some space from the dorm.

I was supposed to be away for the full week but we finished the job early and I decided to drive home Friday night. Arriving at about ten o’clock I headed straight for the bedroom wanting to take a shower and get some sleep. Upon opening the door I was astounded. A half-naked body was sprawled across the unmade bed. I recognized who it was immediately.

Issy was prone on her back with her legs spread wide, she was nude from the waist down a with t-shirt pulled up to the waist on top. Her moans of pleasure filled the room and her right hand gripped the sheets in tension while her left hand was busy between her thighs. I should have been astounded by what she was doing but that wasn’t it. What amazed me most was the fact that she had what looked like a huge, hooded penis protruding from her pussy. It was massive!

I stood in the doorway staring for a long moment unable to draw my eyes away. Just as I started to retreat backward Issy opened her eyes and looked directly at me. The shocked look on her face quickly turned to despair and she looked away pulling the sheet over her.

“Please get out!” she cried from under the bed clothes.

I left the room and shut the door. A few moments later I heard the door being locked from inside.

“Issy are you okay?” I asked through the door. I got no reply but did hear the sound of crying.

About ten minutes later Jane arrived on my doorstep. It looked like she had just woken up, her hair was messy and she was dressed in jean shorts and a singlet, no bra.”

“Jane! What the….” I was surprised to see her.

“Hey, ten minutes ago I was fucking Dillon and about to cum. So I’m as surprised as you are that I’m here okay.”

“Okay.” I replied still confused at her presence.

“Where’s Issy?” Jane asked as she stepped inside.

“In the bedroom.” I responded.

“She called me, she’s pretty upset.”

“Yeah I realize that. She’s locked the door and she’s been crying. What’s going on?”

“You saw her naked right.” Jane looked at me.

“Yeah, I mean she was on the bed rubbing one out when I got home.”

“So you saw her… thingy?” Jane pointed to her own crotch.

“Well yeah, I guess you mean her big…” I was lost for words to describe it.

“It’s a rather big clitoris and she’s really insecure about having it.” Jane explained.

“Okay but….”

Jane interrupted again. “It’s really complicated for her.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“She’s built up this fear in her mind about what people are going to think of her. She doesn’t want to be the rejected.”

“Rejected, why? And how come she can she tell you and not me?” I accused.

“I’m just the one who found out and we’ve talked about it. It was while you were away overseas.”

“So it’s a big deal to her, I can see that but why hasn’t she just told me?”

“You saw it. She’s scared shitless you’ll hate her for having it.”

“What? Why would she think that? What’s the problem?” I replied frustrated.

“Look, she called me cause she wants to talk so let me just go see her okay.”

I stepped aside and Jane went to the bedroom and knocked on the door.

“Hey Issy, it’s me unlock the door.”

A few seconds later Jane tried the door and it opened. She went inside.

I sat down on the couch with a beer and waited. Fifteen minutes later Jane came back out, she went to the fridge got herself a beer then sat down beside me.

“Okay we’ve had a talk.” She took a large swig from the bottle.

“You know I’ve spent the last three years trying to get her to talk but nothing.” I said frustrated.

“Well she’s ready to talk to you now. So go talk Jay, please.” Jane looked at me beseechingly.

“All right.” I headed towards the bedroom door, knocking lightly before entering. Issy was dressed and sitting on the bed, she was hugging her legs to her chest and looked small and frightened. She had obviously been crying.

“I guess you want me to leave.” Issy’s voice was laden with sadness and resignation.

“Why would I want you to leave?” I responded in disbelief at her comment.

“Because I’m deformed and repulsive.”

“That’s bullshit! I challenged her. “You are exactly the opposite to that. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You saw me… what I’m like down there. I know guys find it ugly.”

“Fuck off Issy. What I saw was bloody amazing and sexy. Why the hell do you think guys wouldn’t like that?”

“You don’t have to be nice to me okay. I know what you really think.”

“No you bloody don’t. Have I ever lied to you? The answer to that is no and I’m not lying now.”

“Really.” Issy looked up at me with tears welling in her eyes.

“Yeah, really.” I replied and moved onto the bed beside her. “I love everything about you Issy Jones.”

I put my arms around her and for the first time she didn’t pull away, instead her body melted into mine as she started to cry.

Maybe it was fifteen minutes, maybe an hour I don’t know, time kind of stood still as Issy let me hold her until the tears stopped. It was then she told me her story.

She shared how she had always thought she was deformed and not like other girls. The thought of people seeing her, especially boys scared her. She’d built up this fear in her mind of being rejected and it had taken over her whole life in regard to relationships. Jane had accidentally seen her naked when they were living together at Irene’s place and had surprised Issy by being accepting and cool about things. Jane had even persuaded her to go to a gynecologist for a check-up, something she’d never done. The doctor had told her she had clitoromegaly a condition that she’d probably had since birth, but puberty has accelerated the growth of the clitoris. It was rare but nothing to worry about.

“Well I think you’re perfect” I smiled and gave her a nudge.

“You really think that?”

“Hell yeah and when you’re ready I would really like to see you naked again.” I answered grinning.

“Maybe that can be arranged. But not yet, I need some time okay?”

“You’re stuck with me no matter what. I’m not going anywhere.”

Issy’s smile grew bigger and she hugged me again.

When we finally came out of the bedroom Jane was snoring, asleep on the couch.

Over the next few weeks Issy became more physically open with me, we kissed and cuddled on the couch watching movies. I think she just needed time to really believe what I said. I didn’t push things and let her take the lead in how we progressed.

It was a Thursday when she indicated that she would like to spend the night at my place the next day. I couldn’t wait for work to finish Friday and I think I was semi hard all day.

I got home early at five o’clock and got in the shower, Issy was going to come straight to my place after classes so I didn’t have much time before we’d go out for dinner. I’d just begun to wash myself when I felt a hand on my back.

“Don’t turn around.” Issy said quickly as she stepped into the cubicle behind me. Her naked breasts and stomach brushed up against my back as she put her arms around my waist.

We stood still and let the water cascade down our naked bodies for a minute before Issy took the soap and started to wash my back and bottom then chest and arms. I stayed facing away from her and she continued down my stomach eventually landing on my growing cock.

“Is that okay?” Issy whispered into my ear.

“Oh yeah, that’s very much okay.” I replied with a smile.

As her soapy hands continued to wash across my now stiff cock I reached back and placed my hands onto her butt cheeks gently pulling her lower body closer to mine. When I’d been thoroughly cleaned I took the soap from her.

“My turn.” As I started to turn to face her she also turned so her back was toward me.

I soaped up my hands and washed her back and cute little bottom, as I moved closer to put my arms around to her front my cock pushed into her and slid upwards settling between her lower back and my stomach. Issy gave an audible gasp as she felt it’s presence.

I soaped my hands again and starting with her shoulders I washed her front, going gently over her breasts briefly before continuing down onto her stomach. Issy placed her hands on mine to stop me going any lower so I went upwards again and concentrated on her upper torso. My hands cupped her perky well-formed breasts my fingers brushing over her nipples, they grew slightly stiffer under my touch. Issy laid her head back onto my chest as I continued to massage her.

“Is that okay?” I mimicked her comment to me.

“Hmmm,” was all the reply I got.

After a few minutes Issy’s raised her hand and took mine. She guided me down her body until I could feel the strands of her pubic hair. Stopping there for a moment I could almost sense Issy making a conscious decision. She let out a slight sigh and then continued to lower my hand onto her pussy. The first thing I felt was the bump of her clitoral hood, it was smaller than I expected but then remembered it was fully aroused when I’d seen it in the bedroom.

Issy’s hand left mine. “You can touch it if you want.” She said softly.

“I would like that very much.” I answered and kissed her on the neck.

Issy tensed up as my hand started to explore gently. I keep massaging her breast and nipple with my other hand and nibbling on her earlobe as I ventured forth. Her clit was indeed huge but I didn’t stay focused on it, instead I moved lower and ran my fingers up and down her labia before slowly inserting a finger into her warm pussy.

“Hmmm.” Issy moaned as I continued my actions.

As I withdrew my finger and slowly ran it up her labia again I was amazed to find her clit had grown considerably bigger. I stroked up under the protruding mound of flesh and got an immediate reaction.

“Oh… oh fuck!” Issy exclaimed as her legs slightly bucked beneath her.

“Sorry! Is that too much?” I asked concerned removing my hand.

“No, it’s just really sensitive.” She replied and put my hand back.

“Why don’t we continue this in the bedroom.” I suggested.

“Okay.” Issy turned and faced me. We kissed… it was long and sensual with tongues colliding. When our lips parted we were both a little breathless.

“I suppose you get to see me properly now.” Issy said with a nervous smile as she stepped backward out of the shower and stood before me in all her naked glory.

I drank in the sight of her standing there dripping wet and looking oh so sexy. Her breasts were perfect and well-shaped centered with little stiff nipples. That figure that I had longed to see was curving in all the right places and her long slim legs looked fantastic. A small tuft of light hair topped her pubic mound and below that jutted out her amazing clit.

“So am I okay to look at?” She queried with a little uncertainty.

“You are gorgeous baby!” I exclaimed. “I mean ten out of ten, drop dead gorgeous. Wow!” I stared at her smiling.

“What about….” She looked down.

“Fucking magnificent!”

Issy smiled.

We dried off and went to the bedroom.

“I’m not really sure about how things go from here.” Issy confessed. “I mean I’ve never even seen a naked guy before let alone done things with him. So want to give me some tips on how to give you a blow job?” She shrugged and smiled.

“Ah yeah… okay.” I lay on my back with my semi erect cock lying on my belly. Issy knelt beside me and waited expectantly for my tuition. I was a bit lost for words. “So… umm…”

“I’m gonna start by touching it. I know you like that from the shower.” She giggled and wrapped her hand around my shaft. “So what next?”

“Well okay… doing things to the tip feels really good. Like kissing and licking it.”

Issy leaned down and did just that. Her warm lips and tongue immediately had an effect and I started to grow.

“Well that seems to work,” she mused between kisses.

“You really want to do this step by step?” I asked grinning.


“All right. Get some saliva on your lips, then use your wet lips to gently suck on the top while moving your tongue around the tip.”

Issy did as directed. “Like thish?” Her words were slurred with my cock head in her mouth.

“Oh yeah!” I drew in a breath at the pleasurable feeling. I waited a minute or two enjoying the feeling before continuing with the instructions.

“Okay now start to take it into your mouth, watch out for your teeth.”

Issy obliged and started to blow me. She was a quick learner and before long I was relishing in a great blow job. She alternated between bobbing up and down with me inside her mouth to popping her head off and using the tongue to lick my now very ridged shaft.

“Fuck Issy are you sure you haven’t done this before?” I managed to utter.

“Nope.” Her head raised up to look at me. “So you like it?” She smiled knowing it was a question that didn’t need an answer. Her head disappeared from my view again and the pleasure resumed.

I would have thought learning to suck a cock is something you would get better at over time. That had been my experience with other novice sexual partners. But I guess some things come naturally to some people and Issy was proving that theory.

As she continued I got closer to cumming. My breathing got shorter and I could feel the tension rising in my body. “I’m going to cum Issy!” I exclaimed in warning.

“yeaugh,” was her unintelligible reply as she keep going at a greater pace.

“I said I’m going to….” I didn’t finish the sentence as I exploded. I could feel my cock contracting again and again as spurt after spurt filled her mouth.

Finally Issy raised her head, cum was leaking out the corners of her lips as she looked at me smiling. “Fuck that was a lot!” she blurted out and used her fingers to direct the dipping cum into her waiting mouth and swallowing.

I was still catching my breathe when she flopped down and kissed me. “Eight out of ten?”

“Eleven out ten.” I replied between breaths.

“Cool” Issy smiled and kissed me again.

We rested for a few minutes… well I did. Issy was busy nibbling on my ear and kissing my neck.

“Okay, your turn.” I finally said lifting myself up and kneeling over her.

“Your turn what?” Issy asked.

“My turn to give you a little pleasure.” I replied.

“You mean you want to go down there?” she looked a little shocked.

“Hell yeah. I’m going to explore every inch of you and find out what turns you on baby.”

“But it’s not very… ”

“It’s part of you and I find you to be very, very sexy.” I interrupted and proceeded to kiss my way down her body until my head was level with her pussy. I gently placed my hands on her thighs and opened her legs before lying between them. I started by slowly licking up her vaginal lips taking in the taste and the smell… both were intoxicating. I placed a light kiss on her clit and it responded with a small twitch. “Someone’s pleased to see me.” I laughed before giving it a second kiss, gaining the same response.

I was amazed at the size of the hooded clit. It must have been at least 2 inches long and each time my tongue or lips touched it the protruding gland grew bigger, it’s penis shaped head becoming more visible. Issy was obviously enjoying my work as her hips started to move and I could hear little mewing sounds coming from above.

I found that direct contact with the clit was hugely sensitive and I assumed it would bring her to orgasm quite quickly and that was not my plan… I wanted to prolong her pleasure as long as possible so I slowed things up and spent time lower down using my tongue on her pussy lips and anus.

“Oh shit that feels so good.” Issy gasped out as I inserted a finger into her rubbing the area I believed was the ‘G’spot.

I felt her getting wetter by the second and could hear a squelching sound as I inserted a second finger into her now dripping pussy. I returned my mouth and tongue to her clit and was rewarded with more gasps and moans. The clitoris must have been three inches long by now and I could easily take the whole thing into my mouth to suck it. A few minutes of this and Issy was writhing on the bed.

“Gonna…. gonna…. ohhhhh!” she cried out and orgasmed, her body bouncing lightly on the bed as the wave of pleasure washed over her. My mouth was still sucking on her nub of sensitive flesh as her pussy ejaculated a squirt of milky liquid which covered my fingers.

Issy finally pushed me away as she shook through the feelings of sensory overload. Her body slowly calmed and her breathing returned to normal. I scooted back up the bed and we embraced.

“Fuck that was so good, but did I squirt on you?” Issy asked a little sheepishly glancing across at me.

I held up my sticky goo covered fingers in reply.

“Well that’s a first for me.” She laughed and popped one of the fingers in her mouth sucking off the creamy discharge. I shrugged and put the other finger in my mouth. It tasted quite sweet.

We both laughed at our antics and continued to embrace.

“Once you’ve cum can you do again… I mean tonight?” Issy asked as we lay there.

“No problems in that department.” I answered giving her body a squeeze.

“Good, because after you take me to dinner I would like you to take my cherry…that’s the correct phrase right? Popping my cherry, shucking my oyster, doing the dirty, deflowering…”

“Wow! Potty mouthed Issy.” I laughed. “Actually I would prefer to say that we would be making love.”

“I kind of like that one better too.” Issy smiled and kissed me.

An hour later we were back in the bedroom. My cock had been semi erect the whole time we were out and now as we started to undress it grew in anticipation of what was to come.

Issy climbed onto the bed and rolled over onto her back slipping off her panties, as she did so her clit sprung up still engorged from my earlier actions. She gave me a smouldering “come hither” look that was enough to bring me to full erection.

I lay beside her and we kissed passionately, my hand fondling her breast and teasing the nipple. In turn Issy lowered her hand massaged my balls. We finally broke the kiss and I raised myself and knelt between her legs. It was clear to see how aroused she was, her labia glistened with wetness and a small dribble ran down onto the bed.

I began to lightly run my finger around the moist pussy lips and clitoris, slowly just brushing the skin. Issy had her eyes closed and was uttering incoherent murmurs of pleasure.

“Please, don’t tease me anymore. I want you inside me…” she raised her hips to emphasize her desire.

I leaned forward and kissed her stomach before pulling her body towards me, my cock just touching her pussy. Issy impatiently once again raised her hips and my cockhead popped inside her. I pushed forward and more of me disappeared into her.

“Oh!” she exclaimed as I continued to fill the warm, wet opening.

I bottomed out with my balls touching her ass cheeks and then withdrew slowly until only just the tip remained inside.

“Do that again… please!” Issy begged.

I smiled at her comment and returned my cock from where it had come.

“That feels so good,” her voice barely a whisper as a smile covered her face.

“For you and me both babe.” I started to fuck her, my thrusts becoming stronger and quicker as my own pleasure grew.

Issy’s breathing became more erratic as we got into a rhythm of movement. Her clitoris grew until the tip was brushing my cock with each thrust forward, adding to both our excitement. I knew she was close to cumming as her toes began to curl and her hands balled into fists. Increasing my intensity I was rewarded moments later as she orgasmed, her pussy contracting on my cock as she ground her clit into my groin.

“Fuuuuuck!” she managed to shout between gritted teeth. “Oh, fuck yes!”

I stopped moving and remained buried inside her as she wrapped her legs and arms around my body and rode through the feelings of euphoria. Her head nestled into my neck as I held her tightly. When I finally pulled my cock out we lay in each other’s arms as small spasms still spasmodically racked her body and her breathing returned to normal. The minutes passed as we enjoyed a warm embrace.

“Did you cum?” Issy asked glancing up at me finally breaking the silence.

“Not yet.” I replied and smiled at her.

“You mean we’re not finished?” Her voice had a mischievous tone.

“No way babe. I’ve been waiting four years for this moment and I’m going to get the most out of it.”

“Sorry.” Issy said grimacing.

“Hey, sorry for what?”

“For making you wait so long, I just…”

“Hey, no apologies. We’re here now… I’m naked, sweaty and about to have more great sex with the hottest girl in town.”

“Thank you… for waiting.” Issy kissed me on the cheek and then placed her hand on my still stiff cock. “So what do we do about this?”

“Well I can think of a whole lot of things.” I pulled her up until she was sitting astride me, my cock standing tall in front of her own stiff clit.

“So is this one of your planned things.” Issy grinned, raised her hips up and enveloped me into her.

“It’ll do for a start.” I replied smiling.


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