The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 10 by Texican1830,Texican1830

Strangely, she wanted to kneel on the padded chair on the porch and do it doggie. When he laughed and said, “Sure, I love to hold that amazing ass while I fuck your hot pussy, but what brought this on?”

She explained that she had wanted to screw him in that position on the lounger every time they were on the beach.

Her brown body set off that white ass even more, and he couldn’t keep his hands or lips off it as she knelt and watched over her shoulder. Her head dropped and she moaned when his tongue began probing her insides, and lapping at the copious dew. Soon she had orgasm number 1, and was begging for his cock.

He lined up, pushed in, and accommodated her need while she cried her love and lust for him. With hands now free, he began playing with her swinging breasts and twisting her hard nipples, which begat orgasm number 2. Her third and final erupted when Chris did, after which he sat on the lounger and held her in his arms.

Berto and Lupe arrived mid-afternoon, as promised. Chris showed them how to set the water timers, turn them off if not needed, and then they took them on a walk around the gardens, flowerbeds, and grounds. They were impressed, but more impressed with the tour of the house. Berto hadn’t seen it since they had finished repairs and remodeling, and he heaped praise on Jo for the furnishings and decorations.

“Are you sure you want to go off and leave this place for months? Why not just have Trey reassign you to projects here, and send someone else to Colorado?” he asked.

Jo and Chris looked at one another; this wasn’t something either had considered. Chris had a job in Boulder that came with the company paying for his Masters in Architectural Engineering at CU; ergo, he had to go back to Colorado.

Or did he?

The job in Boulder was to allow him to serve the company and keep his salary while going to school in Boulder. Now that school was online, did serving the company still mean Boulder? If he did a similar job in Fort Worth, would the CU professor overseeing his “internship”, which all knew meant continuing to do a job he had been doing successfully elsewhere, accept his work at a new site as equitable?

This required further consideration.

Chris invited Lupe and Berto to go eat somewhere with them, but they declined due to concerns about catching the virus. He apologized and asked about eating takeout with them; again they declined, saying their oldest daughter was preparing their supper meal, but they appreciated his offers and would take him up on it another time.

After they left, Chris and Jo retreated to their favorite chairs on the back porch to rethink their immediate future. They were just beginning to understand how profoundly the Coronavirus had affected every part of their lives already, that it was just getting started, and that decisions made today may have to be rethought in the weeks or months ahead.

They needed to get out of the boxes “the old normal” had placed them in; the old paradigms weren’t going to function in these exceptional and potentially unprecedented times.

They were up late, retreating inside and building a fire when the mid-March winds got too chilly, and they had one of those brainstorming sessions where the rules were “no such thing as a bad idea or bad question.”

Nothing got packed, because nothing got decided.


Over coffee, with biscuits baking and bacon and eggs ready to fry, Chris shared his ‘slept on’ logic with Jo. She moved from her chair to his lap, kissed his cheek, and said, “I came to the same conclusions, based on emotion. I think we need to run with this and see what happens.”

They made it to the Trinity Episcopal service at eleven, and then Chris checked his messages for a response from Trey. “Come on over — lunch is on us. We need to talk.”

On the way to the Beck’s, Jo, in her most serious voice, told Chris, “During the time for silent prayer, I went over our plan in my mind and asked for guidance, and I swear I felt warmth spread through me. I’m not sure what that means, but I felt He liked our plan.”

Chris returned her solemn tone, saying, “I’m not sure we’re doing the right thing either, but based on my previous experiences, if the Lord is in favor then things will work out neatly. If He isn’t, it will prove to be difficult. One thing is for sure; we will know a lot more about that in a few hours.”

They were made welcome by Sandy and Trey Beck, enjoyed a roast beef lunch, and had apple pie with Blue Bell ice cream for dessert. They all retired to the study; Trey looked at Chris and said, “So tell me what’s on your mind.”

Chris laid it out for his boss, and waited. Trey maintained a neutral expression throughout, sat pondering for an eternity after Chris finished, and then asked, “When are you going to talk to Dean Speck and Dr. Lawry? If they won’t accept a job in Fort Worth for credit, I don’t have a decision to make, do I?”

“I emailed them and asked them for a teleconference tomorrow morning at eight-thirty. I haven’t heard back yet, but I think the key to that conversation will be my ability to tell them specifically what I will be doing. At least, if I were them I’d rather compare two jobs to determine if they were equitable rather than compare a hypothetical job to an existing job.”

“Okay. Let me talk to Bob and Sam; I have an idea, but I’d like to get their input before I act. I’ll call you tonight before nine.”

They left with an ‘extra’ apple pie Sandy just happened to have laying around, and a wink combined with a slight nod toward her husband. Jo told her fiancé that was a good sign; he had no idea what she meant.

The four-way conference call began at 8:35. Chris again laid out his plan, answered questions, and explained what he thought he could bring to a project and to the home office here in Fort Worth while completing his classwork.

“And is the project you prefer the Stadium,” asked Bob with a hint of mirth. “Sir, I will work happily at any job you assign me,” Chris replied.

“That isn’t what I asked, is it? Want to answer my question?”

“Yes, Sir, it is,” Chris replied, “because I was in on the conception and I’d like to be there for the birth. But I do believe the things I’ve learned in terms of management, logistics, and purchasing will be helpful wherever I’m assigned.”

There were chuckles from the phones, and then Trey Beck authoritatively said, “Tell your Dean and Professor that you will serve as an onsite project manager for the stadium project and other projects at our discretion, and also as ‘procurement and scheduling management trainee’. We’ll start with three days as project manager, and two days as trainee, but that may change as situations or new needs arise.

“They can call me, Bob, or Sam for details, but tell them the new jobs represent advancement based on merit, and will more than fulfill the expectations on which we originally agreed.”

Chris was revved up that night. Poor Jo received the brunt of his energy and passion, a burden she bore quite enthusiastically. They had become such a ‘couple’ that each could read the other’s responses, so this exceptional level of energy and excitement brought new passions into play.

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