The Long Road by emmie18,emmie18

Nerys hung her arm out of the window of her old ford car and tapped the battered side in time to the music booming from her radio. The air was humid and the traffic jam ran for many miles in front and behind her. Sighing she ran her hands through her long dark hair and shook it out behind to try and cool herself down. Suddenly several motor bikes speed past her stationary car, throwing up a load of dust from the dry track. Swearing, she wiped the dust out of her clear blue eyes. This was just taking the piss. Here she was stuck in the middle of a traffic jam in the middle of Brazil and she was getting just a little bit annoyed. Alright she was more than just a little annoyed. But since she couldn’t do anything she settled back to wait for the traffic to disperse. It was two hours before Nerys was speeding down the still crowded motorway. The wind blew in through the open window and blew her hair out behind her. As she drove along she noticed someone at the side of the road trying to wave down a car. Unfortunately for the person all of the other drivers were ignoring him. Nerys felt sorry for this poor stranded person, she could see a bike next to him (or her) and obviously he had broken down. Nerys decide to help him. She had broken down numerous times since she had started out on her journey in her rather run down old car and she knew just how difficult it was to fix it at the side of the road without help.

Indicating, she pulled over to the side of the road just ahead of the person. A minute later a rather attractive young man stuck his head through her window and smiling said, “Wow! Someone that actually cares about her fellow human beings!”

Laughing Nerys replied, “Hey, its ok. What’s the problem? Can I help with anything?”

“I think I’ve left bits of my ride all down the road!” He laughed. “I don’t suppose I could strap my bike to the back and grab a lift to the next service station?”

“Okay, no problem. It might take a while though. Those stations aren’t exactly that common in this part of the world.”

“Shit, tell me about it! I don’t mind how long it takes so long as there is one somewhere!” He looked back at his rather forlorn looking bike lying at the side of the road. “I guess I’d better get that strapped up. I won’t be too long.”

“Do you want a hand?”

“No. It’d be too heavy for you to lift anyway.”

“OK” replied Nerys.

It only took the young man ten minutes to get his bike tied up to the back of her car. Unsurprisingly, her car groaned as the extra weight pulled it closer to the ground. The man sat down heavily in the passenger seat and began to pull off his leather jacket.

“Jesus, it gets hot in that thing!” He turned to Nerys and held out his hand. “I’m Miguel.”

“I’m Nerys.” Said Nerys, as she shook his outstretched hand. Looking into her mirror she spotted an opening in the thick traffic and with a turn of speed that was surprising considering the state of her car, she pulled out into the steady flow of cars, trucks and bikes. They drove for around twenty miles before either of them spoke again.

“Nerys……” Said Miguel. He looked rather thoughtful. “That’s an unusual name.”

Nerys pulled a face. “Yeah I know. My parents are just a little bit weird and decide that my brothers and I should all have ‘new age’ names. My brothers are called Odoe and Kael.”

Miguel gave a little chuckle, “At least they’re original.”

“I suppose so. Where are you headed then?” Asked Nerys, trying to change the subject away from her rather unusual parents.

“Where ever the road goes I guess. To tell you the truth I don’t really know.”

The traffic had slowed to a halt again, so Nerys turned in her seat to look at this rather foolish (in her opinion at least) young man. Her left eyebrow had shot up and almost appeared to be in danger of disappearing into her hairline. She opened and closed her mouth a few times as she looked at him. This was the first time she had really looked at him in the whole time he had been in her car. He was well built, slender but with a slight broadness across his shoulders that his leather jacket had hidden. His dark brown hair was tousled by the wind coming in through the windows and flopped down into his eyes. Her fingers suddenly itched to push it away from his face. His eyes were typical of all South Americans, dark and sultry, speaking of hidden secrets and untold pleasures. Suddenly, she blushed and looked away. Those eyes had stirred something deep in her. Something she hadn’t even realized was there. Suddenly she was aware of her own body as it unconsciously prepared itself for sexual intercourse, something that she had never even witnessed before, let alone participate in.

She sneaked a peek back at him. He was looking at her with a slightly amused expression on his face. He knew exactly what had just happened to her. He flashed a knowing grin at her and very deliberately reached over and ran his fingertips down her arm. He gave a low chuckle as she shivered at his touch. He slid across the gap between them and gently kissed her cheek. Then he began to slowly kiss his way down to her neck, nuzzling at her earlobe causing her to gasp as he tickled her with the tip of his tongue. Suddenly he sat back, keeping his hand on her neck, and looked at her. She was flushed, her breathing had deepened slightly and her eyes were closed. He bent forward so that his mouth touched her ear again with her mouth, “You’re a virgin aren’t you?”

She jumped as his words registered in her confused brain, “No I’m not” She flustered. “I’ve been with loads of men………”

Her voice trailed off as his tongue ran down her jaw line to her chin, “My dear I’m afraid you’re a terrible liar, you know. I know when a woman is a virgin and you sweetheart are very much a virgin. In fact I bet you’ve never been kissed properly before.”

“I have so!” She exclaimed.

“Oh really?” He sounded amused now. “Did the kiss make your knees tremble? Did it make you gasp for breath when you brake apart? Did it make you feel like this?”

Suddenly he kissed her. His mouth covered her, smothering any protests. At first he kept his mouth closed but when he felt her begin to relax he opened his mouth and encouraged her lips to part with his own lips. It didn’t take very long. She was weak, trembling against his chest. He folded his arms around her. The world seemed to shrink down to just their mouths; the feel of their lips against each other, Nerys began to moan slightly as his tongue dipped into her mouth, as his teeth grazed her lips…….. Suddenly a loud blast from a lorry horn broke them out of their kiss.

“Hey! Will you bloody well move! I haven’t got all day!” Shouted the annoyed lorry driver.

Blushing, Nerys moved the car forward. The traffic had cleared whilst Miguel had been kissing her and she was holding up a line of vehicles behind her.

It was long time before either of them talked to each other again. Miguel sat there watching her. She was trying her best not to look at him but every so often she would glance at him and she would see him looking at her, and blushing, she would hurriedly look away. Secretly she was pleased that he wanted to look at her but she was also worried. She had let a perfect stranger render her almost helpless. She had been powerless to stop him and she knew that if he did it again she would be lost to him forever. Miguel knew what she was thinking. Her thoughts showed on her face. She was confused, unsure of how to handle the situation.Perfect he thought,give a little time and I know she’ll want more of what I’ve got to offer.


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