The Tale of Ugly and Christmas by Bazzza,Bazzza

Hannah grinned as his eyes raped her.

“Hey, I liked to be kissed at least once before I’m fucked.” she whispered.

Benny would always remember their first kiss; it started tenderly with exploring little pecks before gradually becoming more passionate. Their breathing becoming heavier as their tongues wrestled and tormented. Her hands were soon removing his clothes, and they were soon standing in just their underwear. She shivered as Benny freed his cock and slipped it between her thighs; then removed her bra so that he could take her nipples into his mouth. Hanna pushed her knickers down and stepped out of them. She then took his head in her hands and looked into his eyes.

“It’s been ten years since I’ve done this, please be gentle.” she asked.

Benny guided her to the bed and smothered her with kisses; his hands caressed her body with the exception of what was between her legs. After what seemed as eternity to Hannah, Benny moved down the bed and licked his way up each thigh, she shivered in both fear and anticipation until his tongue slipped into her pussy. Her fear turned to ecstasy as Benny suckled on her clitoris, his finger penetrating her below. Her fear returned as he moved upwards and his hard cock was guided between her lips, she lay still as he penetrated her and began to rock gently inside her. She whimpered as the pleasure began to seep through her body, and then in an instant she released herself to be loved, her legs wrapped around his waist she let someone into her inner sanction for the first time in many years.

For Benny, the loving making was intense. It had been a long time in coming and he wondered whether it would ever happen at all. Their bodied moulded into each other like a glove, his cock felt like it was trapped in a warm wet vice. He knew that Hannah was with him in spirit, her kisses and murmurs of pleasure an admission of her desires. Benny rode Hannah tenderly without a thought for a change in position, they wanted to hold and kiss each other knowing that their first time would always be special.

“It’s safe to finish inside me.” Hanna whispered into his ear knowing that that the end was close.

She held him tight as he ejaculated deep inside her, his warm cum reminding her how much she missed sex. She kissed him as he relaxed on top of her and lifted her legs to minimize the leakage onto the sheets below.

“That was nice.” she whispered into his ear.

Benny eventually rolled off onto his side and Hannah snuggled in close for comfort. He looked over her body in a more sensual way, different from the nervous lustful pre-sex feasting as he took her clothes off. He ran a hand over her smooth skin and traced her narrow waist upwards; her dark nipples were still aroused and hard under his touch. His eyes shifted to the curls between her thighs, thick and natural in shape.

“A true redhead.” he commented running his fingers through the curls.

Hannah opened her eyes and smiled, “Yep, what you see on top is what you get below.”

His fingers explored downwards and Hanna opened her thighs slightly as her clitoris was tweaked gently, she sighed with appreciation and kissed him on the neck. Benny reached over to the bedside cabinet and retrieved a couple of tissues, then placed them strategically between her lips. They then lay silent and content in each others arms, each deep in thought.

An hour later, they sat low in the spa, the warm water welcome from the cold air above. The dark sky was dotted with stars, the house in darkness and quietness of the country providing a romantic back drop. Hannah lay sideways in the spa; her legs lay across Benny’s lap. She enjoyed his wandering hands which seemed to have a fascination with her thighs and what lay above.

“So, was that really your first time in ten years?” he asked inquisitively.

“Nearly ten years.”

“Why so long? There must have been someone special in your life since then.”

Hannah hesitated before answering, but decided it was best to be open and honest.

“I was engaged to what I thought was the loveliest man in the whole world. I decided that he wasn’t so lovely when I found in my bed with my so called best friend. Since then, sex has never been on my agenda.”

“Shit, I could never go ten years without sex.”

Hannah laughed, “Men are such basic creatures, food and sex is all they ever need. And personally, I couldn’t see you going for ten days without it.”

Benny slapped her playfully on the foot, “What an insult.”

Hannah slapped him back, “I noticed those wandering eyes the minute I first saw you. You had all of the females in a pecking order of desirability in no time at all, and I was at the end of the queue. You weren’t all that interested in even talking to me.”

“It was more that I was scared of you.” he retaliated quickly.

She grinned, “And so you should be, you should be very, very scared.”

“So was I any good in bed?” he asked trying to turn the tables.

“Passable, but they always reckon the second time’s better than the first.”

“That’s pretty forward of you. Is there going to be a second time?” he asked casually and then yawned for affect.

Hannah chuckled, “I think there’s some likelihood. Let’s just call it woman’s intuition.”

Hannah was quite right; their relationship just sort of came together naturally. The aura of coolness around her evaporated and was replaced with affection. She loved to laugh and hold his hand in public, her quick wit playfully insulting him and her kisses making up when he pretended she went too far. In private, she was sexually demanding and took him when she felt like it. She would sometimes walk into his house and remove her clothing under his eager eyes. He once asked her what would happen if he guests. She shrugged her shoulders and told him they would either have leave or join in. She took more care of her appearance, a little make up, a wardrobe added to, and her lovely red hair left down how he liked it. She smiled under his compliments, and once reminded him that it was easier to keep a well trained man than to find and train another.

Benny found Hannah the most intriguing woman he’d ever met, she was private about her past life, never made plans for the future and only seemed to live for the present. She could often be unpredictable, like the time she suggested that he could see other women if he wasn’t satisfied with her. He was dumbfounded and all of a sudden felt vulnerable, as if she was attempting to slow the relationship down. After a few days of it gnawing away it him, he confronted her. She explained that the most important thing to her was that he was happy, and it was okay if he wanted to bed other women so long as it was done discreetly. He soon put her on the right track. The weeks soon turned into months, and while they sometimes slept apart in their own abodes, they became soul mates. There was a simple happiness in just being together, sometimes they might be at opposite ends of the house, but it was still close enough.

It was Christmas in 2005 when things got a little complicated. Chrissy, Mark and Joanna were to have Christmas at home for the first time in many years. By this time, Joanna knew that Benny had a new lady in his life, they occasionally flicked e-mails between them just let each other know that they were still alive. Joanna flew in from Europe a few days before Christmas; however her mother and father who were on route from the Middle East were unfortunately delayed by a few days.

For obvious reasons, Benny was more than a little concerned about inviting Joanna to dine with them on Christmas Eve, but Hannah insisted that they shouldn’t leave her on her own. Hannah had been with Benny at the airport when he picked Joanna up a few days previous. She watched as the beautiful young woman walked up to her Benny and hugged him, the twirled in front of him.

“Do I look very ugly today?” she asked with sparkling eyes.

Benny grinned.

“Yes, you look very, very ugly today.” was his reply. Hannah would never forget Joanna’s eyes as they settled on her for the first time, curious inquisitiveness she put it down to. The young woman’s eyes reached deep into her soul as if to ask was she good enough for Benny? Hannah’s confident eyes told her that she certainly was.

The restaurant was busy on that Christmas Eve. Hannah, Benny and Joanna sat at a window table, but the view was ignored for intelligent and humorous conversation. Hannah watched the interaction between Benny and Joanna with great interest, the eye contact, the mannerisms and the odd touch. She waited for an opportune moment and popped the question.

“So, when were you two lovers?” Hannah asked.

The question floored both Benny and Joanna into dumb silence.

Hannah laughed joyously at their discomfort, “I’m a psychoanalyst, I’m used to picking up vibes and body language. You two have been at it.”

Joanna grinned at Benny and then looked Hannah in eye.

“Two years ago and at the age of nineteen, I asked Benny to relieve me of my virginity. He however declined my kind invitation, and I practically had to rape him. I wanted my first lover to be someone I cared for and that make it nice for me, and I wanted it to be Benny.”

Hannah grinned mischievously before taking a sip of red wine, “And did he do a good job?”

It was Joanna’s turn to grin, “Oh yes, he did a mighty fine job of it.”

Hannah reached over and patted Benny’s hand, “I’m sure he did, he’s not too bad in bed. Maybe I should’ve waited for him to take virginity. My first time was a disaster, pain, blood, confusion and disappointment.”

“I had none of that.” Joanna replied looking over at Benny, “Benny was very gentle once I got him in the mood, then it was all plain sailing. “He’s the best lover I’ve had, and there’s been a few since.”

Joanna was amused by the look of disbelief on Benny’s face and decided to have a little fun with him.

“I’m really into group sex now.” Joanna added. “Foursomes are good, but threesomes are more fun. Less complicated and you get time to watch.”

Hannah smiled coyly, “Yeah, threesomes are nice. Do you prefer two guys, or a guy and another girl?”

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