The Virgin and the Preacher Ch. 02

Louvina’s life has changed, and she has changed. You’ll be surprised at the ending.


xo DG

The Virgin and the Preacher Ch 02

I was a woman now. I really did feel beautiful. That I excited Parker that much that he wanted me was a powerful feeling. He gathered me into his arms and pulled my leg over him, my soft inner thigh on his cock, my breasts against his side. I toyed with the curls on his chest, and he chuckled.

“So, I guess I got carried away huh? I mean I was only going to masturbate for you,” he said ruefully.

“Oh, this was way better!”

“I lost control, Lou. I wanted to make your first time special, not wild sex.”

“It was perfect.” I sighed. “Just perfect.” My head on his shoulder, he kissed my forehead.

“I’m glad you’re okay. You got me cranked up. I’m not… Wasn’t ever like that. You did it for me.”

I looked up at him. “You mean with your wife?”

“Yeah, our sex was pretty vanilla. I mean no complaints. She never turned me down. But having this to compare it to…” he said, trailing off. “I’m not speaking ill of my wife,” he added to clarify.

I nodded. “I understand. They say you don’t miss what you never had. So, I guess it works the same way, you don’t realize you missed anythin’ until you have it.”

He chuckled. “You’re pretty smart, young lady.”

He hugged me tighter. We dozed a bit wrapped up with each other.

“It must be getting late,” I said when I woke up.

“Yeah. Why don’t you call your mom and tell her that I’ll bring you home later this evening? We’ll have dinner and then finish the work.”

I nodded and found my cell phone. Mama didn’t have a cell but did have a house phone. She agreed that we had more work today and it would run later and said she wouldn’t worry since she knows.

Parker called me into the bathroom when I was done. He had drawn a warm bath in the big clawfoot tub. The scent of jasmine scent filled the steamy room. “You’ll be sore, sweetie. Soak in here while I get us something to eat. I’d love to join you in that big tub, but I don’t trust myself.”

He pulled me against him, and we kissed. My nipples hardened and poked into his chest, and I rubbed because they began to ache. He wrapped my long hair around his fist and kissed me hard, then backed away, shaking his head. I enjoyed watching his bare butt while he walked out.

I found one of his white dress shirts in the closet and went to find him. I giggled when I saw he wore an apron, with nothing on under it.

“I just whipped up a couple of sandwiches,” he said, turning to put the plates on the bar. “Oh, you look so good in that shirt. Mmm.” I slid onto the stool, and he stood next to me. “I especially like this,” he said, slipping his hand into my shirt. I only buttoned the lower buttons giving him a good view of my breasts which I discovered he loved.

“I thought you might like it,” I said smiling. “Seein’ my breasts that is.”

He sat and reached over to push the shirt open with his finger. “I love seeing them, touching them, sucking on them. Yeah, I love them alright.”

I blushed but with pride in my body and womanhood. That powerful feeling came back again. I felt like a seductress, and it was a heady feeling.

“I didn’t get any work done today!” I exclaimed distressfully, just remembering.

“No, you didn’t you naughty girl. I guess we will just have to work tomorrow and catch up.” I nodded eagerly. I loved the work. Made me feel like I was finally doing something worthwhile.

He placed the dishes in the sink and took my hand, leading me back into the bedroom. He stretched out on the bed, and I straddled him.

“Oh Lou, I’d love nothing more than to do it again. Watch you riding me with those glorious breasts bouncing. But you are going to be sore, and I don’t want to make it worse.”

He saw the look of disappointment on my face and chuckled. “I think I created a little sex monster here hmm?”

“Yessssss,” I hissed. “I want to feel you inside me again.”

He gritted his teeth at the words and his hips automatically thrust up. My legs were wide open over his hard rod. I rocked.

“Oooooo, a tease too,” he murmured. “I may have to just keep you here with me.”

I couldn’t tell him how much I would love to stay with him because I knew he wasn’t serious. I didn’t know how I could go home and talk to Mama and my brothers without giving it all away. I’m a different girl than the one that left the house this morning. I’m a woman with a whole lot more emotions now.

He did keep his word that he said he wouldn’t make love with me again. He was also right in that I was a little sore. As much as I wanted to experience his cock inside me again, it was probably better to wait.


I slipped in the door, talked to Mama for a moment, and escaped to my room. I had to wash out my uniform, bra, and panties before bed. I wore them home because I couldn’t chance wearing anything from Parker’s house, so it all had to stay there. I fell asleep with a big smile on my face.

“You’re lookin’ migh-ty fine today, Louvina,” Billy Bob said the next morning, squeezing my ass.

Because I knew the people eating at the luncheonette could see us, I looked at him, smiled sweetly, and said, “Billy Bob if’n you ever touch me again I’m going to kick you so hard you’ll never find your balls again.”

I turned and winked at those sitting nearby and strutted across the diner with the plates of food. I heard slow clapping of hands, and some chuckles along with louder guffaws. My tips that day were the biggest I’ve ever had.


The following week I stacked the crisp bills from my pay on the kitchen table and went to my room.

“Louvina! Come back out here!” mama yelled from the kitchen.

“Yes, mama?” I said nervously.

“You been smellin’ like some fancy flower when you come back from workin’ at the church. How is that?” she asked suspiciously.

The bottom dropped out of my stomach. There was nothing more that I hated than to tell a lie. Especially to my mama. I swallowed hard.

“I always stink like grease and food from the diner. The church has a shower in the basement that Reverend Cope said I could use.” I said, mostly looking down at the floor. “Sometimes a member of the congregation will come into the office, and I was embarrassed because I smelled.”

“Oh. Oh. Well, that’s right nice of the Reverend. I sure did miss him when he left. Never knew he was that close.” She sighed and pushed several bills across the table toward me. “Here, y’all worked hard for this family your whole dang life. You deserve some of it too. I only wished I could have given you more through the years.” I saw her blink back tears as she turned away from me. Mama never cried.

“Thank you, mama. We all do what we have to do,” I said simply.

The first thing I did was to call JoJo and ask if she could cut my hair. I told her I had a job now and could afford to pay. I just hoped Parker could drive me there because otherwise, I had no way to get there.

Parker picked me up from the diner and I suddenly became nervous about asking him to do that for me. I wasn’t used to asking for help much.

“You’ve nervously smoothed your skirt for the last five minutes, Lou, what’s on your mind?” he grinned.

“Mama let me keep some of the money you’re payin’ me, and I want to get my hair cut. I made an appointment at the beauty salon where JoJo works, but I never thought about gettin’ there.”

“Well, it just so happens I have some business in town that I could take care of while you are at the salon!”

“Really?” Now I was starting to get excited about my first beauty salon visit. Mama usually trimmed the ends straight on my hair once a year, but I wanted a real cut.

“Yes, Lou, of course, I’ll take you. You don’t have to be shy about asking me anything,” he said, taking my hand. “We could do a little clothes shopping while we’re in town as well if you’d like?”

“Oh yes!” I knew I’d have money left over and would love to buy myself something that wasn’t thrifted. Something brand new, colorful, and not frayed and faded.

“Then it’s a date!” he said.

I felt a little frisson of happiness run through my heart when he said that. I knew it wasn’t a date like normal people, but that someone would want to spend time with me was still fanciful to me. I let the butterflies around my heart free, but yet in the back of my mind, I realized there would be an end. But I just couldn’t think about that right now.


Parker was waiting outside the diner on the day of my appointment. I had just enough time to take a shower and change. Parker dropped me off outside of Beauticity, where JoJo was a stylist. I giggled to myself at the name. I opened the door and JoJo ran up, nearly knocking me off my feet in a hug.

“Oh my god, I’ve missed you so much, LouLou,” she whispered, hugging me tighter.

“You look so different,” I said, stepping back to look at her. “So grown up. A real city girl now.” I hugged her again. “I’m so happy for you!”

She led me over to a chair, sat me down, and notched it higher. She stood behind me in the mirror and we just grinned at each other for a moment.

“You… You look different too,” she said pensively. She studied me for a moment and her eyes lit up. “You got a man,” she hissed in my ear. “You have been fuckin’ someone! I knew it!” She squealed and jumped up and down so that the others in the salon had to laugh at her antics.

“Yes, but please don’t ask who.” I felt a mixture of embarrassment and pride that I was no longer a virgin and had actually been fucked.

“Louvinaaaaaaaaa,” she whined. “Do you seriously think I’m not going to ask you? I’ll drag it out of you one way or the other,” she laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

“Areya going to cut my dang hair or what?!” I asked in pretend exasperation.

We chatted while she cut, and the hair piled around me on the floor like a mound of melted chocolate.

“Okay, are you sure you want this?” she asked for the eleventy billionth time.

“Yessssss, I’m positive!” She nodded and continued to cut.

“Do I know him?” she asked.

“Maybe,” I hedged.

“No no no. You have to give me yes or no answers. Maybe ain’t playin’ fair.”

“Ok, yes I guess,” I admitted, knowing she’d eventually get it out of me.

She continued her guessing game being hot one time, cold the next until I was laughing and moving too much, and we had to stop.

She finished cutting, blew it dry, and dug out her makeup. “I’m not letting you out of her with the gorgeous hairstyle and no makeup, girl!”

When she spun me around in the chair, I didn’t recognize the girl in the mirror. I stared for a few moments and several of the clients murmured to each other.

“You look right beautiful, gal!” one customer hollered from under the dryer. Heads full of rollers and perm rods nodded in agreement.

“JoJo, it’s magic!” I said, lightly touching my hair as though it would all wilt. Where my hair hung heavy and thick to my butt, it was now beautiful waves that swirled nearly to my shoulder. I had bangs. I’d never had bangs in my life. I blinked back tears.

“If’n you start crying you’ll wreck your makeup!” JoJo warned with a big smile.

I looked at my watch. “Oh, I have to go,” I said somewhat sadly. “What do I owe you?”

One of the customers spoke up and said, “We will pay for that transition, young lady. Don’t you worry yourself about it!” And the others nodded in agreement. I had to press two fingers to my mouth while I thanked them to keep from crying.

JoJo walked me to the door, and I ran down the steps and into the waiting car. I heard JoJo holler through my open window, “Oh my god, Lou. It’s HIM!” I laughed and hung out the window waving as Parker drove away.

“For a minute I was afraid the wrong girl got in my car,” Parker said, glancing over. “I think you just went through one of those passages in the last couple of hours.”

I kept touching my hair. Parker dropped the sunshade and slid the cover off the mirror. “Enjoy. You should. You deserved this.”

I still had a hard time recognizing it was me. What with the makeup and wavy shorter hair? I hardly saw the girl, but now a modern young lady.

He pulled up in front of the ladies’ clothing store. “Did you want me to wait?”

“Can you come in with me? You know better what I should be wearing than I do,” I said in all honesty. My little town had no fashionistas. We were all country gals.

“Of course, I’m flattered you asked me.” He came around and opened the door for me.

The small shop was a mirage of color and sparkle, making me feel like a dull dirty smudge. Parker sensed my discomfort and guided me to a rack of summer tops.

“Why don’t we start with tops, then shorts, then maybe long pants and dresses? We can wing it as we go. How’s that sound?”

I nodded. All the power I felt from my transformation haircut went out the window. I was a lost lamb, and the sales clerk knew it. Parker backed off letting her help me until he saw her condescending manner. He stepped back in and took over and we swept through the store without her interference again.

Parker opened the trunk, and we loaded the bags of new clothes. Out of the store, I began to relax and gave one last look at the colorful clothing and brand-new tags on them before Parker closed the trunk lid.

“How about we get something to eat? My treat!” he asked.

I wouldn’t let him pay for the clothes. I finally had my own money and needed to start feeling responsible for myself, no matter how small the effort.

Lunch was at the fanciest place I’d ever been. I felt like a flower that just blossomed and I began to relax and enjoy the new experiences and emerging feelings.

“Lou, you are like a butterfly that just emerged from the cocoon. From your hair to your choices of clothing. I am so blessed to see someone as deserving as you find herself. You worked hard all your life to help care for yourself and your family, I’m so happy to see you this way,” he said, reaching across the table to lay his hand on mine.

“I do feel different. A lot of it has to do with you. You’ve given me the chances I needed. I’ve often read that sometimes all someone needs is a hand-up. I think the work you do is just that. You stop to help.”

“I’d like to think that’s what I’ve done. It has always been why I do what I do. I work with the poor and needy, as well as the addicted and those in trouble with the law. But you know, I think I’d want to do that no matter if I had a church and congregation behind me, or not. I’d be just as happy as long as I was helping someone.” He squeezed my hand. “But you… You just needed a nudge in the right direction.”

I couldn’t wait to get back to the house to sort through all I’d bought today. I was a little sad I could take nothing home, but these clothes were for this life here with Parker.

He helped me spread everything out on the bed. Half the closet space and several drawers were empty and waiting. I cut the tags off and neatly hung or folded everything.

“Oh, wait a minute!” he said running out the door. I heard the door slam, then slam again and he was back with more packages.

“I thought we brought everything in?”

“I suspected that you wouldn’t let me buy your clothes, so while you were getting your hair cut, I bought a few things for you. Things that I knew you’d never buy for yourself,” he said, pulling a thick white plush robe out of the bag. “Now you have something to wear after your shower.”

I gathered it against me. “It’s beautiful, thank you.” I rubbed my face on it. “Soft. Like a bunny.” I hung it on the back of the bathroom door and ran my hand over its softness.

When I came back there was a pile of silky lacey frilly colors on the bed.

“I hope you like them, Lou. I knew you wouldn’t want anything too skimpy, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be girly and a little sexy.”

The black satin bra had stripes of black sheer across the cups and the panties had the same stripes of sheer across the hips. There was another set of pink lace and another of lavender. I thought it was the most beautiful lingerie I’d ever seen.

I hugged him. “Thank you. They’re perfect. Just perfect.”

At the bottom of the pile was a nightie of the softest white silky in the world. Tiny ribbons tied at the shoulder. I saw nighties in the store that I would have been embarrassed to wear, but this… This one was magnificent.

“I wasn’t sure if that was something you’d be comfortable with, but I knew you’d be beautiful in it.”

It was late and time for him to take me home. I carefully folded them into a pile and held them against my face before placing them in the drawer.

The following day I started to work as soon as we got to the house. He was busy with other things and didn’t realize I’d finished work and went to shower.

I knocked softly on the open door to his office. He pushed back from his desk and swung his chair around and stared.

I smiled. “I hoped you were done with your work?”

He reached back blindly, pushed the lid of his laptop down, and said, “Oh yeah, I’m done. I am done with work.” He smiled. “You look stunning in that, Lou.”

“Thank you,” I smiled.

After a shower of intoxicating scents, body smoothing shave, creams, and lotion, I slipped on the nightie. The silk caressed my breasts and dropped off my hard nipples to mid-thigh. My big chocolate brown nipples shadowed through the silk. I shaved smoothly below but left curls in the front, which were visible through the silk.

He opened his arms, and I went over and sat on his lap. “Just so beautiful,” he murmured, stroking my still-damp but wavy hair. I leaned in to kiss him and he moaned low as our tongues slipped past each other. He cupped my breast and thumbed my nipple through the softness.

I moaned in his mouth. His hardness grew against my hip and began to throb. It started the same tingling between my legs as before, and the wetness came.

He lowered his mouth to my nipples and sucked them long and hard. The sheer was wet and clung. His breath washed across cooling and making my hot nipples ache. He stroked my thigh, then under my gown across my hip. He squeezed my ass and pulled me tighter against him.

“You drive me wild,” he murmured against my lips. I moaned and rocked my hip into him. “You have no idea how sexy you are,” he sighed, running his hand up and down my back. “It doesn’t seem right to keep you for myself.”

“I want to be with you,” I replied, alarmed that he even thought of that.

“I know you do, Lou. But you should be out dating and having fun with people your age. You’re missing that. I’m twelve years older. You have your whole life ahead of you, my path is set, Lou. You’d be a preacher’s wife.”

Although I could see myself as his wife, I knew he’d end up being ashamed of me. The congregation would frown on our age difference I was sure, but mostly I didn’t have the social graces and would be an embarrassment.

I didn’t say anything more. I don’t know what I was thinking. Yes, I did. In my heart, I knew my future wouldn’t include Parker. But I wouldn’t have changed a thing. There was no one else I’d rather have become a woman with, than Parker.

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” I said, my hand on his cheek. “You held my hand when I needed it, you stood back when I needed you to, and gave me a shove when I wasn’t sure of myself.”

“You did it all yourself, you just felt my presence and found strength in that,” he said.

My head was on his shoulder. “You know, I never intended to save myself for my future husband. It wasn’t somethin’ mama talked to me about. We had some sex ed in school, but it was so generic. JoJo and I talked about it some on and off but only in vague terms because neither of us was experienced. I think it was at that point that I knew I wanted to know what I was doin’ sexually… Because I’d need it to help me judge if this guy was the one I’d want to spend my life with. Sex is a big part of a relationship, so it has to be right from the get-go.”

“You have not only blossomed into a beautiful flower but a smart young woman. Even though by rights I’d have to caution you against sex out of marriage, I can’t find fault with your thinking. Sex is a huge part of a relationship. If that goes haywire, then the relationship does suffer.” He kissed my forehead.

I began to unbutton his shirt, then stood and held out my hand. Once we got to the bedroom, I unbuckled his belt and pulled his shoes and pants off. When he stood naked for me, so aroused because of me, it was powerful. I wanted to let him know how he did the same to me. He stretched out on his back on the bed, and I knelt between his thighs.

I weighed his heavy balls on my fingers and watched his cock jerk. He smiled at me and as I watched him, I licked from his balls to the tip of his cock. He moaned. I held his thickness in my hand and caught the bead of precum on my tongue, wanting to taste him.

“Oh Lou, you’re driving me crazy,” he moaned.

My newfound womanhood didn’t come with instructions on pleasing a man, but I just did what came naturally.

I lapped at the satiny tip while I watched him. His eyes flared and he moaned, which made me braver. I sucked on the tip like a lollipop. Each response from him made me a little braver to try something different.

I wrapped my lips around the rim while I watched him.

“Oh yes, Lou,” he murmured. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

My lips stretched around the hot hard shaft and I took him into my mouth until my nose buried in the soft nest of curls at the base of his cock. The head was in the back of my throat, but I didn’t gag.

I slid my lips back up, grazing my teeth along the length. He shuddered and hissed through his teeth. He surged up and drove his cock into my mouth.

I locked my lips around while he pumped in and out of my mouth.

“Lou…” he warned, but I was prepared and wanted to taste him.

The warm liquid splashed against the back of my throat, and I swallowed quickly. When he was done, I licked up the shaft and across the head cleaning up his seed.

He pulled me up next to him and cradled me to his side. He had his forearm across his eyes, in an apparent struggle.

Finally, he said, “Louvina, they asked me to take a church over in another state. I have to move.”

My body tensed even though I knew it was coming. Somehow. Someway.

“I understand,” I said simply. Because there was nothing else to say.

I wasn’t going to beg him to take me. We had so many obstacles. And now that he’d be so far, I just couldn’t leave my family yet.

“I know the new Pastor and he’s happy to keep you on in the office. Your pay will be much better since you’d be working in the church.”

My head was on his chest, and I nodded. “Thank you.”

Shortly after that, he took me back to my house for the last time. I managed to contain my emotions around my family until I was able to get to my room.

I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache and swollen eyes from the night before.

I showered and pulled my best dress out of the closet. All the pretty clothes that I couldn’t bring were heavy on my heart. I felt as though I left a piece of my heart in that cabin, and the rest of it he took with him.

I walked up the steps to the church and pulled the big door open. My eyes had to adjust to the light and all I could see was an inky shadow coming towards me.

“You must be Louvina! So glad you’re here. Oh, and before I forget, Parker left a box on your desk for you. Marked Personal.”

I blinked and my eyes adjusted.

“I am and thank you. I’m looking forward to working in the church,” I said.

“Oh good, so you’re new here too. This is my first church. I just graduated from the seminary,” he said smiling.

Deep dimples in his cheeks flashed. A blonde lock of hair flopped over his forehead, trying to hide his sparkling marine blue eyes.

I smiled warmly. “So nice to meet you.”

When one door closes, another one opens.

~the end~


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