Therianthropy – On stage by Kangee Gold

Introduction: Mistress Rosalyn and her beloved little pet, Cylvan spend a special evening on stage. Therians are basically just a sciency-name for furry characters I came up with that could be used in a setting featuring humans and furries.

This my first story posted here and if you like it, you might see alternate versions of Cylvan featured in other unrelated stories with some of my other characters. , It's a big day ahead, Cylvan mused in her mind as the young feline therian inspected her naked body in the mirror. She made sure all of her recent body piercings were still in place properly. The studs in her nipples with the U-shaped hoops and the small golden heart shaped padlock in her clitoris were especially tender, being the newest and just over a day old, and left a dull pain, but exactly the kind that the girl found a strange satisfaction and pleasure from. They were the markings of her tall, beautiful, red-haired Mistress, Rosalyn Elliott, the key to the pad lock always worn around Rosalyn's neck, and her initials engraved on the piece of jewellery along with the outlines of a rose. There were other piercings across her body, the most striking were the rows of shining steel hoops pierced into the flesh with silken ribbons lashed between them in an elaborate weave. This morning they were deep red, complimenting her pink fur, but Cylvan would be replacing them with black for the events later on. The corset piercings ran along her sides all the way from under arms, over her hips, and down the sides of her thighs, stopping just above the knees. Two more sets went down her back on either side of her spine with a gap down the middle. Another along the insides of each thigh, on the front of her shins, and the whole length of both arms, ending on the back of her hands. A much smaller and more delicate set of corset piercings was also on her groin just above her pussy, the small hoops arrayed in a V-shape and the area filled with another elaborate weave of fine red silk. Those were a few months old by then, and while it left her skin sensitive all over her body, they were healed.

She stared at her own breasts in the mirror, not particularly large, but perky and supple. She hefted each tit, one and then the other, before giving a squeeze together and pushing them both up against her chest as the chain dangling between her dark pink and pierced nipples tinkled and chimed. Cylvan wasn't particularly self conscious of her bust, but she had some envy for her beloved Mistress's ample bosom. She thought about how large and full they were, and the pleasing view whenever she wore anything that showed cleavage. She smiled as she thought again about how soft they were to lay her head down and sleep on as well. She occasionally wondered what it would be like to have a chest that big, or possibly even bigger.

Rosalyn's preparations started a day earlier already, soon after taking her pet kitten to get her newest piercings done and marking her as Rosalyn's pet. There was much to do, packing luggage, making arrangements at the underground club, collecting their custom made and fitted outfits, readying Rosalyn's other pets for the evening, and finally collecting her beautiful pink kitten and taking her to the main event.

Rosalyn got up early in the morning to get dressed, her ample bosom, narrow waist and broad hips clad in a simple pair of jeans and a green t-shirt. All of it hugging her lustrous curves tightly as she tied her long red hair into a loose and somewhat messy ponytail. The pristine white fur on her face and over the rest of her body was brushed to an immaculate shine while her lips glossed with a deep red lipstick. Her striking green eyes were framed by a delicate line of black eyeliner and matching mascara. Happy with her vanity for the moment, she nodded approval and went out the door with her bag at the ready.

With the stage reservation organised about a week beforehand already, the first thing on Rosalyn's list was to collect the outfits for the performance. She went up to this specialist tailors' flat building and rang the bell for the appropriate flat number. The door buzzed open and the tall woman entered. The door was already open when she got there and the grinning man inside welcomed her in with a polite exchange of greetings. They spoke for few minutes as old friends do until Rosa beckoned for them to get to business. The man brought out the two white cardboard boxes and Rosalyn was on her way with another round of polite greetings and a suggestion that he might be able to join their plans another time. Grinning herself, Rosalyn put the boxes in her car and sped away back home.

She left the outfits on a table and went out the back door, calling out the names Luka and Komi. She knew one would come around immediately and heard his barking a long way off as he bounded through the tall grass that covered the large field that made up Rosalyn's property. He skidded to a shaky excited halt on the smooth tiled floor in front of Rosa and she had to catch the black furred wolf to stop him from sliding and slamming into the furniture behind her. She giggled happily as the animal lavished her face with loving licks and nuzzles, returning the affection with a kiss into the side of his neck and delightful scratches on his head and back. “C'mon, Luka-boy, get inside and wait, ok?” She cooed to the black wolf and pointed at the open door. He was a smart dog and knew what she meant, going inside obediently.

Rosalyn got up straight again and looked out over the field. Her other pet was there in the grass somewhere, looking, being defiant like usual. She caught a glimpse of Komi as he moved and kept her gaze locked on him, calling his name again. “Get over here you stupid cat!” She yelled with an angry canine bark to her voice. The cheetah instantly perked its head above the grass with wide eyes and ears folded flat to its head. Another wordless bark from Rosalyn and Komi's head ducked under view and the spotted feline came skulking out of the long grass with a limp. Rosa knelt down and the three legged cheetah lopped forward with more enthusiasm, kneeling low before the white furred canine woman. She gave Komi a loving rub along his head and back before grasping his tail giving it a teasing but gentle tug that made the predatory feline snarl and jerk upwards for a moment only to lean over and rub his head against Rosalyn's leg. The woman smiled and got up, turning to head back inside while patting the side of her hip, Komi followed close by her side.

Cylvan spent the Friday in her home alone, her parents away at work for most of it and she knew she'd be gone for the a rest of the year before they'd get back, having said all their goodbyes that morning. A mix of boredom and anticipation took over the girl as she paced back and forth through the house. She wanted to use her computer and play a few games, but it was already packed away in her luggage, the only other option was the television, but her mind was far too active and alert to be distracted by that alone. Even worse, the cat girl was in the middle of her heat cycle, causing a constant tingling within her neithers, enhanced by the constant ache of the fresh piercing in her clit. That was deliberately timed between Cylvan and Mistress Rosa, and Cylvan was forbidden to sate her desires herself. She couldn't follow that order however, it was getting too much for her to handle as her willpower faded under all of the combined feelings of arousal, boredom, and nervous anticipation.

“I need to fuck!” She screamed at the empty house, pressing her thighs together firmly where she stood to try and relieve some of the pressure, but helping with nothing at all. Gritting her teeth in frustration, she slumped over into the couch, hiked up her skirt with its flowery pattern, and pulled down her panties in a few swift motions. She leaned back and spread her legs apart to let her hand slide down between them, tentatively touching at the sensitive nub of her clitoris, feeling how tender and painful it really was. A firmer press down sent out a jolt of pain that was too much to bear and she hissed out. It only served to make the masochistic feline more desperate, so she decided on another way. Her fingers slid around to either side of her sex and rubbed eagerly at the folds, eliciting a pleasured purr from the feline. Satisfaction at last. It took no more than a few minutes of moaning and purring for Cylvan's own ministrations to bring her to a small but messy orgasm. She Meowed out loudly, desperate for it to come, and finally breathed deeply once it passed, smiling to her self. Cylvan was always a bit of a squirter. Looking down she realised what kind of mess she made of herself and was thankful the furniture was made of leather. She got up, her hand still between her legs as she headed for the kitchen for something clean up with. Looking down at her soaked fingers, she couldn't help but lick at them, tasting at herself and finding herself savouring the flavour of her own cum. Her mind snapped suddenly from the reverie and she gathered some paper towels, hurriedly going back to clean up.

It occurred to Cylvan that she'd need a second shower that morning, and it was a second chance to pleasure herself again under the warm water. She wasted no time.

The white furred and red headed wolf woman took the two large animals into the bathroom, shut the door behind her and started running the showerhead above the large circular bathtub. Rosalyn started to strip off her shirt first down to the black laced brassiere pushing her large, round breasts up and together, followed by the pair of blue jeans, revealing a matching pair of underwear hugging closely against her broad hips and full fleshed bottom. Komi watched with particular interest as the woman shed her clothes and left them lying on the floor, his curiosity making lean forward and sniffle at the discarded garments, taking in the comforting scent of his mistress.

'In!” Rosalyn ordered, the firm, commanding tone got the cheetah to perk his ears up and watch as Luka, eager as always to obey, scramble into the tub and stir around under the hot stream of water. His gaze shifted up to meet Rosalyn's impatient glare, and he too, climbed over the rim, making sure to stay well away from the shower's spray.

Rosalyn finally undid the clasp of her bra let it drop from her chest, her sizeable breasts falling free with a few bounces, followed soon by the panties. She stepped over the rim and sat down between the spotty cheetah and the black wolf, smiling at them both affectionately. “Yes, my two good boys.” She cooed to them lovingly before grabbing a bottle of shampoo from the side of the bathtub. Komi came first, and she wrapped her arm around his neck and wrestled him under the shower. Komi pulled back instinctively but lacked any purchase on the smooth floor of the tub and whined in despair when his face soaked up the first splashes, soon followed by the rest of his body. Luka barked and let out a series of stuttering growls at the sight before him that Rosa could swear was laughter. Komi was not amused as water started to pour into his mouth, turning his whining into a gurgle and eventually he just slumped down and accepted his fate, allowing Rosalyn to lather a generous helping of shampoo into his fur. For all his fighting, Komi found out it wasn't so bad after all, with rumbling purrs of pleasure bellowing from his snout while the wolf woman gave the big cat a full body massage. Even Luka, clumsy as he was, though very intelligent for a dog, was trying to help, pawing at Komi's back with an excitedly wagging tail. After a rinse, Rosalyn gave the cat a tight hug and whispered into his ear. “That wasn't so bad, now was it?” She patted the side his chest and he shuffled off the side to let the excess water drain from his matted down fur. He looked miserable, but the way his tail swished and he sat and watched patiently, he was happy.

Luka was much more cooperative, at least that was his intent, but his excited jostling and shuffling actually made it more difficult for Rosa to wash out his back coat of fur. She grunted as she tried to get a grip on the animal without letting too much shampoo spatter all over the bathroom, an exercise in futility, it seemed. Eventually she managed to pin the canine by the waist between her her legs, keeping him docile for a while until she managed to lather him properly. The posture and motions however were problematic, with Luka and Rosalyn grinding on one another by their groins. It made Luka whine out with desire, a sound Rosa learned over time translated as only one of two things with the wolf. Her bright green eyes looked deeply into the pale, shining blue of Luka's own. It would be far from the first time she'd done this with either of the two animals, but she wasn't sure if the timing was right. A nudge from Komi at her side made up her mind as the feline shifted around to press his muzzle against her nipple, nipping ever so gently and teasingly at it, before a fang hooked into the golden ring pierced through it and tugged.

Rosalyn smirked, unable to help herself. One hand reached in between her and Luka, grasping at the throbbing red flesh standing erect against her stomach, another slid in underneath Komi to wrap delicately at the sheath between his one good leg and the stumpy remnant of the other one lost long ago. She teased an erection out of the cheetah and shifted her grasp around the barbed flesh of his feline member, letting her fingers rub against each of the tiny spikes. The cheetah growled deeply, barring his fangs and reaching in out of instinct to sink his teeth into his lovers nape, but Rosa's gaze brought his senses back enough to stop him. At the same time Luka panted heavily and shook his leg underneath Rosalyn as he felt the woman's fingertips rub against the tip of his cock, sending aching rushes of pleasure through his body. Rosalyn loved their reactions and carried on jerking them both off, watching each one in turn as Luka came, spattering a generous volume of cum all over Rosalyn's chest and stomach from his pulsating testicles and erection while the knot at the base swelled up to a massive degree and grew firmer than ever before. She let him go and he flopped onto his side, sedated by pleasure and laying still right under the running water, letting it wash over his heaving breaths. It wasn't long after when Komi also came. He couldn't control himself and his mouth closed over Rosalyn's breast, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh, making the woman wince, but the animal had the sense to restrain his strength. A gushing string of sticky white sperm poured all over Rosalyn's forearm and back, leaving the wolf woman a sticky mess while Komi retreated to one side and rest and hopefully avoid retribution for losing control. He watched her as she licked his seed off her hand, smiling back at him with a certain gleam in her eye he knew very well. He knew he'd pay for it later, but it was worth it.

Rosalyn smiled at her two exotic pets and left them be while she finally worked on cleaning herself off. Getting the thick, sticky animal cum out of her hair and fur was a challenge, but she knew exactly what to do from experience.

It took much longer than planned, but eventually Rosalyn, Komi, and Luka were cleaned, dried, and brushed down from head to tail, all three of them looking pristine and perfect.

The teenaged cat girl felt a lot more restful after a second chance to play with herself followed by an ice cold shower. She redressed In a new outfit, a plain white bra that cupped ger modest bosom and gave them enough of a lift to give her a bit of cleavage. The chain linked to her nipples dangled out the middle between the cups awkwardly, but there wasn't anything Cylvan could think to do about it. She slipped on an equally plain pair of underwear and found a blue frilly dress to throw on herself. Waiting was much easier from there as she made a cup of sweet tea and enjoyed it until it was time to go.

Rosalyn's car pulled up to Cylvan's home, the tall wolf stepping out dressed in a pink blouse and a different pair of skinny jeans. Her fluffy white tail swished about behind her, showing off her excitement as she stepped up to the front door. Cylvan had heard the vehicle stopping, looked out the window and pulled open the door as the woman came near. They smiled happily at one another and Cylvan practically jumped to embrace her mistress in a tight hug. “How are you doing tonight my little kitty?” Rosalyn cooed into Cylvan's ear as they held each other close. “I'm just excited. This is a big thing.” She replied. Rosalyn nodded and rubbed gently against Cylvan's head, kissing the top her head. “Yes it is.”

As they disentangled from one another, Rosalyn presented the small wooden box she was holding. Cylvan recognised it, and her ears turned red inside as she folded them against her head. The girl took the box and opened it, allowing Rosalyn to take the dark blue leather collar out while Cylvan lifted her long ponytail of hair. The older woman leaned over and wrapped the leather band with its metal studs and latches around Cylvan's neck. From a mould in the corner of the box, Rosalyn removed a shining silver pad lock, hooked it into a latch underneath Cylvan's chin and locked it tight. “There. Now nobody else can claim you.” Rosalyn cooed salaciously while she fingered the engraving on the lock with her full name on it surrounded by a rose vine pattern.

It was not the first time Cylvan had worn that collar, but each time it filled her stomach with butterflies for the first few moments until she beamed with pride, carrying her mistress's mark for anyone to see. Everyone would know without a doubt that she belonged to Mistress Rosalyn Elliott. The two women embraced one another again and kissed deeply, uncaring about being outside for everyone to see. Soon it was time to go.

Cylvan greeted the two animals sitting on the back seats, with a pat on the head for each. They both nuzzled back affectionately, having grown very fond of the pink cat in the time since she'd been brought into their lives.

They pulled up to a large boring looking block of rough bricks that somehow managed to pass as an actual building. It stood on a lonely road and down a very long driveway, keeping it out of view and uninteresting to most passing by. An enclosed parking garage attached to one side kept any vehicles hidden, further avoiding to pique any passing curiosity. Rosalyn recognised a few of the cars going by while she found a space to park, knowing that some of her old friends would be there for the show.

Cylvan climbed out as soon as they stopped, seeming eager to get going as she helped get Luka and komi out the back, while Rosa handled the two wide, flat boxes on the other side. Leading them both along on leashes, they entered with the backstage doors to get ready.

Once inside, it was like stepping through to a whole new world. The rough exterior giving way for mauve silk curtains draped along every wall, hanging from high ceilings, to absorb every eco and lit by dim orange lights giving the place a dark and secretive atmosphere, telling Cylvan without needing words, that what ever happened here, stayed here. Rosalyn greeted the custodian and bouncer at the door. He gave Rosalyn and Cylvan a friendly smile, but watched the two large dangerous looking animals with caution. Luka looked back up the man curiously, his tail wagging excitedly and let out a growl that was more playful than anything, while Komi gave him only a glance as he limped past, mostly ignoring the man. Cylvan shook the man's hand and followed Rosalyn again. The wolf woman strode ahead with confidence until she stopped right under one of the light fixtures, this one different to the rest, glowing red, and parted the curtain on the wall, revealing a hidden door. Cylvan soon noticed red lights like those every few meters, and realised those were more hidden doors.

She'd been here once before, but only in the audience sections, this was back stage and it seemed to operate with the same levels of implied anonymity, to be private, yet still to be seen, at least by the select few to be invited here. Rosalyn entered and beckoned Cylvan inside, she followed and so did Luka and Komi. It was a simple dressing room inside, a couch on one side, a vanity table on the other, and a closet at the back. All lit with a much brighter light than in the hallways. Rosalyn set her packages down on the table while cylvan sat down on the couch with the animals at her feet, watching and waiting patiently.

Rosalyn opened the one box and held up the main bulk of the outfit to inspect it, then turned to show the smaller girl behind her. Cylvan's green eyes widened and lit up at the sight. It made het bite her lip in anticipation. “Undress, now.” The wolf woman said in a stern tone that calls for no disobedience. Cylvan grinned and knew that the fun had begun.

The pink feline's lithe frame was strapped firmly into a leather and metal harness with straps placed in such a way that any wrong move or struggling would only lead to more restrictions. Across her chest was a tight squeezing corset that pushed her breasts up, but left them bare and allowed the chain between her nipples to hang free while pulling tight around her chest just enough that she could feel a restriction to her breath. Her waist and hips were left naked but for the few leather straps surrounding her groin and doing nothing but drawing attention to the heart shaped piercing dangling from her clitoris. Along with matching leather arm gloves with studs all along it and sturdy cuffs at the wrists with heavy metal hoops, Rosa had made the girl pull on a pair of thigh-height leather platform boots with another set of cuffs and sturdy metal rings around the ankles and steep heels that added a good bit height to the girl, but more importantly made her perk up her posture just to stay balanced and accentuated her subtly curved body, particularly making her push out her bare, pert bottom and forced her long slender tail to stay high in the air and maintain her composure. She could easily maintain such an erotic pose herself, but the whole point was that she had no choice in the matter. Any misstep or lapse in her posture would send her tumbling over to her own disgrace and that of her Mistress' training. It was s lot of pressure, the girl suddenly realised. She took a few tentative steps forwards and back then sideways to get her balance in this gear, first with her arms out to the side for stability, but under Mistress Rosalyn's gaze, she tried again with her hands held behind her back. A toothy grin grew on the wolf woman's face as she nodded in approval. That simple gesture filled the kitten with confidence and her jerky steps changed into a prideful and seductive strut, only widening her Mistress's smile. Even Komi and Luka found themselves captivated by the pretty cat's new demeanour, attentive to every movement while a hungry gleam filled their eyes.

“Now, kitten. Undress me.” The woman commanded, as she made her way around to sit on the couch, crossing her legs and reclining. Cylvan got to her knees before her Mistress with some difficulty, the retraining harness making it awkward to bend over. She started with the shoes. They were simple but elegant sandals with a modest heel. They came loose with a small clasp at the side of the foot, one and then the other, and Cylvan set them down on the floor. Cylvan's hands lingered for a while to gently rub at Mistress Rosalyn's feet, massaging out any stiffness away. The wolf murmured softly in delight and her toes flexed against Cylvan's delicate and skilled attention. A wave of Mistress' hand alerted Cylvan to continue. She stood on her knees and leant forward over the woman's lap, reaching over to start unbuttoning the blouse from the neck down. As she was busy Rosalyn gripped at a hoop on the cat's collar and pulled her up by the neck, leaning over to kiss her with a passion. Eagerly their tongues entwined in an instant, the wolf woman holding onto her personal little pet by the waist as Cylvan continued to open up the front of her mistress's shirt, eventually leaving her torso bare except for the lacy red push-up bra keeping her large breasts in place. Cylvan's one hand reached over to tenderly grope around a breast. It drew soft moan from her Mistress that made Cylvan smile, but it was followed by a painful tug at one of the piercings in Cylvan's side. She winced and withdrew, lowering her gaze submissively and apologetically. “Continue.” Was all Rosalyn said sternly as she sat upright and and shrugged her shoulders. Cylvan pulled the blouse off her Mistress's shoulders and down her arms before folding it neatly and putting it down to the side. Their eyes met, green irises meeting another set that seems almost identical. However Rosalyn's gaze was fierce and the girl shied her face away and moved down to start undoing the belt and buttons on the woman's trousers. Rosalyn shimmied from side to side and allowed Cylvan to peel away the denim fabric and eventually pulling it free, again folding up and setting it aside.

Cylvan looked up at her Mistress in her underwear, admiring the wolf woman's body and the pristine shine of her snowy white fur. The deep red colour of Rosalyn's hair as it draped across her shoulders contrasted sharply with her fur where it framed around her face.

Rosalyn pushed forward her chest and nodded with a grin. Cylvan licked her lips hungrily and smiled toothily as she reached forward and around Rosalyn's chest, her face pressing lightly into her Mistress's bosom while she worked on the clasp at the back. With a soft click it came free and the wolf's large, heavy bust immediately dropped with a lewd bounce as the bra slipped from her shoulders and fell down into Cylvan's hand. The cat gave each breast a loving worshipful kiss on the nipples with their golden piercings. Rosalyn reached to her pet's head and gave the teen's head and big feline ears a gentle caress. Cylvan purred softly and nuzzled back into the hand while she reached down to hook her fingers into her mistress's panties. Rosalyn tapped her on the nose and shook her head, moving to stand up and look down at the pink cat kneeling before her, a dirty gleam in her eye. “Use your mouth.” She commanded. Cylvan grinned at her Mistress with her fangs showing fiercely. The girl crossed her arms behind her back and pressed her nose forward in between Rosalyn's thighs, letting it rub firmly against the woman's neithers through the lacy garment. The feline raised her head and grinded her face up against the wolf's crotch to elicit a pleasure whine from her Mistress, until her mouth reached the top edge of the panties and she hooked her pointed fangs into the waistband. She pulled it down slowly, dragging it down from Rosa's body while her nose and face pressed against her sex again, this time straight onto the pierced clit and her pink folds gleaming with moisture from obvious desire. Cylvan took a deep breath of the musky scent and purred, grinning hungrily up at her mistress while pulling down the panties to the floor.

Rosalyn smiled and nodded approval as she pointed at the other box on the table. Cylvan got up, a bit unstable again, and removed the outfit inside. It was styled similarly to Cylvan's own, but clearly made to show dominance. She held it up to her Mistress to appraise, and with a nod from the woman, she started helping Rosalyn into the fitted leather costume. The top wrapped in firmly all around Rosalyn's neck and covered most of her chest except for a sideways diamond shaped window that gave a clear view of her cleavage as the corset section below pushed her ample bust up almost obscenely. It hugged closely against her waist most of the way except for another diamond opening showing off her well toned stomach and the bottom point of which ending just above her sex. A matching leather pair of booty shorts clung to her hips made more erotic with a zipper running down along her crotch for easy access when desired. The boots and gloves were almost identical to the pair Cylvan wore, covered in rows of studs, though they lacked straps and cuffs that were usually reserved for submissive pets only. Appropriately dressed now, Rosa turned to the mirror and admired herself in it, turning around and around again to make sure everything was perfect. She smirked in approval while Cylvan watched with her lower lip held between her teeth. Mistress Rosalyn was the most beautiful thing in Cylvan's world in that moment.

Muffled through the walls, Rosalyn and Cylvan could hear deep thumping music playing. The first act was beginning and they knew they still had a little while before it was time to get going again. From the drawer in the dresser, Rosalyn withdrew a small plastic packet filled with pink and purple coloured capsules. Cylvan looked at them curiously, wondering what the woman had planned. The wolf gave a toothy smirk before explaining. “It's a mood enhancer. Specifically, an aphrodisiac, not that we truly need it.” She winked. “But it will make it all so much better.” Cylvan still seemed confused, but the blushing inside her ears said she was starting to understand. “Kneel.” Rosa commanded, Cylvan complied. The woman placed one of the pills on the cats tongue and smiled as she swallowed. She took one for herself as well then went over to the Cheetah and Wolf. “These are for you as well, my boys.” She cooed and held out her palms to them. Luka sniffled it for a moment before snatching it up and swallowing. He seemed disappointed that it wasn't some delicious treat at first. Komi was more hesitant, looking up at his mistress with a skewed expression of distaste. An aggressive glare from her pushed the animal into compliance as he lapped up the capsule and swallowed.

Rosalyn had her younger partner brush and style her deep red hair while they waited, tying it into a raised pony tail that draped loosely down her back. They changed placed and Rosalyn did the same for Cylvan, her excessively long pink hair done in twinned braids side by side that hung like ropes from the back of her head and ended in small tufts at the tips. Rosalyn played with them for a bit, batting against Cylvan's face as they both chuckled.

Rosalyn had the girl kneel down on the couch as she put a lock on the cuffs around at her wrists, binding her arms together behind her back. Next came a toy Cylvan was very familiar and fond of. It wasn't her favourite bright red ball gag covered in grooves and scratches from repeated abuse by her sharp feline fangs. As Rosalyn turned it to put it on the girl, Cylvan's eyes widened, it wasn't just a ball, it was a white plastic dildo, not very long, but enough to make her worry a bit. With a command from her Mistress, Cylvan opened her mouth wide, but the nervousness was plain her face. Gently, Mistress Rosalyn slid the plastic phallus against her tongue. As it went deeper Cylvan shuddered with a small panic, until it stopped at a merciful depth. The wider ball at the base was inserted just behind her teeth and the Mistress tied the strap behind her head. The feline could breath enough, but only if she made sure to push against the toy with her tongue, and took slow shallow breaths. Any swallowing cut her breath off completely for a few seconds until she could get her tongue back into place again. It wasn't long until Rosalyn had to start wiping spittle from her pet's mouth every few moments. As Cylvan turned hew head towards the mirror, she saw the red rose emblem moulded into the white ball, and she straightened her posture, prideful to have yet another of her Mistress's brands to show the world. Her breathing became easier like that, and she realised it was just another way of restricting her movement. Now she really did belong to her Mistress, completely at the wolf woman's mercy. There was absolutely nothing she could do at all unless Rosalyn specifically allowed it. Even breathing was a privilege. And she loved her Mistress all the more for it.

Before long, Cylvan was the first to feel the effects of the Aphrodisiac running through her system well before anyone else. It wasn't surprising, Cylvan's quick metabolism always made things like that happen quickly. Rosalyn could see it in the way her chest started to heave up and down, and eventually as her nipples grew firm and turned from a dull fleshy pink into a lusty red. She seemed well composed as she sat there kneeling on the couch, with her eyes closed and taking deep breaths. Mistress Rosalyn was suspicious. How could a feline in heat, especially one like Cylvan that got them especially strongly, be able to handle this drug so easily?

Rosalyn stepped forward and placed a hand on the teenager's cheek, she opened her eyes and nuzzled into the woman's hand, looking up at her mistress with desire plain in her eyes.

“Kitten, did you disobey me today?” Cylvan didn't react at all for a moment while she tried to process the words through the mess of sexual thoughts rushing in and out of her mind. Eventually as she managed to focus, the fur on her neck and back raised up as a cold shudder passed through her body. She thought of lying at first, but knew at once it wouldn't serve her. Hesitantly she nodded, her ears folding flat against her head in shame. The woman's hand withdrew from Cylvan's cheek and she sighed sorrowful. “You disappoint me, my pet. I'll have to adjust our itinerary for our show now.” Just as Rosalyn turned away, Cylvan saw the flash of an evil smile at the last moment, and she was both frightened and excited at once.

Komi and Luka were both growing agitated as time went on, even the perfect composure of Mistress Rosalyn seemed disturbed. Everyone was feeling the Aphrodisiac drug going to work now. Cylvan especially was leaving a wet patch on the leather seat below her naked pussy where she sat immobile, only occasionally attended by her Mistress to keep her drooling mouth clean around the dildo gag.

To everyone's relief, a bell chimed above the door, signalling it was time to get going. “Up!” Rosalyn called out to all of her pets. Luka and Komi both got to their feet quickly, and Rosa smirked she saw the angry looking red erections below their stomachs. Cylvan, bound as she was, struggled a bit to get to feet, and her first few steps were unstable as she readjusted her balance on the tall heels of her boots once again. Rosalyn stepped forward with a cloth to wipe Cylvan clean between her legs. In her desperation Cylvan couldn't stop herself from letting out a pleasured moan. Rosalyn smiled at that. “Don't worry my kitty, it's time now. You'll be satisfied soon enough.” The girl let out a loving murmur through the gag in her mouth as she rubbed her cheek against the tall wolf.

Rosalyn took Komi and Luka by their leaches, before taking a third from the table. At first she reached for Cylvan's neck, and the girl obediently raised her head to make way. She was confused for a moment when she felt the metal of the latch trace a line down her bare chest, flick against her painfully erect and pierced nipple, and eventually down her stomach. Her eyes widened and a nervous whine sounded in her throat when she watched Rosalyn hook it around the locket on her clitoris, and winced when she felt it being tugged at, signalling the girl to start moving. The group headed out the door and further along the hallway to the stage, Rosalyn leading the way with the three leaches in her hand. The throbbing music grew louder as they went, and eventually they reached the backstage. Rosalyn leaned over and whispered something into the stagehand's ear that Cylvan could not hear over the music, he nodded and went to do as he was told, leaving Cylvan curious.

Rosalyn tied Luka and Komi to a bar against the wall and stepped out into the bright light on the stage. At the same time the music faded away and a hostess on stage introduced Mistress Rosalyn Elliott into a microphone, and then bowed before the tall woman and the crowd. Rosalyn stepped forward and Cylvan had no choice but to follow as the the leach attached to her crotch threatened to pull tight again.

The hostess handed over a leather riding crop and politely stepped away off stage, leaving Rosalyn and Cylvan alone to be applauded in the spotlight. The light glared out most of the darkened audience area, but dimly Cylvan could make out the faces of some people she'd met and even befriended the last time she came to visit. All of the butterflies and nerves came rushing back to her in an instant. Rosalyn turned her back on the crowd and smiled warmly at Cylvan, that put the girl at some ease again, reminded she was in good hands with her Mistress.

With a wave of her hand, a chain lowered from the roof in the center of the stage. The feline's eyes were drawn to it and the latch on it's end. She had no ing before hand, all she knew was that she'd feature in the show and that Komi and Luka would be involved. She wondered what Mistress Rosalyn had planned.

Rosalyn lead the girl underneath the chain and with a hand on Cylvan's stomach, and a sharp snap with the riding crop on the back of her shoulder, Cylvan bent forwards. The woman took hold of the cuffs between Cylvan's hands and pulled them to meet the chain, hooking them together. With another gesture, the chain started to hoist up slowly, lifting the girl's arms away from her lower back, straining her shoulders painfully as they started to bear more and more of her weight. Another sharp swipe of her hand and the chain stopped, leaving Cylvan standing on her toes. Rosalyn strode like a model in a circle around Cylvan, looking over the girl hungrily as she touched and prodded with the riding crop, guiding Cylvan into exactly the posture she desired. Cylvan was delighted to be there with such an exquisite dominatrix leading the way. Rosalyn revelled in the attention herself, all eyes were on her and she was in charge. She had absolute control over Cylvan and she was the Queen Supreme of the stage. Her pet's pleasure and her pet's pain was entirely in her hands. Mistress Rosalyn grinned when she eventually stopped behind Cylvan. She pressed the crop in under the girl's tail and watched at it raised obediently. The wolf licked her lips at the sight of her horny pet's exposed arsehole and dripping wet cunt, gleaming with desire and decorated perfectly with Rosalyn's mark on the locket pierced into the virgin's clitoris. She had Cylvan rotate herself, showing the girl's arse and sex openly to the crowd. Murmurs and mumbles managed to make it over the sound of the music as they all seemed to enjoy the sight.

The feeling of the crop grinding up and down against Cylvan's sex made her moan delightedly into her gag as she squirmed on the suspending chain. She huffed with frustration a moment later when her Mistress stopped, leaving her even more desperate for pleasure than before. Then came the sharp snapping of hardened leather against the soft pink furred flesh of Cylvan's rear. The cry of pain only managed to come out as a muffled whine through the plastic dildo lodged into her mouth. Her knees buckled in response, but instead of lowering her body, it merely sent more pain through her shoulders as they bore all of her weight. She had to rebalance herself quickly.

As soon as it seemed that Cylvan managed to regain her footing, another strike met her arse in exactly the same aching spot, leaving her skin with a burning hot sensation. She didn't collapse as badly as before, but she was left with no time to recover when yet another slap met her rear from the other direction, all in one smooth figure eight motion of Rosalyn's arm. The punishment repeated a few more times until Cylvan collapsed once more, this time unable to recover quickly enough. Even as she hung there, Rosalyn kept spanking the girl, crying out desperately into the gag. Even her tail lowered instinctively to try and protect her aching and tender posterior from that vicious leather rod, it only led to a strike at the small of her back that made her tail straighten and raised up again.

Rosalyn was intent on making the girl cry their safe code for her failure to obey, three short moans, three long, and three short again. A simple S.O.S. However the woman knew she might hurt her own hand before that happened, the girl had a good threshold for pain, and was a proven masochist. The wolf kept going, mixing up the slaps against the girl's arse with hits on her upper back, the back of her thighs, and even stepping around the front to slap at her face and breasts. She strut in a circle around the girl over and over again, laying down painful slaps all over Cylvan's body.

Eventually the sounds of pain were mixed with moans of desire while the feline writhed on the chain. She'd utterly lost her composure and didn't even try to get back to her feet, having settled into her suspension from the chain despite how it twisted her shoulders back. In the end it was more the desperation for sexual relief that made Cylvan call out in the pattern that was their safe code for the evening. With just one last hard whip to Cylvan's ass, Rosalyn lifted her hand swiped it down, signalling for the people behind the curtains to lower the chain. Cylvan settled down on her knees, her chest heaving with heavy breaths, occasionally broken as she choked on the toy in her mouth, followed by desperate whines. Rosalyn stepped back and watched the girl on the floor, admiring her handiwork on the poor feline, enjoying how the tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. She was at the limit now and anything could break her down either into tearful sorrow or orgasmic pleasure. It was time this young virgin girl became a woman.

Rosalyn left her young pet on the stage while she stepped off to the side and behind the curtains. While she was gone, a few stage hands scrambled out with a podium of sturdy metal bars and pipes, setting it down and securing it to fixtures on the centre of the stage. Another brought out a comfortable armchair and set it close by along with a small table. By the time they were done, Cylvan had recovered her senses enough to get into a kneeling position on the floor, straightening her posture and once more closing her eyes while breathing slowly and shallowly. She still twitched and shuddered occasionally as she felt her body burning with lingering pain.

Rosalyn soon emerged onto the stage once again, this time leading Komi and Luka out onto the stage. They could smell Cylvan's desperation from where they had waited and watched, the two males stewing in their own arousal. In her free hand she held a long metal rod.

Luka lopped on ahead towards Cylvan eagerly only restrained by the leach while Komi followed behind Rosa with his unsteady gait on only three paws. There were gasps and murmurs in the crowd. They had expected something exotic and unusual, animals on stage was an especially rare treat, nevermind a large wild animal like a cheetah.

One of the stagehands stayed behind to help Rosalyn by holding onto the animals while she went to work with Cylvan. “Crawl.” Mistress Rosalyn commanded the girl as she took hold of the leach at the feline's clit, pulling her along towards the newly set arrangements of pipes on the floor. She made her pet stop with her knees against a raised block with a cushioned top, then used her boot to push Cylvan over it. Rosalyn knelt down beside Cylvan and hooked a latch onto the Girl's collar, keeping her head down before she tied a belt around her waist attached to the block that held her hips up in the air. Next the wolf woman pulled Cylvan's feet apart and attached the spreader bar she'd been holding to the cuffs on each ankle, leaving Cylvan unable to close her legs at all. Finally Rosalyn ran her gloved fingers firmly against the kitten's labia, gathering the lusty juices she was constantly leaking before bringing it to her lips and licking it off. “You are always so delicious, my kitten.” The wolf murmured. “I'm sure those two would love to have a taste.” Cylvan could only look from the corner on her eye up as her Mistress spoke, and she moaned with desire in reply, her hips shaking for emphasis. “You little slut. I love you too.” Rosalyn finally cooed affectionately, but gave a dirty grin.

The woman stepped away and collected the two animals from the assistant. He bowed and left the stage quietly. Rosalyn pointed at Cylvan with her arse in the air and said, “Kiss Kiss.” Together Komi and Luka strode forward with Rosalyn behind to restrain them if they misbehaved. Guided by their noses, they both moved in on Cylvan's soaking wet cunt, Komi leaning in first to press his tongue against the girl's achingly desperate fold. The tiny barbs on the surface felt agonizing but also amazing to the girl. Her feline instincts reacting to the cheetah with muffled snarls and meows while she squirmed within her restraints. Komi dragged his tongue against her like that a few times before Luka nosed in to have his turn. Komi just licked the black wolf's face affectionately and let him go. Luka was more sloppy, as usual. He lapped enthusiastically at the girl, and he was rewarded for it with a sudden gush of fluid as the girl writhed violently then stiffened in a spasm when an orgasm overtook her. She whined loudly into her gag, her breath halted for a moment each time she failed to keep the phallic toy pushed away from her throat. Once it passed she was left panting heavily, but she had no chance for a break when Komi resumed again. His tongue felt murderous to Cylvan's twitching folds, leaving the flesh raw and especially tender every time he licked at her, lapping up her cum and adoring the flavour. Once again Cylvan cried out with passion as waves of pleasure surged through her body, giving Komi a mouthful of her cum too.

Deciding that was enough, Rosalyn pulled back on the leaches, drawing them away from Cylvan. She knelt down beside Komi and undid the leach on his collar and let him go, cooing at the cheetah. “Go ahead, spots. She's all yours.” The woman knew he'd understand once she reached in underneath the animal and gave him a few quick strokes to raise his interest. The large wild cat bounded forward and wasted no time. He gave the girl a few more licks on her cunt just to savour her flavour once again before his jaw opened wide and clamped down on the flesh of her arse with a sharp wince from the girl. The crowd grew loud and restless in shock, but Rosalyn's commanding presence silenced the gasps and worry with a wave. Cylvan was left to Komi's mercy.

The cheetah kept lavishing Cylvan with licks and painful but affectionate bites as he clambered over her body until his head was beside hers. He licked her cheek lovingly and Cylvan nuzzled her face against his until she felt his hips start bucking. Komi had only the one rear leg left to him, but it was strong and every thrust crashed into Cylvan's body made her jerk with the motion. At first the tip of Komi's member pressed up against Cylvan's sex only to slide away and grind the length against her teasingly. It was still enough to leave her moaning, but she was frightened. She was still a virgin, her hymen still intact, and felt how every thrust seemed to find more and more grip into her body. She knew he'd manage to get it eventually, to take the last of her innocence by the claws of a wild animal. It was exactly what she wanted.

It wasn't long until Komi's desperately jerking hips found the mark and made Cylvan squeal in painful shock. The rough thrust tore the tip of Komi's feline penis through the hymen, drawing a small trickle of blood while stretching out Cylvan's inner walls apart wider than ever before. Wider even than what she was really meant to take naturally, with the cheetah's member being significantly broader and longer than most humans or therians. Not even with the full length buried inside, his tip was pressing painfully against the inner entrance to Cylvan's womb, her cervix throbbing in protest. Komi wasn't at all gentle, as soon as he felt the pressure of Cylvan's body squeezing down on his member tightly, he snarled and bit down firmly onto the back of Cylvan's shoulder, his large fangs only just piercing the skin and making Cylvan whine and writhe underneath him as far as the restraints allowed it.

The mix of pain and arousal incited the girl's feline instincts, flooding her system with hormones and even calling for her body to ovulate at an excessive rate. Instantly the muscles in Cylvan's abdomen tensed and contracted around the overlarge penis deep inside of her. Her sensitivity let her feel the sharp pointed barbs of that feline member start to poke hundreds of tiny spots against the skin, feeling like each one somehow found an exact nerve ending to molest.

It seemed like an age before the cheetah pulled his hips back, and for Cylvan it was like all the previous sensations just exploded. His barbs sank into flesh and gripped tight, feeling like it would pull the girl inside out while they dragged rough paths into the surface, leaving her tender and aching in the void left by Komi's member until another forward thrust slammed into her again, once more having the animal's tip batter the kitten's cervix. It was enough to send the pink cat into a full body spasm of an orgasm while unintelligible sounds of all sorts bellowed around the gag in her liberally drooling mouth. The pain was finally being drowned out as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her mind.

Komi's was lost in his pleasure himself, his bucking hips moved ever faster and more forcefully as time went on. It was frustrating him that he couldn't seem to push in all the way, but he kept trying, snarling and growling around where he kept his mouth clamped on his lover's shoulder. He'd never had a lover quite like Cylvan before, it was only ever Rosalyn that used her hand or mouth. But this pink female below him was the best fuck of his life despite how desperately he needed to go deeper. He'd get there, he just had to keep trying. The barrier to Cylvan's womb was giving way, the pointed tip of the animal cock slamming against her cervix repeatedly forced it apart more and more, and Komi could feel it. With one last buck of his hips, Komi jerked his head back and roared at the stunned crowd before him. His cock sank into Cylvan all the way at last, pushed deeply into her womb and deposited a fresh load of sperm directly inside. Cylvan was helpless to stop his paws pressing down onto the back of her head, pinning her even more tightly to the floor while her body was flooded inside with the cheetah's semen. She was positive that nothing could come of it, two completely different species couldn't interbreed, but a splinter of doubt lingered in her thoughts.

It was true, as impossible as it seemed, the circumstances of her birth allowed it, she was an engineered being, and an universal fertility was one of her many artificial blessings. There were multiple eggs already floating in Cylvan's womb, ready to be assaulted by the millions of cells carrying her feral lover's DNA. All completely unknown to anyone, Cylvan would be a mother soon.

As Komi's orgasm subsided and the generous flow of cum came to a throbbing end, his member gradually grew limp inside of Cylvan. He retreaded away from her, letting his dick slide from her folds, while dragging those pointed barbs agonisingly against her flesh again. Both felines were left panting for breath from their exhaustion. Komi gave Cylvan another lick along her sex while excess sperm started to ooze from her freshly defiled labia, left with a slight gape from being stretched well beyond their natural limits. The cheetah waddled away with his usual limping gait to slump down beside the seat where Luka and Mistress Rosalyn waited, leaving Cylvan sore and aching all over, still twitching in the aftershocks of pleasure and pain.

Rosalyn had watched with supressed eagerness the whole time as her little virgin pet was deflowered so savagely and left helpless. She reached down the side to Komi's head and gave him a rewarding scratch behind the ears and the large cat purred in approval. “You did well, good boy, very good boy.” Komi seemed to beam with pride where he lay, glancing up at his Mistress and back over at his new lover. He was a happy cat, he knew.

The red headed wolf woman got up and lead Luka over to Cylvan, first kneeling down beside the girl before undoing many of the restraints to the podium. Cylvan was weak and likely passed out for a minute before Rosalyn came to stir her awake again. Cylvan stayed in her position, only murmuring softly while glancing at Rosalyn from the corner of her eye. “I take it you enjoyed yourself with Komi?” The wolf cooed tenderly as she stroked Cylvan across the cheek, making the tired cat purr into her gag. “Now, I want you to turn around for me. It's Luka's turn.” Cylvan grew wide eyed for a moment when she realised she was far from done. Her body started to tense, wanting to get up and fight, but Cylvan willed herself to calm with slow shallow breaths again. She belonged to Mistress Rosalyn and if Mistress wanted her to mate with Luka as well, she would please her Mistress.

The pink feline struggled to lift herself and turn onto her back, the whole time Komi's cum still dribbled from between her legs, eventually Rosalyn had to help and carry some of the weight. She was bent over backwards on the raised block, the small of her back carrying most of her weight until her shoulders could rest on the floor and her feet, still held wide apart by the spreader bar, could balance her on the small bench. The young feline's chest heaved up and with deep breaths, her modest breasts being pressed flat to her chest by their own weight, only her erect nipples and the rings on them breaking up the smooth lines. Rosalyn knelt over Cylvan and kissed the girl on the lips around the plastic gag, Cylvan murmuring with affection through the gag. Rosalyn's hand eventually traced the surface of Cylvan's chest and went to pinch one of those swollen and sensitive nipples, making the girl whine with pleasure before moving further down to tease the corset piercings just above her groin on the way to delve between the kitten's legs. Cylvan shuddered at first while her Mistress's fingers only touched at her needy pussy, lightly flicking against her clitoris piercing and stroking the folds of her labia. Finally the woman plunged two fingers inside of Cylvan, making the feline give off a muffled meow, and then again and again while the wolf stirred her digits around inside the girl, exploring her insides with no hesitation and seeking out her most erogenous spots that drew out stronger reactions. It wasn't even a full two minutes before the desperately heated feline had yet another orgasm for the evening, gushing her own clear fluids blended along with some of Komi's cum. Rosalyn smirked as she licked her fingers clean, savouring the flavour with a deliberate and exaggerated display for the crowd. Lastly she strapped the belt on the raised bench around Cylvan's waist to hold her in position while patting the inside of the feline's thigh. “Okay boy, she's all yours now.” She cooed at the black male wolf. The way he sat did nothing at all to hide his red rocket shaped penis from view. He'd been waiting patiently, but Rosalyn could tell the kind of desperation the canine felt. He was eager to jump forward, pressing his muzzle in between the feline's legs and lapping at her leaking cunt happily. Whether it was Komi's sperm or Cylvan's juices, he did not care, it tasted wonderful. Cylvan arched her back and groaned with Rosalyn only watching on from the side. The white wolf woman was growing envious of her little pet, she'd been enduring the effects of the aphrodisiac drug just like all her pets and she was sure much of her own arousal was seeping through the zip in her leather panties. She looked looked longingly at the cat girl's face and smirked. It was time to improvise the show a little bit again.

Rosalyn straddled over the top of Cylvan's head, leaning forward over her pet's lithe body, presenting her voluptuous derrière to the crowd with a raised tail that wagged enticingly from side to side. Cylvan found herself looking straight up at her Mistress's crotch while the woman pulled down the brass zipper and revealed just how wet she really, a few droplets falling onto Cylvan's face.

Rosalyn patted Cylvan on the stomach for Luka to see, the black furred wolf pulling his face away from the girl's pussy to clamber over the top to meet Rosalyn's call. The Mistress guided her pet wolf into a mounted position over Cylvan before reaching around him and gently giving his throbbing dog cock a few gently strokes while guiding the tip against Cylvan's vagina. He took the hint and immediately humped forward, thrusting excitedly into the girl, and making her moan deeply. Cylvan was still very sore and tender from Komi's barbed member and even the size was a lot for her to handle. Luka didn't have that rough surface, but his dick was larger and stretched Cylvan's insides to the limit, straining the flesh painfully and it was only enhanced by the raw scratches left by Komi's dick earlier. Cylvan was still loving it, judging from the way she moaned and whined uncontrollably. The pain only added to the pleasure, made her hornier, and even more fertile. Luka found it much easier to penetrate into Cylvan's already battered cervix, his movement only churning his feline brother's seed around inside of Cylvan's womb. Every thrust from the wolf felt like it was giving a small orgasm to the girl, and with each one a new unfertilised egg was released, ready and waiting for a fresh load of seed. As Luka kept humping with the knot at the base of his dick slipping in and out of his lover, it grew harder and harder to move, having to use more force to squeeze in and out each time until eventually it was so swollen he couldn't withdraw at all. Not long after that moment, Luka felt his body tense up, he threw his head back and let out a loud howl while his seed gushed into his lover. Cylvan couldn't handle the strain of her labia being stretched out so widely around Luka's fist-sized knot and wanted to scream out, but could only groan against the gag in her mouth. The wolf jerked his hips a few more times, ensuring he was tied firmly to his pink furred lover before he relaxed. He was still very much erect and would stay so for about half an hour, locked deeply and tightly into the squirming and writhing kitty Kat by their genitals. Cylvan could do nothing but wriggle and breath slowly underneath the two wolves, her red haired Mistress and her new black furred brother and lover.

Rosalyn looked down at Cylvan's face between her legs and put a finger on her lips, calling for the pink feline to stay silent before she reached down and undid the clasp on the dildo gag in her mouth. As it slipped free from Cylvan's lips, leaving stringy trails if saliva hanging from it, Cylvan let out a few coughs as she managed to breathe freely and easily for the first time in what seemed an age for the girl. The woman smirked down at the girl for a moment, a devilish gleam in her eye before her face vanished behind her butt suddenly filling the cat's vision.

Instinctively Cylvan lashed out with her tongue when the familiar scent of her beloved Mistress entered her nose and the flavour of the wolf's arousal filled her mouth. This was always one of her favourite things to do with Rosalyn, simply and directly giving her her mistress pleasure as best she could, and she had gotten very good at it indeed.

The girl started off slowly, letting her tongue dip in between Rosalyn's folds, not too firmly, allowing the rough surface of her tongue do all the initial work, leaving the woman sensitive. A moment later, listening to her Mistress's moans, she licked harder, spreading the wolf woman's labia with her tongue and even slipping it inside more deeply, drawing deeper and louder moans from Rosalyn. Cylvan became more intense then, lapping fervently and eagerly swallowing every drop from her lover's dripping wet cunt. Rosalyn soon couldn't help but to start rocking her hips against her little pet's face, groaning loudly for the crowd as the pleasure built up inside of her, drawing her closer and closer to an intense orgasm. Cylvan felt how Mistress Rosalyn's pussy tightened against her tongue while the woman's hips bucked up and down, eventually dislodging from Cylvan's face while the woman bent forward on her knees and arched her back down as the spasms of climax overtook her for a while. She leant forward and wrapped her arms around Luka's neck where he stayed, still knotted tightly into the pink feline, and he nuzzled lovingly against his Mistress's neck while she panted heavily against him. Cylvan gave her Mistress a few moments before she raised her head forward and started licking at the woman's sex again, purring in delight at the rich flavour of post-orgasm cunt. Cylvan picked up where she left off, ravaging her Mistress's labia as best she could with only her mouth. It made Rosalyn moan over and over again while the woman pulled more tightly onto the feral wolf in front of her, hugging him against her chest when a second orgasm was ripped from her body. Cylvan kept licking, but she didn't do it long, only enough to clean up her Mistress before laying back down with a smirk on her lips. They rested on stage for a short while longer, the show was over now, and only when the swelling in Luka's knot went down enough to slip free from the tight grip of Cylvan's pussy with a soft pleasured moan from the girl, did Rosalyn remove all the bindings from Cylvan, helped her to her feet, gathered up the leashes to all her pets, and finally led them from the stage.

The applause behind Rosalyn's back put a wide grin on her face and she knew she'd given them the best show they'd have for a long while.

Rosalyn wasn't done with her pets yet. The show was over and now they could have fun all by themselves. Read 12294 times | Rated 72.7 % | (11 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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