This Morning by DeclanStrokesUnderwood,DeclanStrokesUnderwood

She woke up on a couch. At least she thought it was a couch.

Where am I? The room didn’t look familiar. It was certainly not home. There was hardly enough light to make out many details. Just some half-sun poking through the side of the shades.

Shit. What time is it? What day is it? Do I need to be somewhere? She sat up in a fit.

The room spun slowly as she turned her head. There was no doubt that she was still at least somewhat drunk. Maybe high too, her head hurt but not nearly as much as it should.

It’s okay, I’m not working today. I worked yesterday. Where am I though?

Looking around gave some clues. A house party, somewhere unfamiliar, not some friend’s. After several drinks she’d met some people and they’d invited her along. She would figure out where later. Her dress was on the couch next to her.

Looking down, her panties were off. Her bra straps were down to her elbows and her breasts were exposed. She was naked except for her half-on bra that didn’t cover anything anyway.

Well I guess I had a good time. Fuck, did someone else have a good time with me? Not that it would’ve been bad if she’d had sex. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time, not even the first time drunk with a stranger that she didn’t remember it in the morning. Not even the first time she’d cheated on her boyfriend. This week. Am I at his place? Did I go home with him? It wasn’t a bed and there was no one next to her. But there were a few people passed out on the floor in the next room over.

I need to leave. I need to go home. I can figure this out later. She pulled up her bra straps and adjusted herself a little. This bra is tight. It took a little more adjustment, then she snatched her dress. It didn’t go on easily but it wasn’t hard. Not tight but definitely form fitting, not short but definitely not long. This is an awesome dress. It fits really well. And it seems like it got me some attention.

Her legs were a little wobbly and as she moved she realized she was a little sore and very squishy. I definitely got fucked last night. It looks like I showed someone a good time. She realized there was a taste in her mouth, familiar but not all that usual. I definitely showed someone a good time, he went twice. Where are my panties?

Those weren’t anywhere to be found, not just by looking around. I’m not going to open the shades or turn on a light. Leave quickly and quietly. Don’t wake anyone up. If you’re the girl who got fucked on a couch at a party, probably better you leave before anyone notices.

It was coming back a little now. Where’s my purse? That, luckily, was in plain sight. There was a used condom and its wrapper next to it on the couch. Regular, lubricated. It wasn’t empty and some of the contents were leaking onto the couch.

I’m not moving that. If you throw this kind of a party, you’re gonna have to deal with that there. It’s a little reminder to someone that a good time was had last night.

The first steps were shaky. Shoes. Ah. They’re still on. Heh. I got fucked in my heels. Someone got a good show.

It took a moment to find the door. There was a bathroom on the way and she ducked in, closing the door before turning on the light. She looked in the mirror. Damn I look good. I still look good.

Messy hair. She combed her fingers through it, catching once or twice. Knots? No, that’s cum. In my hair. Dried on my face.

She blotted and brushed briefly as she checked her makeup, then looked in her purse. How about that. Good party, all my stuff is there. Her phone was at the top, it still had some charge, and showed 7:18 Friday morning, lots of messages, reminders and announcements. She adjusted her top a little more. The dress was form fitting around her waist but definitely tight around the top. I really look good. But too much cleavage. The party was over and she wasn’t going to show the Friday morning world all the goodies. Maybe the party wasn’t completely over for her, but still.

The door was delightfully quiet as it closed. It was an apartment building, with a short hallway to an elevator. The floor marker read P. She pressed the button and stepped through the opening door a moment later. 26 floors. Fancy.

She took a moment to collect herself as the cabin raced downwards. I look professional enough. Casual Friday. I’m just going to work. Look like a professional. Stand straight. Don’t waver. It wasn’t the easiest thing but she managed. She was confident that she could walk through a lobby in these heels without giving away her secret.

Shit. Doorman. Very fancy. Turning and smiling, she said in her most cheery, fake morning voice, “morning!” The doorman regarded her with a nod and looked back down at what he had been doing. Okay, he’s not having it. Whatever. He’s kinda cute. Probably jealous he wasn’t at the party last night.

It was warm outside, late spring. She still had no idea where she was.

Go right. Look normal. The street didn’t have too much movement. As she walked she realized she was still quite drunk. This is dangerous. Public street, I’m probably stumbling. Please let me make it home without incident.

And very sore. She’d dated a guy with a rather large cock a few years back, but this sore was only from that weekend they’d had sex three times a day. God, who was it who I fucked last night?

That’s dangerous too. But right now, this is bad. Walk straight, eyes down, keep to yourself.

Two blocks down there was a larger street. There’s gotta be a train station. Go right. Two blocks further and she was right. Now she knew where she was. She knew how to get home.

She waited for the train. Two boys. They said they were brothers. They didn’t look like brothers. One was maybe Russian. The other was a redneck. Boots, jeans, all of it. They couldn’t have been related. She remembered flirting with both of them throughout the night. Fuck. Which one was it? They both seemed ready to go.

Standing still she realized there was a slight trickle down the inside of her thigh. It moved slowly but it wasn’t going to be long before it passed the hemline of her dress on its way to her knee. Really? Cum? What’s with the condom then? There was definitely a condom. A condom with cum still in it. Look normal. Figure it out later.

The train arrived shortly after. It wasn’t close to empty. She was going to be seen. She was going to be inspected. She was going to be judged. Fuck ’em. They didn’t get laid last night.

As the train started to move, she realized she had to sit down. This was going to be a long ride. Luckily, it was the same line so she didn’t have to get up again until she was right close to home. She found one of the few available seats, next to some guy in a suit reading a newspaper.

They were mostly in suits, or summer Friday casual for a place where one usually wore a suit. Many of them kept to themselves or were in their own world. Some of them looked at her. They inspected.

I’m that girl. I’m not their pretty wife. I may not be as gorgeous but I spend almost nothing to look this way. I’m on my way home from last night on a Friday during their commute. I’m the girl they flirt with online and lust after in the office. I’m Pretty Woman to them. A smile grew across her face with that thought.

The trickle out of her pussy had picked up. She felt almost a flow now, with some globs. That’s seriously cum. It has to be. Surreptitiously, or so she thought, she pushed her dress up her leg a little and dipped a finger into what was coming out.

Shit. Those panties would’ve been really useful right now. I still don’t get it. She pushed her fingertip just a tiny way into her hole. With her legs together, the opening was tight. Slightly intoxicated and extremely sore, the intruding digit felt delightful. It electrified her a little and took away just a little touch of the haze clouding her brain and vision.

The finger next to it was now covered in the juices, both of them coated and almost dripping. I can’t sit here for the whole ride with my hand between my legs. Without anywhere to wipe them off, and still curious as to what it was, she quickly brought both fingers to her mouth.

Definitely cum. Wait. Someone came in my mouth. Someone came in a condom. Someone came in me. There’s no guy over 19 who’s going to cum three times, and they definitely weren’t 19 anymore.

As she started to remember a little bit more about last night’s conquest, I think I did well. I played them. But both of them? Their faces were still quite vague in her mind but, everyone was flirting with them. I got lots of dirty looks. I got the catch of the party, the desirable ones.

The realization hit her. I fucked more than one guy last night. At a party, in the living room, on the couch. She glanced around quickly, as if the commuters had some clue of her inner dialogue. They hadn’t moved and didn’t look any different. I’m the wild chick. These people don’t even know how much they want me. An even broader smile now attached to her face.

Two guys who seemed to know everyone. They flirted a lot but I stole their attention. She was aware of her hand, between her legs, but only slightly. Her memories were very much clouding her awareness of anything. I was the most attractive girl at this party. Good, because I looked good. She wiggled a little with excitement, the thrill and the sense of accomplishment. The wiggle made her hand move against her hips.

Fuck, that felt good. Not last night. Last night too but I still don’t remember that. My finger. I can touch just a little more. She justified it to herself, it had sobered her up a little. I’m still in public. I need my wits about me. This will help me clear my mind. This is a good idea. No one will notice.

By far most of the people around her were still too under-caffeinated or otherwise oblivious to notice as her hand slipped slowly and quietly back down to where her legs joined. Some did notice however, and a few even looked. All those who looked knew at this point that she didn’t have a lick of hair there.

This feels too good to stop. How can I be so horny after I fucked two guys? She didn’t have to move her fingers much, her middle finger slid in and her palm rubbing against her clit sent waves of pleasure through her body.

Fuck. I fucked two guys. At least two guys. Her own thoughts of how naughty she had been, elevated the level of arousal she was experiencing. One guy wore a condom. I have no idea who or even how many people fucked me raw. I make even my boyfriend wear condoms. He seriously can’t find out about this.

This wasn’t about him. He doesn’t always make me feel special. I felt special last night. I was the queen of the room. Hot boys ignored other people because they wanted me.

She was too wrapped up in her own little world now to even consider stopping, or even slowing down. I’m going to have to do this quietly. It’s going to happen. I’m going to come. Right here, on this crowded train, and soon. There’s no stopping this.

She tried to keep her eyes open and her posture as close to normal, for sitting on a train during the morning rush, as long as she could.

The last thing she remembered before she closed her eyes, threw her head back and tried to stifle a scream, was several tented pants crotches. She wasn’t trying all that hard anymore to cover up what she was doing. They weren’t trying to cover up watching her. Seeing that sent her barreling over the edge as a massive orgasm ripped through her.

I’m going to come. Fuck, I’m definitely coming. Fuck. I’m a dirty slut who had strange dicks spurting loads in her completely unprotected pussy last night.

There’s no stopping this. I don’t even care if it’s a bad idea. It’s a good idea though. How could a bad idea feel this good. Fuck. I’m coming hard.

Now I’m having a giant orgasm on a crowded train. I’m a fucking show, a hot mess, putting on a show for whoever wants to watch. And they’re watching. Fuck.

A couple minutes later, she’d straightened herself out a little and was sitting in the seat like everyone else. Just like everyone else, she was in her own world, pretending nothing had happened. Her mind had been racing but now it was calm and distant, and she was happy in the glow of her recent orgasm, riding the train home.

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