Tom's First Ch. 04 by mangrove jack,mangrove jack

Dot had been a bundle of nerves all night long. She had slept beside her husband and wondered if he could tell, or maybe even smell that she had had sex before she came home. In the morning as she showered she thought of young Tom. He had been more than she expected. Her body still trembled when she though of his kisses and his cock that had filled her pussy so full she thought it would burst.

She scrubbed her body hard but could not remove at least from her nostrils the sweet smell of sex, or was it the scent of him. Driving to work she wriggled and twisted until she let her hand drop to rub her pussy through her clothes.

At work Dot found it hard to concentrate on her job. She wanted to ring Tom but knew he was in school. “I just need to talk to him.” she told herself over and over whenever she looked at the phone.

She squirmed as she recalled how he licked around her pussy then along and in between her thighs. She wriggled in her seat pushing her legs under the desk, so no one could see what she was doing.

Even now she could feel his mouth nibbling, his tongue licking along her pussy both inside and outside. She shook her head and groaned as she recalled how he licked the outer lips first. She shivered as she remembered how he kissed then, before sucking them into his mouth. She rubbed herself under her clothes as the memories flooded back His tongue and lips had caressed her so gently they had created a rising heat in her body. Their touch was so light that she could hardly feel it. She rubbed her pussy and smiled as she recalled how without warning his tongue invaded her pussy.

Two or three people dropped into her office, but she could not recall what they wanted. Her mind was awash with memories of her night in the motel.

Next time I will be more prepared, she mused as she fingered her pussy under her desk. I want him on a bed, where I can watch what he is doing. He makes it so obvious that he loves my pussy that I want to watch. I want to see the look on his face, feel his hot breath as he loves my pussy.

Dot caught the eye of a workmate who was watching her closely through the plate glass petition that divided their offices. She left her desk and moved in to her private washroom. Closing the door she slumped on the toilet. Her legs pushed apart by her hands, jammed against the toilets side walls as she ran her fingers in circles over her clit.

“Oh my god,” she moaned as her heart thumped and her juices flowed.

Back in her office she rang Toni Tracey. “I had such a wonderful time I can’t think of anything else. I even dreamt about Tom last might. I’ve been wet all morning.” It was so exciting, I want to do it again tonight or this afternoon or whenever we can get free.”

Toni was over whelmed by Dot’s rush of words and obvious passion for young Tom Shit he must be good she thought. She spoke as loud as she could with out shouting “Settle down, your sounding a little crazy.”

“Well I am crazy I never thought I could want some one so much, that I can’t think of any thing else.”

Toni was breathing heavy as she encouraged Dot to tell her once more every detail of lasts nights’ adventure with young Tom.

She gasped as Dot described how she had become scared, when Tom didn’t follow her immediately into the motel room. “He took a long time coming in from the car park. I started to get cold feet. You worry that something has gone wrong, your sex drive disappears and worry takes over. Then all of a sudden he was there and all my worries disappeared. Especially when he stripped my clothes from my body, it was so quick so deliciously wrong.”

“It was awesome. I can’t begin to tell you what he did to me.” Dot whispered down the phone. “Oh how I wish you had been there,” she moaned. I `m going to meet him again, and I want you to come next time.”

When Toni didn’t reply, she stopped and asked, “Are you touching yourself.”

Only a moan came from the other end of the phone. “Good because I am too,”

“My god Toni it was just so marvellous to be fucked by a young hard body, so urgent, so vigorous, he just kept going. If it wasn’t his cock it was his tongue .My pussy was full for hours. His stamina made it so different from married sex with that lazy bloody husband of mime.”

“You know I’ve thought about it. It’s not just sex. It’s being wanted. After years of marriage your partner treats you like a possession he knows its there. He doesn’t get excited at the prospect that you might let him. You can tell young Tom’s perpetually excited; you can see his mouth watering feel his enthusiasm. He wants you; he’ll do anything to get into your pussy. He really makes love to it. You feel loved, you feel needed and there’s the added excitement of the possibility of getting caught. Add that all up and that’s what’s different. That’s what makes it so exciting.”

When Toni just groaned into the phone, Dot continued. “I can’t believe his tongue, he used it in such a way, that I believed him when he said, he loved my pussy. Remembering his gentle licking and sucking woke me up throughout the night. Each time I woke I was wet through.”

“It was so exciting I am going to do it again. I can’t stop now.”

Tom’s thoughts kept returning to Dot and their night in the motel. He licked his lips as he sat listening to Mrs Nelson in Biology class. I had the worlds best biology lesson last night he thought as he rubbed the tent in his pants.

Mrs Nelson a forty two year old divorcee liked Tom. She had a good, but not great body. She wasn’t a babe but probably would have been a few years ago. She was surprised when Tom stared at her then licked his lips and rubbed his bulge. My god, she thought, he’s signalling a sexual interest, and he’s coming on to me.

Nancy Nelson had led a quiet sex life since her divorce. She knew she was good looking. I’m short full bodied and sexy; she told herself when she looked in the mirror. Enough men tried to hit on her to confirm her judgement of herself. The available local single men her age were pretty gross, so she had resorted to reading erotic literature on the internet. In the last day or two she had been reading mature stories where older women sought younger partners.

Noting Tom’s stare she looked back at him. Remembering a story she had read last night, she winked then turned to bend over her bench in front of him to pick up some papers.

Tom sat up when Mrs Nelson winked. He studied her nicely rounded bottom when she bent in front of him. She’s teasing me he thought when he spied her looking back at him behind a pile of papers. Well two can play that game. He licked his lips, “Very nice,” he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

Shit, Tom thought, what am I doing. I have a married lover, I have two girlfriends and I’m flirting with my teacher. I really am turning into a sex fiend. Then he licked his lips again and studied her body more closely. Christ she’s got a great body he thought, I wonder whether she would like her pussy licked. The class bell cut short his thoughts, but he made sure to catch her eye and wink as he left the room.

He was horny now after that little flirting session With Mrs Nelson. He had tried before to ring Dot, but Melissa and her friends hardly left his side during recesses. He escaped and tried again on her direct line.

“I’ll ring you back, I’ve got a call waiting,” Dot said as she finished talking to Toni and hung up.

She gave a sigh of relief when she answered the waiting call. “Can you talk?” Tom asked, his voice showing his excitement

“I’ve borrowed an office mobile so ring me on this number it’s safer,” she whispered.

They both spoke at once when she answered the mobile. “I’ve been horny all day,” she told Tom. “I wanted to ring but knew that you should be in class.”

“Well I’ve slipped away to see you;” Tom replied. “If you sneak away for a half an hour, we could meet down in the botanical gardens on the river bank near your office.”

“Oh no! I couldn’t do that,” she responded quickly.

“I want to kiss you and touch you,” Tom whispered. “There’s a little boat house owned by the school, I can get the key, I row in the fours.”

She hesitated just for a minute or two. “Please come,” he whispered. “Don’t wear your panties or bra, I want to kiss you.”

“Oh hell people would notice,” she moaned. “No they won’t, just slip them off in your office before you leave. I won’t embarrass you I promise. I just want to kiss you.”

Sensing that she was going to eventually agree, he decided to push her into action. “I’ll leave now. I’ll ring your mobile in about five minutes when I get there. I’ll leave the door ajar and wait inside.”

Dot was talking to the accountant when her mobile rang. “I’m waiting.” Tom whispered.

Tom smiled when he heard her say before the link went, “I have to go out for half an hour, I’ll fix that up as soon as I get back.”

“She’s coming,” he cried as he danced around looking for places where they would have room.

Dot was full of nerves, she felt as though everyone was looking at her. She was naked under her blouse and skirt having removed all but her garter belt and stockings. They would notice if after coming to work for years wearing black stockings, I suddenly took them off and went out with out them, she told Tom later.

Only a few couples sat on seats along the path to the boathouse. As she drew near she felt more comfortable. The couples were kissing and were making sure she could not see their faces. Their cheating, she thought as she quickened her step and slipped up the path.

He had heard her coming and stood inside the door bare chested.

Dot squeezed through the half opened door and heard it closed and locked behind her.

She gasped when she turned around to find Tom closing the door. He had undone his fly and left his cock jutting out through his underpants like an old warships cannon.

“Kiss me,” he growled as she leant down so Tom could reach her lips. At the same time she reached for his cock. “Careful love,” he cried “it’s already leaking. Let me get your clothes off, we don’t want come stains on them when you go back to work.”

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