When I Found You by ScottPreston,ScottPreston

*Everyone in this series is 18 or older*

The conversation began like any other day. Kylie and her best friend Skyler were sitting outside the cafeteria at Westport High School, trying to distract themselves from the pain of the bullying they endured during the first part of the day.

“I heard what Janelle said about you earlier,” Skyler said. Kylie’s face started to turn red and blush, which was not unusual for this time of the day. She had just been yelled at in the cafeteria line about being the ugliest member of the senior class.

Janelle has been torturing Kylie since the two ended their friendship in sophomore year after Janelle asked out a boy who liked Kylie. As Janelle was part of the popular clique, the boy accepted without hesitation, causing Kylie, who also had a crush on the boy, to break down and retreat into being a social outcast. Janelle admitted she only became friends with her to ruin Kylie’s reputation, and while the relationship only lasted a few weeks, the plan worked.

“It’s fine. It’s not like anything she said was false,” Kylie responded.

“You can’t keep saying that!” Skyler yelled. She had met Kylie a few days after the Janelle fiasco, and they have been best friends ever since. Skyler just happened to be reading in the exact spot that Kylie believed was empty. The underside of the football field bleachers provided a safe place to cry. Once she could calm Kylie down, she gathered information about the whole ex-friendship and the events that occurred. It was similar to what Skyler experienced years before, so they gained an immediate bond.

“Yes, I can. Look. I dress in just sweats and a hoody. I only have one friend. I am constantly bullied…,” Kylie stated. At this point, Skyler was reaching her breaking point, she had heard Kylie constantly complain for the past two months since school started, and she had had enough.

“Shut up!” Skyler yelled. Kylie immediately stopped and just stared at her friend. In the past two years, she had never seen this type of reaction from her. “You are hot, cute, funny, and more pretty than anyone else at this damn school Kylie. Janelle is a bitch and is scared of who you could be.”

It just so happened that someone else was listening to this conversation, and he agreed with every aspect of the statement.

Jeremy was the captain of the baseball team, the head of student government, and most likely the most popular person on campus. He has been first in his class for the past three years and has tried to be friends with everyone on campus. He would go out of his way to talk to those not considered popular and even support and tutor those having issues in class. Everyone knew him, but he did tend to blend in more with the popular clique.

No one knew that his family could technically buy the town of Westport if they wanted. Jeremy never tended to showcase his wealth, he still drove an old Ford Focus and lived with his family in a small two-bedroom house near the school. He found it was easier than having everyone beg him for money constantly.

He just happened to be walking toward the side of the cafeteria, heading to the baseball field, when he overheard the conversation between Skyler and Kylie.

He decided it was time for someone to take down Janelle.

Skyler and Kylie were still arguing when Jeremy turned the corner. They hadn’t even heard him approach.

“Skyler. Kylie. What is going on here?” Jeremy asked.

“Oh….Hi Jeremy,” Skyler responded. She glanced over at her now crying friend. “Kylie and I were just discussing Janelle.”

“Don’t worry about it, Jeremy. I am fine,” Kylie was able to say in between the tears. She was clearly lying.

Jeremy could see right through her words and decided that while he did not know these two on a personal level, it was time to change that.

“Listen, let’s go off campus to get lunch. We still have an hour before classes resume, and I would like to discuss something with both of you.” Jeremy stated.

Both the girls were shocked by the idea. They had interacted with Jeremy between classes but never did anything with him directly. They looked at each other and agreed with a nod.

“Perfect, I have my car so let’s head to the student parking lot,” Jeremy said. The trio of students picked up their bags and started to walk.

The walk was quiet, and Kylie was still recovering from the earlier conversation, but Jeremy wanted to start a friendly chat to get to know these two more. He had an idea of how to solve the bullying issues but did not know how to bring up what he had in mind.

“While I was not there earlier, I did hear what Janelle said. She had no right to bring up what she did. It was completely inappropriate. I am sorry that happened.” Jeremy stated with sincerity. He also looked at Kylie and smiled.

Kylie saw the smile and gave a partial one back. Skyler also returned the smile. She happened to know that Kylie had a crush on Jeremy.

When the three reached his car, Jeremy opened the door for them. Skyler entered the back while Kylie took the front seat.

“Do you have any suggestions of places nearby to eat, or should I take you to one of my favorites? They have burgers, hot dogs, and pretty much any other type of grilled food.” Jeremy asked.

“That sounds great!” Kylie responded. She seemed to be feeling better now that she was away from the scene of the altercation. Skyler nodded her agreement, and Jeremy turned the car on to begin the quick drive to the restaurant.

“Listen. I know it’s been rough for you the past few years, and I really want to put an end to this bullying from Janelle. I have an idea if your willing to hear me out.” Jeremy said. He just hoped they would not hate him after he mentioned the details.

Five minutes later, they pulled into the restaurant parking lot. All were quite hungry and ready to discuss what Jeremy had in mind.

“Hi folks, how many today?” the server asked.

Jeremy knew the server recognized him, but he was happy when she did not mention his family ties to the restaurant. They actually owned it, along with a few others around the town, but he preferred to keep this under wraps.

“Just us three. Thanks.” Skyler responded.

They were led to a table near the window and given menus.

“So let’s order, then I can give you some information you should know before we discuss my plan,” Jeremy said. “I would recommend the hot dogs, they are the best in this town. I would bet my next baseball game on it.”

“Let’s just do the hot dogs then,” they agreed. The server came and took the order and left them alone.

“So Kylie. I know you have been having a lot of issues, and I am so sorry it took me so long to reach out to you.” Jeremy explained. “I don’t mention this to many people, but my family runs a software development company that focuses on making systems for schools to prevent cyberbullying, so this issue is personal.”

Both Kylie and Skyler were staring at Jeremy as he revealed more about his family business. He chose to exclude the actual size and income this business brought in.

“I have information on things Janelle has said online. Before I tell you what that is…, I need you to promise regardless of what we decide to do with the information. You did not hear from me.” Jeremy stated.

The girls looked at each other, and both knew they were willing to do anything to stop the torture Janelle had been putting them through for years.

“I promise,” they both said at the same time.

Jeremy nodded and took a folder from his backpack. He handed it over to the girls and glanced for them to open it.

When the girls opened the folder, they were presented with over twenty pages of information on Janelle, including her personal family life and her current boyfriend. It showed her texting other guys online and convincing them to send photos that were not appropriate for a school setting.

The faces of the girls sitting across from Jeremy showed shock. He expected this, but he did not realize the lengths these girls would go to ensure Janelle never had the chance to hurt anyone again. He also hoped that Kylie might consider going out with him once this was all over.

Once they received their food the conversation resumed.

“How did you get this?” Kylie asked. This was a question that Jeremey knew was coming, and he had already decided he would answer truthfully.

“I have ways to view specific user account data when they search things on a computer which is running a program,” Jeremey responded. “It’s not illegal for me to have the data, but it is to release it. Which is why I wanted you to promise me you would never tell anyone where you saw it.”

“Okay, so what will we tell people? Everything in here?” Kylie asked. She was holding back a little self-doubt on if this was really an idea she wanted to follow through with. Though decided at that moment she could not take the bullying anymore.

“I was thinking we could just show Janelle what we have and see if she will agree to stop bothering you,” Jeremy stated. He knew that the fewer people who ended up knowing would limit the risk.

“But won’t she just go to the principal and tell him we have information on her?” Skyler added. She was still not fully convinced this was a good idea.

“I don’t think she will. She knows a lot of what is in that file would cause her to be in more trouble than us. We can just decline to answer where we found the information.” Jeremy said with a very definitive attitude. “I am happy to do this alone regardless of what you decide, but I wanted to bring you in before I did.”

“I will do it. I don’t want it traced back to either of you and if she decides to come after me, the principal already knows she lies.” Kylie stated. “I have been the target of her for a while, and they know I don’t normally lie to them.”

She then looked directly at Jeremy and proposed a question.

“Why did you decide to do this? I don’t normally have anyone but Skyler care about me, and you seem to have really risked things to help me.” She was looking at Jeremy like she was about to burst into tears.

“I am going to be straight with you. I really don’t want to see you hurt again. I care too much about you to see you crying every day at lunch.” Jeremy said. “I hope this does not risk our friendship, but I have always liked you, Kylie, since freshman year.” He had a nervous smile shown on his face throughout the statement. Kylie seemed to be in shock, while Skyler was just grinning.

Kylie was frozen just starting at Jeremy when she was nudged by Skyler under the table which broke her stare. “Ummmmmm… I really don’t know what to say…” Kylie said. “I mean I have had a crush on you for a while, but I just assumed you were dating one of the popular kids.”

“No I actually have only dated one or two people since I started high school, and even then they only lasted about a month,” Jeremy replied. “I would like to take you out this weekend if you’re willing.”

“YES!” Skyler shouted before Kylie could even respond. She started laughing and pointed, “what she said!”

It was then time to head back to campus and put their plan in motion.

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