A Temp Comes to the Office (Revised) by Risandtylersexscapades

Hi, I’m Melanie. This piece is from a collection of stories I am writing with my husband documenting our journey as a polyamorous couple over the years. For obvious reasons we’ve changed our names in here, but little else. The stories are infused with both true events and fantasies, but the line between fact and


Off-Campus Landlady Ch. 03

An adult stories – Off-Campus Landlady Ch. 03 by TylerInuus,TylerInuus CHAPTER 3: Enslaving her Frott Boys It was a Monday morning, around 9am, and Martina had decided to get up early and grab some breakfast at one of the on-campus cafes. She wanted to soak in the atmosphere of the campus a little. Two months … Read more


Arse by KissingMarriedWomen,KissingMarriedWomen

I answered the knock at the back door and let in our next-door neighbour’s 18-year-old daughter. She was still in her college uniform, a white blouse and short navy blue skirt. She immediately went over to my wife who was standing at the sink washing salad. My wife was wearing a simple short white dress … Read more