Afternoon Delight by CuddlyPoolNoodle,CuddlyPoolNoodle

This afternoon her and I had lunch together and she came over to mine afterwards. We were sitting on my couch and things started getting heavy. We hadn’t seen each other in a few days so the tension was high and we were playing footsies under the table during lunch. So there we are, making … Read more


The Release by Russvegasguy,Russvegasguy

She slammed the car door. It had been a horrible day at the office. First the network went down for four hours. FOUR HOURS! IT blamed maintenance. Maintenance blamed management. Management blamed IT. It was a nightmare. Finally, after half the day wasted, her boss called her to let her know a big client had … Read more


Booty Packer by Samuelx,Samuelx

My name is Ashley Tender but most people call me big black mama. Maybe it’s because of my size. I’m a five-foot-ten, voluptuous gal with jet-black skin and a chunky but sexy body. Oh, and I’ve got a basketball-sized booty. That’s my cans of junk in the trunk. Yes, I’m a big girl with a … Read more