This Stays Between Us, Right? by LydiaWilde

A literotic sexstories: This Stays Between Us, Right? by LydiaWilde , Chapter 1: Brittany. Brittany is a hot little redhead just begging for a good time with her best friend’s dad! I was sitting on my couch as I did just about every Friday evening. It was about 8 pm, I was eating a slice … Read more


Never in a Thousand Years by Privates1stClass,Privates1stClass

The characters in this story were 18 years old when they first engaged in sexual activities. September 1984 “Ten bucks says Heather won’t date you,” Jeff said, smirking, as he pulled a $10 bill out of his wallet. Brian and Shawn each slapped their ten on top of Jeff’s. I responded, “Wait a minute, if … Read more


Backyard Voyeur by JoeVerde1,JoeVerde1

During the 1950s my family lived in the a middle class neighborhood in Buffalo, NY, a city noted for its sports teams and the sometimes prodigious amounts of snow it gets in the winter (While I lived in Buffalo back then, I saw it snow in every month but July and August.) But this story … Read more