The Protege chapter 1 by rimaday

Alecia, turns a chance meeting with her hero into a life changing job offer. When Cynthia stirs some strange feelings in her.. Alecia must find the balance between her personal and professional desires. My name is Alecia Carmichael. My story begins when I was 24 and just finished my MBA in Finance from Indiana University


Home Entertainment by author1962

Home Entertainment I had just finished having my shower and was in the process of trying to get dressed when I discovered that I had forgotten to do laundry the week before and I had run out of underwear. I piled all the clothes into the laundry basket and headed downstairs to start the first … Read more


Guilty Pleasures Ch. 09

An adult stories – Guilty Pleasures Ch. 09 by Publius68,Publius68 Welcome to my latest series, mashing up a few more tropes. This one turned out to be a crazy ride, so get ready for something that ends quite unlike it begins. One thing you can be sure of, even though this is Literotica, and this … Read more


Basic Art by PMDlite,PMDlite

Basic art. The class was a lower level class designed to meet the general education requirement for undergraduates and also allowed older “Continuing Education” students such as myself to sign up, provided there was room. I had tried before and the seats were always gone. I had been surprised to see several open spots when … Read more