A Mostly Unpleasant Surprise by CloveHardwood

A Mostly Unpleasant Surprise by CloveHardwood The following story is entirely a work of fiction. It has minor plot elements inspired by my own life, but my real-life partner, Ginger (http://abitofginger.com) has been nothing but respectful to me throughout our open marriage. This story is, in fact, driven by my fantasies of what it would … Read more


Fun with Dianne by PO469

Fun with Dianne by PO469 <br/> Dianne loved to fuck and older men were her favorite partners , Fun with Diane Diane was 5’1″ tall and only weighed 102 pounds. Her tits were shaped like someone had cut a medium sized navel orange in half and put the two halves on her chest. She had … Read more


The Counselor by Luscious Lips

“Okay, that’s enough about your grades,” Virna Finch, said while placing Betsy King’s file down on her desk, “so, now let’s discuss your personal life.” “Ma’am?” Betsy asked her guidance counselor. “You know, dear, about your relationships with boys.” “Uh, I’m not sure exactly what you mean……,” the red face senior replied nervously. “Just what


Holiday nightclub by Robertos

All of the first half or more is based on what my wife and I actually did. The last part is unfortunately just fiction. It took me a couple of years to get Margie into dressing like a slut. She’d been brought up in a religious environment, and so needed to have her mind developed


In the Mood for Love by Active Fapper

Watching porn to get in the mood, but distracted by a tattoo. So I’m laying in bed. I’ve got my toy box and my kindle. Underneath my ass I have a puppy training pad and a bath towel to catch my juices. I’m a super messy lady. My toy box contains a dildo eight inches


Dog Sitter Comes to Visit by Risandtylersexscapades

Hi, I’m Melanie. This piece is from a collection of stories I am writing with my husband documenting our journey as a polyamorous couple over the years. For obvious reasons we’ve changed our names in here, but little else. The stories are infused with both true events and fantasies, but the line between fact and


Collection of short stories by alcaira

Collection of short stories by alcaira <br/> A bunch of strories , * * * * * * * * Walking home from her friend’s thirteenth birthday party Sandy smiled to herself: it had been the first coed party she had been allowed to attend, and she loved it. Jeff, sixteen years old and the … Read more


Guilty Fantasies 03: Using my wife’s tits by I am Inger

Tit-fucking my fat, disabled wife. A long writing, as it is told 5 times, themed from Consensual to hard Snuff, stop reading if you reach your limit! Categories: Consensual – Subject a willing participant, goal is satisfaction of me or both I and subject(s). Non-Consensual – Subject not a willing participant, but passive. There is


First Contact by Aureliansol

As the music played and the people danced around the fire, drunk on wine, Dr. Alistar Brand sat by the light of a lantern observing and excitedly scribbling in his notebook. He brushed his jet black hair out of his face and adjusted his reading glasses. Alistar was an alien anthropologist assigned by the Intergalactic


Roommate Screening Ch. 01 by fidgetwrites

Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are over eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, 2023. All rights reserved. Enjoy! Roommate Screening – A Slut Screen Story by Fidget Chapter 1 I