Claustrophobia Cure by RisiaSkye,RisiaSkye

Candace punched the button for the elevator with mixed feelings. She was already running fifteen minutes late, and if she didn’t make up the time somewhere, she’d be late meeting Jeff. Usually she arranged her day to allow herself an extra twenty minutes to walk up and down the stairs from her 40th floor office, … Read more


Futa Milk Cafe by JasonSensation

A literotic sexstories: Futa Milk Cafe by JasonSensation , Cum as many times as you can. Lilly: I can’t believe it! I finally opened my own Futa Milk Café! It’s a small kiosk in the middle of the mall, but there’s already a line!Veronica: Hi! I’d like a medium milkshake, please. Lilly: Cumming up! The … Read more