Zelmas on Tour Pt. 10

This is the 10th and final part of a sequel to the Vix’s Licks series, picking up after the epic gig at the Magna Carta, and following Vix’s band on their European tour. Best to read the whole Vix’s Licks series, and Parts 1 through 9 of this one before this, to be familiar with


Vickie goes to Vegas by vickie2

A literotic sexstories: Vickie goes to Vegas by vickie2 , I was a little shy about going back to their room but they seemed pleasant enough and Tony liked too. But then, he’d been drinking quit a bit at the black jack table. He’d been losing at the tables all night and maybe he thought … Read more


Bahamas Vacation (1) by bandfour

A literotic sexstories: Bahamas Vacation (1) by bandfour , My fiancee had died about a month ago. I took a trip to get away from things. I ended up with trip I will always remember. Bahamas VacationMy fiancee, Debby, and I had dated since we were 15. It is now over 9 years later. I … Read more


Couples Cruise Pt. 01 by Vikingwarrior32,Vikingwarrior32

The first part of a two-part series. Told from the perspective of each character. Thank you to kenjisato and P_Anderer for editing. **Jenny** Carl and I were high-school sweethearts. We married young and never had any desire for children; we spent our time and money on renovating our house. Most of our friends soon had … Read more


Sile, Off to Japan by LostDreamer79,LostDreamer79

Sile, off to Japan, Sile was in a hurry when she left her friends to lock up the ranch for the drive to the airport a bit after 4:00. Her heels and small purse in the passenger floorboard, the wind drying her thick red hair, trying to make a 6:35 flight out of Bush Airport. … Read more