A Modern Harem – Part 3 – by kathrynmburke

As soon as this operation was over, Hilary exuberantly leaped on top of Gerald, plastering his face and neck with kisses.

“How was that?” he managed to ask, distracted by her enthusiasm.

“It was great!” she cried.

“Did it hurt much?”

“Nah, not much.” But Gerald could tell, from Hilary’s watery eyes, that she’d felt quite a bit more pain than she was letting on.

Hilary was also rubbing her belly against Gerald’s cock, in the hope that he would revive for another round. In fact, within minutes of her deflowering she exclaimed, “Say, why don’t you go into my butt?”

Gerald gasped. “Oh, Hilary, I don’t think I should do that.”

“Why the hell not?” she said, annoyed. “You do it to Mom.”

He scowled at her. “How do you know that?”

“She told me.”

“She told you? That’s kind of private.”

“Yeah, well,” she said with her usual chuckle, “I got it out of her. So how about it, guy?”

“I don’t know, dear.”

“Oh, come on! What’s the harm?” And with that, she leaped off of him and opened the top drawer of the nightstand, where she’d hidden away Joyce’s jar of cold cream. “You like to use this for lube, don’t you?”

“Did your mom tell you that too?”


Gerald sighed. “Okay, if you insist.”

He lubed her up–a process that made Hilary giggle. No one had ever stuck his fingers into that place before, not even herself! Gerald had her lie down flat on her stomach–but as he looked at her, she seemed so small and vulnerable that he again felt reservations about inflicting this procedure upon this naïve young woman. But as he hesitated, she looked up at him with raised eyebrows as if to say: What’s the delay, bub? Just forge right in–I can take it.

He carefully got on top of her and guided his cock into the aperture. When he’d gone in an inch or two, Hilary took in a huge intake of breath at the unfamiliar sensation, and her sphincter instinctively tightened up to guard against this unnatural invasion. Gerald had to massage her bottom and whisper into her ear, “Just relax, dear, it’ll hurt less that way.” It took a while for Hilary send a message from her brain to her butt to loosen up, but at last she did so, and Gerald plunged his cock a little more than halfway into that virgin anus.

Hilary’s eyes closed tightly again, and a grimace came over her face. But she was determined to get through this, and presently she fell into an uncharacteristically passive state as she allowed Gerald to plow into her nearly all the way. He was surprised at how far in he managed to get–even farther than he usually did with Joyce. And as he lowered himself onto the petite girl, wrapping his arms around her chest and seizing her small breasts, he felt totally in possession of her. He tried to make it nice for her by sliding a hand down her front and covering her sex, fondling her moist labia and clitoris with his fingers as he pummeled her poor little bottom.

His climax came even before he expected it, as long, thick streams of his come shot into her rectum, causing both him and her to let out guttural cries. Hilary was experiencing a thunderous orgasm too, and her whole body shook so much that she almost dislodged Gerald from her ass; but he remained in place. It seemed to take minutes for him to drain himself, and even after it was over he stayed buried in her, reluctant to withdraw. Both of them felt an inexpressible sense of unity–the fusion of bodies, minds, hearts, and souls that only the most intimate acts of love can produce.

But at last he pulled out, and Hilary felt that gaping sense of vacancy that comes to every woman after sex.

They managed one more copulation–a long, leisurely session of sixty-nine that sent Gerald’s third emission foaming into her mouth while he tasted the mingled juices of her fluid and his own as it oozed out of her, with just a hint of the coppery taste of the few specks of blood remaining around her pussy.

After that, they fell into an exhausted and well-earned sleep.

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