Double the Fun

Allie came down as dinner was almost ready. She had been messing with her new toothbrush she said. She said that she got one because Claire got one on the advice of a friend that liked hers a lot. From over by the stove, Alice added, “she brushes her teeth for five minutes every morning and massages her gums for a good fifteen minutes almost every night. Maybe I should get one.” The girls were about to explode stifling their giggles. “I am more for “hand operated” myself, but I can try it and if I don’t like it, I guess they could always use a spare.” And wham… Allie clipped the shit out of my shin under the table, kicking me a glancing blow with the side of her shoe.

After dishes were done, we headed over to the den to stream something. By then, dad was home and he and Alice went to their study. In the den, we “kids” were playing the TV at a “camouflage level” and having a private conversation. I got chastised for the double entendre– hinting using tooth brushes as vibrators was forbidden. Parents weren’t supposed to know why rechargeable, multispeed, “rumble mode” tooth brushes are preferred by teen girls for their dental hygiene.

The next topic was… me. Had I decided? And I told them that I had decided to never date again. That teasing to the point of blue balls and sending me to school with my dick shoved up between my ass cheeks was an insult that I wasn’t willing to bear. Allie added, “Get with the program boy-o and you won’t have that problem. Wean us off our tooth brushes and we will wean you off your hand lotion…” Put like that, we immediately came to terms.

Alice and dad came in just as we were done talking and saw us as a stereotypical family unit. We were watching a TV show, laughing, and making snide comments at the TV. Our parents couldn’t have been happier. They let us know that they were going to be gone sailing for a couple days and we were going to have some rules while they were gone: I could go stay with friends if I wanted to but I couldn’t have any friends over. The girls had to spend nights at home and could have girls (but no boys) over. Allie said that she would be going back to college soon and would prefer family time to partying. Claire and I responded that it was getting close to semester’s end so staying home sounded better. We could finish studies and then Allie said that she had a friend named “Betty” that she wanted to expose me to. Claire almost did a spit-take when Allie said that. (Something fishy going on there.)

The days went by slowly as we awaited our parents much anticipated sailing trip to the Keys. The girls kept their promise to stop torturing me as they continued their search for dental hygienic perfection. I was under strict orders to not “abuse myself.” Evenings were nice, Claire is impressive. A shy bookworm but she is so sweet… an emotional “bull in a china shop.” Underneath all that “smart young woman driven to excellence” she is a kind hearted, uptight babe that really, needs to get laid. When she decides to start dating, she is going to be a real heart stomper until she gets her head on straight.

On Wednesday, I thought I saw her at the fence near the stands during soccer practice. I didn’t take her for much of a sports fan but someone looking like her hung out in the stands, reading a book and watching practice. When I looked for her afterwards, she wasn’t around. I didn’t think much about it so I didn’t ask about it at home. Then on Thursday I saw them again and this time, I didn’t wait until after showers to find her. As we were clearing the field, she was leaving the stands. It was Claire. I stopped her and asked her to wait up for me so we could catch a bus ride home together.

She said that she was walking. I offered to walk with her either sweaty or clean but I had to grab my books either way. She waited while I showered and then we walked. She asked about soccer and why I played. I explained that playing was fun and I wasn’t good and many things but I was good at soccer. I liked defending and assisting. She said that most people felt excited about scoring. Then she mentioned that my contribution was central the team’s scores in our last 3 games. If I hadn’t made those steals, we wouldn’t have won. I hadn’t realized she had even been watching. I asked her about her interests and she cleverly dodged. She said that she was more of a “mathlete” and the school hadn’t fielded a girls’ soccer team in years. So, if she wasn’t interested in sports, I asked if it was a guy and she blushed. I pressed to find out who and she flat out refused and then she added: “no worries, he is just an idiot.” I answered that any idiot that had her attention was a lucky one indeed. Maybe he would wake up in time and not lose her interest. She answered, “Yes, maybe.”

She then changed the subject and said that I wasn’t given proper credit for my play. That she loved the way I’d come from deep behind, sprinting like my ass was on fire into an opposing team’s well-orchestrated play and just steal the ball. Then I’d reverse field, and take the ball back up field and do a chip shot to that guy that takes all the credit. I mentioned that he was an ace shot and no amount of bravado makes a shit worth of difference if there is no follow through. You are great at the lead-up and the face-off. You just need some work on your follow through and then you will score, I am sure of it. I think you just look at the ball too much. You don’t look at your feet at all until you have the ball and then you think that you can’t trust them.

That night, I asked Alice about Claire and soccer. Alice gushed on about how Claire used to love playing city-league but she aged out. Middle school fielded a team of 5-a-side but high school didn’t. Then she bragged about how Claire and I played a lot alike but that Claire “took the shot.” She didn’t always hit but she relied on her mates to cover for her misses, not to take her shot. Then she suddenly realized what she had said and apologized.

The next day, Claire was waiting as usual. This time she had some soccer kit on. She goaded me a bit and we started practicing a bit on a 5-a-side field in a public park. The goal and field are much smaller but you can still use it for practice a bit. Fun thing was, Claire took off her shirt. She wore a sexy sports bra… and I didn’t stare at my feet. We wound up getting others interested and made coed teams and had a blast. It was open and given how the game was played: us with no goalie and I was trying to seal the ball. If they could score, they got the point. I had to steal and to score against their goalie. Much fun. Maybe Claire isn’t such a hard ass after all. We left the park and walked home. She was the happiest I had ever seen her. She might be a “mathlete” but she really loves playing soccer.

Soon it was Friday and the car was packed. The parents would be on the road at first light. At dinner, the girls were at a Christmas Eve level of giddy. I was all jitters looking forward to the weekend as well. “Blow University” would be in full session from the time they left until 10 days later. I had saved up and the girls were going to teach me a bit about giving head too. The debauchery would start first thing Saturday morning. (And I was so looking forward to being “de-bauched.”)

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