Misty and the Old Guy by LadyCarol

Misty and the Old Guy by LadyCarol

Discover the tantalizing tale of 'Misty and the Old Guy' by LadyCarol, where passion ignites in unexpected places. This erotic short story explores age, desire, and sensual encounters that will leave you breathless. Dive into an unforgettable journey of attraction and intimacy today!<br/>

Innocent Misty is corrupted by a pervert. , Misty and the Old Guy

Misty Gardner sat in her car outside her flat and collected her things. It had been a busy day in the school where she worked as a teaching assistant, and she was looking forward to a nice hot bath. There was only one more thing left to do. Run the gauntlet of old man Hopkins.

She took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing Misty.” She slung her bag over her shoulder and climbed from the car, opening the rear door, and collecting a series of ring binders and various folders that contained her marking for the evening.

She was almost certain that pervy Hopkins would have seen her pull up, but she reasoned that if she was quick, she might just make it to the external staircase that led to her flat, before he could catch her.

She made good progress along the path only to stumble on the first rung and drop her folders. “Shit and damn!” She cursed to herself, as the folders clattered noisily onto the metal staircase, and two of the folders slipped between the metal rungs and dropped out of reach on the other side. She was dead. She knew there was no coming back from this.

She stared with trepidation at the door to Mr Hopkins flat, and heard the heavy bolt being drawn.

“Ah, Misty.” He said brightly, openly devouring her breasts with his eyes like always, the old pervert. “I thought it was you. Is everything ok?”

“Oh, hello Mr Hopkins. Yes, everything’s fine. I`ve just dropped my stuff that`s all. I`m having a clumsy day today.”

“Oh dear. I would love to help, but it`s my back you see. It`s a little stiff today.”

Probably not the only thing that`s stiff, she thought to herself.

She smiled. “it`s ok Mr Hopkins I can get them.” There was only one thing for it. She got down on her hands and knees and crawled beneath the open staircase, retrieved the lost folders, and began slowly backing back out, giving Horrible Hopkins the most perfect view of her jeans clad ass.

She felt two hands on her hips.

“Oh, I`m sorry Misty, I was a little close to you there.”

“I`m fine Mr Hopkins, really.”

Misty shuffled quickly backwards and got to her feet. Did he squeeze her ass then? Did he actually squeeze her ass?

“I`ve taken the liberty of putting your milk outside your door. The milkman always leaves it at the bottom and I know how heavily laden you are when you come home.”

“Thanks Mr Hopkins, that`s very kind of you.” Said a flustered Misty, quickly gathering her things and hurrying up the staircase.

She fumbled in her bag for the key only to feel it slip through her fingers, tumble over the rail, and land at Hopkin`s feet.

“My, you really are clumsy today aren`t you.” He smiled, reaching up to hand her the key. In order to reach it, she was forced to lean over the rail giving Hopkins the worlds greatest view down the front of her blouse, as her E cup tits did their best to bust her bra and drop neatly into his dirty grubby little hands. Tits and ass in one day. Way to go Misty.

Misty was twenty-two years old and had been living in the flat for almost three weeks, ever since her elderly Gran had left it to her in her will. It wasn`t the greatest, with single glazed windows and a badly tiled bathroom, but it was hers. How many other girls her age had their own home? No one that she knew, and she had inherited it fully furnished. None of it was to her taste, but it was comfortable, and she liked it.

Her Gran had warned her about Mr Hopkins and told her some pretty awful stuff. How he was completely sex mad. How women would come and go at all hours, sometimes two or more at a time, and a great many other things. There were even stories of Satanism and witchcraft.

Before she`d moved in, Misty didn`t really believe most of what she`d been told. I mean, how can a guy of eighty possible be that horny? In fact, how can any guy be so sex crazed all of the time? And Satanism? Really!

Working at the school, and moving into the flat, had greatly enhanced her knowledge of Mr Hopkins. Snatched pieces of conversation at the school gates, told her that some of the Mums had had dealings with Hopkins and had even been to his flat for sex. The same and others, had posed in his home for photos for a particular website that he ran.

The women talked freely and openly about these things, and Misty was completely shocked that they would discuss something like this in public.

To say Misty was inexperienced in things sexual, was an understatement. Her breasts had started growing at a very early age, and she had had to put up with the endless groping and name calling, as a result. Things became so bad in her final year at school, that she shunned all male contact, and withdrew into her bubble, keeping whatever sex drive she had, very much to herself.

And so she had remained, completely virginal and innocent.

Her job at the school gave her a steady income, and she had a reasonably wide circle of friends, which had annoyingly begun to dwindle as one by one, they paired off with boys. But she was content.

Misty ran her bath and stepped into the water. She had always preferred a bath to a shower which was nice as the flat didn`t have one. She slipped a little deeper, feeling the water take her weight, and gave a happy sigh. If old Mr Hopkins could see her now, she giggled to herself. He would think all of his birthdays had come at once.

She washed and dried herself, and ran a hand over her bare pussy, feeling the barest hint of stubble. Not having it, she thought as she reached for the depilatory cream. She hated the thought of hair between her legs and took great pains to ensure it remained silky smooth.

She rubbed the cream into the fat folds of her sex, and along the deep slit to her anus, taking care to reach every surface. She had to admit that it turned her on massively when she did this, and a finger often strayed to her hard-little clit, while a hand massaged her tit, pulling and rubbing the large pink nipples. But not today.

Having rinsed and dried, she stood in her bedroom, naked before the floor mirror. She was always highly critical of her body but could see little to fault. Her breast were large but firm, sitting high on her chest with very little sag. She cupped them in her hands loving the texture and firmness, and the way that her nipples hardened whenever she did this. She ran a hand over her taut stomach and cupped her pussy. She ran hands over her hips, loving the way they flared out into two perfectly formed, muscular thighs.

Catching sight of her bottom in the mirror, she thought it appeared a little too small. She would have liked a bigger one. But hey, who`s complaining. Her hair was naturally blond, almost the colour of straw. A gift from her Swedish Mother, with blue eyes and a wide full mouth.

God, I look innocent. She thought to herself. Never been kissed. Never been touched. I look like what I am. A professional virgin.

There was of course, a solution to that problem, and that solution lay just a few inches under her feet.

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