The Long Ride Home by WolfyLikes

“36D, what do you think?” Stacey asked.

“They’re very very nice indeed,” I answered.

“My turn,” Stacey said, getting off her bike and prompting her friend to hold it.

She turned her back, hooked a thumb on either side of her shorts and hooked them down, keeping her legs straight. Her peachy arse shot into view, perfectly round except for a small vee where the top of her cheeks was.

“Oooh, he likes that,” Katie laughed.

She pulled down her top and Stacey turned around to face me having pulled up her shorts. She asked me to pass my phone over, typed something into it, and handed it back.

“We have to go now, our parents will be expecting us back soon. We probably won’t see you tomorrow, maybe Thursday?” she asked.

Sure, same time same place,” I answered.

I rode off back home as well as my growing bulge would let me, my semi-erect cock trying to escape from my shorts. If the girls had noticed it, neither had let on. I got home and showered, trying to resist the images in my head and not masturbate.

Having dried me and gone downstairs to cook something to eat, I checked my phone while waiting. While she had my phone, Stacey had inputted both hers and Katie’s phone numbers. It wouldn’t hurt to send them my number back I thought to myself, the girls had intrigued me enough to do so. I sent them both the same text saying it was me texting and put my phone down. Within seconds I had two notifications. Both were images, I opened the first and saw a picture of Katie sprawled across her bed, legs splayed open but she was still fully clothed. The second was of Stacey, on all fours on a bed and again, sadly still clothed. Behave, I told myself, you’ve already seen more of them than you were expecting today.

I looked at both pictures, then something dawned on me.

“Are you two in the same room? I thought you lived in different houses?” I texted.

“I’m at Katie’s house, we’re supposed to be studying,” Stacey replied.

“There doesn’t look much studying going on?” I sent back.

“It’s an excuse to talk about boys, and do other things,” Katie answered.

I left the conversation there and settled in front of the TV to eat. If they wanted to tell me what other things they meant, they’d tell me in their own time. There were no further messages that evening.

Wednesday came and went fairly uneventfully. Work was quite boring and I had no interest in being there. Thursday found me in a much better mood though, maybe because I might see Katie and Stacey on the way back. Surely enough, they were there.

“Want to come down to the canal again?” Stacey asked. Katie giggled.

“Hello to you two too. What for?” I said, teasing.

“You can see us flash again if you ask nicely?” Stacey responded.

“I think I’d like that very much,” I answered.

We rode to the same place as last time and the girls got off their bikes and leaned them against a tree. They paused as someone jogged past us down the towpath, then after looking at each other, pulled their shorts right down at the front. They both giggled with excitement. Two shaven pussies peeked out at me, Stacey having a finely trimmed line just above her clit, Katie’s was fully shaved.

“Yours now,” Katie urged, as the girls pulled their shorts back up.

I quickly glanced around, then pulled my shorts down, my cock being released into the warm air. Stacey gasped.

“Oh boy, it’s bigger than my dad’s!” she cried out.

Myself and Katie both stared at her. She caught our disapproving looks.

“I walked in the bathroom one night and he was showering, and hadn’t pulled the curtain right over. I saw him masturbating and backed out quietly,” she explained.

Katie let out an audible phew and Stacey laughed. There were thirty seconds of silence, broken by Katie.

“Will you have sex with us?”

“What, here?” I laughed.

“No silly. My parents are out tomorrow all day, we have the house to ourselves. Stacey and I normally spend the day masturbating.”

I gave her a puzzled look. She continued the explanation.

“We masturbate in the same room at the same time a lot. We normally talk about men and what they’d do to us if we had the chance.”

Stacey looked at Katie, then said, “We need to be honest with him.”

She turned and looked at me.

“We masturbate a lot because we’re both virgins. Both of our parents are very religious, they don’t believe in sex before marriage. We hear lots of our college friends talking about sex and neither of us can wait any longer.”

“So, did you single me out on purpose then?” I asked.

“No, we genuinely bumped into you the other night, then couldn’t stop talking about you. You’ve no idea how happy we were to see you the next night and you stopped to talk to us,” Stacey said.

“And we both fancy you like mad,” Katie followed on.

“And the age gap doesn’t bother you both?” I asked.

Both of the girls shook their heads to say no. My semi-erect cock from thinking about having sex with them both had made up my mind for me.

“It just so happens Friday is my day off, so yes I will. Where and when?” I said.

The girls laughed and cheered, then high-fived each other. They told me to meet them at midday, here by the canal. Katie said there was a back gate we could go through at her house, so the bikes would be safe and nobody would see us go back there. I showered that night, desperately trying not to masturbate to save myself for the following day. My self-control let me down, and I splattered a huge load over the shower curtains.

The next morning was even warmer than the last few days had been. I awoke in a good mood knowing I’d be seeing the girls later and got better when the garage phoned and said the parts had arrived, would be fitted that day, and the car would be ready to pick up the next day. Another bonus was the repair bill was a lot less than I’d been expecting.

I put on shorts and an old football top, silky material that wouldn’t make me sweat in the sun like some of my other t-shirts. I had a slow casual ride to the canal towpath, getting there ten minutes early, but saw the girls were already there and looked very excited to see me approaching them.

Stacey was wearing a sundress with buttons up the front, the bottom two buttons undone presumably to help her get her legs over her bike. Katie was wearing very high cut shorts with a vest top that didn’t do much to keep her large breasts inside. Their bikes both facing me, Stacey threw her leg over hers and I got a quick glimpse of her inner thigh. I felt my cock stir already. Katie mounted her bike and leaned forward to grip the handlebars, the vest slid down almost to her nipples. I got an instant image of my cock in her cleavage, and my cock stirred again.

The girls turned and rode off down the canal, the sight of their arse cheeks rising and falling as they pedalled was mesmerising. We moved off the towpath, along a couple of streets, then along an alleyway until we reached Katie’s house. We went through a gateway into the rear garden, enclosed on both sides by trees.

Once inside the girls couldn’t wait to get upstairs, running right up giggling loudly. I entered the bedroom just as Stacey was hurriedly undoing the other buttons on her sundress, and let it slip to the floor. She was totally naked underneath, and I gasped as I caught my first view of her tits. They were as large as Katie’s, perhaps a little rounder. She saw me staring.

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