The Yellow Pages Girl – Part 2 by P_Anderer

“You have a really pretty pussy,” she murmured. “I love your neat little lips,” she said, as her fingertip gently explored my folds.

“I need to taste you, so badly,” she whispered, as she gently moved her head down and ran her soft tongue along the length of my slit, her lips caressing my outer lips, her hair brushing against my inner thighs as she moved her head. Her touch was so different to a man’s… somehow softer, gentler… and utterly delightful.

Her tongue swirled around my entrance, delved in, then moved up to flick over my hard bud. Her touch was so different to the intense, harsh sensations from the toy. A sensual lapping which soon had me in raptures, my juices pooling again.

Gemma shuffled round, so she was completely between my legs, then gently coaxed my knees up, parting my thighs even more, opening me to her completely. She was soon alternately sucking on my clitty, sweeping up and down my folds, then drilling her tongue deep inside my entrance, scooping up my juices.

I pressed the back of her head with the palm of my hand, pulling her in closer, forcing her tongue into harder contact with my wanting pussy. My other hand went to my nipples, teasing and twisting them, as Gemma’s tongue raised me to another level of pleasure.

Suddenly, a movement, and instantly, Gemma’s fingers were buried inside my soaking cunt, twisting and thrusting, her lips still sucking and pulsing on my swollen clit.

Then she pulled her face away, to concentrate on assaulting my aching cunt with her rapidly thrusting fingers, her thumb massaging my clit as her fingers went in and out. Before long, my body was shaking as I felt another orgasm welling up in me. Then my hips bucked as I thrust against her, driving her fingers deep inside me as I erupted.

I felt a flood leave me, soaking her hand as I went over the top, into another dark abyss of pure pleasure. I must have nearly passed out, as I barely felt her fingers slide out of me.

When I did recover my senses, I found Gemma’s head back between my legs, her soft tongue gently lapping up my copious woman cum. I fell back on the pillows and just sighed.

Then Gemma locked her deep brown eyes with me over the horizon of my navel, her head gently bobbing as she softly lavished her attention on my tingling pussy. Those eyes were filled with utter contentment…

“Oh Gemma, that’s so lovely, but I don’t think I can take any more,” I whispered, gently lifting under her jaw, to ease her mouth away from my puss. She sat up slightly, pulling a mock pouting expression, then smiled and used her tongue to lick my juice from all around her lips. She then shuffled up the bed and flopped down alongside me, her head on my shoulder.

I could feel her breath grazing over my turgid nipple as she rested there. I put my arm around her, as I drifted into sleep, trying to process all that had happened during this crazy day.

It must have been an hour later, when I was wakened by Gemma moving off the bed and going into the bathroom. I stretched, revelling in the feeling of emerging from the kind of luxurious sleep you can only have after wonderful sex. I felt totally satiated and content.

A few minutes later, she returned and plonked down on the bed, giving me a beaming smile. “Wow, Char, that was pretty amazing! You are very sexy, you know,” she said, squeezing my hand.

“I think I’ve learned a lot about myself today,” I replied. “You’ve stirred something in me, a side of me I didn’t know existed, to be honest. I’m still feeling a bit confused by it all… it really is a lot to take in…

“Thing is, I’ve crossed boundaries… done things I’d never dreamed I would. But… I guess what’s on my mind is, well…” I looked into the pools of her deep brown eyes and tried to explain. “I can’t deny, what you did to me was incredible; I never felt anything like that before. Now I just don’t know whether it was a one-off, something that ‘just happened’, or whether there’s…”

I was struggling with words. Gemma patiently waited while I tried to assemble my mixed-up thoughts.

“It’s just, well, I know how good it felt, you… going down on me. So I’m guessing that you’d probably like me to return the compliment… I’m just not sure if I can. In a way, I’d like to, to try and give you the pleasure you gave me, but…”

Gemma silenced my faltering monologue with a finger to my lips. “Sush. It’s OK. I’m good with whatever, honestly. The thing to do, is not force anything. Just go with the flow, do what you feel like, don’t do what you don’t feel like… and don’t get hung up about stuff.

“Oh, and by the way,” she added with a naughty smile, “you taste absolutely delicious. I couldn’t get enough of you!

“Anyway, girl, back to reality. We have work to do, to get ready for tomorrow. So, why don’t you have a shower, freshen up, and we’ll get our plans for next week sorted.”


A couple of hours later, with our work schedule done and dusted, we were sitting in the restaurant having a lovely evening meal, a bottle of good red on the table between us.

“Maybe we should have ordered Champagne,” said Gemma with a grin.

“Why is that?”

“To celebrate the ‘new you’. Charlotte coming out of her shell.”

I laughed. “I don’t think the finance department would sign that off on expenses, somehow,” I joked back. “This Shiraz is just fine. But I agree, it’s like a new chapter of my life has opened somehow.”

I leaned in a little closer to Gemma and spoke quietly, “By the way, you still haven’t told me what the ‘big secret’ is.”

“Oh yes,” she replied. “We did end up getting a little… preoccupied, didn’t we? It can wait, and to be honest, I think you’ve had enough to take in for one day!” I nodded in agreement. That much was certainly true.

After dinner, we decided to sit in the bar and have a drink to round the day off. We found a quiet corner with a comfortable leather sofa.

“So, apart from Ben, how’s your love life been, then?” Gemma asked, making conversation.

I gave a kind of mock cough. “Not much to tell really, so it will hardly take all night.”

I told her about Tony, and the way he’d left me in the lurch — and why I was so pleased to take this job and adopt a nomadic lifestyle.

“I really thought there would be an endless supply of available men, to take care of my every need. But the reality was a lot different. I felt like I’d been exiled to some kind of sexual desert, to be honest,” I confided.

“There was one exception, though.” I went on to tell her all about my brief, but so enjoyable interlude with John, how I’d had to engineer our clandestine meeting at the hotel and finally get what I needed.

Gemma sat, listening intently as I told her what had happened. “Men are funny, aren’t they?” she commented. “They’re usually hopeless at reading the signals we send out. That was clever of you though. Sounds like he was nice. Out of curiosity, did you get the order?”

I just knew that question would be asked. “Erm, no. Business kind of got forgotten, for some reason,” I said, with a bit of a giggle. “I did get a bloody good seeing-to, though.”

“Maybe we should pay him a call,” suggested Gemma, smiling and giving me a wink. “Reckon with two of us on the case, we should be able to persuade him…”

“Gemma! Really!” But I did feel a sudden twinge between my legs when I conjured a mental image of the two us, together with John, cavorting naked on a big bed. “But now you mention it, maybe that’s something we could work on…”

Gemma leaned in a little closer and spoke softly in my ear. “Your story has got me a little hot and bothered, if you know what I mean… I rather fancy going upstairs and trying out my other toy… I haven’t used it yet, and I’m curious to see how it works.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry,” I replied. “I ended up getting the lion’s share of the action this afternoon, didn’t I?”

“Oh, don’t apologise. I loved every minute of it — and doing that gave me a lot of pleasure too. I’m just a needy girl! Come on, let’s drink up and go.”

With that, we sauntered back to the lift, bodies close, our arms linked. The wine had imbued a very pleasant feeling, but I felt a curious warmth inside as well, which made me feel very content.

Once we got back to our room, I needed to pee. By the time I came back out of the bathroom, Gemma had already stripped, and was reclining naked on her bed, gently stroking the quietly buzzing bullet up and down her slit.

She patted the bed beside her. “Come and sit here and tell me all about John… and this time, I want details!”

It actually proved to be very enjoyable, recounting our intense lovemaking session for Gemma’s pleasure. I told her all about how I sucked him and how he’d licked me. How he’d fucked me, long and hard; even how he’d probed his tongue into my arse, before fucking me again, doggy-fashion.

Gemma’s face was flushed, and her breathing was getting rapid. “Did you like him licking your bum hole, Char?” she asked, reaching for the big black vibrator.

“Mmm, it felt really nice. I was actually surprised that I liked it so much.”

Gemma spread her legs and introduced the head of the plastic cock to her pussy hole, rubbing it around in her moisture before applying pressure, to start it sliding inside her.

“Ahh,” she moaned as I watched it slide in. I could imagine the way it must have been stretching her, filling her. Her other hand was still working the bullet around her clit. I was fascinated to watch the big toy sliding in and out of her, and loved the way her inner lips were drawn out as she withdrew the toy, covered with her wetness.

“Tell me about how John’s cock felt when he was fucking your little cunt,” she demanded breathlessly, as she thrust the dildo in and out.

“Oh my god, it felt so good, Gemma. I hadn’t had any cock for months. When he had me on all fours and was slamming into me from behind, it felt like he was splitting me in half. Pounding, pounding, hard and deep and fast. When he finally came, he pumped me full of lovely thick, creamy spunk.”

Gemma’s actions became more urgent, furiously ramming the plastic cock in and out of her cunt. She turned up the speed on the bullet and gasped as the thing went to max.

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