The Yellow Pages Girl – Part 2 by P_Anderer

The blood was starting to rush to my pussy; I could feel my lips and clit swelling in response to the sight in front of me. I knew my wetness was gathering too, and it occurred to me that I would soon have another pair of unwearable jeans if I didn’t act fast.

In spite of the fact that I had already had more orgasms today than I’d had in months, I was still feeling incredibly randy. ‘This woman is turning me into a bloody nymphomaniac!’ I thought to myself.

I stood up and peeled my jeans and already damp panties down my legs and kicked them off. I ran a finger down between my pussy lips and confirmed what already knew… I was getting very wet again. Then on a sudden impulse, I knelt up onto the bed and swung my leg over Gemma, straddling her with my face toward her feet, affording me an even better view of the erotic action taking place between her legs.

Adjusting my position slightly, I lowered myself down, so that my soaking pussy mashed into her face. Gemma responded instantly by starting to lap away at me, her tongue circling around my entrance and flicking over my swollen bud. Oh god, that felt so good to have her soft tongue back in there! I rocked my hips back and forth, grinding my wanton pussy against her mouth, her nose rubbing away against my clit, the flood of my juices mingling with her saliva.

Mindful of the need to not suffocate her, I leaned forward a bit, supporting myself on her widespread legs, allowing her head more freedom of movement, my face only inches away from her pussy.

Gemma’s actions were becoming frantic, her body writhing underneath me, as she pressed the bullet against her clit and worked the fake cock in and out, faster and faster. Then she paused for a moment, to press a button on the base of the toy, causing it to change its tone from a low buzz to a rising and falling whirring noise. She had obviously started the up-and-down motion on the thing, as she drove it deep inside herself, her hips were bucking in response.

All the while, Gemma’s tongue was furiously lashing my clit, drilling deep into my pussy and… driving me wild. Suddenly, the focus of her licking altered; her tongue slathered over my bum hole, sending shivers of delight through me. Then I felt her tongue harden and it was probing, trying to force its way into my anus. I couldn’t help but push back, as the tip of her tongue wriggled around my tiny opening, making me gasp at the exquisite sensations.

Gemma was obviously riding one, long continuous orgasm, her body shaking underneath me. Her tongue was suddenly deep inside my pussy again, her nose gyrating against my anus. I could feel a flood welling up inside me, and a moment later, I was coming like a train, my body jolting, electric shocks zapping between my clit, my pussy, my nipples and my so-sensitive anus.

Gemma let out a muffled cry from somewhere underneath me, and she clamped her legs together, trapping the thrusting toy inside her, her whole body going rigid. I eased up to let her breathe, my body shaking with the intensity of my orgasm. I grabbed my breasts through my t-shirt, and twisted and pinched my nipples, sending more shocks straight to my tingling clit.

Gemma dropped the bullet to her side; I shakily reached over and twisted the dial on the controller to silence it. Finally, she parted her legs and pressed the buttons on the base of the toy, make it cease its relentless torment.

We were both panting and gasping for breath, as we started to come down from our little deaths. Gemma grasped the dildo, and slowly withdrew it, covered in a sheen of come, from her soaking, swollen pussy. The pheromonal scent of her juices swept over me and the urge to taste her became too strong for me to resist.

No longer me behaving consciously, this was some alter ego inside my body, controlling me, making me act. I pushed her knees apart and leant forward, very tentatively running my tongue down from the top of her slit, over her clit and into her gaping pussy hole.

Her slick juices washed over my tongue as I explored her. Her inner lips felt velvety smooth on my tongue, and she tasted exquisite, like honey and melted ice cream. My first taste of another woman… I still thought I might be revulsed, but I wasn’t. I loved the feel of her heat against my face and my mouth, the way she reacted to my first exploratory kisses and licks.

Gemma was repeatedly lifting her hips up to meet my mouth and my tongue, as I became more confident, pushing my tongue inside her opening, scooping up her woman juices, and taking delight in drinking them down. She was luxuriously wet; my face was covered in it. And I loved it.

I tried to emulate what Gemma had done to me earlier that day, alternately running my tongue up and down her crevice, then pursing my lips, sucking her bud into my mouth, then flicking my tongue over it.

It wasn’t long before Gemma cried out and thrust her hips upward, mashing her sopping cunt into my face. I flattened my tongue and sawed it from side to side over her clit as she bucked underneath me, my nose almost inside her pussy. Then I felt a flood pour out of her, as she was wracked by another orgasm.

Finally, she slumped down on the bed, gasping in lungfuls of air, and gently tugged on my hair, to ease me away from her… I imagine she was now almost painfully sensitive, so I reluctantly pulled away, climbed off her and swung round to lie beside her. Then I did what she’d done to me… I leant in and gently suckled her nearest nipple into my mouth, and gently caressed her other tit with my hand. I loved the feel of her big, pillowy breast under my hand, so different in feel to mine. Gemma sighed.

Lying there holding each other, it took some time for us to recover from our exertions. When she was finally able to speak, Gemma whispered, “That was beautiful, so amazing. It’s hard to believe you’ve never done that before…”

“I surprised myself there,” I admitted, my head still spinning. “I would never have thought I could get so turned on, being intimate with another woman.”

Gemma pondered for a moment. “Do you realise something, Char? We’ve gone down on each other; we’ve sucked each other’s nipples, but… we’ve never actually kissed yet!”

With that, she put her fingers under my chin and gently lifted my mouth to hers. Our lips touched, then parted, our tongues mingling and exploring each other’s mouth, as we kissed, for the first time, deeply and passionately.

We were just starting to doze off, when Gemma suddenly realised that she was lying in a massive wet patch on the quilt. She had flooded the quilt so much, it was soaked through. “It’s a good job we’re checking out in the morning,” she giggled. “Let’s both sleep in your bed tonight.”

To be continued…

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