Who’s Watching the Babysitter by 2stfauther

Katy smiled at me and walked thru the doorway and pulled off her sweater. Looking around and see Maggie, she asked, “Where’s my little Munchkins anyway?”

“Sit down Katy, I wanted to talk to you alone so I sent Maggie over to my parents for the night” I said indicating a chair that I wanted her to sit in. It was right in front of the computer screen that I had retrieved from Maggie’s room. “I need to talk with you about something, something very important about last night.”

The look on her face told me that she knew what was coming and she wasn’t too thrilled about discussing it.

“Katy, have you ever touched Maggie in an inappropriate place before?” I started.

A look of shock came over her face as she asked, “What do you mean “Inappropriate”?

“You know, touched her somewhere where you shouldn’t,” I tried to explain.

“No, I’ve never touched her that way,” she said in a defensive way but her face told a different story.

“Okay, then what about this?” I said showing her the picture that I took last night with my cell phone. It plainly told another picture as it showed Maggie’s legs spread out on either side of Katy’s lap and Katy’s hand up Maggie’s night gown.

A look of horror came over her face and her complexion turned a bright shade of red. She stumbled for an explanation and blurted out, “Well, I ah, I was scratching her leg for her. She said something about having an itch on her leg and I was scratching it for her.”

“Check out the computer screen,” I said. “Isn’t that a porn site you’re watching with my daughter?”

She squinted and leaned forward and said, “No, I don’t think so. That was a movie we were watching.” She must have thought about her answers before she came over just in case because she had her story pretty well down pat. But I had one more bit of evidence to show her and was anxious to see what she had to say about it.

I turned on the computer screen and click on the “History” site and it brought up the last day’s sites that were seen, plus the dates and the times of the viewing. I asked her to tell me what the day and the time of a few sites that came up and then I clicked on those sites. We were both treated to an array of porn sites depicting lesbian lovers doing all sorts of things to each other.

Katy just hung her head down and didn’t say a word. I asked her, “What were you thinking of, showing this type of filth to my daughter? My god, Katy, I’ve known you for quite a few years, I’ve considered you my friend, my trusted friend that I leave my daughter with. And this is how you repay this trust?”

She didn’t look up from her lap but answered very softly, “It’s not like that at all. It started very innocently one night when I was doing some homework on the computer and, well, I got bored and clicked on this site the girls at school told me about. I was watching it when Maggie came in and was watching it without me knowing it. She asked what they were doing so I showed her and well, it just got to be a habit that’s all.”

“How long had it been a habit?” I asked.

“About a year and a half,” she admitted.

“You mean you’ve been molesting my daughter every night for a year and a half?” I asked in a more headed tone.

“It’s not like that!” she cried. “She likes it when I play with her, ah, down between her legs.”

Well tell me, how does this feel?” I demanded. I hadn’t planned to do it, it just happened. I put my hands down on both of her young breasts and gave them a squeeze. She reacted very predictably by screaming for me to take my hands away and grabbing them both with her hands.

“Oh you don’t like it when someone molests you now do you but you can feel a little girls pussy and that’s alright, huh?” I asked in a somewhat crazed tone of voice. My hands were full of her breasts as I continued to squeeze and rub them over and over. Suddenly I noticed that she was not fighting the any longer. She had moved her hands back down to her lap and she was sitting there enjoying my groping.

“I should call your parents,” I said bluffing.

She didn’t say a word but didn’t try to stop my hands from exploring all over her chest area. My fingers found the buttons on her blouse and started to unbutton them from the top down to her stomach. The thought of seeing her tender young breasts suddenly spurred my hands on as I quickly made quick work out of her blouse. I pulled her blouse apart to reveal her pretty little padded bra that housed her two globes.

Standing over and behind her, my eyes were in perfect position to see her breasts as I pushed my hands into her cups and she moaned softly as my they met the soft skin of her delicate breasts. Her eyes were closed and her head was tossed back a little as I began to massage them. When I isolated her perky little nipples, she bit down on her lower lip and started to pant just a little.

I reached down to the underside of each cup and drew them up and off of the breasts that they were to cover as she screamed out her embarrassment and then relented to my touch once again. I pinched her nipples and ran my hands around on her fleshy little mounds as I asked her softly, “You like it when I play with your boobies don’t you?”

“Uh huh,” was all she could manage. Her chin rotated downward and to the side as she continued to close her eyes with a dreamy look to her face. I lowered my touch a little to her tummy and her eyes flew open in wonderment as she waited for my next move. Moving my attention down to her jeans, I paused at the button holding them together and started to undo it when she grabbed my hands in protest and demanded that I stop.

“What’s the matter Katy, don’t you want me to touch you the same as you touched my daughter?” I asked her in a rough and strained voice. “Come on, you know you want me to.”

Her hands went limp as she withdrew her protest and my fingers unbutton her jeans. Unzipping them was another problem because they were bunched up at her waist line so I asked her to stand up so I could pull the zipper down and much to my surprise, she slowly got to her feet and allowed my hands to not only unzipped them but, after that was accomplished, to remove them down over her hips to the floor. She was standing there in her panties and bra that was pulled up exposing her breasts to me.

I helped her take the jeans from around her ankles and then took off her blouse and bra so that the only thing that she still had on were her thin little white cotton panties. She looked down in embarrassment as I took her by the hand and walked her into my bedroom. She didn’t object, she just seemed to accept it as the inevitable solution to the problem.

When we got there I started to feel a little guilty so I asked her, “Katy, I hadn’t planned this and I will stop if you don’t want to go through with this,” I offered.

“I’ve never done this before so I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” she said in a whining voice.

“Well, if you want me to teach you then I will,” I said, my mind began to twirl around with thoughts.

“I hear it hurts real bad,” she said with shy questioning look on her face.

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