Who’s Watching the Babysitter by 2stfauther

“If it hurts then I’ll stop,” I reassured her.

“Okay,” she said lying down on my bed. “What am I suppose to do?”

“Just lie down and try to relax,” I instructed her.

She did and I hurriedly took off all my clothes as she looked on but when I took off my boxers and she caught a look at my cock, a slight gasp escaped from her lips as she asked, “Are you going to put that thing in me?”

Lying down beside her and placing my hand on her bare little breast in reassurance I answered, “Only if you want me to.”

As I began to explore her body, she closed her eyes and accepted my caressing touch in a submissive way, a way that told me that she trusted me to take care of her and her budding desires and that no matter what she would see it through to the end.

I began at her chin with my gentle touch as I pulled up on her face and leaned into a tender kiss on her quivering lips. She began to kiss me back after a minute or two and as I separated my lips a little, she did so too and the kiss turned into one a bit more sensual than I expected. It ended as I ran my hand up to her tender little breasts and started touching and feeling them with my palms, giving them each a tiny little squeeze.

I kissed her some more and slid my hand down to her tummy, over her abdomen to settle on top of her panties. My hand rested there for a moment in response to the gasp that escaped her lips. She groaned as I ran my hand over her lower abdomen just above her bush and I began to dig my fingers into her flesh under her panties. I crawled with my touch downward, feeling with my fingers until they felt her hairy mound and I settled them there, right on her junction.

She groaned a little at the sensation of having someone touch her pussy, but knowing that she had touched my daughter down there, I thought it only appropriate to show her what it felt like. I moved my fingers even lower between her legs and placed my hand directly onto her vagina. She separated her legs a little and wiggled her hips around as she groaned an even louder groan.

“Oh my God, that feel so good,” she said to herself as I pressed my fingers between her two lips and stopped at her opening. I applied a little pressure to that spot and she gasped out loud as she convulsed her hips.

I pulled my fingers up her slit and ran them into her love button as she screamed from the pleasant sensation. Repeatedly I pressed my fingers into her panties that separated my touch from the two lips that hid her treasure but it was getting very wet from her secretions. I decided that I needed to touch the real thing so I moved my hand down the inside of her panties and went for the gold.

She raised her hips up off the bed as I made direct contact with her fuzzy ponds area and inserted my fingers deep between her wide spread legs. I buried one into her opening as she thrust her hips up to meet the insertion. She tossed her sweet little head from side to side in enjoyment of my probing but I knew there was much more for her to experience.

I had to see her naked body and I was sure that she would not resist so, withdrawing my hand from inside of her underwear, I grabbed with both of my hands the waistband of her panties and pulled them off of her crotch and hips. She only cried out a little in protest but gave no real resistance to their removal and when I threw them off to the side, I looked down on the most beautiful body I had seen in a long, long time.

Her pubic area was lightly covered with the softest, light brown fuzz that you can imagine. It obscured her two tight labia lips that protected her clitoris and vagina and dwindled down to nothing around her true junction down between her finely tuned legs. She was panting her breaths in and out through her open mouth but her eyes were still closed in anticipation of things to come but I had to see her body before I continued.

I inserted my finger into her tight little cavity and began to thrust it in and out, making sure that I did not push it in too deep. She was excitingly trying to keep pace with my finger as she was raising her hips up and down in a synchronized attempt to match the rhythm of my finger. I wondered if she would be as free with her hips when it came time for me to mount between her legs.

I ran a finger up to touch her on her clitoris and she went wild from the stimulus. She cried out in a loud voice, “OH MY GOD!” and started thrash around on the bed. I knew it was time so I slowly got up on my knees and crawled in between her wide spread legs. I grabbed my cock and placed it right at her opening. She froze for a second as she softly asked, “Take it easy on me will you? Please, if it hurts too bad, will you stop?”

I assured her that I would but secretly wondered if I had the control to meet that promise but as I headed it towards her Holy Grail and down into her tight little vaginal opening, I also wondered if I could even get it in. Her walls were not used to having anything in there so they were somewhat reluctant to spread out and allow an intruder to pass through their tight grip on her canal. It was so tight that I had to press harder than I should to penetrate and separate her opening and as I gained the upper ground on it, I hit her barrier of virginity and it came to a screaming halt.

“OH IT HURTS!” she cried out.

“I’ll stop here are rest a little,” I said. “You tell me when you’re ready for me to continue.” I waited and hoped for the word to come from her lips but I didn’t know which way she would say she wanted to go but all I could do was stay right where I was and hope. My hope became a reality as she softly said, “Okay, I think it feels better now,” and pushed up with her hips just a little. I began my pressure once again and before I knew it I had broken through the painful insertion and now I was ready to bring her to her conclusion.

I slowly rocked my hips in a gentle thrusting and withdrawal movement that soothed the sting of the hymen breakage. It also caused her to start to enjoy the act of making love as she began to take her breaths in quick short bites and thrust her hips up to meet my insertions. Pretty soon she was moving her hips with no thought to taking it easy but seemed determined to scratch that itch down deep between her legs.

I began to feel it build up in my loins as I thrust my cock deep within her now fluid packed womb with rapid succession and every thrust was met with an equal upward thrust from Katy crotch. She began vocalizing her enjoyment with an anticipatory cry as she started to feel the thralls of her first real orgasm. It was building within her but she didn’t know what to make of it. But its overwhelming power swept her into a crazy mad world of frustration and release as it spilled out of her tender little body in a gushing explosion of juices that shot out of her filled, weary vaginal opening. It also had to escape out of her wide open mouth in a scream that surely alerted my neighbors.

I was so near that within another two or three more pumps of my massive erection, I began to spew out my juices all over her quivering little body, from her head to her crotch, it exploded all over the place. I had successfully maintained enough composure to pull out and not risk the possibility of pregnancy for this beautiful young girl but it was touch and go there for a minute. As the last of it dibbled out of my cock, I laid back down on her quivering body as she hugged me tightly with her arms and held me through her withdrawals.

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