Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 2: Headmistress’s Naughty Desires by mypenname3000

I groaned as I stood up. This nervous ripple shot through me. I slid past Tania and a brunette girl. I reached the aisle and headed up it. The hundreds of girls all followed my progress, their heads tracking me. The beat of my heart increased with every step. I hurried along, my fingers flexing and relaxing. My palms grew sweaty.

Sister Nova smiled as she saw me. She stepped aside from the podium as I headed up the stairs on the side of the stage. The row of professors all nodded to me. The nuns were hard to judge, wrapped up in the wimples, but I saw interested looks from the professors. I wanted to study them, but everyone was looking at me, making me self-conscious.

“Mr. Derrickson,” said Sister Nova, her smile tight. There was a hungry gleam in her dark eyes, a spark of fire. “Mmm, aren’t you a handsome one?”

“Nice to meet you, uh, Headmistress,” I said.

“Or Sister Nova,” she said, smiling. She took my hand and pulled me alongside her before the podium. I faced out at the sea of girls. Sister Nova squeezed my hand. “Here he is, girls. He’s pretty handsome.”

Laughs and giggles echoed through the auditorium. Sister Nova released my hand while I stared out at the girls. The four genies were out there. One might be beside me. The others were lurking in that sea of beauties.

“Now, I expect all you girls to comport yourselves with poise, modesty, and decorum around young Mr. Derrickson here,” the nun said as her hand landed on the small of my back. Then it moved lower. “I know, I know, he’s a handsome man, but you are here to be educated ladies.”

Her hand reached my ass and squeezed it.

My dick throbbed as this sexy, Arabic nun groped my muscular ass, her voice full of this smoky promise. It was like she was marking me, letting me know that I was all hers. That these other girls couldn’t have a bit of me.

I smiled. A genie posing as a nun? Damn, Kyle was the man. I didn’t know how to thank him.

“Thank you for coming up here, Mr. Derrickson,” Sister Nova said, her eyes almost blazing with her lust. She gave my ass a final squeeze. “I’ll be keeping my eye on you.”

I winked at her. I loved the smile playing on her lips. The interest dancing in her eyes. Then I broke away from her and headed down the stairs. I marched past the girls. Their interest in me seemed to have only increased.

I was forbidden flesh. Temptation.

Smoky looks, playful smiles, and dewy eyes followed me to my seat. I sank down between my girls, delight on their faces. It was clear they were looking forward to breaking all three of those recommendations. It would be hot to parade them around on leashes clipped to their nipple piercings wearing nothing but their tartan bow ties, knee-high socks, and Mary Jane shoes.

A fantasy, I knew, but it was powerful.

“Now, we have many new girls starting their first year here,” Sister Nova continued, “so I expect you older girls to be shining examples for them. St. Maria Theodora prides ourselves on producing refined and admirable women to enhance the community. You are all ambassadors of our college. We also have transfer students coming in at all grades, so help them to adjust. They are all in need of new friends.” She smiled. “And I don’t mean being girlfriends to Mr. Derrickson.”

More giggling laughter.

“Now, we also have five new professors joining us.” She pointed to the group sitting on the stage. “As well as Mrs. Blackwood returning after her two-year sabbatical, please welcome, Sister Anna Petra, Sister Doris Suzette, Ms. Terrence, Ms. Reid, and Mrs. Reynolds.”

All rose at the sound of their name. The nuns were hard to judge their ages and attractiveness, only their pale faces shown around their tight wimples, but the other three professors looked beautiful. Mrs. Blackwood was Black, and the other two, Ms. Reid and Mrs. Reynolds, were White. None looked like they were the genie, but I had two candidates already.

Things were growing great.

“Okay, that’s all. Let’s have a great year. You are dismissed!”

Chatter burst through the auditorium. Girls were all staring at me, smiling, and giggling with their friends. Aleah and Tania held my arms and looked so pleased with themselves. I was the center of attention, and they already had ties to me. My cute sex slaves.

I had to part from both my slaves, though. They had different classes than mine. I was off to math class taught by a Sister Ester Sarah. I glanced at the map of the building I was provided as part of my enrollment papers. I used it to navigate through the halls, passing girls. I nodded at them and grinned. I loved the attention. This was incredible. The only guy amid all these nubile beauties. Young, teenage girls bursting with hormones and needing an outlet.

I found my class. Sister Ester Sarah turned out to be a slender nun with a tan face and brown eyes. She nodded to me as I entered and found a seat in the back. All the girls were looking at me. One of the Black girls I saw on the walk in, the one with dreadlocks, sat before me, while a girl with dark-brown hair sat beside me, a winsome smile on her face. One of the last girls to arrive was an Arabic cutie with her black hair gathered in a braided plait that fell down her back. She had dusky-brown skin and a delicate face. She had a petite build and a nervous cast, hugging her math textbook to her stomach.

“And here’s my other transfer student,” Sister Ester Sarah said. “You’re Havva, right?”

The girl nodded. Her eyes glanced to me and then she looked away, her cheeks blushing. I smiled. Was this the Jann? Sweet and innocent, shy and submissive? Another transfer student. Kyle wanted me to have fun sussing out the genies, but at a Catholic school, Arab girls were going to stand out.

“You can sit where you want,” the nun said to the new girl. “I’m going to go over the primer and our lesson plan, the level of math we’re going to cover this semester.” She smiled at us, her wimple wrapped about her face. Nuns were hot. They hid their bodies, but they were women beneath.

Sister Nova proved that.

Sister Ester Sarah passed out the primers and started talking about her expectations of us. She walked up and down the room between our rows of desks. She wasn’t fierce and stern like I expected from a nun. She was pleasant. Sweet, even. She seemed to know many names already, having taught these girls for the last three years.

About ten minutes in, a knock came at the door and a girl popped her head in. “Sister Ester Sarah, the Headmistress would like to talk to the new students.” She glanced at me and grinned, her short, brown hair swaying about her face. “Right away.”

“Oh, sure,” said Sister Ester Sarah. “Corey and Havva, please, follow Jennifer.”

I wondered what this was about. Havva looked even more nervous about this than I did. She bit her lip as she rose. As I headed past the Black girl with dreadlocks, she thrust her hand out and pressed something into my palm.

A pair of panties.

I could see a number written in lipstick on the edge. Her phone number? Damn, really? She gave me a smoky look as I headed past. I shoved the panties into my pocket, my dick throbbing hard.

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