Irish Men Love to Fuck by amerks29hockey,amerks29hockey


I glanced in the mirror, unsure if my hair was going to work with me tonight. I sighed heavily and picked up my brush. After running the brush through my hair a few times, I hair sprayed it and smiled. Not too bad, I thought to myself. My dark green eye makeup brought out my creamy brown eyes and my medium brown hair fell loosely on my shoulders. I moved my head to the left and right, my subtle red highlights shimmying under the florescent bathroom light. I turned to my side and glanced at my figure in the full-length mirror.

Not too bad either. Since my best friend, Lynn Youley, and I had moved here to Ireland for a semester in college, we’d been working out fiercely to lose those extra pounds. I was pleased with myself. Although I could’ve sworn my 40D breasts looked smaller. However, Lynn constantly assured me they were just as plump as ever.

“Are you gonna be ready sometime tonight? We’d like to get there before the club closes.” Lynn appeared in the doorway, dressed in a long dark blue skirt and a tight figure forming blue shirt. Her blonde hair was longer than mine and was flowing along her shoulders and down her back.

“Yeah, I’m ready. Do I look okay?” I nervously brushed down my short silk green skirt.

“Perfect.” Lynn picked a piece of lint off my matching tight green shirt. Both of our shirts were our favorite style. Three quarter sleeves, which v-necked and formed a cushioning around our breasts, enhancing them for onlookers.

“”I’m nervous.” I giggled lightly.

“And what’s there to be nervous about? We’re simply going to a “pub” where there will hopefully be lots of single hot Irish men.” Lynn glanced at herself in the mirror and dug into her purse to reapply her lipstick.

“I dunno… I guess I’m just nervous because we haven’t been out yet since we got here. I don’t wanna get too drunk though.”

“That’s fine. We don’t have to get completely trashed to enjoy ourselves.” Little did she know just how much fun we would have tonight.

We locked the front door and walked the short distance from our off campus apartment towards Callahan’s, the popular club/pub in Dublin. We entered the pub slowly, both of us holding their breath. Several men at the bar turned to look at us and a few tipped their heads.

“Do you wanna get a table? Or sit at the bar?” Lynn asked me quickly glancing around at everyone. Three men sat together at the bar, side by side on the stools, sharing a pitcher of dark ale. Two other men were playing pool; or rather one was shooting, while the other was making out with a dark haired girl. Two pairs of couples sat at tables, minding their own business, drinking and laughing. Four other men, whom obviously had already tipped a few back were playing darts.

“Table.” I pointed at a table and then walked towards the bar. Lynn slowly meandered her way to the table near the middle. It was against the wall, but gave a great view of the entire pub.

“Can I help you miss?” The bartender asked me in his strong Irish accent. I smiled.

“Do you have Smirnoff?” I asked praying they did. It was Lynn’s favorite.

“I may be able to find one around here for a pretty lady.” He winked.

“Excellent. A Smirnoff and a Michelob Ultra.” I leaned against the bar, catching the glance of the man making out with his brunette girlfriend. He stood up tall and stared at me. I stared back until the bartender brought me our drinks and I paid. I walked over to our table and handed Lynn her drink. I sat down, facing the men playing darts. My back was slightly turned towards the men playing pool.

“Ok, don’t be obvious, but doesn’t the guy playing pool look like Kellan O’Shea??” Lynn glanced over at them and looked away. “The other guy looks like someone too.” Lynn took a drink of her Smirnoff. I glanced nonchalantly over at the two men playing pool. And in fact, the man holding the cue stick looked a lot like Kellan O’Shea. Same large nose. He wore a beanie cap pulled over his hair. The other guy, whose arms were still wrapped around the brunette, was wearing a backwards cap and had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He looked over at me and made eye contact again.

“That does look just like Kellan O’Shea. Weird. The other guy he’s with just keeps staring over here.”

“Oh my god…You know who that guy is? How freaking weird. That guy looks like Brian McKinney.” Lynn downed her drink.

“From The Other Line?” I mentioned the only movie I’d had seen of his. I looked back over at them both. They were now both looking over at us and the brunette was sulking. She grabbed the man’s face and he brushed her off. She threw her hands up in the air and said something to him but he didn’t seem affected. She grabbed her purse and stalked off, leaving the pub.

“Wow…you know they are both Irish…” I giggled. “They could always be here.”

“Actually only Brian is the real Irishman. He was born in Ireland. Kellan was born in America. He’s Irish like we are.

“So Brian has the Irish accent?” I finished my drink.

“It looks so much like them.” Lynn shook her head.

“Hey ladies.” Two of the men playing darts sauntered over towards us.

“Damn.” I whispered under her breath.

“What are two hot women doing here alone?” The tall blonde sat down next to me and moved his chair close to mine. The shorter redhead leaned over Lynn, trying to catch a glimpse down her shirt.

“We’re not interested. Flattered but not interested.” I smiled briefly at the blonde and turned my head. The Brian and Kellan look-alikes were watching us intently. The Brian look-alike turned to say something to the other guy and they both headed our way.

“Not interested huh? I think you are sweetheart.” The blonde slipped his hand up my skirt a little ways.

“Sorry boys, but they’re taken.” I looked up into his dark brown eyes and swooned over his Irish brogue.

“Of course.” The redhead rolled his eyes and the two men sauntered back to their group.

“Hello.” I shook his hand lightly. “I’m Brian McKinney and this is my buddy Kellan O’Shea.” Brian nodded at Lynn and sat down next to me. Kellan sat next to Lynn and struck up conversation.

“I’m Julie and that is Lynn.” I blushed fiercely watching Brian slowly check me out.

“What are you two ladies doing here alone?” Brian snapped his fingers in the air at the bartender to order another round of drinks.

“Just wanted to get out and have some fun.” I shrugged and let my eyes wander over Brian’s body. He was wearing tight fitting jeans and a tight blue shirt, which had the numbers 77 across the chest. I glanced quickly over at Lynn who was leaning very close to Kellan, their foreheads almost touching, deep in conversation.

“Well are you having fun yet?” Brian handed the bartender a $20 when he came over with more drinks.

“I think we are now.” I smiled and watched as Brian took a long swig of his Irish dark ale.

“I’m assuming you know who we are?” Brian glanced at Kellan who now had his arm slung over Lynn’s chair and she was giggling uncontrollably.

“Yes. Familiar.” I shifted on my chair and my thigh brushed Brian’s. We made eye contact and I saw the look of intense wanting in his dark eyes.

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