Visiting My Mormon Friend 03 by cuddlemonkey,cuddlemonkey


This is part 3 of a series, I suggest reading part 1 & 2 first. This is a bit longer format but I hope you enjoy it. For those of you looking to jump to the juicy sections. I have added —- tick marks to delineate the sections. In this story, Cody goes to a water park with two of Kelly’s friends.


I woke up to Kelly’s phone alarm. It was still mostly dark in the room and she quickly silenced it. I pretended to be asleep and did my best to keep my eyes shut when she was nearby. She got out of bed and changed out of her pajama pants and into a pair of jeans. My head was facing the other way with my eyelids partially open.

The panties she wore looked like they were black lace in the dim light. Not what you would typically wear on the way to meet your professor. Maybe she still had them on from yesterday and didn’t have the courage to change them in front of me. She also changed her shirt from the nighttime one to another long sleeve collared sweater. The bra underneath seemed to also be black lace matching the panties. That set was clearly meant to be seen.

She tied up her shoe laces, threw her backpack over her shoulder, and as quietly as she could, opened the door and slipped out of the room.

*From yesterday night between Clara and Hannah*

(Clara) Just got off work.

(Hannah) Oh, hey, I’m hanging out with Kelly and her friend Cody.

(Clara) Fun! I won’t be back till later.

(Hannah) OMG! I promised I wouldn’t tell Kelly or Amy but something magical just happened.

(Hannah) And I have to tell someone.

(Clara) I just got out of the shower… I have a story for you too ; )

(Hannah) So Amy told me that last night, there was a boy in the showers and she kinda jumped on him.

(Hannah) And they totally made out and stuff.

(Hannah) We now know that it had to be Cody.

(Clara) OK

(Hannah) So last night I did a bad thing.

(Hannah) I kind of begged Cody to do it to me too!

(Clara) Really?

(Hannah) Yeah and it totally worked!

(Hannah) He came over to my room and um. It was magical.

(Clara) Did you have Sex with him!?

(Hannah) No, no nothing like that but I totally would have!

(Clara) Hannah are you serious?

(Hannah) I think so? He made me cum so hard 2 times!!! With his Tongue!

(Hannah) I spent like 2 hours trying to clean my sheets : (

(Clara) Wow. TMI.

(Hannah) Sorry, It was just really amazing.

(Clara) OK, well that is a lot to process.

(Clara) Let me tell you how my night ended.

(Hannah) Go On.

(Clara) I went to take a shower and our mystery man was in the bathroom washing his face.

(Hannah) He was?

(Clara) Yes.

(Hannah) Oh, that makes sense actually.

(Hannah) So what did you do?

(Clara) I told him he forgot his towel again and offered him mine.

(Hannah) Did you shower with him?

(Clara) No, I did get to watch him though. He has a great body.

(Hannah) No fair! I didn’t even see anything.

(Clara) He also told me you made up a story about going hiking tomorrow?

(Hannah) You got me. I just wanted to hang out with a boy again.

(Clara) I’m cuming this time!

(Hannah) OK fine, Where should we go.

(Clara) I have an idea!

I checked my phone. It was still only 8:30 am and I hadn’t slept since Kelly left. The girls had told me not to walk downstairs until later. I heard a bit of noise in the hallway and peeped through the door sight. There were people passing by pretty frequently so I decided not to risk it.

I instead started snooping around Kelly’s room. There wasn’t much to the room It had a bed, a desk with her laptop on it, some built in cabinets, and a small closet area. On the shelves some outstanding student awards and a few ribbons from a climbing competition and several from 5k and 10k races. She was really serious about climbing! Typical girl though. she had a bunch of pillows on the bed, all sizes and shapes.

Around 9:30 there was a gentle knock at the door. I peeked through the sight. It was Hannah. I let her in. “Hey there Mr. Cody Sir. Did you sleep well last night? I hardly slept a wink. Whoa, you really did a number on me.” She was full of energy.

“Morning Hannah, so where are we going today?” She was wearing a pink sweater and a pair of tight jeans and had a drawstring backpack. Didn’t exactly scream hiking clothes to me.

“I’m not sure. Clara just told me some things to bring” spinning to the side and showing her backpack with a smile. “We will just follow her right along.”

“Should we head out then?” My expectations for today were plummeting by the minute.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to be down in the parking lot a tick early.” Back in ‘disguise’ Hannah and I made our way down stairs just fine. We stopped by her car, a red newer body style VW Bug with a graduation tassel hanging from the mirror. Why was I not surprised. “Don’t you just love it?”

Clara came out of the main entrance and the whole aura changed. She was a real fashionista, wearing a knee length black puffy coat with the zipper fully open and faux fur around the hood. Knee high boots, and everything else inside was black. Also not hiking prepared but interesting in other ways. “Are you guys ready to go?” Clara said.

“I guess so. but I thought we were hiking, you both don’t look like your dressed for that.” I didn’t see how either of them would be ready to go for a hike with what they were wearing. Me, still in the hooded disguise wasn’t much better but I had clothes in the car to change into.

“Well, I wasn’t thinking a hike exactly. I know a place that we can drive to a hot spring.” I was a little disappointed to find out that this was definitely not a hike but my mind was getting a little jelly like thinking of Clara wearing a bathing suit. Hannah was shaking her head ‘yes’ and had a huge grin on her face. “Do you have swimming trunks with you?”

“Yeah we can grab them on the way out.” I was glad I’d brought them even though it was mid-winter. I left all of my hiking gear in the car and grabbed my swimming trunks.

We took Clara’s car, A sensible grey SUV that was impeccably clean inside and smelled like that same Perfume from the other day. I sat in the passenger seat and Hannah sat in the middle back seat with her head poking forward most of the way. The way to the ‘hot spring’ was all paved roads and wound through the town. Clara parked at a building that looked like a pool. “Is this it?” I asked.

“Well, It’s not exactly a hot spring. More like a pool but they use water from an actual hot spring.” Clara justified her previous definition of ‘hot spring.’ As long as I got to see Clara in a bathing suit it was fine by me.

“Alright I’m game.”

“Me too. I’m so excited. I love this place.” Hannah was consistent in her enthusiasm.

We went inside and they had music playing on overhead speakers. We went to our respective locker rooms to get changed. The locker rooms had open showers with 4 shower heads each on multiple freestanding towers. Several benches in front of each wall of lockers. I got changed and put my other clothes in one of the lockers. My suit was dark grey board shorts which were close fitting with a draw string laced up the front.

When I left the locker room on the pool side I saw about a dozen people swimming and splashing in the pool. The air outside was chilly but there were a few outdoor heat lamps setup so I waited under one of them at a bench. The place was pretty interesting actually. True to its billing, steam grew off the pool area and there were multiple hot tubs surrounding it. They even had a diving board and a slide that went into separate pool. A concession stand along the side had some food options as well.

A lifeguard blew his whistle which startled me. “No head first diving.” he shouted out to a young boy that had just surfaced. Not exactly the serenity of a hot spring that I had imagined when the idea was first pitched to me.

After a few more minutes Hannah came skipping and bounding towards me. Her hair was in a messy bun behind her head. She was wearing a white bikini where the fabric tapered and went over her shoulders The bikini bottom was about 4″ wide at her hips but didn’t fully cover the bottom of her butt. I had to admit her petite little body looked pretty good in that suit. “Hey Mr. Cody, Don’t you love this place! Let’s get in, it’s cold out here.”

I went to stand up and as I did Clara came out of the Locker room. Her hair dark black hair was wet but straight and free flowing just below shoulder length. Her bikini was a charcoal grey string bikini with long bows tied behind her neck and back and with one each hip. The three triangles of fabric left most of her body bare for viewing. Her stomach was flat but not muscular and her generous bust seemed a bit smaller than it seemed when we saw her at the restaurant. If I had to guess it would be between a B and C cup. “Are you guys ready to swim?” Clara asked. I could smell her hair conditioner when she got close. A beautiful fragrance.

Hannah without notice ran to the edge and jumped right in spring up off the bottom and said, “Wow, it feels great!” I looked at Clara who had a smirk on her face. I followed and jumped in too. It was warmer than most pools but not quite hot tub temperature.

Clara walked to the edge and dipped her toe in. Sat down on the edge and pivoted her body into the pool. When she did that she bent at the waist and her ass was pointed right at us. The fabric didn’t cover it very well and I couldn’t peel my eyes away. Her butt was a bit flatter than I had expected and the crease between her butt and her leg was visible but not saggy. There was a slight thigh gap between her legs showing off her slenderness. “It does feel good” Clara said.

Hannah started flailing and splashing around getting us both wet. Clara put out her hand out to block the water and turned her head away. “Hey, don’t splash me!” Clara seemed annoyed.

“Sorry, I was just having fun.” Clara turned and swam away in a breast stroke without putting her face under water. She continued swimming around slowly just enjoying the water while Hannah continued jumping and splashing. I split the difference. A bit of swimming and jumping around as well.

After Clara got close again, Hannah asked. “Who wants to go on the water slide! It’s super fun!”

“You go first.” Clara said, I think she was relived for the chance to bring the energy down a notch.

“Yeah, I’ll hang out here. We can try it out later.” I was interested in getting a bit of alone time with Clara anyway.

“Your loss!” Hannah said and went to the closest ladder out of the pool. The slide went into another pool and had a pretty long set of stairs to get to the top. Each time would take several minutes of climbing stairs, waiting in line and going down the slide before you would be dropped into a pool on the other side of the park. That left me alone with Clara.

“So… Hannah, told me about what happened last night.” Clara started, with an uneasy tone. I could sense her typical confident guard was starting to come down.

“Oh… yeah, she was a woman on a mission. I…” She stopped me.

“I get it, she’s my friend but she sure is crazy about boys and I think you may have just made her year! You know, I come off as a really confident person and all but, really, I’m completely inexperienced in all of that.”

“That’s right, you said you’d never even seen a guy naked before.” I remembered from last night in the shower.

“It’s worse than just that though.” Clara was opening up in a way I was definitely not expecting. “Like, I have never really done anything. Not kissed a boy, not even Mm…” the word was got caught in her throat “masturbated before.”

“Holy cow! Are you serious?” I was shocked by this revelation.

“Yeah I mean I have touched myself before, and it felt good but I always stop myself because I thought it was immoral to do it.” She had a look of confusion and concern on her face. “That was, until yesterday. When I saw you in the shower. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. When I was showering I used the same spot you were. I thought about what it would be like to hold your penis in my hand. What it would feel like. Then I got really confused because I don’t even know what it would be like to touch myself.”

My throat was in knots. What was she trying to ask me?

“So when I got back to my room and Hannah told me about what you guys had done my mind went to that place again. She said you made her cum with your tongue and I thought, I don’t think I have ever cum before in my life.” there was a long pause. Then she looked me in the eye with a pleading look. “Can you please teach me?”

Just then Hannah came cannon balling back into the pool making as big of a splash as she could but it wasn’t much on account of her petite frame. “That was so much fun guys. Do you guys want to try it too? What were you guys chatting about?”

Clara and my eyes both flinched from the splash but were back to looking at each other. “Yes, I can.” I said gently to Clara. Hannah thought I had agreed to the slide proposition and grabbed my hand pulling me away.

“Are you coming too Clara?” Her eyes were wide open and lost in the ‘yes’ I had given her.

Clara snapped out of it and responded to Hannah. “Um, OK I guess.”

“Great!” We all made our way out of the pool and followed Hannah to the stairs that lead to the waterslide. Clara reached out to hold my hand.

When I looked back she whispered “Thank you.” With her still vulnerable and longing eyes. The three of us climbed the stairs to the top following Hannah’s lead. There were 3-4 people ahead of us waiting to go and a lifeguard was telling people when it was safe to go. Clara was still holding my hand with her fingers interlocked with mine.

Hannah began telling us the directions the slide turns and where it goes to drop in the pool below. As she did another person took off down the slide and Clara put her other hand on my arm clinging to it like I was her protector. Hannah, gave us the play by play as the recent departee squealed on their way down the slide.

Clara’s hand tightened around my arm as the squeals echoed up the tube of the slide. A splash at the bottom of the slide indicated that the last person had finished the ride and the Lifeguard readied the next person, a boy who was eagerly waiting for the go ahead. Hannah, was next in line and was already maneuvering her way to get in position. The lifeguard said “Go!” and the boy before Hannah took off. No squealing with this one. Hannah, sat down in the chute and the lifeguard reminded her to wait. She looked back at us and said, “See you at the bottom!” with a huge grin on her face.

I was up next. Clara asked the lifeguard, “Can we go together?”

Robotically the lifeguard responded, “Only one rider at a time over age 5.” while not even looking at Clara. We heard the splash at the bottom and the Lifeguard told Hanna to “Go!”

She pushed off and let out a “Woo!” as she went. I released Clara’s hand to move into position and she reluctantly released my arm with her other hand. Two more kids were now in line behind Clara waiting their turn. It was painfully obvious to everyone present that Clara was feeling apprehensive.

“Be brave.” I told her. “Try new things.” Her fearful look suddenly changed to one of determination as I moved into position.

“Go!” The lifeguard said. I was looking back at her the whole time before I went. She fought to put on a smile as I pushed off. The slide was pretty good. After a few feet it went into a tube and was pretty dark inside. After going around some curves it had a drop and then a long run before another drop then spit you out with some speed into the pool.

Hannah was waiting at the far end of the pool for us. “Pretty awesome right?” she said before I had even opened my eyes after popping my head back above the water.


“Yeah, it’s a good one.” I moved toward Hanna at the end of the pool. About half way there I heard Clara squealing first faintly then growing louder as she approached. I was still in the pool when she splashed in and popped up to made her way over while wiping her hair out of her face.

As the pool got shallower and she walked toward me it became apparent that when she had splashed down it had dislodged her top. Both cups were fully out of place to the sides pulling both breasts inward but fully revealing her large dark areola and hard nipples.

It was clear Clara hadn’t realized her unintentional flash as she approached. Hannah noticed though and was gawking at her. I took a few steps her way and put my arms out to greet her. When she was close enough I pinched the fabric on one side and slid my thumb across her breast as I re-positioned the cup. She recoiled at my touch but looked down and noticed what I was doing.

I moved my hand to the other side and pulled the fabric over her other exposed breast as well. Clara did nothing to cover up or stop me but this time I put my hand fully over the cup after the fabric was back in place. Her neck and face flushed bright red both in embarrassment and arousal as she watched and felt my hands.


Hannah chided Clara, “Your bathing suit clearly wasn’t made for swimming Clara.”

Hannah’s words broke Clara’s trance and she countered back. “I wasn’t planning on going down any water slides.”

“Your loss. Mr. Cody Sir, do you want to go again?” Hannah said hopefully.

“You go ahead, I’m going to go check out the hot tubs with Clara.” I replied. Hannah turned and started shuffling toward the stairs up to the slide for another ride.

Still in the pool Clara was still focused on me. “Thank you, for fixing my top, and for saving me from another trip down the slide.”

“No problem, let’s go try out the hot tubs.” I made my way to the stairs and she followed. As I climbed out she put her hand on my butt to steady herself. I looked back at her quizzically.

“What, you copped a feel on me. It’s only fair.” She justified and squeezed my butt as she said ‘fair.’ We made our way over past the other pools and to the hot tubs with Clara following me the whole way. The hot tub was under roofed structure and was a bit shaded. The air was still chilly so when we stepping down into the hot tub it felt great to feel the warmth again. I moved to one side and she followed, sitting right next to me with our legs touching.


Clara started again with dough eyes and a soft voice. “That was the first time a man has touched my breasts… I liked it.” She moved her hand over to my thigh. “Can you really teach me?” As she said it she slid her hand down my thigh to my growing cock and gently squeezed.

I felt a jet of water driving into my leg and thought we could put it to use. “Scoot over here a little bit.” I moved and used my hands to adjust her body so the jet was blasting right under her pussy. Clara gasped when she felt the jet flowing across her womanhood. She kept her hand on my cock and her eyes glued to mine.

She pulled the bow string on my shorts and tucked her hand inside. I repeated her move and untied one side of her bikini and slid the front patch to the side, replacing it with my hand. Her pubic hair was in a closely trimmed landing strip. I pushed the remaining fabric away from her pussy exposing it completely to the jet of water.

She gasped again. With another layer of protection being removed from the torrent of water turbulently flowing past. Her hand was now deep in my shorts wrapped around my hard cock but it was more there for squeezing than stroking. Her legs were still too close together to maximize the stimulation so I poked her inner thigh with my finger on one side, then the other. Clara responded each time by spreading her legs wider.

Each time her position shifted just a tiny bit and the water was pulsing at a different frequency, she would shudder and her eyes were rolling back. “Oh my God, What is happening?” she said through labored breath.

“You’re about to cum for the first time.” I brought my finger down over her clit and gently rubbed it back and forth while the water pumped against her sex from the other side. She was rapidly climbing to orgasm with the jet doing nearly all of the work.

Clara’s breath was quickening into short pants signaling she was right on the brink. Without changing her body position I moved my face to hers and planted a kissed her on her lips, without breaking the kiss I passed my tongue into her mouth gently tickled hers. Her hand wrapped around the back of my head pulling me into the kiss and passionately kissing me back.

With our tongues gently dancing, I flicked my finger more rapidly over her clit as the jet continued to drub her virgin vulva in a way she had never known possible before. Her moan was only muffled by my now open mouth kiss. As she crashed over the precipice, her quaking body pulled her pussy off the jet but my finger followed her body and continued its assault on her previously unexploited nerve endings. One of her hands was behind my head clinching my hair, the other strangling the blood out of my dick. The orgasm that overtook her body was long and powerful and ended when I slowed my finger movements.

I broke the kiss and removed my finger from her now initiated clit. Her eyes were full of astonishment and bliss at the same time. “Oh my God! I can’t believe that just happened.”


Just then we heard someone clearing their throat. *Ahem* “Excuse me, this is a family establishment. No kissing in the hot tubs please or we will have to ask you to leave.” It was one of the lifeguards that had come over to tell us to cut out the PDA. Little did he know what was going on beneath the turbulent bubbling water.

Clara’s hand shot out of my shorts and she quickly composed herself, “Sorry, it won’t happen again.” As he walked away she giddily laughed in embarrassment. “You’re going to get us kicked out of here if you keep that up mystery man.”

“If I hadn’t kissed you, the whole city would have heard your moaning.” I reminded her of what had just happened.

“Oh right.” Her brain was spinning as she reached down, replaced the fabric of her bikini bottom, and re-tied the string on the side. I followed suit and re-tied mine as well.

Hannah, returned from the waterslide a few minutes later and climbed into the hot tub on the other side. “I sure do love this place. Clara how was the waterslide?”

Clara was still a bit rummy but she responded calmly, “It was scary but fun… Until my top slipped off.”

“I saw that!” You must have been so embarrassed” Hannah laughed.

Clara looked over to me and said, “Thankfully Cody was there to help me out.”

“Yes, how chivalrous of him.” Hannah joked. “This hot tub feels great! Do you guys want to go jump in the pool and swim around again?”

“Sure, why not.” I agreed. The three of us took turns moving from the hot tub to the pool and back. Hannah went to the slide a few more times as well. Whenever she did, Clara would open up and talk more about what had happened.

“Cody, I’m having trouble wrapping my brain about what just happened. Every fiber of my being seemed to awaken and… explode. It felt so good and I can’t believe that I have been avoiding that for so long. I always thought my body was a temple and that I shouldn’t pervert it with impure acts but that didn’t feel impure. It felt like Hannah said yesterday, magical, I want to feel it again! This time though, I want you to show me how I can do it to myself.”

She continued, “I was also thinking… I am worried that someday, when I do get married that my husband will not be satisfied with me. I have no experience with satisfying a man. What if I don’t know what to do?”

“I think I can help with that. But not right here. We almost got kicked out already just for kissing.”

“We did a lot more than kiss!” Clara reminded me.

“True, but he didn’t know that.” I smirked as I said it.

“I have work at 4 today so I can’t go back to the Dorm with you guys.” She felt her opportunity slipping away.

“Do they have any ‘family’ changing rooms here?” I asked.

“Yeah, why? Oh, great idea!” She filled in the blanks. “Next time Hannah leaves to go to the slide, Let’s say we need to start getting ready to leave. That should buy us some time.”

Hannah came back a while later giving Clara time to build up her story. Before Hannah could try and will us into another trip down the water slid, Clara eagerly laid out her plan. “Hannah, I have work today at 4 so we will need to leave soon.”

“It’s only 2:00 can’t we stay a while longer?” Hannah protested.

“I need to wash my hair and shower before work. Also, I have to drive you two back to the dorm.” Clara explained. “You know, you could keep playing for another half hour while I am getting ready.” Having ‘won’ more time at the pool she smiled and made her way back to the waterslide while Clara and I slipped away.

Clara devised the plan. “Go to the locker-room and get your things out of the locker. I’ll do the same. You go first and I will knock on the door gently so you can let me in.” She continued explaining where the Family room was. I followed the plan and didn’t spend more than 2 minutes in the Locker room then made my way to the family changing room.

It was available and I stepped in and closed the door. The room was its own locker room with showers, benches and lockers. As promised a gentle knock at the door came a few minutes later. Clara jumped in quickly and locked the door. She had her a backpack with all of her bathroom accessories clothes and two towels. “You forgot your towel again didn’t you?”

I shook my head, “I just can’t seem to remember one, can I?”

“Don’t worry I wasn’t expecting you to. It’s kind of your thing.” We both smiled. Clara set the two towels on the bench along with her back pack. “Since we aren’t in a rush anymore or have anyone trying to separate us at any moment. How about we shower first.”


With that she locked eyes with me and began to strip off her bikini only a few feet away. Slowly pulling the string at her hip. “Here’s to new experiences,” once the strings disconnected the whole bottom dropped to the floor revealing her landing strip and recently discovered pleasure center. “Help me with the back?” she turned to reveal her naked ass.

I closed the one step to her and pinched the string while my other hand cupped her bare ass cheek. As I pulled the string, my hand curled between her legs. Clara leaned forward slightly and my fingers met her pussy from the back at the same time as the strings separated. She pulled the top over her head as I began sliding my fingers through her slit.

She stepped away. “Remember, I want to learn how to do that for myself and to you.” I took her hand and brought it to the drawstring of my shorts. Clara didn’t need me to explain it. She pulled the string and hooked her thumbs into my waist band pulling it to the ground kneeling as she did so. When she looked up my dick was right in her face and already standing straight up from the encouragement of her earlier strip tease.

Clara reached out for my dick but I turned and walked to the shower and turned on the water. She grumbled and followed me. With the water splashing over us both I stepped behind her and wrapped both hands around her. I placed one over her breast and slid the other between her legs. She responded with a gentle moan. “Follow my hands.”

First she moved her hand to her breast beneath mine. I parted her fingers and pinched her nipple gently. “See if this feels good. Many women like having their nipples played with.”

“Mmm, yeah it feels good.” She moaned as she leaned her body back into mine and rested her head on my shoulder as the water of the shower sprinkled her body.

“Now, move your hand to your pussy.” she followed, “rub it gently up and down in your slit like I did to you earlier.” Clara was getting into it and stared softly moaning. I moved both of my hands out of the way. One now resting on her stomach. The other squeezing and massaging her butt. Gently kissing the cleft of her neck sent goose bumps over her whole body.

“Keep doing that.” she encouraged me and moved her hand off her breast behind her to grab my dick. Her hand kept working between her legs as she started to stroke me with a pretty ineffective technique.

“Do you want to learn how to satisfy a man now?

Clara whimpered “I think I was getting close.”

“Follow me.” I walked over to the bench and sat down with my legs open and my hand reaching out to her. She looked into my eyes and I could see the trust she had in me. Clara walked over and I grabbed one of the towels, opened it one fold, and laid it on the floor between my feet. “Put your knees on the towel.” She nodded in acceptance and walked over, placing her knees on the towel before me.

“Wrap two fingers around the base of my cock.” She followed instructions. “Bring your head down and lick me from your fingers up to the tip. With your other hand continue rubbing your little pussy up and down.”

Clara looked up at me. “Like this?” she continued licking up and down and I could hear the squishing sounds of her fingers rummaging around her wet virgin pussy.

“Good, Now make your lips into an ‘O’ shape and take my dick in your mouth. Slide up and down while licking my shaft with your tongue but don’t use your teeth.” I was now getting off on ordering this beautiful woman around. Clara was like play dough in my hands.

She was only taking about half of my dick in her mouth but she was getting the hang of it. “Every once in a while when you get to the tip, swirl your tongue around and suck… Yeah like that” Clara was turning into a pro and I badly needed to cum after the events of the last two days without having any release.

She stopped for a second, “I think I’m getting close again.” her body began see sawing at the hips as her stimulation pushed her closer.

“Me too,” Clara continued fellating me and was gasping for air when her orgasm finally hit her. Her moans created a strong vibration in my dick and my it erupted with a thick column of jizz into her mouth. She took the first one pretty well as her body continued shuddering but my balls kept on constricting and shooting again and again. After the third shot she gagged and spit it all out on the floor. Two more ropes of my seed splashed over the back of her head and her back.


“Wow, I did it! That was a lot of cum. Did you shoot some on my back too?” Clara was proud of what she had accomplished and had a huge smile on her face.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I’ll help you wash it off.” I stood up and helped her off the floor then grabbed some tissues to wipe up the jizz she has spit out and we went together back to the shower. We took turns rinsing each other’s bodies off.

“I need like 15 more minutes to wash and dry my hair.” You should go out there and see if Hannah is waiting for us.

“Good thinking.” I grabbed the towel on the bench and quickly dried off and put on my clothes. “Use this one. The other towel has been on the floor.”

“Thank you for saving my knees.” Clara replied, acknowledging my forethought.

I slipped out the door and closed it behind me. It was a short hallway leading directly to the Main lobby. Hannah was sitting on a bench looking back and forth from men’s to women’s locker room and back again. “There you are! Have you seen Clara?”

“Nah, I just went to use the bathroom. Have you seen her?” I covered for us.

“No, and she wasn’t in the Locker room either. I’ve been waiting here for like 10 minutes.”

“Strange, I’m sure she’ll show up somewhere.”

“Should I go back in the women’s locker room to look?” Hannah asked.

“Give her like 10 minutes then go look.” I tried to make a buffer for Clara to finish up and be out while Hannah was looking for her. Ten minutes passed and Hannah got impatient. She stormed off to the locker room.

“OK, I’m going to look for her.”

A minute Later I saw Clara poked her head out and look both ways. She saw me and I gave her a thumbs up. When she came down the hallway she was already wearing her work uniform, a black skirt and a white V cut shirt. By the time Hannah got back Clara and I were standing there chatting.

“Where have you been?” Hannah fumed.

“Washing my hair, of course. I told you I needed to get ready for work.” Clara opened her arms showing off her outfit.

“Oh, whatever. Let’s go.” Said Hannah, she hardly spoke on the way back to the dorm.

When Clara dropped us off. We gathered our things from her car and she got ready to leave. She pulled me aside and said, “Thank you for everything you taught me today. I could never repay you.” and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Can you believe her. How long does it take to wash your hair!?” Hannah was still upset.

“Give her a break, would you? We all had a great time at the water park. I mean Hot spring.” I felt the need to defend Clara because I was a big part of why she had been so long.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Do you want to go up to my room now?” Uh oh, what did she have planned for us this time?

“I guess so.” We stopped by my car again and swapped my swimming trunks which I put in a plastic bag for the ‘disguise’ again.

We got up to Hannah’s room at 3:30. I checked my phone to see if Kelly had left any messages. Nothing, and she wasn’t supposed to be back until 6:00. That left me an a cage with a lion for two and a half hours. “OK, let me get right to it.” Hannah said after she dropped off her things. “I had a lot of fun at the Hot springs but I really just wanted to get back here and spend some time with you!”

“Mr. Cody Sir after last night I didn’t sleep well because I couldn’t stop thinking about all the other things I wanted to try. I did research about all the best ways to give a blowjob and I want to try them out. Have you ever done 69? I want to try that too!” Hannah was going on and on.

“OK, hold on just a minute… ” I stopped her.

“Oh, common Mr., Cody. You know I need this. You’re the only guy I try this out on. I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Hannah was pleading again.

“What, like you didn’t tell Clara last night about cumming 2 times?” She was caught.

“That was different… That was my first time ever with a boy. I had to tell someone.”

“But you told me you wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“I said I wouldn’t tell Amy or Kelly. Which I didn’t, see I kept my word.” Hannah had her hands in a preying position. “I promise, this is the last thing I’ll ask you and I won’t tell anyone, not even Clara.” I was softening to the idea, while something else was hardening. “Just one more thing. I want you to do Anal on me.”

“What! Where the hell did that come from?”

“Um, well we all know sex before marriage is a sin right? But I was reading online that if you put it in my butt it’s totally OK since it’s not actually sex right?

I couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth or the rationale. She was literally begging me to Sodomize her. how did this make any sense to a Mormon girl? I had never tried anal before, butt when someone is standing in front of you begging you to try it. What do you do?

“OK, fine, but no more favors after this OK.” Men sure are predictable right?


“Oh, thank you! thank you! thank you! You’re the best Mr. Cody. Let’s get started” She threw all the pillows, stuffed animals, and blankets off her bed which hit the floor and bounced and all directions. Fresh sheets were on the bed from yesterday and she brought out 3 towels to drape over the bed. You had to give it to her, she was prepared. “OK, now I heard that Clara got to see you naked yesterday, it’s my turn now. Drop them.”

I’ll play her game. I peeled off my clothes piece by piece and cast them aside. When I got to my pants she moved in close. My half flaccid cock sprang free and she gawked at it mightily sizing it up. “Wow. that is a lot bigger than I had expected. How on earth do girls get something like that to fit in their butt?” She was having doubts and so was I. “One step at a time Hannah, One step at a time.”

She looked over my body and stripped her clothes at the same time. It was the same outfit that she had worn to the pool. A pink sweater and form fitting jeans. Beneath them she had another pair of white cotton casual panties like the ones from yesterday and a spaghetti strap tank top with no bra underneath. She cast them aside and revealed her new look. A bare patch of skin where her more populated bush had been yesterday. “Oh, I thought you might like that better.” she commented on the new style.

There we stood ready for battle. She walked backward and laid on the bed with her head facing me. Then reached out her hand over her head, “Come on the top of me.” I did as she said. Planting my knees on either side of her head and leaned forward to get into position. She reached up and maneuvered my penis into her mouth. I dove in at the same time and her pussy was as clean as I had ever experienced. The kind clean that only happens after 20+ trips down a waterslide and a shower afterward.

She wasn’t kidding when she said she had researched how to give a good blowjob either. Her technique was impeccable and I was having trouble trying to keep pace with her. “How am I Doing? Does it feel good?”

“Yeah it feels great, you’re a natural”

I flicked my tongue across her pussy and as I got closer I began to gently probe her hole. “Not there! I need to save that for when I’m married.” Hannah then shimmied her way out from under me and stood next to the bed. “Come over here.” I got up and then she laid over the bed with her ass pointing out and obscenely moved her two hands to spread her ass cheeks. “Do it here, but be gentle.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I didn’t even think it would be possible with how petite she was and also on account that I’m not a small guy.

“Yes, Give it to me.” she was determined and held her position. Bent over the bed with her face buried in the bed, ass cheeks spread, and her pinkish red starfish just winking at me.

“OK, I’ll give it a try.” Her asshole was just as clean her pussy was after the rinse cycle she had just put it through at the water park. I lined up my dick which was already slick with her saliva and placed it in unfamiliar territory. At first it was like hitting a brick wall.

“Oh!” she cringed. “Keep trying, I just need to relax.” I rubbed my fingers on her already lubricated pussy and rubbed them across her asshole. Then tried again. This time just the tip started to sink in. Then a little bit more, and a little bit more until I hit another impedance. I pulled my dick away and milked out some pre-cum then began tunneling again. At the same point progress stopped again. “Ok, Go again.” Hannah urged me on while relaxing the internal muscles. Then at once the gates opened and my shaft slid into still the tightest grip I have ever known.

Hannah let out a huge gasp of air I passed the boundary. “Are you in? Oh My God It’s so big.”

“Are you OK,” I checked on her again.

“Yeah, Just go slow.” She looked back with an anguished look on her face. I started moving my dick back and forth in her dark canal and slowly the muscles began to relax. My dick was now moving more freely but were still trapped in a chokingly tight grip. After a minute of small movements she reached down and started rubbing her pussy from below. That helped to pave the way a bit. “Keep going, It’s starting to feel better.”

As more pre-cum entered the tunnel I was able to gently slide in and out. Soon my dick was sliding instead of being locked in place. Hannah was making more squishing noises with her finger on her clit and my dick was moving in and out. “Hold on, can you angle your dick down a bit more?” I pulled my dick fully out while she moved down the bed a little more. Her asshole was gaping so wide that I could see deep inside her body. I squeezed my dick again to milk a bit more pre-cum out and drove it back into the pit. This time it was a smooth tunnel.


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With the friction alleviated I picked up the pace and stared making longer strokes. I lifted my body and stared penetrating down into her. The angle was such that she was getting some internal stimulation of her G-spot as my dick rammed the inner walls of her rectum. Hannah’s fingers were also working to push her body toward orgasm. “I think I’m going to cum Cody. Oooohhh, Oooohh, Yeammmmmm.” I covered her mouth to muffle her as her body was assailed with a totally new kind of orgasm.

her hips bucked and her abdomen quaked while her anus squeezed my dick tightly with each spasm. I couldn’t take it anymore and released my seed deep in the bowels of her dark tunnel. I had already cum just a few hours ago but the point of delivery was so foreign that it could never be forgotten. When pulled out, the gaping tunnel held it’s open shape and my seed flowed out and down her inner thigh. I reached for a towel and wiped up most of it.

“Now it’s my turn to say Wow! That was something else!” I was truly amused by the reactions her body was having throughout the whole session.

“Yes it was. My butthole is still stuck open! How long does it take to go back to normal?” She looked concerned.

“I don’t know. This is my first time too.” Hannah climbed on the bed laying on her stomach with her legs spread and feet in the air. “Can you watch it and see if it goes back?” It was a strange request but I also was curious, for science. It took a little under 2 minutes for it to ‘shut’ again and she was wiggling her body around afterward without any more cum leaking out.


We lounged around on her bed for 15 more minutes until I got a message on my phone.

(Kelly) Hey, Cody. I got done a little early. I will be back around 5:00 pm.

(Kelly) Sorry I didn’t text earlier but I didn’t have any reception out there.

I checked the time. It was 4:50 “Hey Hannah, Kelly will be back in 10 minutes.”

“You had better get dressed then.” Hannah looked concerned too.

“Wait, This may sound strange but does my dick smell like…” She leaned down and took a deep sniff.

“Nope, but just in case.” She brought out some hand lotion and squirted it on her hand. “Don’t worry it doesn’t have a strong smell.” Then she rubbed her hands together gently and stroked my cock up and down 4-5 times. “Good as new.” We both laughed.

(Cody) Great! I am on your floor.

(Kelly) I’m in the elevator come on over.

I poked my head out and saw Kelly walking toward her room. I followed her quietly down the hall. When she turned to put the key in the door she saw me out of her periphery. “Hey, there you are.” She joked, “For once you are the one waiting for me?” Then it hit me hard. GUILT.

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