The Marine Bk. 02 Ch. 08 by UltimateSin,UltimateSin

A/N – I’ll be honest, the last chapter had a plot, or so I hope that’s what you thought. This chapter? It’s a lot smuttier than the last one as Nick has a LOT of fun with his girls. To prevent the sex getting too stale and repetitive, I hope you’ll find the other five girls unique. And in addition to all that, I’ve tried to keep the plot moving forward. This will be the second and last chapter with these six lovers. I had originally only planned for one chapter per location per lover, but this journey to Brazil took on a life of its own!

Previous chapters found in the following:

Chapter 1-10: Incest/Taboo

Chapter 11, 13-15: Erotic Coupling

Chapter 12: Interracial Love

Chapter 16: Mature

Chapter 17: First Time


We were two streets back from the entrance to the favela. Joao had binoculars, watching and waiting. Up this close, I was amazed at how large it was. I’d seen them from a distance, but this close up, it must have been full of thousands of people. If my mind hadn’t been solely focused on taking out the kingpin, I’d have given all those people a thought, left wondering how they survived on a daily basis. But I couldn’t afford that. My sole focus was making it to the top and taking out the fuckwit in charge.

And I knew he was only the first. Once we did this, it was going to get very fucking ugly.

Marcos was on the phone to Tony about cutting the power. The man had friends in the right places. Far as I knew, he never used that sort of power to his own advantage, but there was a first time for everything. I glanced at Marcos and nodded. He gave the word to Tony.

“Two minutes,” Marcos whispered.

We moved silently towards the entrance to the favela. There were men milling about. Half of them had weapons. Those carrying MP5s made sure they had suppressors. Not entirely silent like you see in movies, but it wouldn’t attract attention from those further inside. Soon as the lights went out, we lowered our night vision goggles and gunfire erupted. The rest of us moved quickly but silently, taking out the guards, ensuring they were tied up and kept quiet.

Splitting into two teams of three, we heard generators start up to provide some power to the small houses we passed, but the narrow alleys remained dark. Those who spoke fluent Portuguese, which was basically the four except Brian and I, could hear conversation from those around us. We managed to make it halfway before we ran into resistance.

The advantage was with us. It was dark, they had no idea who we were. Those at distance, Brian and I handled with our rifles. Anyone up close, Joao and Marcos made a mess with their shotguns. Soon as those boomed in the darkness, the favela came alive.

“Quickly! Quickly!” I muttered.

Moving fast wasn’t always the best idea, but the darkness was still our friend. It was only when we were a couple of hundred metres away from our target that spotlights were illuminated. Removing our goggles, that’s when Brian and Joao took the lead, as they’d managed to get close to our target during the second week. Coming across guards, we took them out silently, relying on our hands and knives to ensure they wouldn’t raise the alarm.

Despite the spotlights, we managed to get closer, but getting into the buildings themselves was going to be difficult. Joao and Marcos inserted more shells and agreed to take the lead until we breached. If there were any nerves, no-one showed them as we managed to get to the stairs. Sharing a glance with Brian leading the other team, we nodded and moved.

What we’d learned is that the enemy was not trained. They were your typical thugs, relying on threats of violence and intimidation. Coming up against heavily armed, and more importantly trained soldiers? They wilted and died where they stood. Once we breached the buildings, we had flash-bangs out, rolling them into rooms, adding smoke grenades to create further confusion.

Anyone watching from further below would have seen gunfire erupting inside the enormous complex. We’d already learned they were arrogant, cocky fuckers, stupidly standing out from cover as they opened fire. I’d already lost count of how many dumb fucks we’d already put on the ground, but they seemed to have no sense of self-preservation.

“Where do you reckon he is?” Brian asked over comms.

“No fucking idea. Probably near the top, if anywhere. Not like he can escape unless he wants to climb over the mountain and trudge his way down. No, he’ll make a stand and think he can negotiate.”

Clearing the building level by level, we left anyone we came across either dead or bleeding heavily from wounds they would eventually die from. We didn’t shoot anyone without a weapon. Came across more than one woman and child we told to just fuck off. Thankfully, they understood and did just that. Didn’t need that on our collective conscience.

Finding what appeared to be genuine living quarters, we searched it thoroughly, no surprise it had been emptied. As the others split up and checked each room, I ended up walking into what looked like an office. I nabbed a phone left behind, and also grabbed a laptop that I assumed might contain information. After agreeing the place was clear, we continued heading up.

Gunfire erupted immediately, and that’s when we knew who we wanted was making a final stand. Taking cover, I let him know we knew who he was. “Felipe Luis Vasconcellos, you can either surrender now, or we’ll riddle your body with bullets, and drag it through the favela,” I shouted in Portuguese. Wasn’t going to let him know I was an outsider.

“Fuck you, motherfuckers!” he replied in English.

I wanted him alive, but those alongside him dead. A couple of flash-bangs and smoke grenades did the job. He had four men next to him that ended up dead, while I put the butt of my rifle into his face. Once his hands were tied up, I pulled him to his feet and met his eyes. The arrogance disappeared immediately once he met my cold, impassive eyes. I smiled. “Good, now you know fear,” I muttered.

The other five covered me as I pushed Felipe forward, the barrel of my weapon in his back. I let him know I’d shoot him if he deviated for a second. Eyes and faces watched us pass by. The favela was still in darkness, but everyone would have heard the firefight that had taken place. Anyone who went searching was only going to find a lot of dead bodies. “You don’t know what you’re doing,” he warned.

“I’d worry about what’s going to happen to you in the next couple of hours,” I retorted.

“We’ll find out who you’re working for.”

I smacked him in the back of the head. “Shut the fuck up and keep walking.”

Once back at our vehicles, Joao and Brian came with me, the other three would be returning home. I trussed up Felipe and rolled him into the back of the SUV as Joao took the wheel, driving us to the outskirts of the city, far away from prying eyes. Everything had already been set up. Once we arrived, I got out and grabbed Felipe, dragging him into the warehouse. Joao and Brian helped me sit him down, tie him up, then I asked them to make themselves scarce. “You won’t look at me the same if you witness this,” I admitted.

“Done this before?” Brian asked.

“It comes with the job at times. Know what I mean?”

He smirked. “Didn’t have you picked for a spook.”

“What? CIA? MI6?” I snorted. “No. Definitely not with them.”

He met my eyes and nodded. “Definitely don’t want to know then,” he muttered.

“We’ll wait outside,” Joao said, “Just join us when you’re done.”

Once alone, I crouched in front of Felipe. Now he was scared, his face bathed in sweat, breathing rapidly. He was probably going to piss himself soon enough. I took the knife from its sheathe and cut his t-shirt open, but what would have really scared him was cutting open his trousers. I lifted his chin with the point of the knife. “I’ve read what people like you are capable of,” I said, “Not you exactly, just what you do to people who fight back.” Running the blade down his chest, it was just enough to cause pain with all the sweat, perhaps just enough to draw a trickle of blood. “What you are going to do, Felipe, is tell me everything you know. And I mean everything. I want names. All the names. You know them. Someone like you doesn’t get to where he is without friends. Without protection. And trust me on this one, I’ll keep you alive long enough to learn what I want.”

I’ll give the man credit, his tolerance for pain was pretty good for someone still considered a civilian, though I’d just call him a criminal and I had next to no sympathy for someone like that. But once I had small leads attached to his testicles, sending electrical currents through them, he wept like a baby and was willing to tell me anything I needed to know. To say he sang like a canary wouldn’t be an understatement. I recorded all the names, most of them meant nothing to me, before I was sure he’d told me everything I wanted to know.

“You’ll let me go now, right?” he pleaded, the poor delusional fool.

I answered that with a bullet to his head.

Walking outside, it was mid-morning, and I wasn’t the only one exhausted. Joao and Brian met my eyes and knew I’d crossed a line to gather the information needed. They didn’t need to know I’d crossed that line more than once in my life already. I handed Joao the list of names I’d written down. When his eyes widened and he stared at me in disbelief, I knew it was bad.

Putting it to the back of my mind, at least temporarily, I slid into the backseat and let Joao guide us home. Brian was half asleep at the same time. It had been a hell of a long night. The gates opened as Joao drove the SUV into its usual spot. Tony appeared in the doorway immediately, the other three having arrived home earlier before. Joao and Brian passed him before he stopped me. I handed him the list of names. He didn’t ask how I got them, he simply looked down the list before he met my eyes.

“Meu Deus,” he whispered.

“We’ve kicked the hornets’ nest, Tony. I think it’s time you called in some favours yourself.”

“I will, Nick. I will.”

Walking upstairs, the first thing I needed was a shower. I might have done that sort of thing before, but I still felt dirty afterwards, another stain on the conscience and soul. It was always necessary, stooping to such things, but that didn’t make it easy to live with. I just had to put it away in my mind and somehow forget about it.

After a hot shower, scrubbing myself clean twice, I put on a pair of shorts and walked to Adriana’s door. Opening it up, she was still in bed but awake, though as soon as her eyes met mine, she was up and out of bed immediately, leaping into my arms, feeling her legs wrap around me too. She knew enough already not to ask. The fact I was home alive and well was all that mattered.

“I’m knackered,” I muttered.

“Then you sleep in here,” she replied.

I collapsed onto her bed once she’d untangled herself from me. “Wake me in three hours,” I murmured.

When I did wake up, I wasn’t alone, all six girls snuggling up either side of me. They didn’t ask what I’d done the previous night and earlier that morning. I’d kept my promise by returning alive. That was all that mattered to them. Turning onto my back, Adriana snuggled into my side. Giving her a kiss, the other five giggled before I slid out of bed, the six following in my footsteps as I headed down to the kitchen.

I was up in time for a late lunch. Tony walked out from his office once I’d finished eating, asking to speak with me in private. After the usual offer and acceptance of whiskey, we stood gazing out over the backyard. We could see the six girls and his wife in the pool, another warm day in Rio. Weather never seemed to change, in all honesty. It was usually warm. And it always seemed humid. The occasional afternoon thunderstorm, a reminder of those we’d experience during the summer back in Sydney.

“Nick, there are names on that list which, I’ll be honest, scare the shit out of me,” he finally said, “I’m speaking about people not only influential in this city, but I’m also talking across Brazil.”

“What do we do?”

“I’ll need to speak with trusted friends, though after seeing some of these names, I’m not sure who to trust now. You made the first move last night, Nick. This will be like a game of chess. You were a knight on the board. Now it’s how they respond. Once I have information for you, and I know I have allies willing to assist, I’ll let you know.” We sipped our drinks in silence before he added, “Keep her safe, no matter the cost, Nick.”

“You know I do that already.”

He patted my shoulder as I finished my drink, leaving him to get on with his work. Since announcing his candidacy, the place was full of those assisting him. That’s when I was thankful to be out of the house. I didn’t really get to know those working for him, only in the sense he gave me their information and I passed it to OGIS for them to check them over. No issues so far, all of them either completely loyal to him or working as they at least believed in what he wanted to do.

In bed that night with Adriana, as I didn’t even bother feigning going to my own room first any longer, she sat me down on the edge of the bed first and gave me one hell of a blowjob before making love. Cuddling into me afterwards, her fingers running up and down my chest, she said, “Luana wants you last, Nick.”

“I thought she’d leap at the chance to be with me after you?”

“Out of the others, she really loves you, Nick. But she’s incredibly nervous. She wants to wait.”

“My idea is that I’ll spend a week with each of them, really make you all feel special. After that, I’m sure we’ll figure it all out.”

She smiled at me. “That sounds wonderful.”

“And I’ll have to think about Christmas for all of you. Already got your birthday present.”

Her face lit up. “You do?” she asked softly.

“Of course.”

She sat up and wasted no time straddling my lap, the blanket falling away as she easily slid my cock inside her. Her face lit up as she slowly started to ride me. “You’re deep inside some tight teenage pussy, Nick,” she whispered, “You have another week to enjoy that fact.”

“I think I’ll fuck you hard the rest of the week then really start nailing you once you’re twenty.”

Her eyes met mine, filled with the lust and desire she felt for me. “I hope that’s a promise, Nick.”

I pulled her forward as she relaxed an arm to either side of me before running my hands down to her arse, giving that a good squeeze. She kissed me, feeling her tongue slowly slide into my mouth, pumping up into her that had her moaning as she refused to break the kiss. She moaned again as I growled. That made her break the kiss and giggle.

Rolling her over, I felt her legs open wide, her fingers running up and down my back as I started to pump into her faster. “Oh god…” she moaned softly.

“Love your tight pussy, Adriana,” I grunted.

“Hope you fill my tight pussy with your cum soon.”

I met her eyes and grinned, leaning down to kiss her, fucking her even faster. She moaned loudly and I could feel my orgasm building, moving her legs even further back with my arms so I almost had her curled up. “Continue me fodendo. Por favor, continue me fodendo!”

“Love it when you whip out the Portuguese.”

“Eu amo você,” she whispered, her eyes never looking away from mine.

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

Letting go of her legs, she wrapped them around me, begging me to cum inside her again. I managed to last a couple minutes more before I gave her what she wanted, groaning loudly as she left soft kisses on my cheek, resting on my forearms once I was empty, feeling her legs tighten around my waist. “Don’t want to spill a drop,” she whispered humorously, “Good thing I take the pill, Nick, otherwise I reckon you’d have me pregnant already.”

“Not sure how we’d explain that to your parents.”

Our eyes met and we chuckled. We could have been safer, of course, but I’d rarely used condoms as every partner I’d been with took precautions on our behalf. If they hadn’t, then I’d have worn one, but got to be honest. Condoms take away a lot of the pleasure whenever I’d worn one. And, thankfully, all the women I’d been with loved the feeling of me finishing inside them.

Pulling out, I carried her into the bathroom over my shoulder, hearing her giggling away, before we showered together. Our hands rarely left the body of each other, continuing to make out, washing each other down. Cuddling me under the water, she asked softly, “Are you okay?”

“I’m much better now. I did what I had to do, Adriana. It’s all to keep you and your family safe.” I kissed her cheek. “I’ve also found coming home to very beautiful young women makes me feel better too.”

The six of us who’d gone to work that night were on tenterhooks all week. We showed nothing in front of the family, but during our quiet conversations, we agreed that although no-one would have known who attacked, we should remain alert. Though I stopped staying on campus with Adriana, one of us remained outside in one of the SUVs, just in case. Though I was still the primary guard for Adriana, the other five had been seconded to escorting the girls to university, at the very least. Joao was very much my right-hand man nowadays, and we were now good mates in addition to colleagues.

There was also no chance of keeping my relationship with Adriana secret. To my surprise, Joao barely mentioned it, even when I publicly kissed her goodbye each morning when dropping her off. Driving back to the house on the Friday before her birthday, he finally said, “She’s smiling all the time, Nick. She was miserable for so long. Then again, her previous guard was nothing like you.”

“What do the others think?”

“She’s not their concern so it isn’t any of their business. She’s only my concern now because of the other five girls.” That’s when he did glance at me while I drove. “I’ve heard you might have a little harem of lovers, Nick. Enough to make a man jealous.”

“You’re a happily married man, Joao.”

He laughed. “Very true. And my wife is still a beautiful woman.”

Adriana’s birthday was the next day. She insisted that the first thing she wanted on her birthday was to wake up in my arms, so we made love until the early morning before finally going to sleep, waking up to find she was snuggled tightly into my body. Waking her up with a soft kiss, she quickly had me on my back, riding my cock. “I want my pussy full of your cum for as much of today as possible,” she insisted.

“We might have to be a little sneaky from time to time.”

“That won’t be a problem. Our friends will distract everyone, give you long enough to pump a good load into me.”

“Fucking hell, Adriana,” I stated, chuckling away.

She leaned down and kissed me hard. “I love you,” she whispered, “Though there are still four teenagers, Nick. Plenty of fresh, virgin teenage pussy still available.” I grabbed her hips and her eyes smouldered as no doubt I had a look in my eyes. She ended up on her back, spreading her legs wide as I wasted no time pumping into her. “Fuck me!” she cried.

I fucked her harder than I had up to that point, Adriana making enough noise that the door opened slightly, and a couple of her friends watched me nailing her. Then I pulled out and turned her over, eagerly getting into her hands and knees, looking back and begging me to keep fucking her.

“Love your cock,” she moaned as I slid back inside her.

I didn’t last much longer, filling her pussy just like she wanted. It was only as I pulled out and sat back on my knees as she turned onto her side that we noticed Juliana and Elena looking through the gap in the doorway. “That was so hot,” Elena whispered, two sets of eyes gazing at my still hard cock, slick with Adriana’s juices and a little of my cum.

“From Monday, he’s yours, Elena,” Adriana said, “I know you’re eager.”

“No, I’m desperate, Adriana,” she retorted, giggling away.

“We’ll have a shower and head down for breakfast,” I said, helping Adriana up, amused that she needed a little help as her legs were still shaking.

“He’s got a big cock!” I heard Elena exclaim to the others.

After dressing in shorts and a t-short, thankfully no-one expecting me to dress up, I made sure I grabbed the present I’d bought for Adriana as we joined the rest of the family downstairs. Her brothers were actually around for once, aware the rest of the family would be arriving during the day. To my surprise, Luciana and Antonio told Adriana and I to not act any different with each other. “You are together, and that’s it,” he said.

“You’re sure?”

“Anyone who doesn’t like it can leave,” Luciana replied, “My daughter is now twenty years old. She has been an adult for two years. She is capable of making her own decisions.” Then she smiled. “Her grandparents will love you. A conservative uncle or two might have a word to say. They can, how you say in England, fucking do one?”

I laughed as that’s exactly what I’d tell someone who should mind their own business. Her two brothers glanced in my direction. I’d had little to do with them the entire time I’d been there as they very much lived their own life. Each met my eyes and returned a single nod. I think that was their way of telling me it was fine with them too.

We gathered in the lounge room as there was a small pile of presents waiting for Adriana. She wanted for nothing as it was, and I knew she had already told her parents that she just wanted a day where everyone could relax and not worry about everything happening outside the walls that kept them safe. There were still a couple of small, expensive gifts from her mother and father, and some very thoughtful touches from her friends. None of them came from as wealthy families as Adriana, not that it mattered. The six were as close as any friends I’d seen.

After she’d opened everything, everyone including Adriana looked at me. I passed her a present I’d managed to wrap myself. Carefully tearing off the paper, it would have been immediately obvious that it was a jewellery box. She glanced at me; her mouth open as I liked to think I had surprised her. When she opened it, she had to cover her mouth for a moment before she practically leapt onto me.

“Think we know which present she loves best,” Luciana said, thankfully chuckling away, before she glanced at what I’d bought. “Nick, how much…”

Holding Adriana tight to me, I replied, “Doesn’t matter. I did have to research about birthstones though.”

“I love them. Thank you,” she whispered.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

Once she slid off my lap, I helped her put on the necklace as she managed to the accompanying bracelet by herself. Looking into the mirror at her necklace first, her eyes then met mine as I rested my hands on her shoulders. “I have an idea for Christmas,” I said softly, “One for all six of you. I hope you’ll like it.” I rested my hand where her cross had one been. “I know that’s missing at the moment, that it was ripped away that night. I’ll replace it for you.”

That earned another of those warm smiles that made my heart flutter. “You will?”

“I know how important god is to you, Adriana. I’d love to do it for you.”

She turned and kissed me. She wore the necklace as the family arrived. I hadn’t met any of them before. Most of them didn’t speak a lot of English but my Portuguese had been getting better. Still struggled from time to time during normal conversations but the rest of the family helped when I needed translation for a word or turn of phrase. The other guards were also around, and it was nice to relax with the six I’d worked alongside more than once now.

A Brazilian barbeque was the order of the day as plenty of people did end up in the enormous pool. Six young women were soon pleading with me to join them, earning a few curious glances from our visitors. With a helpless shrug, I took off my shirt and slid my shorts down before joining the others in the water. Adriana wasted no time wrapping her arms and legs around me, practically sticking her tongue down my throat. She then gently grabbed my chin and turned my face towards Elena, who blushed before leaning forward to kiss me. “From Monday night, she will join you in your room for a week,” Adriana whispered into my ear.

She then moved my face to the left where Juliana was waiting, ensuring I kissed her too. “From the Monday after that, a week with Juliana. They both want you to be their first, though you already know that. I think I’ve had you long enough now.”

“No pressure,” I joked.

“After that, Fernanda, Camila and finally Luana. And after that… Threesomes…” I know my jaw definitely dropped at that. “Not sure about fooling around with a girl, but surely you can pleasure two of us at once?”

I looked up at the sky. “You know what? I like you, big guy!”

“I’ll just confess all my sins later,” she whispered into my ear, “Might have to confess if I let you stick it up my tight little butt, for example.” I stared at her in disbelief, the smirk on her face as sultry as I’d seen. “Don’t tell me you haven’t at least thought about it, Nick.”

“I won’t lie, of course I have.”

She kissed me softly on the lips. “I want to experience everything with you before… Before you leave.”

I hugged her tightly, feeling her chin rest of my shoulder. “I’ll enjoy anything we do together, Adriana. You mention it, we’ll discuss it, and then we’ll do it.”

“I want to watch you make love to my friends,” she whispered, “I want to see them as happy as you’ve made me.”

“Only if they can see you with me first. I think that’s fair.”

She leaned back and smiled. “Of course! I’d love to.”

The barbeque and further cooking by Marcia provided a smorgasbord of food, sitting down as two long tables. Adriana took pride of place as the birthday girl, making her smile as her parents ensured I was sat next to her, proudly displaying the necklace and bracelet I’d bought for her. I heard a couple of comments in my direction from certain people. Took all of ten minutes for Antonio to put an end to that. Didn’t stand up. Barely raised his voice. Didn’t even look up from his plate.

“My daughter is now a twenty-year-old woman. She lives in my home and will do as she pleases, as long as she does not bring harm to herself or her family, nor bring embarrassment to any of us. If anyone doesn’t respect that, they can rise from this table right now and leave. I will not repeat myself a second time. All those at this table will be treated with the respect that has been shown in return.” Only then did he raise his eyes, looking across the table at Adriana. “This is your special day, my angel. All that matters to your mother and I is that you are happy. Are you?”

“I am, father.”

He looked around the table. “Then I won’t hear another comment. The next person to insult our foreign guest, the man who is willing to risk his own life to protect not only my daughter, but my entire family, will be asked to leave.” He met my eyes. “I hope you don’t take offence, Nick. You shall always be welcome at this table.”

“No offence taken. I know what these gatherings can be like. Water off a duck’s back.”

He looked around one final time. “Then the matter is closed. Now let us enjoy the rest of the day in a good mood. Marcia, I’m thinking more cocktails for our young guests, and I know I’m not the only one gasping for another beer.”

“I’ll help you, Marcia,” Luciana said. That made more than one of us smile. I often found Luciana next to Marcia whenever she was cooking, Luciana having no problem getting stuck in. I knew it was something Marcia appreciated.

I wasn’t surprised a couple of people came for the meal then departed within an hour. To my surprise, her grandparents stayed around, Adriana making sure I sat down and talked with them. She sat next to me the entire time, holding my hand tightly, helping translate some of the conversation. Once they learned I’d been a Royal Marine, and I explained some of the training, I was family. They hadn’t been the problem, but I could understand they wanted to get to know me, at least.

Everyone had departed by early evening. The six girls were back in the pool, getting rather drunk, which was rather amusing to watch. Once bikini tops were thrown in my direction, Antonio glanced in my direction, laughing away before removing himself, taking his wife by the hand and walking inside. The brothers had already disappeared, so I quite happily downed my beer and joined the others in the pool.             

We fooled around for a couple of hours until it was dark. I noticed Adriana had stopped drinking, as had I, so when she swam towards me, sitting on my lap, the other five gathered around as she said, “I think we should put on a show for my friends, so they know what to expect in the next few weeks.”

“Let’s go.”

Adriana and I had sobered up enough but the other five were giggling away as we headed upstairs to her room, making sure the door was firmly closed. They were still topless, and all the skin on show was quite the distraction. Adriana stood in front of me, gesturing for me to remove my swimming shorts, and the fact I was already hard shouldn’t have been a surprise. Gently pushing me back onto the edge of the bed, I smiled as she removed her bikini bottoms, revealing her smooth pussy, before she lowered herself down to her knees before me.

My fingers immediately ran through her fingers as her tongue ran up my shaft. “I love sucking your cock, Nick,” she whispered, “I’m getting used to the taste of your cum too.”

“I’m glad to hear that, sweetheart.”

“You swallow?” Juliana asked, amused at the surprise in her tone.

“Of course. If he doesn’t cum in my pussy, or my mouth if I blow him, I’ve taken a couple of loads on my face and on my body.”

She teased me for a couple of minutes, her tongue coating my shaft in her spit, even going so far as to give my balls some attention, something I did have to teach her, before she slowly but surely started to wrap her soft lips around my cock. Her eyes constantly gazed up into mine, letting her maintain control. I hadn’t exactly fucked her face, but she had learned to take my entire length in her mouth and throat.

I hadn’t cum since that morning and been turned on half the day thanks to the six of them teasing me, so it didn’t take long for Adriana to have me feeling rather excited. Her head was quickly bobbing up and down on my cock, eager to make me cum and swallow down what I had to give her. The feeling of her lips wrapped tightly around my shaft and what her tongue could do…

“This is so fucking hot,” Luana whispered. I patted the bed next to me. She sat down as I wrapped an arm around her waist. She seemed to know why. “I really want to, Nick, but… I’m scared. My parents… I think the term is ‘mind fucked’ me about everything to do with sex…”

I kissed her cheek. “Watch me with Adriana and you’ll see there’s nothing to be scared about.” I released a groan as I was getting closed. “Fuck, Adriana,” I moaned.

“Are you going to cum?” Juliana wondered.

“Soon,” I replied, running my fingers through Adriana’s hair again, “Keep going, sweetheart. Fucking hell, you’ve got good at this.”

“It’s because she loves you so much,” Luana whispered next to me.

I looked into Adriana’s eyes. “I know she does,” I whispered, “I’m worried I love her too much in return.”

I noticed the smile form in her eyes upon saying that, and it made her even more eager to make me cum. Within a couple of minutes, I knew there was nothing I could do to hold it back. Gripping her head a little tighter, I gave her one warning I was going to cum. She squealed when that first blast of cum filled her mouth, amused that she made sure everyone heard her gulp it down, following by at least three or four more good shots before I felt myself empty with a couple of small spurts. Her head kept moving up and down, her tongue continuing to please me, until she knew I was empty.

Sitting back on her knees, she gazed up at me with a smile, leaning forward to caress her cheek, her eyes lighting up with delight at such a simple gesture. “Wow,” Camila whispered, “I really want to do that.”

Adriana looked around at her friends. “You all will. You’ll all get a week with him to start, then we’ll be fighting over who will suck his dick.”

“I won’t complain if six young women are all on their knees for me,” I suggested.

Offering my hand, I helped Adriana to her feet, kissing her softly before she lay down on the bed, wasting no time spreading her legs as she knew what I wanted to do next. I had the other five gather around so they could see what I was doing. While I would normally have teased Adriana relentlessly before even giving her pussy attention, she was far too turned on already for anything except for my tongue to focus on her pussy.

Glancing around again before starting, I said, “Girls, just so you know, I love eating pussy. And I’m going to do this every day we’re together, even if we don’t do anything else. Now watch as I help make Adriana cum really fucking hard.”

“Please, Nick,” she whimpered, “I’ve been horny all day.”

“I know, which is why I haven’t done a thing with you.”

“Tease,” she said, giggling away.

“You know me well.”

Ensuring Adriana had her hands under her knees, pulling them back to completely expose herself, I lightly ran my tongue over her pussy to start with, just getting her even more in the mood, ensuring the other five could see what I was doing, to a point. Despite my nose being so close to Adriana, I could almost smell the arousal coming from the five. If their nipples were anything to suggest, I glanced to see some very damp bikini bottoms, and the wetness wasn’t from the water.

“Nick,” Adriana moaned, “Fingers please.”

Within a couple of minutes, she was squeezing those fingers as she had an orgasm. I heard comments from the girls. No doubt they slid fingers into themselves when masturbating, but any woman would admit it was different when a lover did it for you inside. As she recovered from that, I moved my tongue towards her clit, treating it just how she loved to start, just tender licks as my fingers continued to pleasure her. I felt her squeezing her fingers again, her entire body quivering as she verged on another one very quickly.

“Oh fuck!” she cried softly.

Switching up my attention on her clit to what was going to make her orgasm hard, my fingers would soon pumping her pussy at the same time. She released the sort of moan to tell me an epic orgasm was about to come to fruition, releasing her legs as she stiffened for a second, watching as her back arched as she cried out something intelligible.

It was quite the orgasm, and I knew enough that it was more than enough, removing my fingers and sucking them clean as I kissed up her body until I reached her face. “Happy birthday, beautiful,” I whispered into her ear.

“Give me your cock. I need your cock, Nick.”

I didn’t need asking twice, gently sliding inside her. Aware we had an audience, Adriana and I made love. It was very gentle, tender and slow, bending her knees back and resting them against me as I kept my thrusts at a reasonable pace. I wasn’t in any hurry to cum again, and she just wanted to enjoy my cock for as long as possible, like every time we made love.

“This is beautiful,” Fernanda whispered.

“God, we are going to be so lucky,” Juliana added.

We remained in that position making love, neither of hurrying, simply savouring the feelings of our bodies being connected so intimately. But it was no surprise to me she suggested riding me to another orgasm for us both. Pulling out and lying down, I enjoyed the look from the other five as my cock was hard and glistening with Adriana’s pussy juices. Elena licked her lips, and I think we very eager to get her lips wrapped around my cock. Adriana noticed too. As soon as she slid down my cock, she caressed the cheek of her friend. “Monday night, Elena. He’s all yours to enjoy.”

“I can’t wait until he’s inside me,” she exclaimed.

Adriana enjoyed another orgasm rather quickly… then another… and another… She started to giggle, insisting it didn’t always happen like that, but she’d been far too turned on all day as, I’ll be honest, I had been teasing her from time to time. Realising she’d been riding me for a while, she leaned forward and insisted that I show her how a good hard fuck looked.

I slapped a hand to each of her cheeks, making her laugh out loud, as she got herself ready to be properly fucked. Getting my legs in the right position, she kissed me hard before practically demanding I ‘destroy her no longer teenage pussy.’

“Someone is getting confident,” I retorted.

“I need to feel you cum in me again, Nick.”

I started off slow, but I gave it to her a little harder than normal, provoking soft moans but her face lit up with a grin. She knew what was coming within a few minutes. Once I was properly pounding her, she could barely keep herself on her hands leaning forward, eventually just collapsing onto my chest, begging me to keep fucking her until I came. Elena and Juliana moved to watch my cock slamming into her pussy. “Oh my god!” Elena cried.

“I’m close,” I warned Adriana.

“Fill my pussy,” she cried.

Gripping her arse tighter, I drove my cock into her as deeply as I could with each thrust until I finally couldn’t hold back the release, ensuring I kissed her to cover the groan. She moaned into my mouth at the same time. I definitely left even more cum in her pussy than I’d left in her mouth. Once I was empty, she ensured to almost slam her pussy back down onto my cock before she relaxed against my chest, my arms holding her tightly against me.

“I can’t wait until Monday!” Elena exclaimed excitedly.

Adriana turned her head. “Luana?”

“I hate my parents, filling my head with all their bullshit.”

Adriana slid off my lap and hugged her friend. “He’ll be as gentle as you want your first time.”

It was amusing that Luana was the most nervous, considering she’d been the one to come to my bed first. I think it was bravado covering her nerves. “Do you still want to go last?” I had to ask, “I know you’ve been eager…”

She smiled at me, crawling closer to kiss my cheek. “Now I know the wait will be completely worth it. Plus, what’s the English term… Elena is completely gagging for it!”

“Fuck yes, I need that big dick in my mouth then my pussy,” Elena said, laughing to herself.

The next week was the last at university for all the girls before they broke up for Christmas and the summer break. I did have to ask if they had any plans to do anything, surprised that they were going to be happy to remain at home, though I figured home meant ‘Please take us to the beach as often as possible’. I don’t think Joao or I would have any real problem with that idea.

Returning home that Monday, the girls would all head upstairs for bed at around the same time. Unlike my time with Adriana, they agreed that my room would be where we would enjoy some private time. I wasn’t entirely sure Elena would come to my room that night. The girls all spoke confidently but, when it came to actually knocking on my door, aware they would be taking that step, I had a feeling there’d be hesitation and a lot of nerves. That’s why I’d insisted that they would come to me. I certainly wasn’t going to force the issue.

I’d barely read a couple of pages of the well-worn paperwork when there was a soft knock. Opening the door, Elena stood there, an adorably shy smile on her face. She stood a couple of inches shorter than Adriana, was slightly slimmer. A part of perky B-cups I remembered from the pool. Light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that, when looking into mine in that moment, were entirely innocent. Her cheeks had taken on a reddish colour from nerves and excitement.

“Come in,” I whispered.

She stepped through confidently, though I eased her towards the balcony first. I wanted to talk to her for a little while, ease any nerves. Actually get to really know her. I knew all of them, of course, but not who they were at heart. Elena seemed to sense what I was doing. The night was still young, and we had all week. Making love that first night wasn’t necessary, despite how eager we both were.

Anything she was comfortable discussing, we talked about. She didn’t ask me too many personal questions, seeming to know I had to keep certain things hidden, but she was more than willing to share nearly everything about her own life. Her hopes. Her dreams. Her desires. She switched between English and Portuguese quite naturally; thankful I could now grasp most of the latter. We remained sensible, sipping at water and not alcohol. I warned all of them that I wouldn’t accept company if alcohol was consumed.

That first night, I slowly stripped her naked as we made out, but while she was eager to see me naked too, and we might have allowed fingers to wander and explore, she eventually snuggled into my body, content to just sleep against me that first night. Waking together in the morning, I was taken aback when she thanked me.

“I think a lot of other people would have just… taken…”

I smiled. “No, I think many would have been like me, Elena. There is no need to rush this sort of thing. Do you want to be intimate?” She nodded eagerly. “Then we don’t just need to leap into it. I would have rather taken you all out on dates, but… that isn’t a very easy thing to do considering…”

“I’ll talk to Adriana,” she said, “If she remains here, then you can surely take one of us?”

I sighed. “I would have done the same for her, but…”

“Double date us tonight.” I looked up to see her smiling. “Take us both out. You’ve been intimate with her, but I bet she’d love it.” She leaned forward, kissing me softly on the lips. “So would I.”

I cleared such an idea with Antonio and Luciana first, just the fact we’d be heading out into the city. Knowing I’d be protecting her, as well as her date, they didn’t have a problem with it, going so far as to have fun and try and relax. I still went armed, of course, though kept the pistol in the band of my trousers at my back.

It was nothing fancy, not that Adriana or Elena would have expected fine dining, as I knew that wouldn’t interest them at all, but neither could stop smiling as we enjoyed a two-course meal. Adriana enjoyed a couple of drinks, Elena sticking to virgin cocktails. “Looks like there are two virgins on or around the table…” she joked, giggling to herself. Adriana and I shared a glance and joined in with the laughter. At least Elena was relaxing.

Walking towards the SUV once we were finished, Adriana kissed my cheek before Elena kissed me deeply, tasting the fruity cocktails she’d been drinking on her lips and tongue. “Think she’s ready, Nick,” Adriana whispered into my ear.

Returning home, Adriana disappeared into one of the other rooms to join her friends, Elena’s hand still in mine as I led her to my room. While eager, we took our time that evening, ensuring our kisses were long and passionate, exploring her mouth with my tongue as I slowly removed her blouse and skirt, deftly removing her bra with one hand before I helped slide her rather nice panties to the floor. Once I joined her in nakedness, I easily lifted her, placing her gently on the bed, one intention in my mind.

My mouth found one of her small breasts, clamping around her very hard nipple. The moan she released just from that was a complete turn on. Trailing a hand down her body, she spread her legs wide as my fingers came into touch with her hot and very wet pussy. She released another squeal just from touching her alone, her entire body seeming to shudder.

I lifted myself up to meet her eyes. “Elena?” I asked softly. It might be corny, but I wanted to know. “Do you want to make love tonight?”

“Yes,” she replied, barely a whisper, but the smile… It lit up the room.

I smiled, leaning down to kiss her. “Good.”

Kissing back down her body, I wanted to taste her. I teased her to start, letting her get used to the sensations of my tongue touching her. I had asked all of them if they had experimented. I knew some young women did, though many didn’t. But young women were certainly more open-minded than young men. Then again, young women experimenting was nowhere near as looked down upon. Many young men generally found the idea hot, though that was because they hoped to involve themselves.

Poor delusional fools that we are.

“Nick,” she moaned once I was in the swing of things. This was always the fun part, learning a woman’s body, what made her tick, what made her moan, what made her cum hard. Her scent was utterly delightful, and she was getting wetter and wetter with each passing minute. Sliding a finger inside her provoked a loud gasp, her eyes raising to meet mine.

“That feels so good,” she murmured.

Felt even better when I found her special spot. She had her first orgasm within a couple of minutes. It was a good one, large enough that I had to stop and give her a minute or two to recover, before she nodded for me to continue. Her little clit was now ready for some attention, grinning to myself as I always enjoyed figuring out how a woman liked that treated.

With two fingers now in her pussy and figuring out rather quickly how she liked to my tongue to treat her clit, her body was soon writhing, feeling her hips move in her eagerness to enjoy another orgasm. I did wonder if her friends could hear us, amused at the thought of the five listening in at the door.

“Nick, I’m so close,” she moaned softly. It was her first time, I didn’t expect her to be a screamer nor too talkative, but she did make noise and let me know certain things, at least. Still remembered my first time. Awkward as fuck, though we’d both been virgins. Still memorable though…

Then she enjoyed another orgasm and I simply had to stop. She didn’t quite pass out, but I knew enough that she couldn’t handle another one quickly. Kissing up her shuddering body, she returned a dreamy smile as I relaxed next to her, trailing my fingers up and down the smooth skin of her body. I knew how lucky I was to be with another beautiful young woman.

Sliding onto my body, she resumed kissing me, feeling her pussy rubbing against my shaft. If she wanted to ride me her first time, I wasn’t going to complain, but she eventually motioned for me to roll her over onto her back, feeling her legs spread as I teased her with the head of my cock, making her gasp each time.

I stopped and ever so gently started to press into her. Adriana didn’t have the barrier our first time. Elena still had hers. I stopped and kissed her. “This might hurt a little bit,” I whispered.

“I know,” she whispered back.

I kissed her hard as I broke her barrier as gently as possible. She cried out into my mouth, ensuring I didn’t break the kiss. I felt her fingernails digging into my back, stopping my movements as I let her settle down. Realising what I was doing, I felt her smiling as we continued to make out, slowly resuming giving her the rest of my cock until I was buried.

Breaking the kiss, I met her eyes as I started to gently thrust into her. She was so hot and tight, obviously, but the look in her eyes and the constant smile warmed my heart. The occasional wince, as it was still a new sensation for her, but she was soon moving her hips to meet my thrusts. It wasn’t going to take all that much for me to cum, stopping long enough to take her legs and wrap them around me.

“Oh god!” she cried, “That feels… even better…”


“It feels like my pussy is as full as possible.”

Chuckling, I said, “Well, I guess that’s a good thing.”

“Cum in me,” she whimpered, “Make me your woman too, Nick.” I raised my eyebrows at that turn of phrase. “Oh, you’ll have all six of us for as long as you’re here, Nick. We adore you.”

I kissed her softly again. “That feeling is mutual, gorgeous. I know I’m a very lucky man.”

“And we’re six very lucky women. You’re totally fucking hot, Nick. And your dick…”

She trailed off as she surprised me by enjoying another orgasm. Guess it was just the feeling of having something inside her. Not as large as when I’d been eating her out, but I still had to stop as her pussy clench by cock so tightly, I worried I’d hurt her if I kept moving. Once it passed, she begged for me to cum inside her again.

I happily obliged that request within a couple of minutes, keeping my grunts and groans as quiet as possible, though I think everyone in the house knew I had Elena for company that night. Adriana had been rather blunt that I would be ‘deflowering all my friends’ over the coming weeks. Thankfully, Antonio wasn’t around to hear that one, though Luciana appeared a little surprise that Adriana seemed so fine with it.

“They’re my friends, mother, and we all love him in our own way,” she said.

“You’re all old enough to make this sort of decision. I just don’t want you falling out over it.” She looked at me. “And what do you think?”

“I’m flattered in one way, and worried it’ll go horrifically wrong in another.”

Elena and I needed to clean up, and I also had to change the sheets. I hadn’t forgotten the first time could be messier than normal. Once we’d cleaned up and had fresh sheets, Elena happily snuggled into me as we lay facing each other. I had a feeling the smile wouldn’t leave her face for days. “We’re doing that again, right?” she asked.

“Of course. Think I’m going to say no to your tight little pussy, Elena?” She blushed as I lifted her chin as her eyes met mine. “More importantly, I really like you and just being in your presence.”

“You do?” she asked quietly.

“Elena, I adore all of you just as much. Trust me on that one.”

Elena spent the rest of the week in my room. With each passing night, she grew in confidence, wanting to try new things. She was desperate to give me a blowjob, and the sight of her on my knees, ever so eager to please me in return, whatever she lacked in technique, her enthusiasm had me cum rather quickly. Being worried about swallowing or spitting, she asked me to cum on her face. That wasn’t something I always liked doing, but she squealed with delight as I covered her, so any residual guilt disappeared.

The six girls wanted to go to Ipanema on the Saturday. After all the recent fun and games, I figured with at least three of us protecting them, it was fine. Joao didn’t mind coming with us, though he did bring his wife and two kids along. Luciana loved the idea and asked the six if they minded her coming with us. They insisted she did, so that resulted in Marcos joining us too.

“Should I wear one of my suits?” I asked Adriana as she sat on my bed in her bikini, “I mean the whole nine yards, just look like one hell of an intimidating motherfucker?”

She giggled away. “You’ll have your weapon?”

“Like an American Express card. Don’t leave home without it.”

“Then I think you can still intimidate in just a t-shirt and shorts, Nick.” She paused before adding, “A tight t-shirt, Nick. Shows off your body and muscles.”

I gave her a look and grinned. “You want me fighting off the women too?”

She laughed. “Please, they won’t get close due to me and my friends, Nick.”

“Hmmm. True.”

“Want to leave a load in my pussy before we leave?”

I looked back at her and gestured. “Shut the door. I think we have enough time.”

Walking downstairs twenty minutes later, Adriana was looking rather flushed and there was no missing the dampness in her bikini bottoms as I’d done just as she asked. Elena took one look at her and laughed. “You just had sex!”

“My pussy is now so full of his cum.”

“Adriana!” her mother tried to scold but she was too busy laughing.

“It’s your turn next week, Fernanda. You’ll love the feeling when he fills your pussy to the brim.”

Luciana looked at me. “You’ve created a monster, Nick.”

“No, I think I just unlocked the door for it to escape. Plus, she’s happy and confident.”

“That she is. Come on, let’s go get some sun, sand, sea…”

“And maybe sex,” Adriana not so quietly whispered into my ear.

“You’re incorrigible,” Luciana stated, laughing away.

Everyone was in a good mood as we joined the throngs heading towards the golden sands that stretched for what felt like miles. We managed to find somewhere not quite as crowded, none of the girls particularly interested in going for a swim, asking me to apply suntan lotion before they happily lay down on their towels. I’d brought along a chair, along with an umbrella, escaping the heat at least slightly.

Cool bags had been brought along with snacks and drinks, so we didn’t have to head away from the beach. After a few hours in the sun, Adriana asked if I’d like to go into the water. It looked calm enough. Glancing at Luciana, she knew what I needed, placing my pistol in her handbag. If anyone wanted to make a move now, I’d rely on my fists, but I’d been doing my usual thing of people watching and no-one actually concerned me.

Soon as we disappeared into the water, Adriana was all over me just as I expected. Asking me to take off my shorts, I did so, holding them in my hand as her soft fingers had me rock solid in seconds. Deftly removing her bikini bottoms, lifting herself up and sliding down my cock wasn’t that difficult. She used the buoyancy provided by the water to keep herself balance, her eyes never moving away from mine.

“I love you so fucking much,” she whispered. The emotion in her tone did catch me by surprise. “I pity the man I’ll eventually marry. I pity the next man after you. Who the hell can compare to you?”

“I’d love to take you with me.”

That brought her to a halt on my cock. “You would?”

“Definitely. But would you trade Rio for London?” I paused and then added, “Plus, there’s my job… I’m here in Rio. Before that, Croatia. Before that, the USA. Before that, I was in Iraq and Afghanistan. After this, I might be in London though I could end up anywhere.”

She smiled. “So I enjoy this while you’re here then, and maybe… I could visit?”

I enjoyed the hopeful lilt to her voice. “I’d love it.”

We resumed fucking until we both had an orgasm. Almost a mutual one, which is always something nice to share with a lover. Then came the awkward moment of putting on underwear in the swell of the surf before we walked back to where everyone else was still relaxing. Adriana happily removed her top, lying face down on her towel, asking me to apply more cream before I settled down. Of course, applying more to her resulted in applying more to them all. Joao found it hilarious, though his wife then asked him to do the same for her. Seeing the real love in a single glance between them was beautiful. Joao was a lucky man.

Mid-afternoon, we tired of lazing about and instead found a bar by the beach. Luciana insisted I relax and have a drink, surprising me further by taking out my weapon and showing that she knew exactly how to handle it. She met my eyes and said her husband made sure she could not only shoot but shoot to kill.

I found myself rather attracted to her in that moment, but it passed quickly.

Returning home once the sun was setting, the girls headed upstairs as they’d had plenty of sun and wanted to shower then relax downstairs. I had a quick shower, ensuring I’d taken my weapon back from Luciana, before joining them all. I stuck to the occasional beer, the girls sensibly sipping at drinks.

“Fernanda, are you looking forward to this week?” Adriana asked.

I glanced at her. She had perhaps the darkest skin of all the girls, and it was natural. Black hair and dark eyes, with a generous bust with a fantastic arse and great pair of legs. She returned my glance and smiled. “I can’t wait to have his dick inside me, Adriana,” she replied.

“Take your shorts and panties off,” I said. To my surprise, she removed them immediately, spreading her legs nice and wide to show off her smooth pussy. Then I thought I’d up the ante. “Masturbate.” She hesitated for five seconds before she started to fondle her pussy. “Don’t stop until you orgasm.”

“Anything for you, Nick.”

Then I upped it even further, glancing around. “All of you, shorts and panties off, and do what she’s doing.”

No hesitation. All six of them had complied. Luciana was upstairs. Marcia would be in her room. Antonio and her brothers wouldn’t be back for hours. I moved to the chair where I could watch all of them at once. Their eyes were only for me as they brought themselves to orgasm, one after the other. “Keep going,” I said softly, “Again.”

Luciana appeared at the bottom of the stairs as I was taking a sip of beer. She could see and hear enough. I met her eyes and smiled but shook my head. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to mind, turning around and heading upstairs. None of the girls noticed, far too busy bringing themselves to orgasm again.

“Keep going?” Elena moaned; two fingers buried in her pussy.


“Oh fuck!” Camila moaned, looking to see her orgasm had been rather powerful, but her fingers didn’t stop for a second.

“I need you, Nick,” Adriana moaned.

I stood up, dropped my shorts and underwear, and I don’t think I saw her move faster as she straddled my lap, sliding down my cock so fast, I actually worried she’d hurt herself. As she rode me, resting her head on my shoulder, I continued to watch the other five. It wasn’t quite group sex but watching the other five frigging themselves something senseless was a scene I’d re-live in my mind for decades to come.

As soon as Adriana enjoyed an orgasm, I lifted her up, bent her over the arm of the chair, and slid my cock back inside her. “Watch us, girls,” I said.

“Oh god, fuck me hard,” Adriana moaned. It wasn’t a surprise, she wasn’t an exhibitionist, but she wanted her friends to see what we did do together. I didn’t last too long as I was far too turned on. By the time we were done, the room smelled of sex and pussy. The five others had looks of almost deliriousness on their faces. Adriana was just happy to have yet another load inside her.

To my amusement, all six were dressed early the next morning and we headed for Sunday morning mass. “I’m going to wait until you leave before I take my next confession, Nick,” Adriana said as I drove us towards the church, before she glanced back, “And I’m definitely not the only one.”

“How much penance for anal sex?” Fernanda wondered.

“I’m fairly sure we’ll be saying a few Hail Mary’s for all this pre-marital sex,” Elena joked, “Add to that all the masturbation, and they probably don’t like the idea of all the cum Adriana and I have swallowed.”

“I’m totally sucking your dick tomorrow night, Nick,” Fernanda said. I’ll be honest, I almost missed the red light at the thought. “Like that thought?”

“Going to swallow it?” I asked, looking in the rear-view mirror as she smiled at me.

“I’ll swallow anything you give me, Nick.”

I chuckled to myself as I appreciated a confident young woman. Though saying and doing were two different things, of course. Church amused me as I sat with three girls to my left, three girls to my right. I understood enough Portuguese to understand the sermon. As always, we headed off for coffee afterwards, the six amazing me by the fact they could gossip away continuously, despite the fact they lived and studied together. But they were all happy, Adriana far happier than when I’d arrived, so I guess no-one could really complain.

Unlike the previous night, it was a rather quiet night. I spent most of the night with Adriana, lying back on her bed listening to some music, her friends either joining us from time to time or enjoying a little private time. Now that university was over, I knew some were looking at getting part time jobs, but considering they were living rent free and I knew Luciana and Antonio were covering them financially, they could just take the summer holidays to themselves.

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