Always and Forever by Ebunny

Introduction: My first story. Comment and rate. , 'Its 3am and I can't get him out of my head…” I write in my diary.

I'm Courtney Smith. I'm 17 years old and about to graduate from a boarding school in New Jersey. I'm 3/4 black and 1/4 Indian. My hair is naturally wavy but I straighten it and its to the middle of my back. I'm 5'6 and I have 34C breast. My measurements are 34-23-38, so I guess I'm what they would call a pair shape. But its okay, because my boyfriend likes it.

My boyfriend's name is Elijah Roberts, Jr. but everyone calls him EJ. We've been together for 8 months. He's 18 and about to graduate from the same school as me. He's 6'3 and dark skin. He has a hot body from playing sports. He has 6 pack abs and big arms that I love being wrapped up in. I love him.

Tomorrow is graduation and I'm insanely excited. My mom is coming back from England and my dad is coming from California. EJ's mom and grandparents are coming from Jamaica. All of our parents are loaded. That's how we go to this school.

Wait- I just looked at the clock and its 5:34 am. Graduation starts in 2 and a 1/2 hours. I have to get ready.

I get up and take a shower. My roommate is still asleep. She doesn't have to wake up as early, because she gets dressed a lot faster.

When I get out the shower, I go in my closet to get my dress. I bought my dress last month. It's black and stops mid-thigh. Its strapless and kinda tight, since this is the dress I'm going to wear to my best friend's party.

Before I start to straighten my hair, I wake up my roommate/best friend, Ciella Hernandez. She's puerto rican and I've known her since kindergarten.

As she starts to get dressed, I start flat ironing my hair.

By the time I'm done, Ciella's dressed and ready.

When we arrived in the courtyard, where the graduation ceremony was going to take place, my boyfriend was there talking to his friends. I walked over and hugged him.

“Hey, babe,” EJ said.

“Hello, love,” I said. “Are you excited?”

“Yeah, you?”

“I'm going to miss everybody, but I guess I am.”

“You can still see me.”

“Aren't you going to Jamaica, with your parents?”

“No, I'm going to go where your going.”

“OMG! Are you serious?”


“So what college are you going to?”


“Oh my God! Elijah Roberts! I love you so much!” I said as I threw my arms around his neck.

“I love you too,” EJ laughed at my display.

“Always and forever.” I whispered into his ear.

“Forever and always,” he whispered back.

I felt a rush of energy go threw my body, when he wrapped his arms around my waist. His soft lips touched mine and his tongue entered my mouth.

When he pulled away, he gave me that cute smile he does. The left corner of his mouth goes up, and his eyes look at me and it just makes me feel loved and safe.

“I gotta go, okay,” EJ said. “I have to get my cap and gown on.”

“I'll see you later then,” I said, since I already had my cap and gown on.

After the ceremony, my family, EJ's family, Ciella's family, and her boyfriend, Adrian's family went to dinner.

After dinner, was Ciella's party. All the kids that had just graduated, most of the juniors, and some sophomores and freshmen were going to be there. It was going to be a lot of people so she had rented a club.

I left my cap and gown with my mom and she took it back with her to her hotel.

When I got to the party with EJ, it was already pretty hype. EJ went and got us drinks, while I talked to Ciella.

EJ had got a lot of drinks as the party went on. When he kissed me, I could taste something on his tongue, that didn't taste like punch or soda.

“What was in your drink, EJ?” I asked him.

“Nothin, Courtney, we good,” EJ slurred his words.

“Ciella, we need to leave,” I told her.

“Whatchu talkin bout girl?” EJ asked.

I pulled him by the hand out of the party.

Since he was 18, he could get a hotel in his name. I took him to the room and made him promise he was going to stay there.

“You leaving me here, alone?” EJ asked.

“I can't stay in your room, babe,” I said, as I kissed him and started to leave.

“Just lay with me, please,” EJ said. I looked at him suspiciously. “I won't do nothing, I promise.”

I laid down next to him and he wrapped him arm around me. He ran his fingers through my hair.

“I love you, Courtney,” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you, EJ,” I whispered back.

It was quiet for a while and his breathing was steady. I realized he was asleep and snuggled up closer to him and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up before EJ. I went and used the bathroom. When I came out, EJ was awake.

“Are your parents going to worried?” EJ asked.

“Probably, but they'll be okay.”

“If you say so.”

“How's your head?” I asked.


“Aw, my poor baby,” I said as I sat next to him and put his head in my lap.

“I'll be alright.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I'm fine.”

I got up and went to call my mom on my cell phone.

“Where are you?” She asked when she answered.

“At EJ's hotel room.” I told her calmly. When I spoke to her, I rarely covered my small accent, since her accent was really strong.

“What?” She yelled. “Why?”

“Because last night, some juniors snuck alcohol into one of the punch bowls and EJ was drinking it. I was trying to make sure he was okay.”

“Why didn't you call me last night?”

“Because I fell asleep,” I told her.

“Well, I trust that you didn't do anything, so come to my room when you get the chance.”

“Yes, mother.” I hung up and went and sat on EJ.

“So, what did she say?” EJ asked.

“At first, she thought we did something, but she trusts me. So its okay.”

“Good,” he said. “So thanks for staying with me last night.”

“No problem,” I replied. “I love you and I trust you won't try to make me do something, I don't want to do.”

“Never,” he said, before he started tickling me. I laughed and tried to stop him.

“Stop,” I giggle as I wiggled around. I felt his cock get hard underneath me.

We looked at each other awkwardly.

“I'm sorry,” he said apologetically.

“Its okay,” I reassured him.

“No, its not. I feel like a pervert.”

“You aren't a pervert. It shows that I can turn you on.”

“You can definitely turn me on.”

I got off his lap and started to undo his pants.

“Wait, are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

“I'm doing it aren't I?”

“I guess.”

“Okay then.”

We undressed each other and when he took off his boxers he intimidated me. I almost stopped but I kept going. He was large, probably seven or eight inches long.

I laid on my back and he laid down between my legs.

“Are you sure about this?” He asked again.

“Yes,” I replied.

“You ever done this before?”

“No you?”


“First time for everything, right?”


EJ kissed me before he slowly pushed into me. I bit my lip to stop from screaming. He stopped at my hymen.

“We can stop now.”

“No, I'm fine,” I strained to speak.

“I love you,” EJ said as he looked into my eyes and pushed harder. He broke my hymen and I let out a quick screech.

“Don't… cum… in me,” I said, trying not to scream.

When he was fully inside of me, he stopped as if asking if it was okay to continue. I nodded. He kissed me again and told me he loved me.

He pulled out to the head slowly and moaned. He pushed back into her slowly. Then he pulled out completely and came all over the sheets.

He collapsed on top of me and caught his breath. I rubbed his back and kissed his forehead.

“I love you, EJ,” I told him.

“I love you, Courtney,” he replied.

“Always and forever.”

“Forever and always.” Read 15108 times | Rated 67.7 % | (31 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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    , 7 comments 2Report  2014-01-20 03:30:42 HappyRabbit who ever u are I love u for life. Lol. It's soo tru wht u say. I am one of those raped vicitims at a young age. It didnt jus happen once…but twice. Both times by a different person, ppl i thought i could trust. But sadly i was very wrng. Its been rlly hard for me. It still rlly is. Im wrong thru it however as the days goes by. Ur wrds are very kind and soo real. And i thnk u for tht. God bless. Ghostrider939Report  2011-04-18 04:28:46 Rabbit, I'm glad you said some of the white people because I loved it and I'm white people, and to me that's only surface covering. Blood is the same color. 2

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