A House Painter by yknow,yknow

At that point, I was completely flustered and couldn’t even respond. All I could say was, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I’m really, really sorry … Pat just smiled back and told me it was okay. She was a little upset about the fact that I was in her panty drawer and upset that I had brought a magazine like that into her house. I was about to correct her and tell her it was her husbands, when I realized that wasn’t going to help my situation. “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry” was all I could repeat.

At that point Pat just laughed and told me she understood. “Boys aren’t really that different from girls you know, we all have needs. I do find it amusing that boys can’t seem to hold off on those needs until they are with their girlfriends though!”

“Pat, my girlfriend isn’t like that” I explained. “All we do is kiss”

“That’s all?” Pat asked. “Well, pretty much, yea.” I replied.

“So, you haven’t even touched her breasts?” Pat asked.

“Well, sure, I’ve done that, but not much more” I told her.

“Well, that’s probably all you should do, but you know, it’s probably not because she doesn’t want more” Pat told me.

“Oh, I don’t know, she is at Our Lady of Mercy and I think she doesn’t want to do anything more” I told her. Again, Pat laughed, ” I went to Mercy, TRUST me, she wants more!” “Has she ever actually stopped you when you have been kissing and groping?” she asked.

“No” I replied “but she isn’t doing the things my friends girlfriends are doing for them either”

“Well, you might be surprised what girls and women really want.” With that, Pat finished her glass of wine and stood up. I stood up as well, assuming that our meeting was over. As I grabbed my coveralls, Pat said “don’t get up yet, l was just grabbing another grass of wine. Why don’t you join me. It’s Friday afternoon, it’s hot outside, how much more did you expect to get done anyway?”

Put sat back down and handed me a beer, “now, where were we” she said. “Oh, that’s right, no one wants to admit the truth about sex. Admit nothing and you are a prude, tell too much you are a slut. And I know the equivalent is true for men and boys.”

“Except there is no such thing as telling too much when you are in High School.” I corrected.

“That’s just because you don’t have anything to tell!” Pat laughed

“Well, I’m not totally a Virgin, give me a little credit” I said

“Not totally, is that like being “Kind of pregnant” Either you are, or you aren’t sweetheart” Have you ever had intercourse?” Past asked.

“No, I relied. But I played around with this girl I met sailing once, and we had oral sex.” Which seemed like a good reply, even if all I had managed was a hand job. I guess I was proving her point about lying without even realizing it.

“Well, you have a lot to learn then” said Pat. “But maybe this will be your big weekend” she said with a wink. “Oh I don’t I replied, but at least we’ll have a little privacy, and we won’t be in the back of a car.” I answered. “I’m really nervous about it, neither of us know much and I don’t want it to be a bad experience for her”

“That’s sweet” said Pat, “but don’t put that much pressure on yourself. Just enjoy it” and don’t be someone you aren’t.

“But all my friends have been at it for years, and I hear all the stories they tell” I was starting to fidget in my seat. The conversation was a little too personal, but the beer was making me feel a little less nervous, and Pat seemed to honestly want to give me some friendly advise. “Problem is, I told Katy I wasn’t a virgin. She thinks I’m going to know what I’m doing”

“We all protect the truth to some extent Pat said. For instance, that magazine I caught you with”

“I Know, I’m sorry Pat” I interrupted.

“No, what I was saying is that I knew that it wasn’t your magazine, I know you pulled it out of Mike’s bedside table. I’m surprised I didn’t notice it was missing looking for it myself! After a couple glasses of wine with lunch, a couple weeks without Sex and the thought of a hot young stud peeking in at me, what more could you expect” she grinned.

“Oh” was all I could say in return.

“Don’t believe that women don’t enjoy that Sort Of thing too!” Pat giggled. She was noticeably enjoying teasing me and although I was still very uncomfortable, I no longer was feeling threatened.

“You mean pornography, or playing with yourself? I asked.

“Both”, Pat Said.

“Oh” I replied again.

“Learning a lot today aren’t you?” Pat laughed.

“Boy that’s for sure” I said.

Pat got up, freshened her glass and brought me another beer. “Does drinking do anything to the baby while you are breast feeding?” I asked.

“Well, I have a stock pile of milk that I’ve pumped, and I try not to give the baby breast milk after I’ve been drinking. But I did breast feed right after lunch the baby will sleep a bit more than usual this afternoon.” Now it was getting more apparent, Pat was letting her hair down a bit today, it couldn’t be easy being a Mom at home alone with a Cop husband that was gone most days and nights.

“Unfortunately, right now I really need to pump again. Whatever I Pump, I’ll just pour down the sink. Sort of a waste” Pat laughed. With that, Pat wandered into the kitchen to get her pump.

“Want me to leave you alone for a little while Pat?” I called out across the room.

“If you are embarrassed, I can pump in another room said Pat as she was walking back into the Living room. But I’d sure enjoy the company”

“Look at this, I’m starting to leak all over myself” said Pat as she sat down on the couch next to me. She leaned up into the corner of the couch and kept right on chatting with me. “So, are you going to be spending the night with your girlfriend? Or is it just an after a movie sort of thing?” Pat asked.

Oh, I don’t think I can get away with spending the night” I said.

“Get a friend to give you an alibi. Trust me, a whole night will make you both enjoy the experience a whole lot more” Pat had pulled a straps to her sundress down and exposed her bra. She was fumbling with her bra at this point and had what looked like a funnel in her hand. I could see a nipple sticking out between the folds of her nursing bra and was hypnotized by the size of them.

“Get her some flowers, go out to dinner, really make an evening out of it, and you won’t be disappointed” Pat said as she was switching on the pump.

“Ok, I had thought we would just rent a movie and then sort of fool around after it”

“No, No, No, Damn it!” Pat said. “Argh!”

“Well, you are probably right, dinner out would be a good idea” I quickly said as she was voicing her disapproval.

“Oh, I’m sorry, yes, dinner is a better idea, but I was actually cursing at this cheap breast pump. It’s got these plastic rings that keep wearing out and making it worthless. Now I will have to squeeze the milk out by hand, which hurts, but is at least better than the pressure I’m feeling now”

“Maybe I can fix the pump” I said to Pat, still stealing glances at her breasts when she wasn’t looking.

“No, unless you are willing to breast feed, I’m going to be in pain until Mike comes home, he knows where the extra parts are” Pat said as she started to squeeze a nipple into a baby bottle. “I’m sorry, this must be embarrassing for you Pat said.


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