Awakening Amelia's Malomar by Christian Black,Christian Black

She suggested older men, since I was obviously not into guys our age. “They last longer, know what they’re doing, and never brag about you to anybody,” she said.

“I don’t know,” I said. Somehow a leering pervert old enough to be my Dad didn’t do much for me either. “Maybe I just like vibrators.”

“Well,” Jane said. “You should at least get your own, then.”

I didn’t even know where to buy one. But Jane said that she had been in a porno shop downtown that had a whole wall of all kinds of stuff like that. I was embarrassed to go into that kind of place, but Jane not only insisted that we go down there right away, but also that we did so “dressed slutty.”

I argued for a while, but eventually gave in and changed into a flowered dress which had fit me just fine two years ago, but now was so tight I could barely breathe. The skirt which had once reached my knees now didn’t even come close.

“Lose the panties,” Jane said.

“Come on, Jane,” I said. “No.”

“Why do it halfway?”

Finally, I agreed to this condition as well. We went to Jane’s house and she changed into a black party dress capable of making a grown man cry. She was as naked underneath as I was. I know it turned her on to dress like that.

“God,” she said. “I’m horny enough to fuck just about anybody.”

So we were on our way. We drove downtown to the porno store. I was nervous, giggling like a little girl. Jane wasn’t making things any better.

“Wait,” she said before we went inside. “How’s my THO?”

Her shorthand for “titty hard-on.” Jane’s nipples were standing out against the black fabric of her dress like Good’N’Plenties.

“Looks good,” I said.

“You need some help,” she said, then reached over with both hands and gave my nipples a good hard pinch until they stuck out as much as hers. “Now we’re ready.”

Taking as deep a breath as my tight dress would allow, I followed Jane into the dim recesses of the porno store.

I’m not sure what I’d expected. I thought it would have been somehow more immoral and dangerous-looking. At first glance, thought, it appeared to be a regular video store with book and magazine racks. It wasn’t until you got a closer look at the fleshy box covers or the strange devices hanging from the walls that you knew what kind of place you were in. We stepped inside and headed over to a shelf of videos, but were stopped by a man’s voice.

“I’m going to see some ID’s, girls,” it said.

I turned apprehensively, feeling like I was busted, and got a huge surprise. The store clerk was gorgeous.

He was just a few years older than us, young twenties, tall and lanky. He had dark hair, dense eyebrows and intense brown eyes. My mouth wasn’t the only thing that was watering. I felt a drop of moisture run down the inside of my thigh and remembered what I wasn’t wearing. I suddenly felt very, very naked.

We surrendered our ID’s and the clerk glanced them over with no apparent interest in anything except our dates of birth.

“We’re legal, aren’t we, sir?” Jane asked coyly.

“Barely,” the clerk growled, then went back behind the counter. He opened what looked like a textbook of some kind and started reading, not paying us another bit of attention. Working his way through college, I surmised. I was even more impressed.

“He’s hot,” I whispered to Jane.

“The clerk?” she shrugged. “He’s kinda cute, in a way.”

“He’s fucking beautiful.”

“You really think so?” Jane said. “Huh. You want to get together with him?”

“God yes.”

“Well, I’m sure that can be arranged. Let’s get what we came here for first.”

We browsed the porn for a while, out of curiosity. Every kind of kink imaginable was represented, whatever a person might conceivably be into. There was even a gay section, men with men. I’d never seen anything like it. Jane wasn’t as shocked as I was.

“Yeah, fags are kinda cool. You remember Justin Peters? He was the one who taught me how to give blow jobs. Trust me, if you want to know how to do that really well, get a gay guy to teach you.”

We checked out the Wall of Toys next. Again, I was amazed at the wide variety, but Jane was still nonchalant.

“What do you think is more me?” she asked, holding up two boxes. “Hot pink variable-speed clit-buzzer or gigantic black cock dildo?”

“Uh . . .”

“Right. Better get both. I wonder if they have something I can use in my ass.”

I finally, meekly, chose a plain white “muscle massager” about the same as my Mom’s. We carried our purchases up to the counter. It was only then that I realized, with mortification, that the cute clerk would have to ring me up.

“I can’t do it,” I said.

“Come on,” Jane dragged me up to the counter and we put our toys down by the register.

I was blushing so hard I thought my face was going to burst into flames, but the clerk barely even looked up from his textbook.

“You need batteries with that?” he asked automatically.

“Sure, hook us up,” Jane said.

The clerk grabbed some batteries from behind the counter. Then, to my surprise, he pulled my vibrator out of its box and inserted the batteries. He switched it on and nodded at the familiar hum.

“What are you doing?” Jane asked.

“I’ve got to check to make sure it works,” he said. “If it’s broken, you can’t exactly return it.”

He had his hands on something that would soon be in my – – – -. This thought made me tingle all over. I was literally weak in the knees.

Jane put our purchases on her Mom’s credit card. When the transaction was complete, I was so light-headed with arousal and embarrassment that I just had to get out of there. Jane, however, had another idea.

“Excuse me,” she said to the clerk. “My friend has never used a vibrator. Do you think you could show her how?”


The clerk looked up at us, frowning. “What?”

“Those booths back there,” Jane indicated a door that said ‘Private Viewing Booths.’ “Why don’t you take her back there and show her what to do with it? We’ll pay extra.”

I was a little relieved to see that the clerk was now blushing as hard as I was. “Is this a . . . a joke?” he stammered.

“No joke,” Jane said. “Is it, Amelia?”

It was all I could do to shake my head.

“I have to stay on the counter,” he protested feebly, his eyes looking around at the few men wandering the aisles.

“I’ll watch the counter for you,” Jane said. “I bet you’ll sell twice as much smut with me at the register.”

“B-b-but . . .” he was really stuttering now. “You don’t know how to . . .”

“Really, how hard can it be?” Jane grabbed his sleeve and pulled him out from behind the counter. She gave us both a push and before I could protest, I was following the clerk through the door. I wasn’t so out of it that I didn’t notice how firm and cute his ass was.

We walked down a short hallway containing half a dozen little booths separated by curtains. I could tell that there were men in at least a couple of them, I could hear the moaning on the video soundtracks. The air was full of a strange bleachy smell. The clerk led me inside the last booth and shut the curtain. He turned to me.

“Listen, this is just too weird. No offense, I think you’re very attractive, but I can’t just . . .” his voice broke off. “How about if we go out to dinner and a movie sometime, and then maybe . . .”

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